QaF Songlist
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This is a compilation of all the songs played on the Showtime series, "Queer as Folk", sorted by Episode.

bulletNew Songs added marked with **
bulletIf you have a song on my "Missing Songs" list, or any questions, please contact me at
bulletFor further... information... about a song, please click on the the highlighted underlined episode name.
bulletMany thanks to the following, whom I've shamelessly mined for information...
bullet Princess of Babylon Songlist
bullet Meg's Queer as Folk Music Archive
bulletEnter through old portal

Search by Episode:

101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106 / 107 / 108 / 109 / 110 / 111 / 112 / 113 / 114 / 115 / 116 / 117 / 118 / 119 / 120 / 121 / 122
201 / 202 / 203 / 204 / 205 / 206 / 207 / 208 / 209 / 210 / 211 / 212 / 213 / 214 / 215 / 216 / 217 / 218 / 219 / 220
301 / 302 / 303 / 304 / 305 / 306 / 307 / 308 / 309 / 310 / 311 / 312 / 313 / 314
Season 4401 / 402 / 403 / 404 / 405 / 406 / 407 / 408 / 409 / 410 / 411 / 412 / 413 / 414
501 / 502 / 503 / 504 / 505 / 506 / 507 / 508 / 509 / 510 / 511 / 512 / 513

Opening Credits:  Greek Buck - Spunk
End Credits (101-106): Barry Harris (feat. Pepper Mashay) - Dive in the Pool 

Season 1

Episode 101
Aloof, The - So Good - Brian & Justin in bedroom
Black, Robin - More Effeminate Than You - Brian & Michael in Jeep
Chin, Meg Lee - Heavy Scene - Michael driving Jeep
Darude - Sandstorm - Brian exits Babylon, spots Justin
Full Frontal - You Think You're A Man - Brian & Justin in loft
JunkieXL - Synasthesia - time to find Brian
Katty B - Let's Hear It For The Boy - (101, 103) - 80's Night in Babylon 
McQueen, Bootsy - X-Hale Slowly - Guys leaving the hospital
Ruff Driverz - Deeper Love  - Justin on Liberty Ave
Small. Heather - Proud - Michel & Brian on roof ledge
Tamperer, The - Can You Feel It - Intro to Babylon

Episode 102
Chase, Michael - Liar Song - Michael talks football
Dandy Warhols, The - Sleep - Brian & Justin by car
Mike Drury - Dancin' (Like It's the Last Day of My Life) - Michael & Justin 
Greek Buck - Minimal Peach - (102, 105) - Michael in old room
Lawyer, The - I Wanna Mmm.. - Brian & client in the bathroom
Mastersource - Turn it Around - working out - sample only
Peer Music - Mambo Lupito  - Brian tells Swayze story
Prairie Oyster - Louisiette - Michael enters a sports bar
Tom Third - Freefall** (Nettwerk Records) - Justin in the locker room

Missing Songs:

Episode 103
Basement Jaxx - Bingo Bango - Ted in Babylon
DJ Matt C - Go 48 (Bass Mix) - Vic lends Justin his card
Flying Bukgar Klezmer Band, The - Ishai's Freylekh - The bris
Friburn & Urik - Take Me, Love Me (Squeeze Me Baby) - Justin & Daphne enter Babylon
Harris, Barry (feat. Pepper Mashay) - Dive in the Pool - Brian & Michael together
Katty B - Let's Hear It For The Boy - (101, 103) - Justin enters the dancefloor
Kinky Boyz, The - The Only Way is Up - Emmett, Brian, & Michael in Babylon
Mastersource - Walking in Wonderland - at the gym
Novy vs. Eniac - Superstar - Brian sees Mr. E again
O'range - The Music (Razor N Guido Club Mix) - Brian steps into the crowd
Peacock, Jeff - Up Yours - at the diner
Pod - Banana - Brian loses Mr. E. / Tracy spots Michael
Trigbag - Showtime - Brian sees Mr. E

Missing Songs:
Joe Quaranto - Here's a Little Something - Emmett finds Katsuo

Episode 104
DuMonde - Just Feel Free - Justin with Jennifer in the car
Erotimania - Digga Digga Daa - Boys at Liberty Diner
Fluke - Absurd  - Justin & Chris cleaning up
Iggy Pop & The Stooges - I Need Somebody - Brian at Babylon
Kristine W - Lovin' You - Michael sees pics at Ted's
See Spot Run - Weightless - Justin & Daphne in Justin's room
Touch and Go - Straight To Number One - Brian & Justin in Michael's room

Missing Songs:
Velvet - Blue Green - Michael & Emmett in Woody's

Episode 105
Da Hool - Eirchelruck - Brian & client (tire guy) in Babylon
Greek Buck - Minimal Peach - (102, 105) - Jennifer sees Debbie at the Diner
JunkieXL - Billy Club - Justin's art show at the GLC
Kinky Boyz, The featuring Kia - Sexy Boy - Michael & stranger sex / Brian holding Gus
Negro, Joey - Saturday - Jennifer enters Woody's
Pepe Deluxe - Everybody Pass Me By  - Michael getting ready for his date
See To Sky - Up Jumped the Boogie - chatting in the Liberty Diner
Speedbump - Deeper - Jennifer at Woody's
Webb, Roger - Continental Expressions - Dinner with David & Michael

Missing Songs:
Trigbag - Sunshine - Michael hot & bothered in Babylon's backroom

Episode 106
Abba - Dancing Queen - (106, 107) - Brian & Michael dance at Babylon
Albanese, Judy - You - Brian & Dr. Dave at Woody's
B*U - Summerfire - (106, 107) - Babylon
Baby Fox - Ladybird - Brian stares at Justin's sketch
Carter, Derrick - Life is Like a Circle - Ted & Emmett at Torso
DJ Matt C - The Struggle for Survival - Boys talking at the gym 
Shannon - Give Me Tonight - Michael messed up at Babylon
Soundblast - I Love - Debbie & Jennifer at Woody's 
Speedbump - Don
't You Love Me - Brian & Dr. Dave at Woody's

Missing Songs:
Dagmar Peckova - Sesto's Aria - Ted & Roger listen to music / make out / Ted alone

Episode 107
Abba - Dancing Queen - (106, 107) - Brian & Michael dance at Babylon
Gopher, Alex - Party People (107, 117) - Studs 'N Suds
Antiloop - Start Rockin - David dancing with Brian
B*U - Summerfire - (106, 107) - Babylon
H-Block - Punk Police  - Justin & Daphne in Tattoo parlor
H2SO4 - Little Soul - Craig in Justin's room / Brian & Justin having sex in loft
Jersey - Class War - Justin gets pierced
Luna Chique - Liquid Space - David tells Brian to let Michael go / end credits
Novy - I Rock - Michael gets relationship warning at Woody's
Yanko, Steve - Gemini - David & Michael in Liberty Diner

Missing Songs:
Bettina - Sexy - Michael & David see Brian dancing
Mick Maher - Lost Dawg - Brian in Jeep

Episode 108
Angel Moon - He's All I Want - Brian's loft - Brian & Justin at dinner - end credits
Bell, Carey - Teardrops - Brian's Loft - Justin watches Brian & Hotlanta
Chin - Anything - Liberty Diner - Debbie collapses 
Full Intention - Hustle Espanol - Woody's - Brian meets Hotlanta
Madonna - Don't Tell Me - Brian's Loft - Justin stays over
Sky - Superhero - Justin & Brian leave Justin's house

Missing Songs:
Luigi Sabatini - Certainly - Celebrating Michael's promotion at the Diner
Marc Ferrari - Turn It Round - Michael, Emmett, & Ted talk at gym
Mastersource - Just the Beat - Continued celebrating of Michael's promotion at the Diner
Tyler Yarema - For One More Day - Debbie's House - Debbie & Vic

Episode 109
A Digital Blonde - Heaven 99 - Babylon - "you made me spill my beer"
Azure - Kissy Kissy - Loft - Justin Homework
Cheechoo, Vern - Lonesome & Hurting - Brian & Jack at Legion Hall 
McNally, Shannon - Down And Dirty - Mel & Lindz in bed 
Palmer, Robert - Bad Case of Loving You - David asks Mikey to move in
Patria - Good Love - Pool at Woody's 
Stewart, Rod (N-Trance feat) - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?  - Em & Ted at Babyon

