Distributed Management Task Force, Inc.

Developing management standards & promoting
interoperability for enterprise & Internet environments

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DMTF Feedback Portal

Thank you in advance for your willingness to report an issue or bug in a DMTF specification!

Note: Current DMTF members should not use this feedback portal to submit feedback to publicly-available specifications. Instead, please send your feedback via email to the DMTF's Vice President of Technology.

Most issues and bug reports will raise no intellectual property issues at all, but since some may, we need to be sure that our specifications are in compliance with our Patent Policy. Accordingly, we ask that you agree to certain terms that the original submitters of the specification also agreed to.

Change Request (CR) Template

DMTF has made available our Change Request template v2.0.2 (html, 12k) for Alliance Partners which can be used when making submissions into DMTF. It may also be used for their own internal purposes. The CR Tool (zip, 275k) accompanies the CR Template.

Intellectual Property Rights Agreement

By clicking "Accept" below, you agree that you have read and will abide by the following:

An individual contributor (“Contributor” or “You”) submitting a new technical submittal (“Contribution”) to the DMTF for consideration to become part of a technical standard must agree to the DMTF Member Policies set forth at www.dmtf.org/about/policies including specifically the Member Rules of Conduct as revised effective May 01, 2009, with its provisions for DMTF ownership of all contributed IP.

You must disclose to the DMTF Technical Committee your personal knowledge or awareness of any patent which could be infringed by an implementation of your Contribution.

Neither you as the individual Contributor nor your company or organization shall be required to conduct a patent search with respect to the Contribution. You are encouraged but not required to include a statement from your organization indicating (1) the organization’s licensing policy with respect to its owned or controlled patents and/or (2) whether a search was performed on the Contribution and, if so, its general scope.

By your Contribution, you hereby grant to the DMTF a perpetual, nonexclusive, royalty-free, non-cancellable world-wide right and license under any copyrights, whether owned by you personally, by your employer or by another entity, on this Contribution, with the right to directly and indirectly sublicense, modify, copy, publish and distribute the Contribution under the DMTF document licenses, and you expressly represent here that you are legally authorized and entitled to do so. Should the Contribution be used in a DMTF Activity, you hereby grant a right and license of the same scope to DMTF to create and distribute derivative works based on, or incorporating all or any part of, the Contribution. You agree that such DMTF derivative works shall be solely owned by the DMTF.

If your Contribution is subject to copyright by other parties who have not expressly granted you the above rights, you must first obtain and provide DMTF with a signed "Copyright License Grant" from each such copyright owner, as follows:

Copyright License Grant
The undersigned, on its own behalf and on behalf of its represented organization and affiliates, with respect to their collective copyright ownership in the Contribution "_______________________," grants to DMTF a perpetual, irrevocable, non‐exclusive, royalty free, world‐wide copyright license, with the right to directly and indirectly sublicense, to copy, publish, modify and distribute the Contribution in any way, and to prepare derivative works that are based on or incorporate all or part of the Contribution solely for the purpose of developing and promoting the DMTF Specification or other DMTF document.
By: _______________________________________ (Signature)
Name: _______________________________________
Title: _______________________________________   Organization: ____________________________________
Date: _______________________________   Email: ___________________________________________________

Please sign and return to:

Distributed Management Task Force, Inc.
1001 SW 5th Ave #1100
Portland, OR 97204

Or fax to 1.503.296.2432

You are not making any other warranty, and your issue or bug report and any suggested correction that DMTF may incorporate into a specification will be accepted by DMTF "as is".

If you do not wish to (or cannot) comply with these terms, please click on “Do Not Accept", and we will refer your inquiry to technical or legal experts who may be able to help you.