Episode 101
Aloof, The - So Good - Brian & Justin in bedroom
Black, Robin - More Effeminate Than You - Brian & Michael in Jeep
Chin, Meg Lee - Heavy Scene - Michael driving Jeep
Darude - Sandstorm - Brian exits Babylon, spots Justin
Full Frontal - You Think You're A Man - Brian & Justin in loft
JunkieXL - Synasthesia - time to find Brian
Katty B - Let's Hear It For The Boy - (101, 103) - 80's Night in Babylon
McQueen, Bootsy - X-Hale Slowly - Guys leaving the hospital
Ruff Driverz - Deeper Love - Justin on Liberty Ave
Small. Heather - Proud - Michel & Brian on roof ledge
Tamperer, The - Can You Feel It
- Intro to Babylon
Episode 102
Chase, Michael - Liar Song - Michael talks football
Dandy Warhols, The - Sleep - Brian & Justin by car
Mike Drury - Dancin' (Like It's the Last Day of My Life) - Michael &
Greek Buck - Minimal Peach - (102, 105) - Michael in old room
Lawyer, The - I Wanna Mmm.. - Brian & client in the bathroom
Mastersource -
Turn it Around - working out - sample only
Peer Music - Mambo Lupito - Brian tells Swayze story
Prairie Oyster - Louisiette - Michael enters a sports bar
Tom Third - Freefall** (Nettwerk Records) - Justin in the locker room
Missing Songs:
Episode 103
Basement Jaxx - Bingo Bango - Ted in Babylon
DJ Matt C - Go 48 (Bass Mix) - Vic lends Justin his card
Flying Bukgar Klezmer Band, The - Ishai's Freylekh - The bris
Friburn & Urik - Take Me, Love Me (Squeeze Me Baby) - Justin &
Daphne enter Babylon
Harris, Barry (feat. Pepper Mashay) - Dive in the Pool - Brian &
Michael together
Katty B - Let's Hear It For The Boy - (101, 103) - Justin enters the
Kinky Boyz, The - The Only Way is Up - Emmett, Brian, & Michael in
Mastersource - Walking in Wonderland - at the gym
Novy vs. Eniac - Superstar - Brian sees Mr. E again
O'range - The Music (Razor N Guido Club Mix) - Brian steps into the
Peacock, Jeff - Up Yours - at the diner
Pod - Banana - Brian loses Mr. E. / Tracy spots Michael
Trigbag - Showtime - Brian sees Mr. E
Missing Songs:
Joe Quaranto - Here's a Little Something - Emmett finds Katsuo
Episode 104
DuMonde - Just Feel Free - Justin with Jennifer in the car
Erotimania - Digga Digga Daa -
Boys at Liberty Diner
Fluke - Absurd - Justin & Chris cleaning up
Iggy Pop & The Stooges - I Need Somebody - Brian at Babylon
Kristine W - Lovin' You - Michael sees pics at Ted's
See Spot Run - Weightless - Justin & Daphne in Justin's room
Touch and Go - Straight To Number One - Brian & Justin in Michael's
Missing Songs:
Velvet - Blue Green - Michael & Emmett in Woody's
Episode 105
Da Hool - Eirchelruck - Brian & client (tire guy) in Babylon
Greek Buck - Minimal Peach - (102, 105) - Jennifer sees Debbie at the
JunkieXL - Billy Club
- Justin's art show at the GLC
Kinky Boyz, The featuring Kia - Sexy Boy - Michael & stranger sex /
Brian holding Gus
Joey - Saturday - Jennifer enters Woody's
Pepe Deluxe - Everybody Pass Me By - Michael getting ready for
his date
See To Sky - Up Jumped the Boogie - chatting in the Liberty Diner
Speedbump - Deeper - Jennifer at Woody's
Webb, Roger - Continental Expressions - Dinner with David & Michael
Missing Songs:
Trigbag - Sunshine - Michael hot & bothered in Babylon's backroom
Episode 106
Abba - Dancing Queen - (106, 107) - Brian & Michael dance at Babylon
Albanese, Judy - You - Brian & Dr. Dave at Woody's
B*U - Summerfire - (106, 107) - Babylon
Baby Fox - Ladybird - Brian stares at Justin's sketch
Carter, Derrick - Life is Like a Circle - Ted & Emmett at Torso
DJ Matt C - The Struggle for Survival
- Boys talking at the gym
Shannon - Give Me Tonight - Michael messed up at Babylon Soundblast - I Love - Debbie & Jennifer at Woody's
Speedbump - Don't You Love Me -
Brian & Dr. Dave at Woody's
Missing Songs:
Dagmar Peckova - Sesto's Aria - Ted & Roger listen to music / make out /
Ted alone
Episode 107
Abba - Dancing Queen - (106, 107) - Brian & Michael dance at Babylon
Gopher, Alex - Party People (107, 117) - Studs 'N Suds
Antiloop - Start Rockin - David dancing with Brian
B*U - Summerfire - (106, 107) - Babylon
H-Block - Punk Police - Justin & Daphne in Tattoo parlor
H2SO4 - Little Soul - Craig in Justin's room / Brian & Justin having
sex in loft
Jersey - Class War - Justin gets pierced
Luna Chique - Liquid Space - David tells Brian to let Michael go /
end credits
Novy - I Rock - Michael gets relationship warning at Woody's Yanko,
Steve - Gemini - David & Michael in Liberty Diner
Missing Songs:
Bettina - Sexy - Michael & David see Brian dancing
Mick Maher - Lost Dawg - Brian in Jeep
Episode 108
Angel Moon - He's All I Want - Brian's loft - Brian & Justin at
dinner - end credits
Bell, Carey - Teardrops - Brian's Loft - Justin watches Brian &
Chin - Anything - Liberty Diner - Debbie collapses
Full Intention - Hustle Espanol - Woody's - Brian meets Hotlanta
Madonna - Don't Tell Me - Brian's Loft - Justin stays over
Sky - Superhero
- Justin & Brian leave Justin's house
Missing Songs:
Luigi Sabatini - Certainly - Celebrating Michael's promotion at the
Marc Ferrari - Turn It Round - Michael, Emmett, & Ted talk at gym
Mastersource - Just the Beat - Continued celebrating of Michael's
promotion at the Diner
Tyler Yarema - For One More Day - Debbie's House - Debbie & Vic
Episode 109
A Digital Blonde - Heaven 99 - Babylon - "you made me spill my
beer" Azure - Kissy Kissy - Loft - Justin Homework
Vern - Lonesome & Hurting - Brian & Jack at Legion Hall McNally, Shannon - Down And Dirty - Mel & Lindz in bed
Palmer, Robert - Bad Case of Loving You - David asks Mikey to move in
Patria - Good Love - Pool at Woody's
Stewart, Rod (N-Trance feat) - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? - Em &
Ted at Babyon
Missing Songs:
Episode 110
Ad Libs, The - Boy from NYC - Shots of NYC - Boys in NYC
Alacazar - Crying At The Discoteque - Woody's - Mysterious Marilyn
Amanda - Filthy Mind (Mount Rushmore Mix)
- Hotel - Brian & Justin
Em, Ted, & Mikey - Boy from NYC
- Guys singing in the Jeep
Johanson, Jay Jay - Suffering - Dr. Dave's fantasy
Pepe Deluxe - Women In Blue - Liberty Diner - Boys in Diner
Episode 111
Bowie, David - Boys Keep Swinging - Boys walking down the street / end
Cardwell, Joi - Jump for Joi - birthday party
(or possibly this version,
the Santana & Bailey Mix)