Missing Songs:

Episode 110
Ad Libs, The - Boy from NYC - Shots of NYC - Boys in NYC
Alacazar - Crying At The Discoteque - Woody's - Mysterious Marilyn
Ghost, Amanda - Filthy Mind (Mount Rushmore Mix) - Hotel - Brian & Justin
Em, Ted, & Mikey - Boy from NYC - Guys singing in the Jeep
Johanson, Jay Jay - Suffering - Dr. Dave's fantasy
Pepe Deluxe - Women In Blue - Liberty Diner - Boys in Diner

Episode 111
Bowie, David - Boys Keep Swinging - Boys walking down the street / end credits
Cardwell, Joi - Jump for Joi - birthday party (or possibly this version, the Santana & Bailey Mix)
Castelli, Crico - A Day in Copacobana - Ted & Mel talk in sex shop
Fantastic Plastic Machine - Disco at the End of the World - birthday party
Flex - Sweet Thing - the birthday party
Luna Chique - Silence - birthday party 
Stonebridge - I Like - birthday party
Supa Kings - Back 'N Forth - birthday party
Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle - birthday party

Episode 112
Groovecult Featuring Safiye - Bang To The Beat Of The Drum - David & Michael
House of Gypsies - Samba - Transitions
Mambo - Mambo Jambo - Justin is on to Brian
Sandy B - Feel Like Singing - Diner - Justin tries to play middle man
Tin Star - Disconnected Child - Michael & David in bedroom / Brian in alleyway
Van Helden, Armand - Egyptian Magician - Ted picks up "2nds"/ Man approaches Emmett
Velvet - Funky Dancer - Woody's - Brian & Ted

Episode 113
Beck - Beautiful Way  - Lesbian bar - Melanie smokes with Marianne
Davis Jr., Roy - Watch Them Come - Matt & Emmett at coffee shop
Greek Buck - Orgasm Edict - aka Track 10 - Melanie & Marianne in bedroom
Halo - Keep Reaching - Babylon - Boys talk Manrammer
Quincy Freak - Funky Noise - Babylon - Emmett makes panic phone call
Rinôçérôse - La Guitaristic House Organisation - Brian & Kip at his loft
Step Kings, The - Vibe - Brian & Kip in his office
Wild Strawberries - Careful - Lesbian baby party

Episode 114
Bryson, Peabo/Roberta Flack - Tonight, I Celebrate My Love for You - Emmett/Heather visualizing
Halo Varga - Future - Justin hits on Kip in alley / blackmails Kip
Love Inc. - Do Ya (Feel the Love) - Babylon - Ted & Mel discuss Emmett
McCoy, Van - Do The Hustle - Vic & Deb doing the Hustle
Mint Royale - Shake Me - credits
Murphy, Walter - A Fifth of Beethoven  - Michel / Dr. David "dance"
Tess - Viva L'Amour - Boys at Woody's

Episode 115
45 Dip - Green Tomatoes - Liberty Diner - Ted questions his predictability
def.con.cound.system - Cultural Year Zero.95 (Godzilla vs. D.C.S.S.)  - Leather demonstration
Fluke - Kitten Moon - Ted arrives at Dale's for fun
H2SO4 - I Need Feel - Ted opens the Door
Massiv - Who Am I (Peter's New York Club Edit) - Dale invites Ted to his place / fun in backroom
Rinocerose - Radiocapte - Liberty Diner - Guys hanging out
Smiths, The - How Soon is Now - Brian picks up Jack's picture - end credits
Stingly, Byron - U-Turn Me - Leather Ball

Missing Songs:

Episode 116
Gang of Four - I Parade Myself - Liberty Ave - Justin making enemies (Chris) - end credits
Halliwell, Geri - These Boots are Made for Walking - Babylon - Dyke Nite
Lai, Francis - Theme from A Man and A Woman - Dr. Dave pays, and pays, and pays again
Malina - By Your Side - The gang at Woody's
Touch & Go - Straight to Number One - Michael & Dr. Dave having fun

Missing Songs:
Jean-Michel Bernard/Alain Goldstein - Allo Depanneur - Lindsay's house - she's getting married
Mo Koffman - Devil's Brew - Dr. Dave & Michael argue / in restaurant
Rainbow Club - Treasure - Liberty Diner - Michael's no boytoy
Terry Day - C'est Ma Chanson D'Amour - Mel meets Guillaume - fantasy

Episode 117
45 Dip - Lizzie's Balloon - Mel & Lindz talk on couch
Basement Jaxx - Rendez-Vu - Brian & Justin outside - end credits
DeSilva, Rui - Touch Me - Party scene - Michael talks to David
Gopher, Alex - Party People (107, 117) - Party scene at David's - everybody is dancing
Mtrax - Trip Chick - Brian, Ted & Emmett at Liberty Diner
Top Cat - Feel Cool - Party at David's - Justin puts on new music

Missing Songs:
Jean Paul - Red Scarf - Party at David's House - Jazz Fusion
Luigi Sabatini - Ciao for Now - Deb's house - Michael addresses the group
Luigi Sabatini - Cu Cu Rru Cu Cu Paloma - Deb's house - everyone is eating
Phil Dwire - Max's Mambo - Party at David's House - Jazz 1

Episode 118
Boys Don't Cry - I Wanna Be a Cowboy - Boys at Babylon
from La Traviatta - Ah Forse Lui - Ted's Apt / can't find his wallet
Mindtrap feat. Louise Clark (Loni Clark)- Keep Rushin' - Babylon bathroom - Ted finds Blake
Mousse vs Hot N Juicy - Horny - Brian at The Baths
Pusaka (Chris Cox) - The Worst Thing for Me - Prowlers in towels at the Baths
Queen - Kind of Magic - Justin draws - end credits
Temperence - Forever Young - Babylon - Justin & Brian

Missing Songs:

Episode 119
Badly Drawn Boy - The Shining  - Brian bowls
Beck - Nobody's Fault But My Own (CC) - Brian bowls
Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be - Brian & Michael bowl
Crazy Town - Butterfly (CC) - Liberty Diner - Daphne's flirting with Justin
Creeper Lagoon - Wonderful Love - Daphne & Justin in his room
DJ Tomcraft - The Mission - Brian gets a phone call in bed
Kellee - My Love (Luvspunge HHL Remix) - this may be wrong version - Emmett warns Blake to stay away
New Pornographers, The - Mass Romantic - Pool - Daphne intro's Glenn
Sneaker Pimps - Spin, Spin Sugar - interior Babylon
T.O.S. - Only When I'm Late - Woody's - Justin gets advice on girls
Townsend, Fuzz - Auntie Tom's - Woody's - Justin gets advice on girls
Townsend, Fuzz - Hey Sister (Sister Brother) - Liberty Diner - Daphne's flirting with Justin
from La Traviatta - Damml Tu Forza, O Cielo - Ted rescues Blake
RCA Italiana Orchestra and Chorus - Giusto ciel! In tal periflio - The Funeral - Brian smokes

Missing Songs:
Darren Glover - Resign - Interior of CD store

Episode 120
2 Elements - Now That I Have Found You - Boys at Liberty Diner
12 Inch Boys - Big Thick Muscle - King of Babylon photo shoot
Bedrock - Heaven Scent (John Johnson Mix) - Babylon - Brent's welcome, Blake is not
Blur - Song 2 (techno mix) - Dr. Dave on stage
Book of Love - Boy - Babylon - Ted & Blake alone
Calderone, Victor - Are You Satisfied - Babylon - Emmett walks alone, cop dancer
Dillion & Dickens - Queers R Doin' It (Illicit Club Mix) - Justin steal's Brian's "prize" (Sean)
DJ Prince & Justin K - Got To Have - Fireman dancing - Brian's a jerk
English, Kim - Jumpin' and Bumpin' - Babylon - leather dancer - bathroom
Garbage - You Look So Fine - Brian sees Justin in the Backroom
Huevos Rancheros - What a Way to Run a Railroad - Babylon - fun in Bathroom
Operatica O - Melancholy Rose - Babylon - Dr. Dave surrounded - Justin plans
Plasmic Honey - Why Can't We See - Deb & Mel arrive in Babylon - Blake gets Vic's bail $$
Pope, Carole - High School Confidential - Babylon - Justin struts his stuff
Rosabel - The Power - Babylon - Ted wants to be with Blake
Those 2 - Get Wicked (The Freak & Mac Zimms Remix) - Babylon - Brian signs up - Sheba talks to Justin
Touch 'N Go - So Hot - David's bedroom - Michael requests a dance
Tchaikovsky - Les Mirlitons from "Nutcracker Suite" - Babylon - Emmet & Brent & dreams
from West Side Story - Pas de Deux - Babylon - Emmett spots Brent

