The TinEye bookmarklet allows you to search for any images appearing on the web page you are viewing, without having to go to TinEye first. Unlike the TinEye plugin — which allows you to right-click an image to search for it — the bookmarklet is a little script that is run from your browser's bookmark menu. When you click the bookmarklet, it submits the URL of the web page you are viewing to TinEye, fetches the images, and asks you to choose which image to search (just like when you paste a web page URL to the TinEye search page).
Just right-click the grey button on the right, and select 'Bookmark This Link' or 'Add to Favorites'. The bookmarklet will be added to your browser's bookmarks menu or toolbar as if it were a regular bookmark.
On some browsers you can actually drag and drop the grey button into your bookmark toolbar so it will appear as below.
Simple, just select 'TinEye Images' from your browser's bookmark menu or toolbar. TinEye will do the rest!