내가 이러니까 디시에 원군요청하지 말자고 한거다. 조루화력 인증이라는 문제점도 있었고. 스레딕을 식민지로 아는 몇몇 하급종자들의 수법에 넘어가서 이게 무슨 꼴이야? 지금 겨우 컴퓨터 켜보니까 2ch 관련 스레드를 취미삼아 번역하시던 몇몇 분들까지 테러가 갔다는데 솔직히 별 의미없이 가만히 지내던 사람들한테까지 왜 피해를 끼치는건지 모르겠다. 2ch의 싹을 아예 뽑자고 하는 짓거리들 같은데 솔직히 내 눈엔 전부 추태로 보인다.
I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!!
38 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:06:00 ID:bDkTtcT8cY
어유 일본 원숭이들아 한국어 배워서 여기다 쓰고 있었쪄요? 우쭈쭈 □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□■□□□□□□□■■■■■□□□■■■■■□□□□■■■■■□□■■■■■■□■■■■■■□□ □□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□■□□□□□■□□■□□□□□□□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□ □□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□■□□□□□■□□■□□□□□□□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□ □□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□■■■■□□□■■■■■■□■■■■■■□□ □□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□□□□□■□□■□□□□□□■□□■□□□□ □□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□□□□□■□□■□□□□□□■□□□■□□□ □□■□□□□□□■□□□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□□□□□■□□■□□□□□□■□□□□■□□ □□□■■■■■□□■■■■■□□□■■■■■□□□■■■■■□□□■■■■■■□■□□□□□■□ (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)
우선 내가 한국의 고등학생이라는것을 밝힌다. 일본인들에게 나쁜감정은 없지만 그냥 한마디 적어본다. 일본인들 너희 자꾸 우리 한국인을 '조선인'이라고부르는데 한국인은 너희의 노예가 아냐. 우리는 분명한 대한민국의 한국인이다 함부로 부르지말았으면 좋겠어 .레스를 달려거든 한국어로 번역해서 달아줬으면좋겠다. 서로의 의사소통은 되야한다고 생각하니까. 난 너희와 싸우고싶은 생각없어
まず私が韓国のゴドングハックセングイラヌンゴッを明らかにする. 日本人たちに悪意はないがそのまま一言書いて見る. (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)
_ __ ,.'"´ /⌒ヽ ,r'´ .! ,.γ⌒ヽ ,,.ィ'''フ''''=、'.:.::. ゙'‐-ヘ, ノ.,⌒)`ヽ、 ,r'"´ ノ" j.:;;;!.:.::::. ~ ^ヾ_ノ ヽ、 ( j.;ミ、.:.:.: /,イj! i ) }゙ミソ.: ==ュ r== jィ彡 j、、 r''ヽ. ,.ィ''' 〉^リ"´ ィ赱、 i i r赱ミ iレ'゙{ ヲ''ー-、ノ、 ヽ / ,,.イ')'" 〈 ハ.:. ,l l ,イ i:: t ) `ヽヽ / / /゙iト、!.:.:. ,ィ''。_。ヽ、 ノイ,! t、 ヽ i (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)
974 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:08:32 ID:ht1RzTM6qk
_ __ ,.'"´ /⌒ヽ ,r'´ .! ,.γ⌒ヽ ,,.ィ'''フ''''=、'.:.::. ゙'‐-ヘ, ノ.,⌒)`ヽ、 ,r'"´ ノ" j.:;;;!.:.::::. ~ ^ヾ_ノ ヽ、 ( j.;ミ、.:.:.: /,イj! i ) }゙ミソ.: ==ュ r== jィ彡 j、、 r''ヽ. ,.ィ''' 〉^リ"´ ィ赱、 i i r赱ミ iレ'゙{ ヲ''ー-、ノ、 ヽ / ,,.イ')'" 〈 ハ.:. ,l l ,イ i:: t ) `ヽヽ / / /゙iト、!.:.:. ,ィ''。_。ヽ、 ノイ,! t、 ヽ i (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)
975 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:08:32 ID:3dsW95e9z2
fuck you yellow monkeys you tiny bastards just fucking get raped by your mother fucking rapers bitches. You screwed u pcountry. You fucking people of fucking country of porn. Just fucking get raped by pornmakers craps
976 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:08:33 ID:ht1RzTM6qk
_ __ ,.'"´ /⌒ヽ ,r'´ .! ,.γ⌒ヽ ,,.ィ'''フ''''=、'.:.::. ゙'‐-ヘ, ノ.,⌒)`ヽ、 ,r'"´ ノ" j.:;;;!.:.::::. ~ ^ヾ_ノ ヽ、 ( j.;ミ、.:.:.: /,イj! i ) }゙ミソ.: ==ュ r== jィ彡 j、、 r''ヽ. ,.ィ''' 〉^リ"´ ィ赱、 i i r赱ミ iレ'゙{ ヲ''ー-、ノ、 ヽ / ,,.イ')'" 〈 ハ.:. ,l l ,イ i:: t ) `ヽヽ / / /゙iト、!.:.:. ,ィ''。_。ヽ、 ノイ,! t、 ヽ i (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)
I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!!
979 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:08:45 ID:4mHxsfnpKQ
980 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:08:46 ID:3dsW95e9z2
fuck you yellow monkeys you tiny bastards just fucking get raped by your mother fucking rapers bitches. You screwed u pcountry. You fucking people of fucking country of porn. Just fucking get raped by pornmakers craps
981 이름:이름없음 :2010/03/01(월) 23:08:54 ID:ht1RzTM6qk
_ __ ,.'"´ /⌒ヽ ,r'´ .! ,.γ⌒ヽ ,,.ィ'''フ''''=、'.:.::. ゙'‐-ヘ, ノ.,⌒)`ヽ、 ,r'"´ ノ" j.:;;;!.:.::::. ~ ^ヾ_ノ ヽ、 ( j.;ミ、.:.:.: /,イj! i ) }゙ミソ.: ==ュ r== jィ彡 j、、 r''ヽ. ,.ィ''' 〉^リ"´ ィ赱、 i i r赱ミ iレ'゙{ ヲ''ー-、ノ、 ヽ / ,,.イ')'" 〈 ハ.:. ,l l ,イ i:: t ) `ヽヽ / / /゙iト、!.:.:. ,ィ''。_。ヽ、 ノイ,! t、 ヽ i (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)
I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!! I want to kill every japanese in the earth!!!
현재시각 12시 10분 11시 35분, 안관 등 능력자들이 선공으로 ns1, ns2 공격해서 삼십 분 동안 다 뻗었음. (여기 털리면 니챈 내부에서 똥되는 듯.) 근데 12시 4분을 기점으로 조금씩 복귀되고 있음. 근데 복귀되면 다시 털 준비 중. 현재 카페에 5600명 정도 모임. 카페 외에 다른 네이버종자들과 블로거들도 대거 준비중인듯. 능력자들이 내부서버 선공으로 털고, 촛잉 F5 세력들이 갤을 하나씩 서버다운시키는 게 목표.
니챈은 어제 저녁 10시와 12시에 공격 했으나 병따같게도 네이버를 공격. 네이버 알바들한테 다 막히고 실패. 공격 당하면 UI로 보복한다고 하나, 우리측에서는 그거 몇 년 전 공격기라고 코웃음을 치고 있는 듯. (생략되었습니다. 전부 읽으려면여기를 눌러 주세요)