Missing Songs:
Epicenter Music Library - Violin, Full Orchestra Speak - Liberty Diner - Em & Brent's final meeting
Megatrax Library - Hall of Heroes - Justin is crowned King of Babylon
Sopersound Library - Sunday in the Park - Men's bathroom in mall with Vic 
Tchaikovsky - Love's Theme:  Romeo & Juliet - Babylon - Emmett & Brent - 2 halves of same soul 
Tchaikovsky (Hamilton Philharmonic) - Pezzo In Forma di Sonatina from "Serenade for Strings" - Babylon - Emmett & Brent break up 

Episode 121
Adtrax - Stay - Atlas Awards - background music
Demics, The - New York City - Atlas Award - Brian & Adam on balcony
Fluke - Mosh - David & Michael phone call
Krall, Diana - I'm Just a Lucky So and So  - Store - Ted & Blake try clothes on
Oakes, Jamie - Go To The Water - end credits
Prima, Louis - The Music Goes 'Round and Around - restaurant phone call
Tarantella - Saturn - Boys at Woody's

Missing Songs:
Bizet - La Fleur Que Tu M'Avais (from Carmen)  - (Andrea Bocelli's version)- Blake comes on to Ted
from "Extreme Music" - Dent-A Dick - Atlas Awards - Brian gets trophy
Tom Third - The Conversation - Piano bar - Adam calls, Brian doesn't get the job

Episode 122
Basement Jaxx - Bingo Bango (Latin Mix) - The Prom
Colein, The - Spreading The Light - Boys at Babylon
Dano, Sal - Come Into Me - Boys at Babylon
Garabek, Jan with the Hilliard Ensemble, "Officium" - Parce Mimi Domine - Hospital - tail credits
Horton, Johnny - North to Alaska - Flannel party
Hylton, Jack & his Orchestra - Happy Feet (High Heels Mix by BLAM, remixed by Paul Mac) - Brian tries scarfing
King, Ben E. - Save the Last Dance - (122, 202) - Brian & Justin's Prom dance
Rogers, Stan - Watching the Apples Grow - Flannel party
Simpson, Veda - Oooh Baby (F**k Me, Baby) - countdown to 30
soulDecision - Faded (122, 202) - The Prom

Missing Songs:
Laura Roach - Lonesome Kitty Blues - Lindsay & Brian are shopping
Music Peoples Library - Buffalo Gals - Flannel party
Music Peoples Library - Deep Grief - Happy 30th
Offenbach (Les Contes d'Hoffmann) - C'est Une Chanson D-Amour - Blake comes home tweaked

Mega Mix - Season 1

Season 2

Episode 201
Darude - Feel the Beat (remix) - Justin freaks out on Liberty Ave
Go Go's, The - We Got the Beat - Lindsay proposes to Mel
Junkie XL - Love Like A Razorblade  - Justin freaks out on Liberty Ave
Moonface - Roton  - Woody's - newscast  of judge glued to toilet 
Paranoid Jack - Ya Slippin' (201, 204)- Emmett's Looking for a new roommate
Patrice, Elle - Rising - back at Babylon
Skindive - No More Good Guys - Brian drops Justin off - end credits

Missing Songs:
Byers, Bette - Court Music - The straight wedding - Linds, Mel, Ted, & Em attend
Jon-Sel (or Zenith)- 21st Century Man - Backroom - Michael finds Brian
Leroux, Alain - Menuetto in A Major - The straight wedding - Linds, Mel, Ted, & Em attend
Music People - BB My Baby - Lindsay proposes to Mel
Paranoid Jack - Ya Slippin' (201, 204)- Emmett's Looking for a new roommate
Stickman - Stick 79 (201, 202) - Em's looking for a new roommate

Episode 202
480 East - On the Strip - Michael & Em as naked waiters
Dears, The - Deathrow or Heathrow- Brian & Justin in the Jeep
King, Ben E. & the Drifters - Save the Last Dance for Me (122, 202)- Brian & Justin re-enact the Prom dance
Lhasa - De Cara a la Pared - Melanie says yes to Lindsay
Mandalay - Beautiful - the Boys at Babylon
Sigur Ros - Svefn-g-englar - end credits
Smokin' Joe - Feel the Rhythm  - Brian talks to a shrink at Woody's
soulDecision  - Faded (122, 202) - Brian & Justin re-enact the Prom dance

Missing Songs:
Inston, Paul - Nightmare - Justin's nightmare - Justin arrives at Brian's loft
Milkmen - Cream - Lnie dancing boys at Babylon
Stickman - 79 Stick (201, 202) - Boys at gym

Episode 203
Dining Rooms, The - Pure and Easy (from the DVD only) - Ted & Mikey see Bellweather at the BB party 
DJ LaFleche - Spanish Fly (Dee Main Mix) - Liberty Ave - Brian & Michael
Gorillaz - Man Research - the Bellweather BB orgy
Magnetic Fields - When My Boy Walks Down the Street  - Justin walks to Brian
Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes - Brian & Michael at comicon
Onephatdeeva featuring Lisa Millet - Bad Habits - Michael confronts Brian at Babylon
Stooges, The - Dirt -  Sex time - Brian & cop / Mel & Lindz
Stranglers, The - No More Heroes - end credits
Sugarpussy - We Like the Music - Woody's

Missing Songs:
Kai & the Warm Milk Boys - Dream in Stereo - Brian & Michael at comicon
Laliberte, Kevin - Some Day - Gay as Blazes dinner party
Music People, The - Nova Estrella 2 - Emmett has a new job
Music People, The - Q Link - Gay as Blazes theme song
Music People, The - To Joao - Emmett & Blaine (his employer)
Son on B - U Ready - Michael confronts Brian at Babylon

Episode 204
Abba - Chiquitita - Liberty Ave - shall we dance? (Brian & Justin)
Basement Jaxx - Romeo - Woody's - Ted meets someone
Daft Punk - One More Time - Brian's test is a success - Ted finds out
DJ Mike Cruz presents Inaya Day & Chino Ro - Movin' Up  - Brian shows Poole his new target
Fluke - Switch - Brian's new concept for drink label (Pool Boy) - photo shoot
Gypsymen, The - Babarabatiri - Pride parade - Brian & Ted
Harris, Barry - I Got My Pride - Babylon
Love Tribe - Stand Up - Babylon
Paranoid Jack - Ya Slippin' (201, 204) - Lindsay hands Gus to Brian
Ultra nate - Free - Pride opening - end credits

Missing Songs:
Matthaus - Need U - Lindsay hops on Mel's bike
Music People, The - Saturday Boogie - Brian's test is a success - Ted finds out
Pepper Mashay - You and Me - Babylon
Stickmen, The - Guacabourdes - Michael shows up in drag
Tina Tuna - La-Tina Tweek - Pride Parade - Brian & Ted
Wild Jam - You Love it - Brian's new concept for drink label (Pool Boy) - photo shoot

Episode 205
Crystal Method - Wild, Sweet & Cool - Michael wants a dream (Babylon)
Phunky Data - You  - Michael & Ted announce their dreams
Sloan - If It Feels Good Do It - end credits

Missing Songs:
Bottomley, John - Panic Wreck - Michael in Comic store - sorry, file is protected.  Gotta find a way around it.
Drag Kings - Follow That Dream - Mel & Lindz announce the wedding - Michael follows his dream
Extreme Music - Easy Tiger - Ted intervention... and a new job
Extreme Music - Swanky Panky - Ted in bed alone
Extreme Music - The Pussy Posse - Ted in bed alone (cont'd)
Hellen Keller - Cog - Michael asks Captain Astro for help - thoughtful Ted realizes his porn idea
Swinghammer, Kurt - Sketch - Justin/Michael
Trushell. Owen - Medicine Man - Michel & Ted announce their dreams
Sopersound - Soft & Warm - Michael in clown suit