Castelli, Crico - A Day in Copacobana - Ted & Mel talk in sex
Fantastic Plastic Machine - Disco at the End of the World - birthday
Flex - Sweet
Thing - the birthday party
Luna Chique - Silence - birthday party
Stonebridge - I Like - birthday party
Supa Kings - Back 'N Forth -
birthday party
Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle - birthday party
Episode 112
Groovecult Featuring Safiye - Bang To The Beat Of The Drum - David
& Michael
House of Gypsies - Samba - Transitions
Mambo - Mambo Jambo - Justin is on to Brian
Sandy B - Feel Like Singing - Diner - Justin tries to play middle man
Tin Star - Disconnected Child - Michael & David in bedroom / Brian
in alleyway
Van Helden, Armand - Egyptian Magician - Ted picks up "2nds"/
Man approaches Emmett
Velvet - Funky Dancer - Woody's - Brian & Ted
Episode 113
Beck - Beautiful Way - Lesbian bar - Melanie smokes with Marianne
Davis Jr., Roy - Watch Them Come - Matt & Emmett at coffee shop
Greek Buck - Orgasm Edict - aka Track 10 - Melanie & Marianne in
Halo - Keep Reaching - Babylon - Boys talk Manrammer
Quincy Freak - Funky Noise - Babylon - Emmett makes panic phone call
Rinôçérôse - La Guitaristic House Organisation - Brian & Kip at
his loft
Step Kings, The - Vibe - Brian & Kip in his office
Wild Strawberries - Careful - Lesbian baby party
Episode 114
Bryson, Peabo/Roberta Flack - Tonight, I Celebrate My Love for You - Emmett/Heather
Halo Varga - Future - Justin hits on Kip in alley / blackmails Kip
Love Inc. - Do Ya (Feel the Love) - Babylon - Ted & Mel discuss
McCoy, Van - Do The Hustle - Vic & Deb doing the Hustle
Mint Royale - Shake Me - credits
Murphy, Walter - A Fifth of Beethoven - Michel / Dr. David
Tess - Viva L'Amour - Boys at Woody's
Episode 115
45 Dip - Green Tomatoes - Liberty Diner - Ted questions his
def.con.cound.system - Cultural Year Zero.95 (Godzilla vs. D.C.S.S.) -
Leather demonstration
Fluke - Kitten Moon - Ted arrives at Dale's for fun
H2SO4 - I Need Feel - Ted opens the Door
Massiv - Who Am I (Peter's New York Club Edit) - Dale invites Ted to his
place / fun in backroom
Rinocerose - Radiocapte - Liberty Diner - Guys hanging out
Smiths, The - How Soon is Now - Brian picks up Jack's picture - end
Stingly, Byron - U-Turn Me - Leather Ball
Missing Songs:
Episode 116
Gang of Four - I Parade Myself - Liberty Ave - Justin making enemies
(Chris) - end credits
Halliwell, Geri - These Boots are Made for Walking - Babylon - Dyke Nite
Francis - Theme from A Man and A Woman - Dr. Dave pays, and pays, and
pays again
Malina - By Your Side - The gang at Woody's
Touch & Go - Straight to Number One - Michael & Dr. Dave having
Missing Songs:
Jean-Michel Bernard/Alain Goldstein - Allo Depanneur - Lindsay's house -
she's getting married
Mo Koffman - Devil's Brew - Dr. Dave & Michael argue / in restaurant
Rainbow Club - Treasure - Liberty Diner - Michael's no boytoy
Terry Day - C'est Ma Chanson D'Amour - Mel meets Guillaume - fantasy
Episode 117
45 Dip - Lizzie's Balloon - Mel & Lindz talk on couch
Basement Jaxx - Rendez-Vu - Brian & Justin outside - end credits
DeSilva, Rui - Touch Me - Party scene - Michael talks to David
Gopher, Alex - Party People (107, 117) - Party scene at David's -
everybody is dancing
Mtrax - Trip Chick - Brian, Ted & Emmett at Liberty Diner
Top Cat - Feel Cool - Party at David's - Justin puts on new music
Missing Songs:
Jean Paul - Red Scarf - Party at David's House - Jazz Fusion
Luigi Sabatini - Ciao for Now - Deb's house - Michael addresses the
Luigi Sabatini - Cu Cu Rru Cu Cu Paloma - Deb's house - everyone is
Phil Dwire - Max's Mambo - Party at David's House - Jazz 1
Episode 118
Boys Don't Cry - I Wanna Be a Cowboy - Boys at Babylon
from La Traviatta - Ah Forse Lui - Ted's Apt / can't find his wallet Mindtrap feat. Louise Clark (Loni Clark)- Keep Rushin' - Babylon
bathroom - Ted finds Blake
Mousse vs Hot N Juicy - Horny
- Brian at The Baths
Pusaka (Chris Cox) - The Worst Thing for Me - Prowlers in towels
at the Baths
Queen - Kind of Magic - Justin draws - end credits
Temperence - Forever Young - Babylon - Justin & Brian
Missing Songs:
Episode 119
Badly Drawn Boy - The Shining - Brian bowls
Beck - Nobody's Fault But My Own (CC) - Brian bowls
Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be - Brian & Michael bowl
Crazy Town - Butterfly (CC) - Liberty Diner - Daphne's flirting with Justin
Creeper Lagoon - Wonderful Love - Daphne & Justin in his room
DJ Tomcraft - The Mission - Brian gets a phone call in bed
Kellee - My Love (Luvspunge HHL Remix) - this may be wrong version -
Emmett warns Blake to stay away
New Pornographers, The - Mass Romantic - Pool - Daphne intro's Glenn
Sneaker Pimps - Spin, Spin Sugar - interior Babylon
T.O.S. - Only When I'm Late - Woody's - Justin gets advice on girls
Townsend, Fuzz - Auntie Tom's - Woody's - Justin gets advice on girls
Townsend, Fuzz - Hey Sister (Sister Brother) - Liberty Diner - Daphne's
flirting with Justin
from La Traviatta - Damml Tu Forza, O Cielo - Ted rescues Blake
RCA Italiana Orchestra and Chorus - Giusto ciel! In tal periflio - The
Funeral - Brian smokes
Missing Songs:
Darren Glover - Resign - Interior of CD store
Episode 120
2 Elements - Now That I Have Found You - Boys at Liberty Diner
12 Inch Boys - Big Thick Muscle - King of Babylon photo shoot
Bedrock - Heaven Scent (John Johnson Mix) - Babylon - Brent's
welcome, Blake is not
Blur - Song 2 (techno mix) - Dr. Dave on stage
Book of Love - Boy - Babylon - Ted & Blake alone
Calderone, Victor - Are You Satisfied - Babylon - Emmett walks alone,
cop dancer
Dillion & Dickens - Queers R Doin' It (Illicit Club Mix) - Justin
steal's Brian's "prize" (Sean)
DJ Prince & Justin K - Got To Have - Fireman dancing - Brian's a
English, Kim - Jumpin' and Bumpin' - Babylon - leather dancer - bathroom
Garbage - You Look So Fine - Brian sees Justin in the Backroom
Huevos Rancheros - What a Way to Run a Railroad - Babylon - fun in
Operatica O - Melancholy Rose - Babylon - Dr. Dave surrounded - Justin
Plasmic Honey - Why Can't We See - Deb & Mel arrive in Babylon -
Blake gets Vic's bail $$
Pope, Carole - High School Confidential - Babylon - Justin struts his
Rosabel - The Power - Babylon - Ted wants to be with Blake
