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John Amato | all galleries >> Two Days of Protests in San Francisco, California. Olympic Torch April 8-9, 2008 > Duane Martinez on the right.
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Duane Martinez on the right.

Duane Martinez on the right.

Duane Martinez and his friend on the left and one other individual climbed the Golden Gate Bridge and hung a banner in protest of the Olympics in China and the treatment of Tibetan people. He was also part of the team that hung a banner off the Great Wall of China.

Duane stated that once they were out of reach of the bridge guards, who were on them in less than a minute, they knew they would be able to scale the bridge and unfurl their banner across the bridge. They ended up with 3 charges against them and spent a night in jail. They are hoping the last three charges will be dropped.

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Dr. Amy Eisenberg 15-Sep-2008 07:11
We will stand with our Tibetan sisters and brothers forever.
Bod Gyalo
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