Episode 206
Bizet - Carmen (Maria Callas) - The boys witness first hand... jerk@work
Crystal Method - The Name of the Game - Justin catches Brian in action
Gob - No Regrets - Michael arrives at college, and chickens out
Harris, Barry & Chris Cox - Fuck Me Harder (Thunderpuss Club Mix) - Fetch Dixon... a star is born
Hawksley Workman - Striptease - Split screen - street to comic store
Pepe Deluxe - Big Muff  - Em & Ted spot Zack O'Toole
Satoshi Tomiie - Sneaky One - Justin & Brian come to an agreement - end credits
Smiths, The - Unloveable - Debbie talks to Brian about Justin
Verdi - La Donna E Mobile - Em gets job on Ted's website

Missing Songs:
Extreme Music - Swingville Sashay - how big is your zucchini? 
Greek Buck - Ashtray - Justin confronts Brian
Lindy - Everywhere At Once - Ben makes Michael an offer
Sully - This Town's Called Crash - Debbie talks to Brian about Justin
Weekend, The - The Single - Diner - Emmett is invisible

Episode 207
B-52's, The - Love Shack - Mel & Lindz's party
Buzzcocks - Orgasm Addict - Emmett goes for the record
Marilyn Monroe - My Heart Belongs to Daddy - The debate's over - friends again
Rank 1 - Such is Life - Brian stirs up trouble... the gang meets

Missing Songs:
Dvorak, Anton - On The Holy Mountain - The lame party
Mozart - Larghetto - The lame party
Music People, The - The Thought of You - Lindz asks for money from her parents
Stryke - Santo Domingo - Brian stirs up trouble
Supers, The - A Stitch in Time - Comic book store
Wave Lab - Deep Into the Wave - Gang meets
Zulu - That Groove - Party preparations

Episode 208
John Alcorn - The Man I Love - Michael meets bachelors #1, 2, & 3
Fantastic Plastic Machine - Bachelor Pad - Brian shoots Michael
Handsome Devil - Tie Me Up - Justin spots Eric at the party - goes easy on Eric
IIO - Rapture - Brian & Justin forget everyone else
Paul Mac - Heat Seeking Pleasure Machine - Brian encourages Justin to go to the party
Morgan Page - Pathways - Brian is feeling his age
Pepe Deluxe - Before You Leave  - Michael has a Ben vision

Missing Songs:
John Alcorn - I'll Know - Michael thinks Ben is his match
Fuzz Townsend - Fashion Boy, Fashion Girl - Brian shoots Michael
Gershwin - The Man I Love (reprise) - end credits
Megatrax - Love's Tender Fury - Emmett arrives at mansion
Schubert - Quartet No. 13 Op. 29 - Burgers in the limo
Vibrolux - Turns to Gold - Justin kisses Eric

Episode 209
Aubrey - Stand Still - Bath house - Babylon
Bull Moose Jackson - Get Off the Table, Mabel  - in Debbies house, Michael brings home Brian
DJ Serious - The Enlightening - Brian visits mom - basketball game
Pet Shop Boys - Break for Love (Peter Rauhofer Mix) - Michael's sure about Ben - Babylon - end credits
Raje - Worship You - Backroom of Babylon

Missing Songs:
Bull Moose Jackson - You Been Doin' to Him What I Wish You Were Doin' To Me - Dinner at Debbie's
Megatrax - Romantic Moment - Ted's condo - morning hard-on
Music People, The - In The Chapel - Brian goes to church
Zeroid - Music - Brian goes to confession

Episode 210
Chemical Brothers - Out of Control - Brian ignores Justin's warning
Delerium - Underwater - Emmett introduces George to the gang
Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice - Brian gives Captain Astro's eulogy
Michelle Shocked - Good News - Mel & Lindz fight about the wedding
Soft Boys, The - I Wanna Destroy You - Captain Astro is dead 
Wide Life - I Don't Want You - Emmett & George dance

Missing Songs:
Dvorak - Spring Song - Banquet Hall - Mel & Lindz taste food
Jayn Hanna - Lost - Ben & Michael's candlelight vigil
Mitch Magonet - Piano Medley - Emmett meets George's ex-wife
Millenium Project - Shades of Youth - Lindz & Mel bicker over the newspaper

Episode 211
Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl  - Stagette - Mysterious Marilyn
Celeda - Let the Music Use You Up - The White Party - end credits
DJ Rage - Gimme the Beat - Babylon
kd lang - Simple - Wedding extro
Sarah McLachlan - Touch - Wedding intro

Missing Songs:
Eddie Baez - Eddie's Beats - Brian has nothing to wear
Emperor's Quartet, The - Valse Lente - George shows Emmett the room
Pat Hodges - You Make Me Feel Good (Love Machine Disco Filter Dub) - Woody's, Brian wins a prize 
Music People - Zouloumania - Michael buys the statue
Slapheadz - Comaphobia - Brian in the tanning bed

Episode 212
Balligomingo - Purify - Rain - Ted off the A-Gay list
Crystal Method - Roll It Up - Babylon
Folk Implosion, The - My Ritual  - Ted at Rypt gym
Miguel Graca - Pineapple - Ted & Emmett at Rain
Karmadelic - Nothingness 
Konk West - Portabello Swing (DVD only) - Ted at Rypt gym
Kosheen - Hide U - Babylon -end credits
Ian Pooley - Caracao Tambor - Ted bores the guests with his conversation

Missing Songs:
JT Donaldson & Chris Nazuka - Leading the Quiet Life - Ted's in A-Gay heaven 
Falco Porn Music - Falco Porn Music - Debbie & Jennifer search the bath houses
Science Dept. - Breathe - Ted, Em, Mel, & Lindz eat at Rain
Way Out West - Intensify - Ted's in A-Gay heaven

Episode 213
Axwell - Dem Wicked Sounds - Diner - Jennifer tells Justin the bad news
Orlando Careca - I'm a Sex Machine - Justin looks for a new job
Deborah Cox - Absolutely Not (Hex Hector Mix) - Babylon - The Angel Ball
DJ Diciple - Caught Up -
Babylon - Justin's wants to do it alone
Ladytron - This is Our Sound - Jeep - Brian offers to help Justin
Ron Sexsmith - These Days - Diner - the boys discuss Debbie's flame
Ron Sexsmith feat. Chris Martin from Coldplay - Gold in Them Hills - End Credits
Andy Stochansky - Here Nor There -
Int. Brian's Loft - Justin can take care of himself

Missing Songs:
Divina Devore - Cheek to Cheek -
Babylon - The Angel Ball
Divina Devore - One of the Girls - Divina turns the boys down
Valerie M - Show Me Love - Woody's - Ted needs a big attraction

Episode 214
Dears, The - Autonomy - Justin working on art projects
Robin Black - Some of You Boys  -
Boys get pulled over
Paul Goodyear - Take Me to Heaven -
Brian and Justin in bed together / End credits
Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show -
after hours party at Gary's
Morel - True (The Faggot is You) (Deep Dish Mix) - Emmett's finale / going-away party
Primal Scream - Exterminator -
Gary tries to loosen up Justin

Missing Songs:
Miguel Graca - Blue Berry - Woody's
S.O.L.I.S. - Dolphins (Desert's Mashed Mix) - Babylon - Justin's working
Jim Witter - All My Life - Debbie & Horvath have dinner

Episode 215
Black Market Audio - Get Down -
Michael & Justin hard at work
Gus Gus - Teenage Sensation -
More ideas at the comic store, Brian in bed, waiting for Justin
Peaches - Sucker -
Leda moving in
Yello - Oh Yeah -
Mikey & Justin brainstorm / Rage is born / End Credits

Missing Songs:
Afro Cuban Band - Bang Bang (Eddie Baez 3 a.m. Mix) -
Mikey, Brian and Justin doodling at Babylon
Michael Chase - Liar Song -
Diner, Mikey and Justin decide to make a comic
Extreme Music - Cheezy Intro -
Porn Awards
Extreme Music - Nanu Nanu -
Porn Awards
kinnder - BDL -
Mikey and Justin see the damage at the loft, Diner
kinnder - Cristal -
Brian is pissed, literally!
Twelve Tone - Freedom (Andy & The Lamboy Progressive Club Mix) - Woddy's -
Mikey and Justin angry with Brian

