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CRM, CMS, Intranet, Extranet

Team-Logic™ is a Content Management System (CMS) that  allows you to manage your website without paying a web developer to do it for you.   When deployed, your staff gains a secure website to manage your online content, and to collaborate with each other.  This new, secure website is called an "Intranet".  

Team-Logic can be extended to include additional business workflow and marketing applications,  such as project management, ticketing, email newsletters, salesforce automation,   customer relationship management (CRM), reporting, and more.

Ecommerce Hosting

Store-Logic™ is a proprietary Ecommerce engine to Delaware.Net, Inc. a national leader in ecommerce web site design and hosting. Store-Logic stores earn millions of dollars per month for our ecommerce hosting clients. We also get our clients high on Google with our SEO strategies. If you have seen some of our ecommerce web sites, then you know how fast and easy to use they are.

Email Newsletters HTML

Mail-Logic™ is a hosted software solution for sending email newsletters. It allows you to design, manage, and send corporate email marketing newsletters to your customers, employees, and group members easily and affordably.

Delaware.Net provides Custom Website Design, Website Hosting, Custom Ecommerce Website Development, Company Intranet, Extranet, Email Hosting, Spam and Virus filtering and ColdFusion programming. Visit Delaware.Net today for a Free Website Development Quote.