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M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC6 Released

A new release candidate is now available for download. It's got the usual round of bug fixes and updates for stability.
More info.

Get M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC6!


M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC5 Released

Here's Release Candidate 5, which resolves some critical issues that we had let slip into RC4 yesterday. Minor bug fixes are included as a bonus. More info.

Get M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC5 now!


M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC4 Released

Release Candidate 4 is now available. This release fixes a few more issues. Read more.

Get M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC4 now!


M.U.G.E.N Community Wiki

The M.U.G.E.N Community Wiki is now open for business.

You may also access it from the link in our top menu.


M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC3 Now Available

Release Candidate 3 is a bug fix release that addresses a number of serious issues, such as input problems, game slowdown and inactive AI for older characters.

See the update history for the full list of fixes.

As usual, a big thanks to everyone who gave feedback to our last release. We'll continue tackling these issues in order of priority.

Get M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC3 now!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Key mappings have changed. If you keep your current mugen.cfg, be sure to unzip the new one to a temp directory and copy over the new default key mappings. You can then reconfigure the settings to your taste in the Options menu.


New Developers' Blog!

Hello, everyone!

We'd like to take this opportunity to point out our new developers' blog, where our developers will post their thoughts and insights, and answer questions regarding M.U.G.E.N as time permits. You can check it out by clicking on the Blog link in the menu above, or by going here:


Facebook and Twitter

We're now officially on Twitter and Facebook for those of you who woud like to follow us there:

Links to both are available in the upper right corner on every page on our site, too.


M.U.G.E.N 1.0 New Release Candidate 2

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back! We're really excited to get back into the swing of things.

As many of you have found out, RC1 has a fair number of bugs in it. We'd like to thank everyone for actively reporting those in our forums. Our goal for RC2 was to address some of the more serious ones that affect character logic, hopefully before too many of you have had to implement workarounds. For a comprehensive list of fixes, read the update history.

There are still a lot of unresolved issues left, and we beg for your patience if we didn't get to the ones you wanted yet. Rest assured that we file and prioritize every report, so we'll be whacking a few more off next time in RC3.

Get M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC2 now!


M.U.G.E.N 1.0 Release Candidate

Here's a new version of M.U.G.E.N with some modern updates. This version adds support for HD resolutions, victory screens, language localization, and some enhanced data formats. 1.0 is backwards compatible with characters from the 2002.04.14 beta.

This is a release candidate so it might be buggy. Please report any issues on our forum.

Get M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC1 now!


Happy 10th Anniversary!

Elecbyte is back!

Ten years on... MUGEN's still gaining popularity! There's enough stuff out there that I can literally sink an entire evening clicking around Nicodou and YouTube. It's tremendous to see how many characters, stages, motifs and entire innovative games continue to appear on the platform. I still occasionally get surprised at what people can hack out of an engine that was originally designed to match the capabilities from 2D fighters of the mid '90s.

I find it cool that the word "MUGEN" has come to become synonymous with the notion of implausible matchups and wacky team combinations. At the same time, MUGEN has also become a new kind of platform for exhibiting art. Fan art can be brought to life in an environment where it can instantly interact seamlessly with hundreds of existing characters. Going beyond art and animation, original works can express themselves by bending (or wrangling) the basic rules of the engine.

Looking back, it's a shame that the MUGEN engine project itself has been stalled for ages. Unfortunately it's tough for a scattered group to maintain a complex open-spec engine without making it your job. So a couple of us decided to do just that. Now, Elecbyte is back as a lean full-time studio, and of course we've made dusting off MUGEN our first project. So yeah, thanks to everyone else from the old team for letting us take over the name and the IP. And thanks to all our users who collectively gave the MUGEN scene a life of its own. When Skynet declares war on mankind, it may be animated sprites that come to exterminate us.

Look for a new official M.U.G.E.N release with a few modern upgrades coming your way soon.

