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Recent Cyber Attack
March 4, 2010

Today on March 4th at 9:30am PST, staff visited FBI San Francisco to provide records of attacks on 2/28/2010 and 3/3/2010 to their “Cyber Crime Specialists”. has also contacted FBI office in Tokyo and Seoul over the phone to express our sincere concerns on possible future attacks against U.S. corporation.

We have included not only a list of IP addresses but also patterns of attacks, what portal(s) it was led by, different protocols used to attack multiple servers on network with automated scripts.

Also, there are many blogs written in Japanese and Korean stating the involvement of an attack. We have documented many blogs to help specify whom some attackers are.

We cannot comment further about this ongoing investigation and what method we are using to detect these criminals. If more technical issues arise that affect our network services, you will be notified.

At last, we would like to ask everyone who has attacked, and/or is planning to attack tomorrow to halt all actions. will be on “code red” which is the highest alert level along with our partners from Asia and the U.S. to focus on defending our network.

The sole reason for reporting to FBI is not for a revenge, nor wishing anyone to be arrested. We are just wishing these types of hate activities to stop around the world. Also, we just want to sleep in peace.


PIE Launches "VPS-Virtual Private Servers"
May 24, 2009

Finally affordable webhosting with dedicated server control features and the simplicity of traditional shared hosting account. VPS hosting solutions are a great alternative when compared to dedicated servers, and perfect for those who need more than a shared hosting account can offer. VPS hosting allows for an affordable solution for small businesses that need special features such as SSH access, custom firewalls, dedicated IP addresses or other features usually reserved for dedicated servers.

Scaling your hardware costs quickly while your business is growing is difficult and oftentimes time consuming and expensive. Fortunately, our Dedicated Virtual Servers make cost-effective scaling a practical reality. It's a smart approach to hosting-one that constantly helps you better manage your hardware resources. With Virtual Dedicated Servers, you get the most out of your servers and you only pay for the resources you're using at any given time.

PIE Launches "Upgraded Network Infrastructure"
June 4, 2008

PIE is proud to announce the completion of the migration of the PIE Network Infrastructure from Extreme BD to the new Force 10 Network equipment. Our network redundancy design is multi-tiered with N +1 internal device elements as well as entirely redundant chassis and fiber paths. Force10 Networks is the pioneer in resilient Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet switching and routing.

Besides superior routing and switching technologies and complete redundancy these devices enable us to offer our customers with any of the following:

  • Ipv6 functionality and performance
  • Patented multi-processor design delivers best-in-class resiliency and security
  • Fault-tolerance simplifies maintenance and maximizes system availability
  • Up to 384 Gigabit Ethernet ports or 64 Ten Gigabit Ethernet ports per chassis
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