Episode 216
Charlatans UK - Love Is The Key (2:41) - Loft - Lindsay gives Brian a guilt trip
Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar - Brian doesn't do birthdays
Dears, The - C'etait Pour La Passion - Michael tells the guys about the party
Konk West - And Now... Bass - Ted misrepresenting his work to Luke
Monchico - Monchico 3 (Evil P Remix) - Ted tells the guys he lied
Rufus Wainwright - Poses - Brian stops to smell the roses / end credits

Missing Songs:
H. Wienawsky (performed by Lance Oullette) - Scherzo Tarentella - Brian get's Justin a gift after all / Justin gets cultured (meets Ethan)
KC Accidental - Is and of The - Ben explains his behavior / Justin thinks of someone
The Reverend Brad & the Rainbow Voices - Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Emmett & the healing power of song
Paganini (performed by Lance Oullette) - Cantible - Justin visits Ethan, sparks fly / Justin listen's to Ethan's CD
Kurt Swinghammer - Cold War - Ted & Luke's quality time together
Music People, The - First Love - surprise party, Emmett greets guests "gay-sha" style
Music People, The - Shogun - Guests arrive at Ben's party, Ben arrives

Episode 217
Alpinestars (feat. Brian Molko) - Carbon Kid - Brian's photo shoot
Funk 198 - Next Freak - Babylon - Justin asks Brian to go away with him
Maow - Wank - Diner - Melanie & Lindsay's sex issues
Placebo - Taste in Men - Brian and Leo Brown's assistant / arrival at the Harvard Club
Queen - Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Brian leaves Babylon alone
V.I.P. - Ibiza (Manny's Tribal Mix) - Babylon - Justin asks Brian to go away with him / Outside Babylon - the boys gather

Missing Songs:
Freeplay Library - Smooth Sailing - ATM Bank Machine
k.o.t. - I Want You (For Myself) (Luke Fair remix) - Woody's - 10 Million Dollars
Mambo Mambo - Perfidia Mambo - Emmett has gifts for everyone
Tom Third - Winter - Mel, Linds, & Leda 3-way

Episode 218
Basement Jaxx - Get Me Off - Brian gets inspiration in the backroom at Babylon
Cure, The - Lovesong - Justin & Ethan / End Credits
Filter - The Best Things - Brian's answer to "did you miss me?"
Flashlight Brown - Patricia - Debbie finds out about Ben
Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Dorfmeister Mix) - Justin tries to convince Brian to have a romantic evening
Tricky - Evolution, Revolution, Love - Justin arrives home to find Brian with "the catch of the day"

Missing Songs:
Blue Pill - Body - Ted & Mel try to get Emmett to settle
Chinois Kreisler as performed by Lance Oullette - Le Tambourin (218, 219) - Justin & Daphne run into Ethan
J.S. Bach (Lance Oullette) - Pre Ludio (218, 219) - Ethan practices, Justin shows up to collect his song
L. Massenett (Lance Ouellette) - Meditation from Thais - Ethan plays for Justin
Steve Gray - Jazz Club - Justin & Ethan have a picnic on the floor
Yuri Gorbachow - Overtone Singing - Ben cooks Tibetan dinner

Episode 219
Kevin Aviance - Alive (Calderone House Mix) - Post game drinks & straight kissing at Woody's
BLHIII Feat 80 - Marscarter (Morel's Pink Noise remix) (10:01) - Brian takes Justin on
Chemical Brothers - Surrender - Ted is Brian for a Day - fantasy version / reality version
EMF - Unbelievable - Bowling alley - Ben's unbelievable
Sarah McLachlan - Plenty - aftermath / end credits
Kim Mitchell - Rock'n Roll Duty  - Bowling alley - The Liberty Balls practice
Guido Osario - Werkin (B-side) - Babylon - Michael tries to talk to Brian about Justin
Placebo (feat. David Bowie)- Without You I'm Nothing - Brian follows Justin into the shower
Stampeders, The - Sweet City Woman - Bowling alley - cops & queers
Edgar Winter - Free Ride - Bowling alley

Missing Songs:
J.S. Bach (Lance Oullette) - Pre Ludio (218, 219) - Intercut - Justin & Ethan
Noak Frank & Mark de Breyne - 44xx - Torso - Ted thanks Brian, returns bracelet / Emmett consoles Ted
Chinois Kreisler as performed by Lance Oullette - Le Tambourin (218, 219) - Michael finds out about Justin & Ethan
Morel - Cabaret (part two) - Brian finds out what really turns Ted on
P.I.C. - Hiphopunkfunkmamboska - Ted loves his work
Beau Randall - Summertime Nashville - Debbie defends gay bowlers

Episode 220
Barthezz - Infected (Mark's Basstoy Mix) - Emmett sees Ted in a new light
Bjork - Human Behavior (The Underworld Mix) - Justin leaves with Ethan / end credits
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Ben decides not to go away
Gavin Froome Ript - Bostonion  - Gym - Michael tells Ben his news
Kim English - Every Day (Hex Hector & Mac Quayle Club Mix) - the gang arrives at Babylon
Psychadelic Waltons - Wonderland - Brian, Justin & Michael
Ultra Nate - I Don't Understand It  - Vic understands what Ben's going through

Missing Songs:
Bellini - A Te, O Cara (from I Puritani) - Emmett lets Ted down easy
Jerome - En Fuite - Ted tells Emmett about his feelings
Lance Oullette - 5th Ascent - Ethan won't play second fiddle to Brian
Mike Shepstone - B B My Baby - Torso - Ted & Emmett
Mitch Magonet - Gayopolis Theme - Rage is on stage
Noah's Art - Shining Star - Ben leaves the Diner

Song on the S2 soundtrack, but not found in the season:
Etta James - Miss You

Season 3

Episode 301
Capitol K - Anon - Justin in the loft
DJ Tiesto feat. Suzanne Palmer - 643 Loves On Fire (Oliver Lieb Mix) - Brian & Mikey dance at Babylon
Joel Plaskett Emergency, The - Maybe We Should Just Go Home - Comic book store / Miclael sells off the last of Rage
Platters, The - The Magic Touch - Ted prepares the "toys" for Emmett
Sigur Ros - The Nothing Song (aka njosnavelin) - Brian & the hustler / end credits
Suzanne Palmer - Back to Babylon - Show Me (Michael T. Diamond Mix) -Back to Babylon

Missing Songs:
? - Ethan seranades Justin 'Good Morning'
? - Woody's
? - Woody's - Brian & the 2 Bears
? - Party - the big hit

Episode 302
Body 2 Body - Let's Get Intimate (Jamie's Carnival Mix) - Brian at the Underwear Party / end credits
Mia - Woman (early remix) - Babylon - Brian dances alone / end credits
Paganini - Etude No. 3 "La Campanella" - Rondo - Ethan plays on the street
Snitches, The - Right Before My Eyes - Brian on the computer

Missing Songs:
? - opening scene - Brian fucking trick, imagines it's Justin
? - night out at Babylon
? - Clothing store - Brian gives Emmett the "Grandfather" clause
? - comic book store - invite to the underwear party
? - Brian kidnaps Mikey
? - Gym - Ted finds out about Dijon

Episode 303
Barbara Walker - Here Comes the Morning - Mel, Lindsay, & Brian at the bar
Danny Michel - Newton's Apple - Justin & Ethan in the apartment
DJ Darkzone - Watching You - entering the GLC Carnival
Hidden Cameras, The - A Miracle - Justin & Ethan in the apartment
M Factor (Dirty Vegas Vocal Mix) - Mother Are You Ready to Play - Brian at Babylon
Sam Roberts - Brother Down - Brian & Mikey get high
Soundtrack of Our Lives - Infra Riot - Brian buys the 'Vette / Brian takes the trick for a ride / end credits
Souvernance - Having' A Good Time (Sound DeZign Kickn' Ass Mix) - Justin shows up at the Carnival

Missing Songs:
? -  Ben works out
? - Ethan's friends party
? - Butt-hole bingo
? - Justin leaves the party
? - Carnival - Ted, Em, & Mikey play, Ben shows up