Those 2 - Get Wicked (The Freak & Mac Zimms Remix) - Babylon - Brian
signs up - Sheba talks to Justin
Touch 'N Go - So Hot - David's bedroom - Michael requests a dance
Tchaikovsky - Les Mirlitons from "Nutcracker Suite" - Babylon
- Emmet & Brent & dreams
from West Side Story - Pas de Deux - Babylon - Emmett spots Brent
Missing Songs:
Epicenter Music Library - Violin, Full Orchestra Speak - Liberty Diner - Em
& Brent's final meeting
Megatrax Library - Hall of Heroes - Justin is crowned King of Babylon
Sopersound Library - Sunday in the Park - Men's bathroom in mall with
Tchaikovsky - Love's Theme: Romeo & Juliet - Babylon - Emmett &
Brent - 2 halves of same soul
Tchaikovsky (Hamilton Philharmonic) - Pezzo In Forma di Sonatina from
"Serenade for Strings" - Babylon - Emmett & Brent break up
Episode 121
Adtrax - Stay - Atlas Awards - background music
Demics, The - New York City - Atlas Award - Brian & Adam on balcony
Fluke - Mosh - David & Michael phone call
Krall, Diana - I'm Just a Lucky So and So - Store - Ted & Blake
try clothes on
Oakes, Jamie - Go To The Water - end credits
Prima, Louis - The Music Goes 'Round and Around - restaurant phone call
Tarantella - Saturn - Boys at Woody's
Missing Songs:
Bizet - La Fleur Que Tu M'Avais (from Carmen) - (Andrea Bocelli's version)- Blake comes on to Ted
from "Extreme Music" - Dent-A Dick - Atlas Awards - Brian gets trophy
Tom Third - The Conversation - Piano bar - Adam calls, Brian doesn't get the
Episode 122
Jaxx - Bingo Bango (Latin Mix) - The Prom
Colein, The - Spreading The Light
- Boys at Babylon
Dano, Sal - Come Into Me - Boys at Babylon
Garabek, Jan with the Hilliard Ensemble, "Officium" - Parce Mimi Domine
- Hospital - tail credits
Horton, Johnny - North to Alaska - Flannel party
Jack & his Orchestra - Happy Feet (High Heels Mix by
BLAM, remixed by Paul Mac)
- Brian tries scarfing
Ben E. - Save the Last Dance - (122, 202) -
Brian & Justin's Prom dance
Rogers, Stan - Watching the Apples Grow - Flannel party
Simpson, Veda - Oooh Baby (F**k Me, Baby) - countdown to 30
soulDecision - Faded (122, 202) - The Prom
Missing Songs:
Laura Roach - Lonesome Kitty Blues - Lindsay & Brian are shopping
Music Peoples Library - Buffalo Gals - Flannel party
Music Peoples Library - Deep Grief - Happy 30th
Offenbach (Les Contes d'Hoffmann) - C'est Une Chanson D-Amour - Blake comes
home tweaked
Episode 201
Darude - Feel the Beat (remix) - Justin freaks out on Liberty Ave
Go Go's, The - We Got the Beat - Lindsay proposes to Mel
Junkie XL - Love Like A Razorblade - Justin freaks out on Liberty Ave
Moonface - Roton - Woody's - newscast of judge glued to
Paranoid Jack - Ya Slippin' (201, 204)- Emmett's Looking for a new roommate
Patrice, Elle - Rising - back at Babylon
Skindive - No More Good Guys - Brian drops Justin off - end credits
Missing Songs:
Byers, Bette - Court Music - The straight wedding - Linds, Mel, Ted,
& Em attend
Jon-Sel (or Zenith)- 21st Century Man - Backroom - Michael finds Brian
Leroux, Alain - Menuetto in A Major - The straight wedding - Linds, Mel,
Ted, & Em attend
Music People - BB My Baby - Lindsay proposes to Mel
Paranoid Jack - Ya Slippin' (201, 204)- Emmett's Looking for a new roommate
Stickman - Stick 79 (201, 202) - Em's looking for a new roommate
Episode 202
East - On the Strip - Michael & Em as naked waiters
Dears, The - Deathrow or Heathrow- Brian & Justin in the Jeep
King, Ben E. & the Drifters - Save the Last Dance for Me (122, 202)- Brian
& Justin re-enact the Prom dance
Lhasa - De Cara a la Pared - Melanie says yes to Lindsay
Mandalay - Beautiful - the Boys at Babylon
Sigur Ros - Svefn-g-englar - end credits
Smokin' Joe - Feel the Rhythm
- Brian talks to a shrink at Woody's
soulDecision - Faded (122, 202) - Brian & Justin re-enact the
Prom dance
Missing Songs:
Paul - Nightmare - Justin's nightmare - Justin arrives at Brian's
Milkmen - Cream - Lnie dancing boys at Babylon
Stickman - 79 Stick (201, 202) - Boys at gym
Episode 203
Dining Rooms,
The - Pure and Easy (from the DVD only) - Ted & Mikey see
Bellweather at the BB party
DJ LaFleche - Spanish Fly (Dee Main Mix) -
Liberty Ave - Brian & Michael
Gorillaz - Man Research - the Bellweather BB orgy
Magnetic Fields - When My Boy Walks Down the Street - Justin
walks to Brian
Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes - Brian & Michael at comicon
Onephatdeeva featuring Lisa Millet - Bad Habits - Michael confronts
Brian at Babylon
Stooges, The - Dirt - Sex time - Brian & cop / Mel &
Stranglers, The - No More Heroes - end credits
Sugarpussy - We Like the Music - Woody's
Missing Songs:
Kai & the Warm Milk Boys - Dream in Stereo - Brian & Michael at
Laliberte, Kevin - Some Day - Gay as Blazes dinner party
Music People, The - Nova Estrella 2 - Emmett has a new job
Music People, The - Q Link - Gay as Blazes theme song
Music People, The - To Joao - Emmett & Blaine (his employer)
Son on B - U Ready - Michael confronts Brian at Babylon
Episode 204
Abba - Chiquitita - Liberty Ave - shall we dance? (Brian & Justin)
Jaxx - Romeo - Woody's - Ted meets someone
Daft Punk - One More Time - Brian's test is a success - Ted finds out
Mike Cruz presents Inaya Day & Chino Ro - Movin' Up - Brian
shows Poole his new target
Fluke - Switch - Brian's new concept for drink label (Pool Boy) -
photo shoot
Gypsymen, The - Babarabatiri - Pride parade - Brian & Ted
Harris, Barry - I Got My Pride - Babylon
Love Tribe - Stand Up - Babylon
Paranoid Jack - Ya Slippin' (201, 204) - Lindsay hands Gus to Brian
Ultra nate - Free - Pride opening - end credits
Missing Songs:
Matthaus - Need U - Lindsay hops on Mel's bike
Music People, The - Saturday Boogie - Brian's test is a success - Ted finds
Pepper Mashay - You and Me - Babylon
Stickmen, The - Guacabourdes - Michael shows up in drag
Tina Tuna - La-Tina Tweek - Pride Parade - Brian & Ted
Wild Jam - You Love it - Brian's new concept for drink label (Pool Boy) -
photo shoot
Episode 205
Crystal Method - Wild, Sweet & Cool - Michael wants a dream
Phunky Data - You - Michael & Ted announce their dreams
Sloan - If It Feels Good Do It - end credits
Missing Songs:
Bottomley, John - Panic Wreck - Michael in Comic store - sorry, file is
protected. Gotta find a way around it.
