506 :ひろゆき@どうやら管理人 ★ 04/01/10 17:14 ID:???
From window45@hanmir.com Sat Jan 10 08:10:10 2004
Subject: sadf
Folder: /dev/null 4316
From someone@somewhere.world Sat Jan 10 08:10:46 2004
Subject: read me, Jamanese
Folder: /dev/null 119776
From dmlghksk@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 08:10:46 2004
Folder: /dev/null 4033
From abcnara_123@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 08:10:47 2004
Subject: =?EUC-KR?B?qseq4aOsIKrVqsOqs6rtqreqxqrkqu2qpqqrPyCqr6rAqtCq6qrkqqyq7K
Folder: /dev/null
898 :ひろゆき@どうやら管理人 ★ 04/01/10 20:28 ID:???
From minbong-_-story@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:25:55 2004
Subject: =?EUC-KR?B?tba1tbTCIL/suK62pSAhIL/suK62pcC6IMfRsbm2pSAh?=
Folder: /dev/null 2958
From minbong-_-story@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:25:55 2004
Subject: =?EUC-KR?B?tba1tbTCIL/suK62pSAhIL/suK62pcC6IMfRsbm2pSAh?=
Folder: /dev/null 2958
From ov_vo11@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:03 2004
Subject: =?EUC-KR?B?uczEo8LKudm4rrv2seK12sGutvM=?=
Folder: /dev/null 4050
From jon-ni-si-ro@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:04 2004
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From jon-ni-si-ro@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:04 2004
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From jon-ni-si-ro@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:05 2004
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From jon-ni-si-ro@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:05 2004
Folder: /dev/null 4502
From jon-ni-si-ro@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:05 2004
Folder: /dev/null 4502
From jmw_81@hanmail.net Sat Jan 10 11:26:05 2004
Folder: /dev/null
> - Full Tier-1 support for single and multiprocessor AMD Athlon64 and
> Opteron systems.
972 :root ★ 04/01/13 13:21 ID:???
FreeBSD 5.2 also contains a number of significant stability and performance
improvements over FreeBSD 5.1. However, it is still considered a 'New
Technology' release and might not be suitable for all users. Those with
more conservative needs may prefer to continue using FreeBSD 4.X.
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Internet Architecture Board Working Group of the IETF.
Title: Internet Denial of Service Considerations
Author(s): M. Handley
Filename: draft-iab-dos-00.txt,.ps
Pages: 25
Date: 2004-1-12
This document provides an overview of possible avenues for denial-of-
service attack on Internet systems. The aim is to encourage protocol
designers and network engineers towards designs that are more robust.
We discuss partial solutions that reduce the effectiveness of attacks,
and how some solutions might inadvertently open up alternative
A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
380 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/12 23:49 ID:???
(JIm) I am talking to hanafos.com now.
404 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/12 23:52 ID:???
(Jim) they gave me another number to call. one moment.
420 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/12 23:56 ID:???
439 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/12 23:58 ID:???
he said please send me email
one moment I am sending him email because I think he needs to translate
510 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 00:09 ID:???
(Jim) ok, I sent email now I will call again to make sure
550 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 00:16 ID:???
(Jim) they are going to look at the problem and help they said.
558 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 00:17 ID:???
(Jim) I told them next I will call the korean police.
728 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 00:42 ID:???
first one will be down soon
Actually hanafos.com is not our business directly
but we contacted the admin
then forward your your message
they gonna block the page that is "myhome.hanafos.com/~sanasaeggi" in a few minutes.
after that they give you the reply.
anyway, so sorry about that.
896 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 01:00 ID:???
daumcorp doesn't work at night only recording at both numbers.
912 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 01:01 ID:???
tonight I can call there then it will be daytime.
942 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 01:04 ID:???
next jjang0u.net
118 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 21:00 ID:???
Good morning Yoshi
Good morning Jim
are the koreans still being bad?
yes ,,, still
getting smaller though
did you get any news about Korean ISP ?
last news is they said they would delete the one account. The other one doesn't
answer the phone just recording and the 3rd is a wrong number.
ok ,
anyway , we will watch this problem closely
Korean must discuss about this themselves.
Did you see Hiroyuki's message to them ?
119 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 21:01 ID:???
very good
yes , very good.
His is very smart .
I really like this
Take any topics you like, ranging from "Hacking" to "Find
some sweets for your lonesome nights"! We are the biggest bulletin board group.
Come and join us from anywhere, your office, school, prison, or lunatic asylum.
No limit to your voice, no censorship!!
I am on this team.
me too
I just got volume 4 of the 2ch magazine. Is that you in curly hair and black
glasses on page 108?
that is not me ...
jusy kidding .
It looked a little like you.
and hiroyuki is wearing same shirt he wore in the Philippines.
120 :仕事人 ★ 04/01/13 21:01 ID:???
He don't have enough shirts always...
next time I know what to get him for a present.
I need to go to sleep now. I will be up early in the morning.
hai wakatta
please take a good rest
oyasumi nasi friend
Mata ashita