Episode 304
Cassius - The Sound Of Violence (Dancefloor Killa Mix) - Final scene
Datsuns, The - Sittin' Pretty - Brian in Elevator with moving guy
Divine - Native Love (Step By Step) - Emmett cooking
Narcotic Thrust - Safe from Harm (Radio Edit) - not Peter Rauhofer Mix - Brian & Ted talking at Babylon
Luciano Pavarotti - Requiem - Ted & Emmett have dinner at home
The Four Tops - Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) - Watching the movers

Missing Songs:
Automagic feat. Nashom - I'll Be Here - Woody's - Ted & Em decide to find a place together- have it, need to upload

Not by Choice - Standing All Alone - John walks into his house - have it, need to upload
? - Mr. Sperm doner pagent
? - comic book store
? - Ben starts taking steroids

Episode 305
Aqua - Barbie Girl - Babylon - Ted & Em discuss houses
Dwight Yoakum - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Mikey, Lindsay, & Mel waiting at the clinic / Mikey running with the cup to Mel & Lindsay's house
Henryk Wieniawski - Scherzo-Tarantelle Op. 16 - Ethan plays at the Heifetz Competition
Rosemary Clooney - Come On-a My House - Jen shows Ted & Em houses
Tilt feat. Maria Naylor - Headstrong (Relentless Vocal Mix) -  Justin & Brian in the backroom / end credits
Umek - Voice 4 - Brian fucking in the bathroom

Missing Songs:
? - Ethan plays in the park
? - Gang at Woody's

Episode 306
Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 5 - Justin sees Ethan's true colors
Broken Social Scene - Stars and Sons - Brian & Mikey in the loft
Underworld - SolaSistim - Woody's - Brian & Justin / end credits

Missing Songs:
? - Mikey spies on Brian getting sucked
? - Outside Babylon
? - Brian makes the new commercial of Stockwell
? - Teddy's "wack shack" gets ready for inspection

Episode 307
Gioia Bruno - From The Inside (Junior Vasquez Mix) - Babylon backroom - Brian & Justin / end credits
Portishead - Sour Times (screener)

Missing Songs:
? - Brian & Stockwell play racketball

Episode 308
Broken Social Scene - Lover's Spit - Brian & Justin make up / end credits
Deborah Cox - Mr. Lonely (Hex Hector Vocal Mixshow Edit) - Babylon - Justin's looking for Brian
Roc Project, The feat. Tina Arena - Never (Past Tense) (Tiesto Mix) - Babylon - Brian & Justin at the bar (Justin: "Oh, I love this song.")
Sneaker Pimps - Loretta Young Silks - Justin at Daphne's - missing Brian

Missing Songs:
? - working out at the gym - Ben & Mikey
? - Ted on his back at home
? - art gallery party

Episode 309
Bee Gees - Disco Inferno
Colourful Karma - For the Music (Guido Osorio Mix) - Woody's - Brian playing darts
Kristine W - Fly Again (Scumfrog Club Edit Mix) - Brian & Justin head for the backroom
Matthew Good Band - Weapon - Brian & Justin in bed
NamTrak vs Chris Zippel - Viva Colombia (Cha Cha) - opening scene at Babylon - "Greatest reunification since Germany"
Pete Townshend - Rough Boys - Brian with trick / end credits
Tim De Luxe - It Just Won't Do - Woody's - Jacob (stripper)
Trammps, The - Disco Inferno - Woody's - Matthew (stripper)

Missing Songs:
? - Brian & Stockwell working on the commercial
? - Diner - Debbie rescues Horvath from the "pink plate special"
? - Ted waiting at the party
? - drunken Ted goes crazy in front of everyone waiting at home for him

Episode 310
Murk vs Kristine W - Some Lovin' (Peter Rauhofer Mix) - Babylon - Brian & Justin dancing
Tricky - Mellow - Ted in motel getting high
Antonio Vivaldi - Mandolin Concerto in C Major - Ted driving to "Paradise"
Yoko Ono - Walking On Thin Ice (Danny Tenaglia Club Mix) - Babylon - backroom closed / Brian helps Justin / end credits

Missing Songs:
? - Justin putting up his own Stockwell posters

Episode 311
Georgie Porgie - Love's Gonna Save the Day - Woody's
Howie Beck - The One You Wanted - Debbie & Brian getting high
Iio - At The End (The Scumfrog Remix) - Babylon - Emmett & Mikey look for Ted
Johnny Marr & The Healers - Bangin' On - Brian & Justin at the loft, talking about the new Stockwell poster
Low Fidelity AllStars - Battleflag (Radio Edit) - Babylon - Brian takes back the backroom / end credits
Republica - Ready To Go - Brian & Justin having sex at the loft

Missing Songs: 
? - Ted, Em & Vic at home / Ted wants to go out
? - Em, Lindsay, & Mel at the diner

Episode 312
Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy (Run Away) - Hustler Bar - Brian talks to the cop
Gotan Project - Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre) - Loft - the "Party"
Live on Release - I'm Afraid of Britney Spears - Red Cape comics - Brian meets Hunter
Massive Attack - Future Proof - Bar - Brian & Justin / Mikey & Ben worry / Hunter picks up the cop / end credits
Mozart - Queen of the Night Aria - Emmett cleaning windows / Ted & Em drinking wine
Prodigy - Baby's Got a Temper - Babylon - backroom closed again

Missing Songs:
? - Woody's - Mikey, Em & then Ted talk
? - Hunter on the street

Episode 313
Kosheen - Hungry (DJ Tiesto vocal mix) (6:29) - Woody's - Brian & Justin / end credits
Vast - Touched - Ted's "party"

Missing Songs:
? - Diner - Brian, Horvath, & Deb talk
? - Bar - Brian & the Cop
? - Restaurant - Em & Tweaked-out Teddy

Episode 314
Amon Tobin - Marine Machines - Ted wakes up to see a porn of himself
Chemical Brothers - Where Do I Begin - Ted checks into rehab
Comas, The - Sweet Sweet 69 - Mel & Linds having sex
INXS - Tight (Thick Dick Vocal Mix) - Babylon - Brian & Em dancing
Muse - Feeling Good - opening scene - cops on Liberty Ave.
New Order - True Faith (Pet Shop Boys Remix) - celebration in the streets / end credits

Missing Songs:
? - Woody's - before Brian's ad against Stockwell

Other Stuff:
This is from a promo or a screener (not widely released)....
Judy Cheeks - Reach (Tommy Musto Club Mix) - promo
Pnau - Follow Me (RadioEdit) - screener, repl by Cassius - Justin returns Brians bracelet (stolen by nephew)
Ten CC - I'm Not in Love - 306 screener, repl by Sola Sistim

Season 4

Credit Song - Burnside Project - Cue The Pulse To Begin

Episode 401
Mildred Bailey - There'll be Some Changes Made - from "Squeeze Me! Big Hits from a Great Lady" - Shanda Leer sings
Eydie Gorme - What I Did for Love - Woody's - Shanda Leer sings
Julie London - Cry Me A River - Shanda Leer sings
Anne Nesby (Boris & Beck Dark Mix) - Shelter - Woody's - Brian, Justin, & Emmett
Simone - Haven't I Cried Enough (Widelife Lukas K Edit) - Babylon - Brian & Justin

Missing Songs:
Helen Forrest - I Only Have Eyes for You - from "I Wanna Be Loved" - Shanda Leer sings / Brian talks to clients
Lena Horne - It's Gonna Be a Great Day - Shanda Leer sings / Darren's bashing
?? - Michael & Ben making love
?? - Mikey & Hunter
?? - Ted & Emmett

Episode 402
Collide - White Rabbit - Emmett tripping while wandering in the woods
Eels - Love Of The Loveless - Blake & Ted - Ted leaves rehab
Junior Senior - C'mon - Naked volleyball
Panjabi MC - Mundian to Bach Ke (Motivo Hi-Electro Remix) - Babylon - Emmett dances, guys celebrate
Robbie Rivera feat. Billy Paul - Sex - Brian at 'Slings and Eros' / Gym - Brian, Ben, Hunter
Thunderpuss & Barnes - Welcome To My Head (Barry Harris Mix) - Loft - Justin drawing
To My Surprise - Get It To Go - Justin & Cody - end credits

Missing Songs:
Andrea Menard - Sonny Makes Me Sunny - Justin at Darren's apartment

