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Reviews for: A Glad Day
2010-01-05 . chapter 1
Hmm. I don't think you can repost other people's stories without having their permission or giving them credit. Especially a staple from admira's website.
2010-01-05 . chapter 1
Why is this still up? I reported it like three days ago, and I'm guessing everyone else who commented did as well, so why hasn't it been removed yet?

Take it down, ! Let there be no quarter for plagiarism.
2010-01-05 . chapter 1
When plagiarizing, it is recommended that you steal works that are NOT hallmarks of the genre. Sadly, you chose one of the best-known and best-loved B/V AU fics out there.

Epic fail. You have been reported for story theft.
2010-01-03 . chapter 1
Dude, honestly. You can't post such an infamous fic as A Glad Day and sincerely not expect it to go over with B/V fans alike. Do you seriously think we're that retarded that we'd never catch on? Please, Lisalu is a legend and a god, and people who have been in this domain of great B/V AU's will be on you in a second, so don't even try it.
2010-01-03 . chapter 1
Why is this story still here? Come on people report it. It's lisalu's story and must be removed!
2010-01-03 . chapter 2
If you were going to steal Lisalu's story as your own, you could have at least edited it for spelling and grammar.

Also, Romance/General? This story is an Angst Bomb and should be labeled as such.
2010-01-02 . chapter 1
I highly doubt you are the one and only Lisalu. Who do you think you are trying to claim this story as your own? Do you have any IDEA how famous SHE and THIS STORY are? As soon as I'm done with this review, I shall be reporting this story. Happy New Year.
2010-01-02 . chapter 1
This is Lisalu's story. Are you claiming to be Lisalu or are you just posting the story as your own?
Konoha Ninja 123
2010-01-02 . chapter 1
This story belongs to Lisalu, you plagarist!

Everyone familiar with Lisalu's work should report this person to FFN.
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