Metallic Spiderman 3 Text
In this tutorial we’re going to show you how to create some
eye catching metallic text similar to the type used for the new”Spiderman 3″
1. Create a new document with dimensions:
- Width: 750px
- Height: 200px
- Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
- Background: Black
Add some text using the Homoarakhn font (using this font is key), size 43 pt.
If you do not have this font you can download it here.
You should now have something that looks like this:
2. Open the blending options for this layer and set the “Inner Shadow” as follows:
- Blend Mode: “Screen”
- Color: #ffffff
- Uncheck “Use global light”
- Angle: 90 degrees
- Distance: 3px
- Choke: 0px
- Size: 3px
3. Still within blending options, set the “Gradient Overlay” as follows:
Set the Gradient as follows:
- 1st Stop: Location 0%, Color: #58595B
- 2nd Stop: Location 100%, Color: #D1D3D4
Next, be sure to check the “Reverse” checkbox. After these adjustments to the gradient colors and checking the “Reverse” gradient box, your Gradient Overlay settings should resemble this:
At this point our text should look something like this:
4. Our next step is to create a new layer, name this
“Outline” and place the new layer below our existing text layer by dragging it underneath
in the layers pallette.
Next, select our original text layer by holding the control (Ctrl) key and
clicking the image thumbnail in the layers pallette. With the text layer still
selected, navigate to the main menu and choose Select -> Modify -> Expand.
Enter a value of 5px in the Expand Selection dialog.
Next, make sure your foreground color is set to white (#ffffff) and press the
Alt-Backspace keys to fill the selection.
5. Next, open the Blending Options for our “Outline” layer and set the “Bevel and Emboss” settings as follows:
- Depth: 390%
- Size: 6px
- Check Anti-aliased
- Gloss Countour: Ring (Note: to view a list of names for Gloss Country you may need to choose “Text Only” in the list context menu.
Your “Bevel and Emboss” settings should resemble the following:
6. Still within Blending Options for the “Outline” layer, set the “Outer Glow” settings as follows:
- Blend Mode: Multiply
- Opacity: 100%
- Color: #000000
- size: 35px
Your “Outer Glow” settings for the layer should resemble the following:
7. Our final step is to change our foreground color to #404041, then using the brush tool with the settings below - paint a vertical line down the middle of each character in our text.
Set our brush tool to the following:
Paint a vertical line down the middle of each character in your text.
When finished with the brush tool, press Ctrl-D to deselct our text and see the finished product.
Thanks for this mate, helped me out. Not to mention you made it so easy to understand, if every tutorial was as easy to understand as this, we wouldn’t have any problems at all.
muy bueno el tutorial, excelente
cool tut man big thanx for this.
Nice tutorial man! I don’t use photoshop, (but i do have it, my computer goes to slow to run it) and i was able to apply the steps and effects in fireworks!!!!!!!!
Difficult to follow because I’m using a MAC. Some of the shortcuts don’t work. It took some fooling around but eventually I got something sort of close. Didn’t look as good as yours though.
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text Create text in the style of the Spiderman 3 logo. […]
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text Create text in the style of the Spiderman 3 logo. […]
[…] Texto que simula las letras de la película Spiderman […]
[…] 7. Effet de texte Spiderman 3 […]
[…] Spiderman Metallic Text […]
thanks man… the tut was really good to understand… though i didn’t get it as good as yours… even though i followed the same steps…
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text […]
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! lofzhkquvaqx
[…] […]
opa isto ta porreiro mas ta recesso
epa isto e uma palhacada mas prontos yo manel tass bem?
epa vai catar piolhos a tua mae
yo soy espanholito e tiro ranhetas ao meu avec
spiderman 3 e recesso gosto mais do Ruca
opa es burro e a tua mae nao sabe
Really cool tutorial. Thanks man!
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text Create text in the style of the Spiderman 3 logo. […]
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text Create text in the style of the Spiderman 3 logo. […]
Nice! Thanks.
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text Create text in the style of the Spiderman 3 logo. […]
[…] Spiderman 3 Style Text Create text in the style of the Spiderman 3 logo. […]
i’ve try with the full word ’spiderman’ and the result is not as prety as the tuts. looks ugly on sp and r letter.
hope u can help me to make the ‘r’ nice.
btw, it’s nice tuts.
Realmente bueno este tutorial y muy facil de hacer.
thats really cool my friend.Thanks a lot.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks, i will use it on my site (:
Outstanding tutorial … clear instructions … thanks for taking the time. I am using this metallic text special effect for a magazine cover. It should look sweet!
I will use this on my wife. she likes
it’s nice………
nice tut. your name is eman? if so, so is mine!
i can’t do that thing with Select->Modify->Expand cause the Modified is not avaiable
(i have selected the two layers)
So who will be the first to make a website with the alphabeth in every style ?
So we can cut and paste our logo’s ourselves without PS.
Really nice letters !
Great tutorial!!!! thank you very much
spider man3 text effect
Thanks for you
Now I can free expresion
Very usefull! Thanks a lot!
Have you actually followed the instructions? One why can I not create a white outline? THe copmuter forces me to rasterize the text and then I end up with a blob, it doesn’t paint a white outline. What do I put on the outline layer…is it meant to be blank? This really is a misleading set of instructions and quite frankly I am pissed off with a lot of these so call bloody tutorials. Please in future check that the instructions are 100% foolproof and accurate and also give some troubleshooting pointers. 1 out of 10…a load of old bollocks!
Very cool - thanks for tht tut…
This very great tutorial for me, b’cz i am finding some logo tutorial for same. This very useful.
Good post, thanks!
my pc is XP but although some shortcuts dont work
plz what should i do?? HEELP !!!!!!!!1
i have XP but although some shortcuts dont work..
plz help me..what should i do for every shortcut???????????? HEEEEEELP!!!!!!answer at :d thnx
Not working with me with cs4.
Sweet Tut!
Cool shit fuck
hello friend good job ..muito bom seu tutorial parabens ,
Superb effect For text .
Same as metallic as spider man name effect
its real ….. its true………….
This site very fantastic site and nice text effects
thank you giving