Episode 403
Amuka - Appreciate Me (Peter Rauhofer Mix) - Babylon - Emmett dancing / Michael & Brian try to talk to Emmett
Doves - The Cedar Room - Bath house - Jen shows Brian his new office
ECT - Junk Odyssey (Original Mix) - Pink Posse on patrol / Loft - Brian & Justin having sex
Kosheen - Wasting my time (Decoder and Substance Mix) - Babylon - Emmett & Michael at the bar, making up
Placebo - Special Needs - Loft - Brian/Justin - Brian has concerns about "this Cody"
Un Cut - Understanding The New Violence - end credits

Missing Songs:
Leon Cavallo's I Pagliacci - Vesti la glubba - Restaurant - Ted the Singing Waiter
Puccini's La Boheme - Che gelida manina - Ted tries out for SInging Waiter
Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Largo al factotum - Bad singer tries out
Verdi's Rigoletto - La donna e mobile - Restaurant - Ted can't sing in front of his friends

Episode 404
Dandy Warhols - You Come In Burned - Justin & Cody in the alley / end credits
Ima Robot - Scream - Woody's - Brian & Michael playing pool
Lemon Jelly - In The Bath - Loft - Brian & Justin wrestling
Marilyn Monroe - I Wanna Be Loved by You (From Some Like it Hot) - Deb, Michael, Hunter, & Ben watching a movie
NERD - Rock Star (Jason Nevins Remix) - Justin & Cody outside the straight club

Missing Songs:
Rigoletto - La donna e mobile - Restaurant - Ted, the Singing Waiter

Episode 405
Circlesquare - 7 Minutes - Daphne talks to Brian / Justin looking at the target / end credits
Kodo - Strobe's Manafushi (Satori Mix) - Gladiator dance at Babylon
Mellowdrone - Beautiful Day - Michael at Red Cape Comics

Missing Songs:
?? - Ben & Mikey at the diner
?? - Justin, Cody, and Daphne
?? - Deb shows up at Vic's dinner party

Episode 406
Dub Pistols - Six Million Ways to Live (Black Forest Mix) - Brian & Justin at Babylon
Goldfrapp - Train - Woodys - Justin picking up "The Bet" trick / Brian leaving Deb's alone
Mogwai - Christmas song - Emmett reads Ted's letter / Brian and "The Bet" trick at Babylon
Mark Oliver (The Guvernment) - London 909 - Sex, Drums and Alcohol - Babylon - Brian is told he has a lump / end credits
Organic Audio - Good To Go - Brian & Justin at the gym
Warlocks - Baby Blue - Justin, Ben & Mikey at Red Cape Comics

Missing Songs:
?? - Kinnetik launch party

Episode 407
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Shade of Blue - Babylon / Ted goes in search of a little "Tina"
The Crystal Method - I Know It's You - Brian's countdown / end credits
Gentleman Reg - Statement - Brian & Justin reading fortune cookies at the loft
Brenda Lee - Rock'n Around the Christmas Tree - Shanda Leer sings / Christmas party for Vic
Made by Monkeys - I Try [Peter Rauhofer Remix] - Babylon / Scan of Brian's testicle
Angel Moraes - Tribal Function (That Kid Chris Mix) - Justin & Emmett at Babylon
Singapore Sling - Nuthin' Ain't Bad - Loft - Justin tries to "spice" things up for Brian

Missing Songs:
Nat King Cole - Joy to the World - Deb gets out the Christmas decorations
Anne Murray - Joy to the World/O Come All Ye Faithful - Christmas Party for Vic / angel breaks

Episode 408
Ambulance LTD - Primative - Brian & Michael smoking a joint
Victor Calderone Vs Mauro MBS - Deep Dark Jungle (unreleased) - Babylon - Brian on the prolw
Controller Controller - Watch - Brian & Justin driving to PIFA
Murk - Time (Scumfrog Mix) - Babylon - Wet Willy contest / Comic book store
Secret Society - Stolen (John Selway Mix) - Kinnetik meeting
Suede - Attitude - end credits
Tall Blonde - Don't Stop - Michael crying over Brian
Village People, The - Y.M.C.A. - Babylon - Vic's heaven

Missing Songs:
?? - Justin & Michael meet with Keller
?? - Comic book store

Episode 409
Andrea Menard - If I Were A Man - Darren as Shanda Leer
King Biscuit Time - I Walk The Earth - end credits
Proles - Man In The Middle -  Red Cape Comics - Hunter & Michael

Missing Songs:
?? - Ted seals the deal for Dandy Lube
?? - Emmett confronts Mr. Boyd
?? - Woody's - Deb & Em

Episode 410
Electrelane - On Parade - Red Cape Comics - Justin & Mikey
Fluke - Zion (MatrixReloaded) - Emmett & Drew score a touchdown!
Origene - Sanctuary - Babylon - Brian finds Justin
REO Speedwagon - I Can't Fight This Feeling - end credits
TV on the Radio - Satellite - Steam room - Brian

Missing Songs:
Uncut, The - St. Petersburg - Ben at Anthony's apartment

More Coming soon!

Season 5

Episode 501
Bucci Bag - More Lemonade (Scissor Sisters Sticky Tits Mix) - Pool party in CA, Brian & Justin talk on the telephone
Duran Duran - Reach Up For The Sunrise (Peter Presta Apple Jaxx Mix) - Ending Credits
Fatboy Slim - Jin Go La Ba - Police close down Babylon's backroom
Sherri Lea - Anyway (Hex Hector Club Mix)
The boys at Ript Gym, Teddy's getting chubby
Utada - Devil Inside (Richard Vission Experience) -
Brian and Michael dancing at Babylon (opening scene)

Missing Songs:
? - Movie Studio - Justin, Connor & Brett
? - Baby Babylon - apartment next to Ben & Michael

Episode 502
DV Roxx - Hardcore Mutha Fucka - Babylon re-opens and nobody comes  
Groove Terminator - Here Comes Another One - Brian/Justin reunion sex
Debby Holiday - Dive (Chris Cox Club Anthem) - Ted at Popperz
Jacynthe - Look Who's Crying Now - Justin talks about Hollywood at the diner
Scissor Sisters - The Skins - Justin and Connor at the dance club in L.A.
Superpitcher - Fever - Ending Credits
Richard Wagner - Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin - Emmett saves his client's wedding from disaster
RuPaul - Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous - Ted contemplates plastic surgery
Voxlab - The Sound - Justin comes home/Brian fucking
Max Walder - Samba Del Costa -
Brian & Ted at Babylon / Michael & Ben at their new house

Missing Songs:
? - Ted in the Salon

Episode 503

Commander Tom - Attention (Jan Driver Remix) - Brian & Justin celebrate at Babylon / Ending Credits
DJ Will Beats - Insanity (Original Mix) - Justin, Brian and Ted at Babylon - Buy Ya a Drink?
The Elected - Don't Get Your Hopes Up -
Opening Scene at Babylon, Art performance
Enzo Mori & Stephen Clark - Got The Feel - Brian, Justin & Ted toast just before they let the "beautiful people" into Babylon
Fierce & Coppola - Make You Love Me (Taras Pumpin' Club Mix) - Michael and Debbie talk at the diner - Deb's Going Away party
Loleatta Holloway - Stand Up (Audiowhores Edit Mix) - Michael, Ben & Brian at Woody's
Kayle - Fed Up - Ted & Emmett, Justin & Deb - talk at Liberty Diner
Paranoid Jack - Acid Fixx - The boys at Ript Gym - Emmett isn't Queer enough?
The Special Guests - Halfway There - Debbie trains Loretta
The Sun - Valentine - Brian & Justin at the loft - What would Brian do without his Sunshine?

Missing Songs:
? - Painting New House - Justin, Ben & Michael
? - Babylon - Line Outside
? - Babylon - Still Here, Still Queer!

