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John Amato | profile | all galleries >> Two Days of Protests in San Francisco, California. Olympic Torch April 8-9, 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Two Days of Protests in San Francisco, California. Olympic Torch April 8-9, 2008


As the main two groups of people came together I found myself between. In this land of mostly free expression there was little to fear as people clearly represented how they felt, believed. No government fell and no one died. No one was tortured, beat or castigated into submission.

Many more images will be added with captions. At one point I was caught between the Chinese showing support for the olympic torch and the Tibetans protesting. I was amazed to see that there were Tibetans that were keeping the Tibetans and Chinese from engaging in any more than verbally expressing their feelings. This was a true act of keeping the peace.

Please vote for this gallery if you feel it has merit so more can see the two days of protests. Add to their voice if you feel moved.
Explanation of peaceful resistance. 1st day. Archbishop Desmond Tutu Richard Gere Peace in Tibet.
Face painting before the march on the second day. Thumbs-down.jpg A confrontation of beliefs. As the morning of the 9th protest begins by the waterfront.
Converging groups, pro China and pro Tibet confront. Arrest. Face it. Tibetans keeping line between Chinese supporters of the olympics and Tibetan protesters.
Arm of freedom. genocide poster Reaching for hope. Lynyrd Skynyrd fan. 1st day.
Free ToBet Majora Carter holding the Tibetan Torch of Freedom. Majora Carter after speaking about her beliefs and support of Tibet. Peace in Tibet.
Duane Martinez on the right. Planes flew banners for both Tibet and for China. Chinese in support of the Olympics in China. Confrontation.
No title needed. First day of protests. Reflect on this. Cracks me up. Mama be proud.
It has to start somewhere. How loud is freedom? How deaf are ears? March to the Chinese Embassy. 1st day. Keeping order.
Save Eastern Turkistan, rights in Vietnam, world listen. Free Burma. Someone better move . . . oh it's me. Hope.
t3%2f14%2f637114%2f4%2f95628455.Lnjcifea.jpg I was caught in the middle. t3%2f14%2f637114%2f4%2f95659184.y2D3IE4H.jpg t3%2f14%2f637114%2f4%2f95697839.FpSg2Bm8.jpg
t3%2f14%2f637114%2f4%2f95686069.sJkzhXSb.jpg Opposing beliefs, desires and needs. Face of a protest. Tibet.
Freedom of speech. Dalai Lama t3%2f14%2f637114%2f4%2f95685954.WR5b6y3W.jpg