Drag Kings - Follow That Dream - Mel & Lindz announce the wedding -
Michael follows his dream
Extreme Music - Easy Tiger - Ted intervention... and a new job
Extreme Music - Swanky Panky - Ted in bed alone
Extreme Music - The Pussy Posse - Ted in bed alone (cont'd)
Hellen Keller - Cog - Michael asks Captain Astro for help - thoughtful
Ted realizes his porn idea
Swinghammer, Kurt - Sketch - Justin/Michael
Trushell. Owen - Medicine Man - Michel & Ted announce their dreams
Sopersound - Soft & Warm - Michael in clown suit
Episode 206
Bizet - Carmen (Maria Callas) - The boys witness first hand...
Crystal Method - The Name of the Game - Justin catches Brian in action
Gob - No Regrets - Michael arrives at college, and chickens out
Harris, Barry & Chris Cox - Fuck Me Harder (Thunderpuss Club Mix) - Fetch
Dixon... a star is born
Hawksley Workman - Striptease - Split screen - street to comic
Pepe Deluxe - Big Muff - Em & Ted spot Zack O'Toole
Satoshi Tomiie - Sneaky One - Justin & Brian come to an agreement -
end credits
Smiths, The - Unloveable - Debbie talks to Brian about Justin
Verdi - La Donna E Mobile - Em gets job on Ted's website
Missing Songs:
Extreme Music - Swingville Sashay - how big is your zucchini?
Greek Buck - Ashtray - Justin confronts Brian
Lindy - Everywhere At Once - Ben makes Michael an offer
Sully - This Town's Called Crash - Debbie talks to Brian about Justin
Weekend, The - The Single - Diner - Emmett is invisible
Episode 207
B-52's, The - Love Shack - Mel & Lindz's party
- Orgasm Addict - Emmett goes for the record
Marilyn Monroe - My Heart Belongs to Daddy - The debate's over -
friends again
Rank 1 - Such is Life - Brian stirs up trouble... the gang meets
Missing Songs:
Dvorak, Anton - On The Holy Mountain - The lame party
Mozart - Larghetto - The lame party
Music People, The - The Thought of You - Lindz asks for money from her
Stryke - Santo Domingo - Brian stirs up trouble
Supers, The - A Stitch in Time - Comic book store
Wave Lab - Deep Into the Wave - Gang meets
Zulu - That Groove - Party preparations
Episode 208
John Alcorn - The Man I Love - Michael meets bachelors #1, 2,
& 3
Fantastic Plastic Machine - Bachelor Pad - Brian shoots Michael
Handsome Devil - Tie Me Up - Justin spots Eric at the party - goes easy
on Eric
IIO - Rapture - Brian & Justin forget everyone else
Paul Mac - Heat Seeking Pleasure Machine - Brian encourages Justin to
go to the party
Morgan Page - Pathways - Brian is feeling his age
Pepe Deluxe - Before You Leave - Michael has a Ben vision
Missing Songs:
John Alcorn - I'll Know - Michael thinks Ben is his match
Fuzz Townsend - Fashion Boy, Fashion Girl - Brian shoots Michael
Gershwin - The Man I Love (reprise) - end credits
Megatrax - Love's Tender Fury - Emmett arrives at mansion
Schubert - Quartet No. 13 Op. 29 - Burgers in the limo
Vibrolux - Turns to Gold - Justin kisses Eric
Episode 209
Aubrey - Stand Still
- Bath house - Babylon
Bull Moose Jackson - Get Off the Table, Mabel - in Debbies house,
Michael brings home Brian
DJ Serious - The Enlightening - Brian visits mom - basketball game
Pet Shop Boys - Break for Love (Peter Rauhofer Mix) - Michael's sure
about Ben - Babylon - end credits
Raje - Worship You - Backroom of Babylon
Missing Songs:
Bull Moose Jackson - You Been Doin' to Him What I Wish You Were Doin' To Me -
Dinner at Debbie's
Megatrax - Romantic Moment - Ted's condo - morning hard-on
Music People, The - In The Chapel - Brian goes to church
Zeroid - Music - Brian goes to confession
Episode 210
Chemical Brothers - Out of Control - Brian ignores Justin's warning
Delerium - Underwater - Emmett introduces George to the gang
Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice - Brian gives Captain Astro's eulogy Michelle Shocked - Good News - Mel & Lindz fight about the
Soft Boys, The - I Wanna Destroy You
- Captain Astro is dead
Wide Life - I Don't Want You - Emmett & George dance
Missing Songs:
Dvorak - Spring Song - Banquet Hall - Mel & Lindz taste food
Jayn Hanna - Lost - Ben & Michael's candlelight vigil
Mitch Magonet - Piano Medley - Emmett meets George's ex-wife
Millenium Project - Shades of Youth - Lindz & Mel bicker over the
Episode 211
Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl - Stagette - Mysterious Marilyn
Celeda - Let the Music Use You Up - The White Party - end credits
DJ Rage - Gimme the Beat - Babylon
kd lang - Simple - Wedding extro
Sarah McLachlan - Touch - Wedding intro
Missing Songs:
Eddie Baez - Eddie's Beats - Brian has nothing to wear
Emperor's Quartet, The - Valse Lente - George shows Emmett the room
Pat Hodges - You Make Me Feel Good (Love Machine Disco Filter Dub) - Woody's,
Brian wins a prize
Music People - Zouloumania - Michael buys the statue
Slapheadz - Comaphobia - Brian in the tanning bed
Episode 212
Balligomingo - Purify - Rain - Ted off the A-Gay list
Crystal Method - Roll It Up - Babylon
Folk Implosion, The - My Ritual - Ted at Rypt gym
Miguel Graca - Pineapple - Ted & Emmett at Rain Karmadelic - Nothingness
West - Portabello Swing (DVD only) - Ted at Rypt gym
Kosheen - Hide U
- Babylon -end credits
Ian Pooley - Caracao Tambor - Ted bores the guests with his
Missing Songs:
JT Donaldson & Chris Nazuka - Leading the Quiet Life - Ted's in A-Gay
Falco Porn Music - Falco Porn Music - Debbie & Jennifer search the
bath houses
Science Dept. - Breathe - Ted, Em, Mel, & Lindz eat at Rain Way Out West - Intensify - Ted's in A-Gay heaven
Episode 213
Axwell - Dem Wicked Sounds - Diner - Jennifer tells Justin the bad news
Orlando Careca - I'm a Sex Machine - Justin looks for a new job
Deborah Cox - Absolutely Not (Hex Hector Mix) - Babylon - The Angel Ball
DJ Diciple - Caught Up - Babylon - Justin's wants
to do it alone
Ladytron - This is Our Sound - Jeep - Brian offers to help Justin
Ron Sexsmith - These Days - Diner - the boys discuss Debbie's flame
Ron Sexsmith feat. Chris Martin from Coldplay - Gold in Them Hills - End
Andy Stochansky - Here Nor There - Int. Brian's
Loft - Justin can take care of himself
Missing Songs:
Divina Devore - Cheek to Cheek - Babylon - The Angel
Divina Devore - One of the Girls - Divina turns
the boys down
Valerie M - Show Me Love - Woody's - Ted needs a big attraction
Episode 214
Dears, The - Autonomy
- Justin working on art projects
Robin Black - Some of You Boys - Boys get
pulled over
Paul Goodyear - Take Me to Heaven - Brian and
Justin in bed together / End credits
Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show -after hours
party at Gary's
Morel - True (The Faggot is You) (Deep Dish Mix) - Emmett's finale /
going-away party
Primal Scream - Exterminator - Gary tries to
loosen up Justin
Missing Songs:
Miguel Graca - Blue Berry - Woody's
S.O.L.I.S. - Dolphins (Desert's Mashed Mix) - Babylon - Justin's working Jim Witter - All My Life - Debbie & Horvath have dinner
Episode 215
Black Market Audio - Get Down - Michael &
Justin hard at work
Gus Gus - Teenage Sensation - More ideas at the
comic store, Brian in bed, waiting for Justin
Peaches - Sucker - Leda moving in
Yello - Oh Yeah - Mikey & Justin brainstorm / Rage
is born / End Credits
Missing Songs:
Afro Cuban Band - Bang Bang (Eddie Baez 3 a.m. Mix) -
Mikey, Brian and Justin doodling at Babylon
Michael Chase - Liar Song - Diner, Mikey and
Justin decide to make a comic
Extreme Music - Cheezy Intro - Porn Awards
Extreme Music - Nanu Nanu - Porn Awards
kinnder - BDL - Mikey and Justin see the damage at
the loft, Diner
kinnder - Cristal - Brian is pissed, literally!