Episode 504
The Burdocks - Save The World - Red Cape Comics
D1 feat. Lisa Hunt - Joint Is Jumpin' (Twisted Dee & Jayito Mix) - Hard Hero's Night at Babylon / Ending Credits
The Golden Dogs - Birdsong - Ted, Emmett & Debbie at Liberty Diner (low quality 56 kps)
Marilyn Manson - Personal Jesus - Brian, Justin and two other guy having an orgy
David Morales feat. Lea Lorien - How Would U Feel (Stereo Anthem Mix) - Debbie & Loretta doing shots at Woody's
Mark Rae - Gato - Ted dreams of Brian

Missing Songs:
HipJoint feat. Tania Hancheroff - Can't Stop Laughing - Ted & Emmett at Liberty Diner
? - New House - Mikey & Ben
? - Dinner with The Couples

Episode 505
Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights - Justin and Daphne babysitting Jenny Rebecca
Gerling - Who's Ya Daddy? - Jenny Rebecca gets passed around between her 3 parents
Inaya Day - Hold Your Head up High (Jeff Poirier Club Mix) - Brian and Emmett at Babylon - syphilis news spreads
Lazyboy - Police Dogs Bonfire - Justin cooking at the loft - Brian announces he has syphilis
Lesbians On Ecstasy - Bitchsy - Emmett and Ted at the dyke bar
Paranoid Jack - Drumspeak - Ben and Brian at Ript Gym
Piliavin & Zimbardo - The Lick -
Brian shows Justin the VIP room
Thick Dick (A.K.A. E-Smoove) - Tweekin - Michael and Ben leaving Woody's, Michael remembers
U.N.K.L.E. - Awake the Unkind - Hunter walks into school as everyone stares at him

Missing Songs:
Jacknife Lee - Want - Ending Credits, Justin upset & drawing
Jere McAllister - Get It Right - Michael and Ben at Woody's - Ted looks fabulous! on S5 soundtrack
From Leon Boelimann's "Suite Gothique" - Toccata - Ted in the dark at his apartment
? - Babylon - Justin & Em
? - Diner - Deb let's down Loretta

Episode 506
Steve Angello - The Look (D. Ramirez Mix) - Babylon - Ted gives weekly fucklist, Brian gets rejected in the backroom
Benny Benassi - Satisfaction - Brian is turned down at the group party by a trick for Brandon
Charlatans UK - My Beautiful Friend - Brian in the restaurant bathroom with Brandon
Cut Copy - Going Nowhere - End Credits
Elefant - Misfit - Justin and Michael at Red Cape Comics
Richard Grey featuring Golden Touch - Love Is All We Need (Hott 22 Remix) - Gym - Ted hooks up with Troy
Astrid Suryanto & Dave Micalizzi - More And More (Chus & Ceballos Mix) - Woody's - Brian & Justin - What's Your Problem?

Missing Songs:
Atomic Cyanide - Intravenus Spiral - Deb takes control in the diner
Saint Pete & Robeter Prods - Can't Stop This Feeling - Ted remembering the pity fuck
? - Em at the mall greeting fans

Episode 507
Client - In It For The Money (Client vs. The Zip Remix) - Babylon – Brian kicks Brandon out
Fierce & Jez - Where Love Lives - Gym – Brian, Ted & Em
Geri Halliwell - Ride It (Hex Hector Mix) - Babylon – Ted dumps Troy
Holly James - Touch It (Wally Lopez Weekend Mix) - Brian scopes out Babylon
Carl Kennedy - The Love You Bring (Lee Cabrera Vocal Mix) - Babylon – Brian, Ted & Em
Fern Kinney - Groove Me - Woody's – Brandon confronts Brian – The Challenge is on
Marmoset - Shatter The Lovely - Red Cape Comics – Justin & Michael
Stine J - You Are My Sunshine - Brian & Justin go their separate ways, End Credits
Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries - Ted & Troy fucking / Brian and Em tell Ted what to do

Missing Songs:
From the opera 'Lakmé' by Delibes - 'Viens, Mallika...Dôme épais le jasmin' - Ted & Troy fucking

Episode 508
The Chemical Brothers - Come Inside - Brian and Brandon/The Fuckoff begins
Deep Dish - Flashdance - Woody's - Brian is the winner!
Tyler Durden featuring Miss Bunty - Cause I Know - Woody's - Brian and Brandon - The Contest continues
Pete Lorimer - Sing Out - Woody's - Brian and Brandon / Dick & Dick (slightly muffled, sorry)
Soul Theory - Drama (Dramatic Soul Mix) - Babylon - Brian lets Brandon back in, End Credits

Missing Songs:
Gasp - Signs of Change - Liberty Ave. - Ben searches for Hunter
Darren Wilsey - What's Your Name - Diner - Em, Deb and Brian

Episode 509
Black Rock feat Debra Andrew - Blue Water - Woody's - Gay Jewish mixer
Sheila Chandra - Sacred Stones - Babylon, Brian dreams (Brian and Mikey)
Dimas & Ferrero - Tunes Of Nirvana - Brian and Ted in Babylon
Eluvium - Genius And Thieves - Boys dancing/End Credits
Kernkraft 400 - Zombie Nation - Emmett and Drew
Pinback - Sender - Jen and Justin at Justin's hovel
The Telepathic Butterflies - Love Is For Hire - Background in the diner, Brian & Mikey still aren't speaking

Missing Songs:
? - Brian at the loft, Brian and Debbie
? - Background in the diner, Justin & Jen

Episode 510
Bright Eyes - Lover I Don't Have to Love - Brian watching Justin from his car on Liberty Ave
Gadjo feat Alexandra Prince - So Many Times (Deep T. Sans Serif Mix) - Ted's Meet & Greet at the Diner
Cyndi Lauper - Shine (Babylon 2005 Mix) - Cyndi Performing
Cyndi Lauper - Shine (original version, not the show version)
Paper Moon - Falling - Deb & Justin in the diner

Missing Songs:
Mach 747 feat. Andersen - One Day (Superstar) - (Roberter House Mix) - Em & Brian in Ript Gym
? - Ben & Michael at Diner
? - Babylon Fundraiser

Episode 511
The Dandy Warhols - Sleep - End Credits in the Screeners
Earlimart-We Drink on the Job - Brian & Justin at Justin's apartment
Flaming Sideburns - Street Survivor - Brian and Justin drive out to the new home
Kasabian - Lost Souls Forever - Brian proposes... Justin say's "No"
Mogwai - 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong - Brian and Justin make love - End Credits

Missing Songs:
? - Funeral - Brian sees himself
? - Mel, Lindsay & Justin at the Diner

Episode 512
Africanism All Stars - Summer Moon - Woody's - Em, Ted and Tad meet up
Eagles Of Death Metal - I Only Want You* - Brian's Loft - Brian & Justin's Fuck-a-Thon

Femme Generation - Honestly, Trudy** - Comic Book Store - Brian and Mikey talk about their kids
The Local Division - All The Rest Are Boring - Justin's Loft - Justin and Lindsay talk about NYC and Art Review
Radiohead featuring PJ Harvey - This Mess We're In - Brian's Loft - Brian & Justin read art review
Ultra Nate - Free (Jason Nevins Dub) - Popperz - Em & Drew / Ted & Tad

From Screeners:
Ima Robot - Alive - Brian and Justin's fuck-a-thon
**The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It - Brian and Mikey at the Comic store

Missing Songs:
Dan Kircher - Just Nothing - Woody's - Em & Drew Say goodbye
Madeleine Peyroux - Dance Me to the End of Love - Ted & Thad love each other (restaurant)

Episode 513

Dandy Warhols, The - Sleep
- Opening Scene, Brian & Justin preparing for their wedding
Doves. Tje - Ambition* -
Brian and Justin making love in the loft
Holiday. Debby - Half a Mile Away (Scotty K's Vocal Club Mix) - Woody's - Brian's stag party
Mr. Scruff - Jazz Potato -
Rehearsal Dinner - wedding is called off
Small, Heather - Proud (Peter Presta QAF V Vocal Mix) -
Brian and Mikey at Babylon, Celebration, End Credits
Spiritual South - Green Gold -
Emmett & Ted at the Gym - Thad is too much!
Sunday's Best - The Californian - Diner - Deb tells all about the press conference, Ted repeats his story to Em
From Screener:
*Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Love Burns - Brian and Justin making love in the loft
Bonus track: Heather Small - Proud (Illicit Mix Edit)

Missing Songs:
Simone Denny - Cliche (Paul Graces Big Room Mix) - another version - Junior Vasquez Mix Edit - Ted, Emmett and Blake at the lodge
Thick Dick - Wetter -
Woody's, Brian and Justin, stripper

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