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3D Text effect

This tutorial shows you how to create a nice 3D text using only photoshop 7..

Ok, lets start a new document, the document size depends on how big/much text you want to create using this 3D method.

With your new document, lets create your 3D text. Im using Arial Black, size 300px. (Note: DO NOT use the "Faux Bold" option on this text or the next step will fail).

Now we need to transform the text, in text mode, we cannot transform much of the text, we can rasterize the text, this will turn the text into bitmap image, the downsize is that when we transform the text, we will lose its crispiness. Another method we can use is to convert the text into vector shapes, so lets go ahead and do that. Layer » Text » Convert to shape.

Now go to Edit » transform » Perspective. and pull the right handlers at the bottom outward so it creates a perspective look.

Now you can do futher transforming by going to Edit » Transform » Skew/Distort, just transform until you are happy with your text.

Now, while holding down CTRL+ALT, press the UP arrow, as you will notice, this duplicates the layer, and move it up by 1 pixel. now do this about 35 times, after that, you will get something like this:

Now, what you need to do is marge ALL the "duplicated" layer together, EXCEPT the top one.

To do this, make sure you select the 2nd layer to the top and link it to ALL the layers underneath it together like so...(DO NOT link to the background layer)

Now just go to Layer » Merge Linked. This will merge all the bottom layers as one, leaving you with 1 layer on top, and 1 on the bottom (and of course, the background layer)

Now apply all these layer styles (Layer » Layer Styles » ... )to the bottom layer:

Gradient Overlay       Bevel and Emboss       Drop Shadow

Now apply all these layer styles (Layer » Layer Styles » ... )to the TOP layer:

Inner Shadow      Bevel and Emboss       Gradient Overlay       Pattern Overlay

and maybe add some colors to the background layer...

Here's another one, using a different Pattern Overlay setting to the above


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User Comments

mohamed hosny Feb/09/2010 06:05aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesome thx alot
D LIP Feb/04/2010 20:16VERY NICE
Lithuania Feb/04/2010 04:24i love you!
ashwin Jan/31/2010 17:54wonderful tuts
E[x]TaZzzy Jan/25/2010 14:35Thenk You
Free Movies Jan/25/2010 04:46Wow, these are awesome. Thanks!
Michael Jan/23/2010 06:33very very nice thnxxxx Fayez
asfasgfaes Jan/08/2010 08:11çıyaaaaaaaa law wın çı deıbejin hışın
anon Jan/07/2010 11:39Wow how stupid, you want us to link all of those layers together to merge when we can just turn two(not 35) layers off and merge visible...
R. Jan/07/2010 01:39Layer > Type > Convert to symbol btw, am 15.
ClassifiedFx Jan/06/2010 07:34I just want to help some people out here. you can right click on the layer your on and can convert to object. Its simple just have to know your way around photoshop. heres what i made http://i552.photobucket.com/albums/jj339/HDGrafix/knux-ec.png this is a copywrited image as it is in the works for an mlg pro gaming team.
harry Jan/04/2010 00:31does this work in photoshop pro 9
sam Jan/03/2010 22:10It Stinks man. What kind of program have u made man. I hate this Link Man.
Stern Dec/31/2009 20:30Lachie, I'm 37, my IQ is 131 and I'm not even close to being able to create this image...so please don't say "even a year 10 student can do it." I have Photoshop 7 but when I go to Layer >> ....there is no "Text" anywhere in sight... =project over immediately.
Pee Teeaa Dec/28/2009 19:53wonderful! i got it the 1st time i tried it, its that well explained! thank you pta(india)
lmao Dec/21/2009 12:49WTF is 3d have to do with gangsta stupid nigga
jacqueline Dec/19/2009 11:21wow thats great thanks for the tuto :D
Jonathan Nguyen Nov/23/2009 01:19great tut. http://taphop.net
d golden Nov/17/2009 06:15lmfao yall childish
nadya Nov/11/2009 18:16NIce
NATE MARTIN Nov/06/2009 01:29IM A FAG.... IM GAY
NATE Nov/05/2009 01:45NATES A BUTT HOLE
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