Twelve Tone - Freedom (Andy & The Lamboy Progressive Club Mix) -
Woddy's - Mikey and Justin angry with Brian
Episode 216
Charlatans UK - Love Is The Key (2:41) - Loft - Lindsay gives Brian a
guilt trip
Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar - Brian doesn't do birthdays
Dears, The - C'etait Pour La Passion - Michael tells the guys about the
Konk West - And Now... Bass - Ted misrepresenting his work to Luke
Monchico - Monchico 3 (Evil P Remix) - Ted tells the guys he lied
Rufus Wainwright - Poses - Brian stops to smell the roses / end credits
Missing Songs:
H. Wienawsky (performed by Lance Oullette) - Scherzo Tarentella - Brian
get's Justin a gift after all / Justin gets cultured (meets Ethan)
KC Accidental - Is and of The - Ben explains his behavior / Justin
thinks of someone
The Reverend Brad & the Rainbow Voices - Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Emmett
& the healing power of song Paganini (performed by Lance Oullette) - Cantible - Justin visits Ethan,
sparks fly / Justin listen's to Ethan's CD Kurt Swinghammer - Cold War - Ted & Luke's quality time together
Music People, The - First Love - surprise party, Emmett greets guests
"gay-sha" style
Music People, The - Shogun - Guests arrive at Ben's party, Ben arrives
Episode 217
Alpinestars (feat. Brian Molko) - Carbon Kid
- Brian's photo shoot
Funk 198 - Next Freak -
Babylon - Justin asks Brian to go away with him
Maow - Wank -
Diner - Melanie & Lindsay's sex issues
Placebo - Taste in Men
- Brian and Leo Brown's assistant / arrival at the Harvard Club
Queen - Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
- Brian leaves Babylon alone
V.I.P. - Ibiza (Manny's Tribal Mix)
- Babylon - Justin asks Brian to go away with him / Outside Babylon - the
boys gather
Missing Songs: Freeplay Library - Smooth Sailing -
ATM Bank Machine k.o.t. - I Want You (For Myself) (Luke Fair remix) -
Woody's - 10 Million Dollars Mambo Mambo - Perfidia Mambo -
Emmett has gifts for everyone Tom Third - Winter - Mel, Linds, &
Leda 3-way
Episode 218
Basement Jaxx - Get Me Off - Brian gets inspiration in the backroom at
Cure, The - Lovesong - Justin & Ethan / End Credits
Filter - The Best Things - Brian's answer to "did you miss me?"
Flashlight Brown - Patricia - Debbie finds out about Ben
Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Dorfmeister Mix) - Justin tries to convince
Brian to have a romantic evening
Tricky - Evolution, Revolution, Love - Justin arrives home to find Brian
with "the catch of the day"
Missing Songs:
Blue Pill - Body - Ted & Mel try to get Emmett to settle
Chinois Kreisler as performed by Lance Oullette - Le Tambourin (218, 219) -
Justin & Daphne run into Ethan
J.S. Bach (Lance Oullette) - Pre Ludio (218, 219) - Ethan practices,
Justin shows up to collect his song
L. Massenett (Lance Ouellette) - Meditation from Thais - Ethan plays for
Steve Gray - Jazz Club - Justin & Ethan have a picnic on the floor
Yuri Gorbachow - Overtone Singing - Ben cooks Tibetan dinner
Episode 219
Kevin Aviance - Alive (Calderone House Mix) - Post game drinks &
straight kissing at Woody's
BLHIII Feat 80 - Marscarter (Morel's Pink Noise remix) (10:01) - Brian
takes Justin on
Chemical Brothers - Surrender - Ted is Brian for a Day - fantasy version
/ reality version
EMF - Unbelievable - Bowling alley - Ben's unbelievable
Sarah McLachlan - Plenty - aftermath / end credits
Kim Mitchell - Rock'n Roll Duty - Bowling alley - The Liberty Balls
Guido Osario - Werkin (B-side) - Babylon - Michael tries to talk to
Brian about Justin
Placebo (feat. David Bowie)- Without You I'm Nothing - Brian follows
Justin into the shower
Stampeders, The - Sweet City Woman - Bowling alley - cops & queers
Edgar Winter - Free Ride - Bowling alley
Missing Songs:
J.S. Bach (Lance Oullette) - Pre Ludio (218, 219) - Intercut - Justin &
Noak Frank & Mark de Breyne - 44xx - Torso - Ted thanks Brian,
returns bracelet / Emmett consoles Ted
Chinois Kreisler as performed by Lance Oullette - Le Tambourin (218, 219) -
Michael finds out about Justin & Ethan
Morel - Cabaret (part two) - Brian finds out what really turns Ted on
P.I.C. - Hiphopunkfunkmamboska - Ted loves his work Beau Randall - Summertime Nashville - Debbie defends gay bowlers
Episode 220
Barthezz - Infected (Mark's Basstoy Mix) - Emmett sees Ted in a new light
Bjork - Human Behavior (The Underworld Mix) - Justin leaves with Ethan /
end credits
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Ben decides not to go away
Gavin Froome Ript - Bostonion - Gym - Michael tells Ben his news
Kim English - Every Day (Hex Hector & Mac Quayle Club Mix) - the gang
arrives at Babylon
Psychadelic Waltons - Wonderland - Brian, Justin & Michael
Ultra Nate - I Don't Understand It
- Vic understands what Ben's going through
Missing Songs:
Bellini - A Te, O Cara (from I Puritani) - Emmett lets Ted down easy
Jerome - En Fuite - Ted tells Emmett about his feelings
Lance Oullette - 5th Ascent - Ethan won't play second fiddle to Brian
Mike Shepstone - B B My Baby - Torso - Ted & Emmett
Mitch Magonet - Gayopolis Theme - Rage is on stage
Noah's Art - Shining Star - Ben leaves the Diner
Song on the S2 soundtrack, but not found in the season: Etta James - Miss You
Episode 301
Capitol K - Anon
- Justin in the loft
Tiesto feat. Suzanne Palmer - 643 Loves On Fire (Oliver Lieb Mix) - Brian
& Mikey dance at Babylon
Joel Plaskett Emergency, The - Maybe We Should Just Go Home - Comic
book store / Miclael sells off the last of Rage
Platters, The - The Magic Touch - Ted prepares the "toys" for Emmett
Ros - The Nothing Song (aka njosnavelin) - Brian & the hustler / end
Palmer - Back to Babylon - Show Me (Michael T. Diamond Mix) -Back to
Missing Songs:
? - Ethan seranades Justin 'Good Morning' ? - Woody's ? - Woody's - Brian & the 2 Bears ? - Party - the big hit
Episode 302
Body 2 Body - Let's Get Intimate (Jamie's Carnival Mix) - Brian at the
Underwear Party / end credits
Mia - Woman (early remix) - Babylon - Brian dances alone / end credits
Paganini - Etude No. 3 "La Campanella" - Rondo - Ethan plays on the
Snitches, The - Right Before My Eyes - Brian on the computer
