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Lloyd's of London pay out to Yuna Kim

01 March 2010 @ 09:33 am BST

Lloyd's of London, the world's leading specialist insurer is paying out to South Korean star, Yuna Kim after her Gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

Yuna, 19, insured her 228.56 score against a Lloyd's syndicate who will pay out to her $1 million for achieving it.

Kim completed 11 jumps perfectly, exceeding her previous world record score in the free programme to post 150.06 winning her the gold.

Meanwhile, Mao Asada, her closest competitor posted just 131.72 after she performed poorly with claims that underrotating on her jumps 'flattered' her score which could have been even lower.

Yuna, meanwhile will be the richest athlete at the Olympics, banking an extra $1 million.

See her short programme performance below:

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1 Mar 2010, 19:00 BST

She deserves the $1mil for what she did. Yuna is spectacular. I hope she stays healthy and keeps breaking her own world records.
1 Mar 2010, 19:09 BST

Did you really watched their FPS?? Kim skated clean and beautifully, of course she deserved Gold medal, Asada actually made some mistakes but who says her score was flattered? If it was, she should've got more GOE points, shouldn't she? Frankly speaking, Nagasu was much better than Rochette, who made more mistakes than Asada but got very close score to her. Why can't you be truth-seeking journalist? By the way, insure on one's own score isn't against Olympic Charter? How about wearing products like pierced earrings, which one is being a poster child for?
2 Mar 2010, 09:09 BST

Luna, Why are YOU hiding the truth? Yuna’s triple lutz (3) triple toe (3) = (6) combination has a higher GOE than Asada’s triple-axel (3 1/2) double toe (2) = (5 ½) combination. Why are you purposely spreading lies? Rochette won the Bronze by her combined two programs; short and ‘free style.’ Why do you discount Rochette’s short program which was much higher than Nagasu? Why do you in both instances think Japanese skaters did better via false information? Terrible, lying Jap!
2 Mar 2010, 16:44 BST

2 Mar 2010, 16:50 BST

This is a scandal !
2 Mar 2010, 18:03 BST

Kim skated great, but I have been wondering...was it the best skating ever in the history? Why should both SP and LP scores be rocketed sky-high? This explains everything.
2 Mar 2010, 19:06 BST

What is This?
2 Mar 2010, 21:41 BST

3 Mar 2010, 00:58 BST

3 Mar 2010, 01:04 BST

I think Kimchi commited a great injustice. Oh, u don't know Kim means Kimuchi ;)
3 Mar 2010, 01:22 BST

Mmm.. I can smell poor english from far away and these comments smells like butt-hurt japanese english. She deserved the cash and the glory, live with it, Japan.
3 Mar 2010, 02:44 BST

Korean is liar. I have to name their "Koliar".
3 Mar 2010, 03:16 BST

3 Mar 2010, 04:03 BST

This is no fair judge .
3 Mar 2010, 04:41 BST

Korea is a coward
3 Mar 2010, 05:23 BST

3 Mar 2010, 05:54 BST

Kim and her coach invited ISU judge informally 2 times per month this season, and got many advices to get huge point from them. They had that certain unfair way, they won the Game easily. Kim could win gold even without that unfair way, but she also had to win 1 million, so they were desperate so much. Why couldn't Lloyd's of London find it out before? Lacks ability for danger prediction.
3 Mar 2010, 08:21 BST

It shall not be South Korean that protects....
3 Mar 2010, 09:49 BST

Dude.?This is awful.? South Korea and Japan are foolish.?This game is over.
3 Mar 2010, 10:03 BST

this is unfair game
3 Mar 2010, 11:02 BST

its pays for judges .
3 Mar 2010, 11:37 BST

The Olympic game is over. But the war between Lloyd's of London and South Korean banks has just begun. Lloyd's will conduct an exhaustive investigation of this case. Can South Korean banks win $1 million? it's very interesting!
3 Mar 2010, 14:23 BST

We hate unfair kimchi skater!
3 Mar 2010, 18:19 BST

Oh, Jap losers are shouting something.
3 Mar 2010, 21:04 BST

Evidence shows us Yu-Na.Kim and Korean judge is not fair ^ ^. Gold medal is for Asada.
4 Mar 2010, 03:10 BST

ugly japs
4 Mar 2010, 10:55 BST

Even though I am a Japanese, I don't understand why many Japanese people underestimate Kim. She is one of great skaters. Asada is, of course, a great skater, too. But she made small but obvious mistakes while Kim did not. At least we should accept it.
4 Mar 2010, 14:17 BST

poor japanese
4 Mar 2010, 16:59 BST

GOE Woman Kim:17.40 Asada:8.82 GOE Man Lysacheck: 9.64 Plushenko: 7.68 Everyone look!! it's so obvious that Kim is a really good skater!!

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