北海道大学大学院農学院 応用分子昆虫学分野 |
060-8589 N9W9, Sapporo, Hokkaido Japan
Tel. 011-706-2487
研究室メンバー&卒業生 2009年7月 (研究室夏季セミナー)
Hokkaido University Faculty of Agriculture Home Page
Professor. Hisanori Bando:教授 伴戸 久徳
TEL & FAX 706-3348: E-mail
Professor. Shin-ichiro Asano:准教授 浅野眞一郎
TEL & FAX 706-2423: E-mail
Professor. Ken Sahara:助教 佐原 健
TEL & FAX 706-2402: E-mail
Secretary. Ayumi Mori:研究室事務員 森 歩美 TEL & FAX 706-2487: E-mail
PD学振研究員 Atsuo Yoshido: 吉戸 敦生
毎週火 曜日: 6時から 論文ゼミ(総合研究棟多目的室)
毎週金 曜日: 10時から 報告会(総合研究棟4Fリフレッシュルーム)
:: 年中行事 ::
○ 応用生命科学科新入生歓迎会 4月30日(中央食堂、4Fリフレッシュルーム)
○ 蚕掃立て 6月 1日(養蚕室) 掃立て祝い
○ 夏季セミナー 7月11日(アグリ工房まあぶ)
○ 蚕上族 10月15日(唐唐屋)
○ 講座分属歓迎会 10月15日(唐唐屋)
○ 論文発表会
○ 追い出しコンパ
Introduction to Applied Molecular Biology, 2010 The above will be given for "Master's students" in Graduate School of Agriculture. (Anyone who has interest in the subject in the title below is also welcomed to this seminar.) Title: General consideration and topics on transporsable element 1) The feature of mariner Transposon and the R1, R2 retrotransposable elements in the insects. 2) The mariner Transposon and the R2 retrotransposable elements of B. mandarina compared with those of B. mori from the aspect of the Evolution. Lecturer: Associate Prof. Dr Yumiko Nakajima (Center of Molecular Bioscience, University of the Ryukyus) Date: 22 January (Friday) 2010 The 1st lecture 15:30-17:55 The 2nd lecture 17:00-18:30 Place: General Research Building 1F (W109)
Introduction to Applied Molecular Biology, 2009 The seminor as follows will be held as a part of the title lecture for the master students of both "the Special Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Chemistry" and "Graduate School of Agriculture". Lecturer: Dr. Kaori Yoneyama (Teikyo University) Place: S21 Lecture room Date:21 July (Tue) 2009 17:15-18:00 Title: Strigolactones mediate biological interactions between plant and parasitic/symbiotic organisms Language: Japanese (with English slides)
Introduction to Applied Molecular Biology, 2009
The title lecture will be held as follows for the master students of both
"the Special Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Chemistry" and "Graduate
School of Agriculture".
Attendance of doctor course students is optional.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr Hideaki Maekawa
(Center of Molecular Bioscience, University of the Ryukyus)
Place: General Research Building 1F (W109)
Date: 24 July (Friday) 2009 17:00-18:30
Title: Structure of ribosomal DNA cluster and phylogenetic analysis by using
their sequences: relationship between domesticated and wild Silkworm.
Introduction to Applied Molecular Biology, 2008
Title: Applied molecular biology of an insect virus
Lecturer: Prof. Hisanori Bando
Date: 29 July (Tuesday) 2008 Time: 13:00-14:30
Place: lecture room N12
Title: Application of the transgenic silkworm for the analysis of
gene function and production of recombinant proteins
Lecturer: Dr Toshiki TAMURA
(Transgenic Silkworm Research Center, National Institute of Agrobiological Science)
Date: 31 July (Thursday) 2008 Time: 16:00-17:30
Place: General Research Building 1F (W109)
Title: Insect cultured-cell lines and Application for the research. Lecturer: Dr Shigeo IMANISHI (National Institute of Agrobiological Science) Date: 3 Dec (Tuesday) 2008 16:00-17:30 Place: Lecture room N21
平成19年度・応用分子生物学特論 (平成19年4月11日(水))
講師: Prof. Frantisek Marec [チェコ科学アカデミー昆虫学研究所]
講義名:「Laser microdissection - a tool for sequence and evolutionary analyses of
sex chromosomes in Lepidoptera」
Introduction to Applied
Molecular Biology, 2007
Title: Use of Insect Pathogenic Microorganisms for Pest Control in Vietnam, Now
and Future
Lecturer: Associate Prof. Dr Ngo Dinh Binh
(Institute of Biotechnology, National Centre for Natural Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Date: 25 Oct (Thursday) 2007
Time: 17:00-18:00
Place: General Research Building 1F (W109)
Introduction to Applied Molecular
Biology, 2007
Diversity of Developmental Mechanisms in Insects
Assistant Prof. Dr Teruyuki Niimi
(Lab of Sericulture and Entomoresources, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,
Nagoya University)
Date: 8 November (Thursday) 2007
The 1st lecture 15:30-16:55
The 2nd lecture 17:00-18:30
Place: Main Building 2F (N23)
■ 日本蚕糸学会
■ BT研究会
■ 役に立つリンク集
<応用生命学生実験:講義関連>■ 学生実験のHP(応用分子昆虫学分野担当分含む)
■ 昆虫病理学