Missing Songs:
? - opening scene - Brian fucking trick, imagines it's Justin
? - night out at Babylon
? - Clothing store - Brian gives Emmett the "Grandfather" clause
? - comic book store - invite to the underwear party
? - Brian kidnaps Mikey
? - Gym - Ted finds out about Dijon
Episode 303
Barbara Walker - Here Comes the Morning
- Mel, Lindsay, & Brian at the bar
Michel - Newton's Apple - Justin & Ethan in the apartment
DJ Darkzone
- Watching You - entering the GLC Carnival
Hidden Cameras, The - A Miracle
- Justin & Ethan in the apartment
M Factor (Dirty Vegas Vocal Mix) - Mother Are You Ready to Play
- Brian at Babylon
Sam Roberts
- Brother Down - Brian & Mikey get high
of Our Lives - Infra Riot - Brian buys the 'Vette / Brian takes the trick
for a ride / end credits
Souvernance - Having' A Good Time (Sound DeZign Kickn' Ass Mix)
- Justin shows up at the Carnival
Missing Songs:
? - Ben works out
? - Ethan's friends party
? - Butt-hole bingo
? - Justin leaves the party
? - Carnival - Ted, Em, & Mikey play, Ben shows up
Episode 304
- The Sound Of Violence (Dancefloor Killa Mix) - Final scene
The - Sittin' Pretty - Brian in Elevator with moving guy
- Native Love (Step By Step) - Emmett cooking
Narcotic Thrust - Safe from Harm (Radio
Edit) - not Peter Rauhofer Mix - Brian & Ted talking at Babylon
Luciano Pavarotti - Requiem
- Ted & Emmett have dinner at home
Four Tops
- Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) - Watching the movers
Missing Songs:
Automagic feat. Nashom - I'll Be Here - Woody's - Ted &
Em decide to find a place together- have it, need to upload
Not by Choice - Standing All Alone - John walks into his house
- have it, need to upload
? - Mr. Sperm doner pagent ? - comic book store ? - Ben starts taking steroids
Episode 305
Aqua - Barbie
Girl - Babylon - Ted & Em discuss houses
Yoakum - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Mikey, Lindsay, & Mel waiting at
the clinic / Mikey running with the cup to Mel & Lindsay's house
Henryk Wieniawski - Scherzo-Tarantelle Op. 16 - Ethan plays at the Heifetz
Clooney - Come On-a My House - Jen shows Ted & Em houses
Tilt feat. Maria Naylor - Headstrong (Relentless Vocal Mix) - Justin &
Brian in the backroom / end credits
Umek - Voice 4 - Brian fucking in the bathroom
Missing Songs:
? - Ethan plays in the park ? - Gang at Woody's
Episode 306
Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 5 - Justin sees Ethan's true colors
Social Scene - Stars and Sons - Brian & Mikey in the loft
Underworld -
SolaSistim - Woody's - Brian & Justin / end credits
Missing Songs:
? - Mikey spies on Brian getting sucked
? - Outside Babylon
? - Brian makes the new commercial of Stockwell
? - Teddy's "wack shack" gets ready for inspection
Episode 307
Gioia Bruno
- From The Inside (Junior Vasquez Mix) - Babylon backroom - Brian & Justin /
end credits
Portishead - Sour Times (screener)
Missing Songs:
? - Brian & Stockwell play racketball
Episode 308
Social Scene - Lover's Spit - Brian & Justin make up / end credits
Cox - Mr. Lonely (Hex Hector Vocal Mixshow Edit) - Babylon - Justin's looking
for Brian
Roc Project,
The feat. Tina Arena - Never (Past Tense) (Tiesto Mix) - Babylon - Brian &
Justin at the bar (Justin: "Oh, I love this song.")
Pimps - Loretta Young Silks - Justin at Daphne's - missing Brian
Missing Songs:
? - working out at the gym - Ben & Mikey ? - Ted on his back at home ? - art gallery party
Episode 309
Bee Gees -
Disco Inferno
Colourful Karma - For the Music (Guido Osorio Mix) - Woody's - Brian playing
W - Fly Again (Scumfrog Club Edit Mix) - Brian & Justin head for the backroom
Matthew Good
Band - Weapon - Brian & Justin in bed
NamTrak vs Chris Zippel - Viva Colombia
(Cha Cha) - opening scene at Babylon - "Greatest reunification since Germany"
Townshend - Rough Boys - Brian with trick / end credits
Tim De Luxe
- It Just Won't Do - Woody's - Jacob (stripper)
Trammps, The - Disco Inferno - Woody's - Matthew (stripper)
Missing Songs:
? - Brian & Stockwell working on the commercial ? - Diner - Debbie rescues Horvath from the "pink plate special" ? - Ted waiting at the party ? - drunken Ted goes crazy in front of everyone waiting at home for him
Episode 310
vs Kristine W - Some Lovin' (Peter Rauhofer Mix) - Babylon - Brian & Justin
Tricky - Mellow - Ted in motel getting high
Antonio Vivaldi - Mandolin Concerto in C Major - Ted driving to "Paradise"
- Walking On Thin Ice (Danny Tenaglia Club Mix) - Babylon - backroom closed /
Brian helps Justin / end credits
Missing Songs:
? - Justin putting up his own Stockwell posters
Episode 311
Porgie - Love's Gonna Save the Day - Woody's
Beck - The One You Wanted - Debbie & Brian getting high
- At The End (The Scumfrog Remix) - Babylon - Emmett & Mikey look for Ted
Marr & The Healers - Bangin' On - Brian & Justin at the loft, talking about
the new Stockwell poster
Fidelity AllStars - Battleflag (Radio Edit) - Babylon - Brian takes back the
backroom / end credits
Republica -
Ready To Go - Brian & Justin having sex at the loft
Missing Songs:
? - Ted, Em & Vic at home / Ted wants to go out ? - Em, Lindsay, & Mel at the diner
Episode 312
Beat - Smalltown Boy (Run Away) - Hustler Bar - Brian talks to the cop
Project - Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre) - Loft - the "Party"
on Release - I'm Afraid of Britney Spears - Red Cape comics - Brian meets
Attack - Future Proof - Bar - Brian & Justin / Mikey & Ben worry / Hunter
picks up the cop / end credits
Mozart - Queen of the Night Aria - Emmett cleaning windows / Ted & Em
drinking wine
Prodigy -
Baby's Got a Temper - Babylon - backroom closed again
Missing Songs:
? - Woody's - Mikey, Em & then Ted talk ? - Hunter on the street
Missing Songs:
? - Diner - Brian, Horvath, & Deb talk
? - Bar - Brian & the Cop
? - Restaurant - Em & Tweaked-out Teddy
Episode 314
Tobin - Marine Machines - Ted wakes up to see a porn of himself
Brothers - Where Do I Begin - Ted checks into rehab
Comas, The - Sweet Sweet 69 - Mel & Linds having sex
- Tight (Thick Dick Vocal Mix) - Babylon - Brian & Em dancing
Muse - Feeling
Good - opening scene - cops on Liberty Ave.
