DeVeDe, DVD Authoring, Video to DVD/VCD/SVCD/CVD/Divx Software


DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, SVCD or CVD), suitable for DVD players, from any number of video files. Many different video formats are supported (mpeg, mpeg4, avi, asf, youtube and google flash videos, wmv, ogg, etc...). DeVeDe is an open source program and is free for all use.

DeVeDe for Microsoft Windows is a version of DeVeDe that has been developed for Windows and will work on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista. Any questions, suggestions, or problems can be posted on the forum. The main DeVeDe site is located at

If there are any problems with DeVeDe you can always give a try.

Softpedia guarantees that DeVeDe is 100% free


Last year (2009) DeVeDe was downloaded over 50 000 times.

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DeVeDe 3.16.0 for Windows uploaded February 11, 2010.


devede-setup-316-0build1.exe (35/36 ~ MB) - ChangeLog - Installing imgburn is highly recommended for anyone using Windows Vista or Windows 7.


DeVeDe 3.15.2 for Windows uploaded February 11, 2010.

devede-setup-build8.exe (35/36 ~ MB) - ChangeLog - Installing imgburn is highly recommended for anyone using Windows Vista or Windows 7.


DeVeDe 3.12.4 for Windows uploaded September 26, 2009.

devede3.12.4-setup.msi (36 MB) - Download for free (direct, averages over 100 downloads a day) - Install imgburn and it will use this instead for creating the iso which should fix some problems people are having (including me).

md5sum check file

DeVeDe 3.12.3 for Windows uploaded August 2, 2009.

devede3.12.3-setup.msi (32.4 MB) - Download for free (torrent) When possible please use this torrent.

devede3.12.3-setup.msi (32.4 MB) - Download for free (direct, averages over 100 downloads a day)

md5sum check file


DeVeDe License


3.16.0 / W7

Sure you know this already - 3.16.0 fails (hangs) at the 'DVD Tree Structure' stage under W7 (32 Bit). I have ImgBurn installed.

Nice to see though that you're trying to add the 'No Menu' option back.

3.15.2 is fine.

Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for letting me know. I was unaware of that problem on Windows 7. I will see what I can do but I do not have Windows 7 so I cannot promise anything.

3.16.0 works after all...

...without ImgBurn!

Bizarre. I tried again with a clean install of 3.16.0 with the following results:

a) The ISO creation was successful.
b) ImgBurn did NOT kick in. DeVeDe created the ISO itself.
c) Even though I had pointed DeVeDe at an existing folder that I'd created under my 'user name' folder in W7, it still created the ISO in it's own folder (using the name I'd chosen for the ISO) one level up. I used the DeVeDe file dialogue to create a new folder instead called 'DVD's' and that worked fine next time around.

So, bottom line, DeVeDe is working fine (at the moment) under W7. No ImgBurn (and it won't seem to use it anyway), and it seems that DeVeDe does not like using a destination folder that was created outside it's own interface.

How change language?

Thanks for the new version!
Just installed DeVeDe 3.16.0 and I noticed that the graphical interface is in english. How change it for my Winxp language (brazilian portuguese)? This was set automatically in DeVeDe 3.12.4 ...

It is a regression in the

It is a regression in the underlying technology that devede is built on (pygtk, gtk) on windows. The new way for doing user interfaces will not load the translations on windows. I can force it but then it is only partial translations. I will make sure this is done for build 2 of 3.16.0. Its not perfect but at least some of it will be translated.

Another weird problem with forcing it is that it causes any non ascii characters to break the translation.

Fails with two titles

I have 3.15.2 running on W7 32 Bit. If I add two avi titles, adjust disc usage to 99% and use default options otherwise, the conversion fails - no errors, it just stops - no CPU / RAM usage. If I try to cancel, DeVeDe hangs and I need to use Task Manager to kill it. It stops in different places during the conversion (I've tried a few times) which makes it harder to diagnose. Hopefully you can suggest something... (I have ImgBurn installed, but it's failing well before ISO creation)


I believe I have fixed the problem and have uploaded 3.15.2 build 8 as the final build for 3.15.2.

Fixed indeed...

Working fine... Thanks

I am having the same problems

I am having the same problems with 3.15.2. I am not having the problems with 3.12.4. My suggesting is to stick with 3.12.4 if it was working for you.

I know what is causing the issue but when I fix it the conversion is 4 or 5 times slower. Once this issue is solved I will move 3.15.2 out of testing.


Is is possible to have an option NOT to be build any menu at all? I'm converting single avi files to DVD format and simply don't need a menu.

Thanks - otherwise excellent. The best free software I have!

That was removed to comply

That was removed to comply with dvd standards. What you can do is set the title to play automatically.

Click the "Menu options" button then take a look at this screen shot. See the "Disc startup options" section. Select "Jump to the first title at startup" and it will play automatically.

For more information on this see

Any news on a Version 3.14.0 release for Windows

I often use Devede to reauthor dvds by extracting the original audio and video stream to a single vob file. In version 3.14.0 a new option was added to Devede that helps to simplify the re-authoring process. Instead of having to re-encode the audio/video I can simply check the box labeled "Repack audio and video without reencoding." Unfortunately that option is only available in Devede for Linux. It would be great to have that option available in Windows as well.

I have DeVeDe 3.15.2 working

I have DeVeDe 3.15.2 working now. There are a couple issues that I have found that I am working on but I suspect that I will upload zipped folder of the build shortly. If there are no problems sometime this week I will upload new installers for version 3.15.2.

This is an unfortunate

This is an unfortunate situation that will be fixed as soon as PyGTK works decently on windows.