Order - True Faith (Pet Shop Boys Remix) - celebration in the streets / end
Missing Songs:
? - Woody's - before Brian's ad against Stockwell
Other Stuff:
This is from a promo or a screener (not widely released)....
Cheeks - Reach (Tommy Musto Club Mix) - promo
Pnau -
Follow Me (RadioEdit) - screener, repl by Cassius - Justin returns Brians
bracelet (stolen by nephew)
Ten CC - I'm Not
in Love - 306 screener, repl by Sola Sistim
Credit Song -
Burnside Project - Cue The Pulse To Begin
Episode 401
Mildred Bailey - There'll be Some Changes Made - from "Squeeze Me! Big Hits
from a Great Lady" - Shanda Leer sings
Gorme - What I Did for Love - Woody's - Shanda Leer sings
Julie London
- Cry Me A River - Shanda Leer sings
Anne Nesby (Boris & Beck Dark Mix) - Shelter - Woody's - Brian, Justin, &
- Haven't I Cried Enough (Widelife Lukas K Edit) - Babylon - Brian & Justin
Missing Songs:
Helen Forrest - I Only Have Eyes for You - from "I Wanna Be Loved" -
Shanda Leer sings / Brian talks to clients
Lena Horne - It's Gonna Be a Great Day - Shanda Leer sings / Darren's bashing
?? - Michael & Ben making love ?? - Mikey & Hunter ?? - Ted & Emmett
Episode 402
Collide -
White Rabbit - Emmett tripping while wandering in the woods
Eels -
Love Of The Loveless - Blake & Ted - Ted leaves rehab
Senior - C'mon - Naked volleyball
- Mundian to Bach Ke (Motivo Hi-Electro Remix) - Babylon - Emmett dances,
guys celebrate
Rivera feat. Billy Paul - Sex - Brian at 'Slings and Eros' / Gym - Brian,
Ben, Hunter
& Barnes - Welcome To My Head (Barry Harris Mix) - Loft - Justin drawing
To My
Surprise - Get It To Go - Justin & Cody - end credits
Missing Songs:
Andrea Menard - Sonny Makes Me Sunny
- Justin at Darren's apartment
Episode 403
- Appreciate Me (Peter Rauhofer Mix) - Babylon - Emmett dancing / Michael &
Brian try to talk to Emmett
Doves - The
Cedar Room - Bath house - Jen shows Brian his new office
- Junk Odyssey (Original Mix) - Pink Posse on patrol / Loft - Brian & Justin
having sex
- Wasting my time (Decoder and Substance Mix) - Babylon - Emmett & Michael at
the bar, making up
Placebo -
Special Needs - Loft - Brian/Justin - Brian has concerns about "this Cody"
Cut - Understanding The New Violence - end credits
Missing Songs:
Leon Cavallo's I Pagliacci - Vesti la glubba - Restaurant - Ted the Singing
Waiter Puccini's La Boheme - Che gelida manina - Ted tries out for SInging
Waiter Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Largo al factotum - Bad singer tries
out Verdi's Rigoletto - La donna e mobile - Restaurant - Ted can't sing in
front of his friends
Episode 404
Warhols - You Come In Burned - Justin & Cody in the alley / end credits
Ima Robot -
Scream - Woody's - Brian & Michael playing pool
Jelly - In The Bath - Loft - Brian & Justin wrestling
Marilyn Monroe - I Wanna Be Loved by You (From Some Like it Hot) - Deb,
Michael, Hunter, & Ben watching a movie
- Rock Star (Jason Nevins Remix) - Justin & Cody outside the straight club
Missing Songs:
Rigoletto - La donna e mobile - Restaurant - Ted, the Singing Waiter
Episode 405
- 7 Minutes - Daphne talks to Brian / Justin looking at the target / end
- Strobe's Manafushi (Satori Mix) - Gladiator dance at Babylon
- Beautiful Day - Michael at Red Cape Comics
Missing Songs:
?? - Ben & Mikey at the diner
?? - Justin, Cody, and Daphne
?? - Deb shows up at Vic's dinner party
Episode 406
Pistols - Six Million Ways to Live (Black Forest Mix) - Brian & Justin at
Goldfrapp -
Train - Woodys - Justin picking up "The Bet" trick / Brian leaving Deb's
Mogwai -
Christmas song - Emmett reads Ted's letter / Brian and "The Bet" trick at
Oliver (The Guvernment) - London 909 - Sex, Drums and Alcohol - Babylon -
Brian is told he has a lump / end credits
Audio - Good To Go - Brian & Justin at the gym
Warlocks -
Baby Blue - Justin, Ben & Mikey at Red Cape Comics
Missing Songs:
?? - Kinnetik launch party
Episode 407
Rebel Motorcycle Club - Shade of Blue - Babylon / Ted goes in search of a
little "Tina"
Crystal Method - I Know It's You - Brian's countdown / end credits
Reg - Statement - Brian & Justin reading fortune cookies at the loft
Brenda Lee - Rock'n Around the Christmas Tree - Shanda Leer sings / Christmas
party for Vic
by Monkeys - I Try [Peter Rauhofer Remix] - Babylon / Scan of Brian's
Angel Moraes - Tribal Function (That Kid Chris Mix) - Justin & Emmett at
Sling - Nuthin' Ain't Bad - Loft - Justin tries to "spice" things up for
Missing Songs:
Nat King Cole - Joy to the World - Deb gets out the Christmas decorations
Anne Murray - Joy to the World/O Come All Ye Faithful - Christmas Party for
Vic / angel breaks
Episode 408
Ambulance LTD - Primative - Brian & Michael smoking a joint
Calderone Vs Mauro MBS - Deep Dark Jungle (unreleased) - Babylon - Brian on
the prolw
Controller - Watch - Brian & Justin driving to PIFA
Murk - Time (Scumfrog Mix) - Babylon - Wet Willy contest / Comic book store
Secret Society - Stolen (John Selway Mix) - Kinnetik meeting
Suede - Attitude - end credits
Tall Blonde
- Don't Stop - Michael crying over Brian
Village People, The - Y.M.C.A. - Babylon - Vic's heaven
Missing Songs:
?? - Justin & Michael meet with Keller ?? - Comic book store
Episode 409
Menard - If I Were A Man - Darren as Shanda Leer
Biscuit Time - I Walk The Earth - end credits
Proles -
Man In The Middle - Red Cape Comics - Hunter & Michael
Missing Songs:
?? - Ted seals the deal for Dandy Lube
?? - Emmett confronts Mr. Boyd
?? - Woody's - Deb & Em
Episode 410
Electrelane - On Parade - Red Cape Comics - Justin & Mikey
- Zion (MatrixReloaded) - Emmett & Drew score a touchdown!