Basically the problem is that devede depends on PyGTK and the latest release is 2.12.2 on Windows but parts of devede require pygtk 2.14 for it to function correctly.

Interim solution?

Dieter Verfaillie posted that he has test snapshots of more recent win32 versions available (at ). If you haven't already, you might want to try using these (perhaps labeling devede build against this as untested, pre-beta code?) until something official is release.

I have just tried pygtk from

I have just tried pygtk from both and and was not able to get either of them to work. So it looks like I will once again be waiting for an official pygtk build.

I have seen those builds but

I have seen those builds but have not tried anything with them. I have been waiting for an official build of pygtk but that seems unlikely to happen any time soon. So tonight I may look into some of the unofficial builds people have been working on and see how well devede works with them. If it works I will be posting a devede 3.15.2 build.

pygtk 2.14

Not sure if this will help but I stumbled upon this blog post a while back regarding pygtk support on windows.

Devede has a simple intuitive

Devede has a simple intuitive interface, it does everything I need, menus, multiple titles, merge titles into one, multiple output formats, subtitle support and more. It may not be as configurable as some of it's windows rivals, but for linux Devede produces excellent results. .. Great application :)

Chiery, Download Games website

Great program

I use Win Xp Sp3 32 bit and it works(All the time, No Crashes) with mkv files better than ConvertXToDvD and better quality too. Thank for the Program and all the work you put into it. Keep up the good work.

Non english letters in video file path

Tnx for great program.
If there is non English letters in video file path, DeVeDe would not recognize file as valid video file.

DEVEDE Windows menù

i have created menù but when i click on it don't start film! i have 5 files (4 film + 1 menù) ok; the 4 films files work very well if i lunch they each one at time! but nothing starts when i click they on the menù!

Error in DeVeDe 3.12.4 for Windows?

Old version uninstalled and fresh installation of DeVeDe 3.12.4 for Windows. I can't run the program: nothing happens and I have the following messages in:

devede-err.log :
C:\Programmi\MajorSilence\DeVeDe\devede.exe:164: PangoWarning: Impossibile trovare il modulo specificato.
C:\Programmi\MajorSilence\DeVeDe\devede.exe:164: PangoWarning: Failed to load Pango module '/target/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/pango-basic-win32.dll' for id 'BasicScriptEngineWin32'

DeVeDe 3.12.4
Using direct files
Failed to load modules DEVEDE_OTHER. Exiting

Thanks in advance.

So where is 3.12.4?

Download has vanished! :(


I have tested it on a few computers besides my development computers and it has problems. I won't be sure what it is until I check tonight, but I think it has to do with imgburn support or more likely that something got left out of the installer. I will probably be uploading 3.12.5 to replace it tonight.

Any news on 3.12.5? Thanks.

Any news on 3.12.5? Thanks.

I am uploading a new version

I am uploading a new version of 3.12.4. You should be able to download it in a few minutes.

Got it. Thanks!

Got it. Thanks!

Ok, cool. It was working here

Ok, cool. It was working here with no problems, other than the preview images in Video Scaling were missing (minor niggle)...

Thanks for the update

Thanks for the update MajorSilence, much appreciated.


error in new update (mencoder?)


when making dvd with menu and multiple avis........

sometimes will not load the next avi.......just hangs

sometimes will encode all avis.......without hanging

using 3.12.2 now with no problems.....


DeVeDe is GD

This is an extremely good programe to convert avi. to dvd. So heres my problem i need a free softwaare that will burn my VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS files to dvd. Any solutions!?!

burn , yes!!

--> ImgBurn. Free, eficiente and light.


--> write files/folders to disco.
In 4x velocity or -.


From Brazil.

Download ImgBurn from

Download ImgBurn from
Install then run program. Select folders to burn (your VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders) then burn disc. Hope this helps.

Burn the outputed Files

I need a free command line tool to burn the output files to CD/DVD.

Thanks in Advance,

OpenSource DVD writer

In windows try Infra Recorder.

In linux you should know..

don toto



How work with rmvb on windows?
that's the best on linux.
waitting for a help.
from Brazl.

Update to 3.12.3 and try again

While I do not have any rmvb files to test myself, I have just updated devede to 3.12.3 to use a newer version of mencoder so it may work now.


A must have tool that everyone should have!

This program is my preferred application for converting nearly any video to a DVD in Linux.

Your work and that of the program's author is much appreciated!


I tried convert rmvb files with the version 3.12.2 but it crash in loading the file. Is it because of the bug fixed in the version 3.13, that is, it "fail when LANG is not defined"? I am using a Linux 3.14.0 version and it is great, perfect! I would like this version in Windows.

Thanks. From Brazil.


I have tried many programs to convert wmv files to DVD - DeVeDe is by far the best: high quality output, easy to use and fairly quick processing (windows XP, 2GHz Pentium 4).
Delighted that I found it!!!

gracias exelenteprograma es

gracias exelenteprograma es el q mejor utilidad me a dado apesar de ser de linux es compatible con windows los felicito gracias


gracias el mejor programa!!!

I've tried so many programs and this is the best so far

Thank you so much for the program

the best

the best program to encode/record videos

thank you

Great program

Awsome program, used it extensivly on linux. Great to have on windows aswell.

Thank You

Thanks so much, this is a great app to have on Windows!!


Awesome app

used on Linux, needed for Windows for work - stunning, thx.

Freak'n amazing program!

I'm continually impressed by the compatibility DeVede provides for the ordinary home DVD player. Excellent!

I haven't really explored any options beyond adding "Play" to the menu and a movie-type poster (*.png) image for the start up, but this app is my always my first choice! I honestly haven't needed anything more than this!

Gr8 work! THANK YOU!