Origene -
Sanctuary - Babylon - Brian finds Justin
Speedwagon - I Can't Fight This Feeling - end credits
TV on
the Radio - Satellite - Steam room - Brian
Missing Songs:
Uncut, The - St. Petersburg - Ben at Anthony's apartment
Episode 501
Bag - More Lemonade (Scissor Sisters Sticky Tits Mix) -
Pool party in CA,
Brian & Justin talk on the telephone
Duran Duran - Reach Up For The Sunrise (Peter Presta Apple Jaxx Mix) -
Ending Credits Fatboy Slim - Jin Go La Ba -
Police close down Babylon's backroom
Sherri Lea - Anyway (Hex Hector Club Mix) The boys at Ript Gym, Teddy's getting chubby
Utada - Devil Inside (Richard Vission Experience) -
Brian and Michael dancing at Babylon (opening scene)
Missing Songs:
? - Movie Studio - Justin, Connor & Brett
? - Baby Babylon - apartment next to Ben & Michael
Episode 502
DV Roxx -
Hardcore Mutha Fucka
- Babylon re-opens and nobody comes
Groove Terminator - Here Comes Another One -
Brian/Justin reunion sex
Debby Holiday - Dive (Chris Cox Club Anthem) -
Ted at Popperz
Jacynthe - Look Who's Crying Now -
Justin talks about Hollywood at the diner
Scissor Sisters - The Skins -
Justin and Connor at the dance club in L.A.
Superpitcher - Fever -
Ending Credits
Richard Wagner - Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin -
Emmett saves his client's wedding from disaster
RuPaul - Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous -
Ted contemplates plastic surgery
Voxlab -
The Sound - Justin comes home/Brian fucking Max Walder - Samba Del Costa -
Brian & Ted at Babylon / Michael & Ben at their new house
Missing Songs: ? - Ted in the Salon Episode 503
Tom - Attention (Jan Driver Remix) -
Brian & Justin
celebrate at Babylon / Ending Credits
DJ Will Beats - Insanity (Original Mix) -
Justin, Brian and Ted at Babylon
- Buy Ya a Drink?
The Elected - Don't Get Your Hopes Up -
Opening Scene at Babylon,
Art performance
Enzo Mori & Stephen Clark - Got The Feel -
Brian, Justin & Ted toast just before they let the "beautiful people" into
Fierce & Coppola - Make You Love Me (Taras
Pumpin' Club Mix) -
Michael and Debbie talk at the diner
- Deb's Going Away party
Loleatta Holloway - Stand Up (Audiowhores Edit Mix) -
Michael, Ben & Brian at Woody's
Kayle - Fed
Up -
Ted & Emmett,
Justin & Deb - talk at Liberty Diner Paranoid Jack - Acid Fixx -
The boys at Ript Gym
- Emmett isn't Queer enough?
The Special Guests - Halfway There -
Debbie trains Loretta
The Sun - Valentine -
Brian & Justin at the loft
- What would Brian do without his Sunshine? Missing Songs:
? - Painting New House - Justin, Ben & Michael
? - Babylon - Line Outside
? - Babylon - Still Here, Still Queer!
Episode 504
Burdocks - Save The World -
Red Cape Comics
D1 feat. Lisa Hunt - Joint Is Jumpin' (Twisted Dee & Jayito Mix) -
Hard Hero's Night at Babylon / Ending Credits
The Golden Dogs - Birdsong -
Ted, Emmett & Debbie at Liberty Diner (low quality 56 kps)
Manson - Personal Jesus - Brian, Justin and two other guy having an orgy
David Morales feat. Lea Lorien - How Would U Feel (Stereo Anthem Mix) -
Debbie & Loretta doing shots at Woody's
Mark Rae - Gato -
Ted dreams of Brian
Missing Songs: HipJoint
feat. Tania Hancheroff - Can't Stop Laughing - Ted & Emmett at Liberty Diner
? - New House - Mikey & Ben
? - Dinner with The Couples
Episode 505
Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights -
Justin and Daphne babysitting Jenny Rebecca
Gerling - Who's Ya Daddy? -
Jenny Rebecca gets passed around between her 3 parents
Inaya Day - Hold Your Head up High (Jeff Poirier Club Mix) -
Brian and Emmett at Babylon
- syphilis news spreads
Lazyboy - Police Dogs Bonfire -
Justin cooking at the loft
- Brian announces he has syphilis
Lesbians On Ecstasy - Bitchsy -
Emmett and Ted at the dyke bar
Paranoid Jack - Drumspeak -
Ben and Brian at Ript Gym
& Zimbardo - The Lick - Brian shows Justin the VIP room
Thick Dick (A.K.A. E-Smoove) - Tweekin -
Michael and Ben leaving Woody's, Michael remembers
U.N.K.L.E. - Awake the Unkind -
Hunter walks into school as everyone stares at him
Missing Songs: Jacknife
Lee - Want - Ending Credits, Justin upset & drawing Jere McAllister - Get It Right -
Michael and Ben at Woody's - Ted looks fabulous! on S5
soundtrack From Leon Boelimann's "Suite Gothique" - Toccata - Ted in the dark at his
? - Babylon - Justin & Em
? - Diner - Deb let's down Loretta
Episode 506
Steve Angello - The Look (D. Ramirez Mix) -
Babylon - Ted gives weekly fucklist, Brian gets rejected in the backroom
Benny Benassi - Satisfaction -
Brian is turned down at the group party by a trick for Brandon
Charlatans UK - My Beautiful Friend -
Brian in the restaurant bathroom with Brandon
Cut Copy - Going Nowhere -
End Credits
Elefant - Misfit -
Justin and Michael at Red Cape Comics
Richard Grey featuring Golden Touch - Love Is All We Need (Hott 22 Remix) -
Gym - Ted hooks up with Troy
Astrid Suryanto & Dave Micalizzi - More And More (Chus & Ceballos Mix) -
Woody's - Brian & Justin - What's Your Problem?
Missing Songs: Atomic Cyanide -
Intravenus Spiral - Deb takes control in the diner Saint Pete & Robeter Prods - Can't Stop This Feeling -
Ted remembering the pity
fuck ? - Em at the mall greeting fans
Episode 507
Client - In It For The Money (Client vs. The Zip Remix) -
Babylon – Brian kicks Brandon out
Fierce & Jez - Where Love Lives -
Gym – Brian, Ted & Em
Geri Halliwell - Ride It (Hex Hector Mix) -
Babylon – Ted dumps Troy
Holly James - Touch It (Wally Lopez Weekend Mix) -
Brian scopes out Babylon
Carl Kennedy - The Love You Bring (Lee Cabrera Vocal Mix) -
Babylon – Brian, Ted & Em
Fern Kinney - Groove Me -
Woody's – Brandon confronts Brian – The Challenge is on
Marmoset - Shatter The Lovely -
Red Cape Comics – Justin & Michael
Stine J - You Are My Sunshine -
Brian & Justin go their separate ways, End Credits
Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries -
Ted & Troy fucking / Brian and Em tell Ted what to do
Missing Songs: From the
opera 'Lakmé' by Delibes - 'Viens, Mallika...Dôme épais le jasmin' -
Ted & Troy fucking
Episode 508
The Chemical Brothers - Come Inside -
Brian and Brandon/The Fuckoff begins
Deep Dish - Flashdance -
Woody's - Brian is the winner!
Tyler Durden featuring Miss Bunty - Cause I Know -
Woody's - Brian and Brandon - The Contest continues
Pete Lorimer - Sing Out -
Woody's - Brian and Brandon / Dick & Dick (slightly muffled, sorry)
Soul Theory - Drama (Dramatic Soul Mix) -
Babylon - Brian lets Brandon back in, End Credits
Missing Songs: Gasp -
Signs of Change -
Liberty Ave. - Ben searches for Hunter
Darren Wilsey - What's Your Name -
Diner - Em, Deb and Brian
Episode 509
Black Rock feat Debra Andrew - Blue Water -
Woody's - Gay Jewish mixer
Sheila Chandra - Sacred Stones -
Babylon, Brian dreams (Brian and Mikey)
Dimas & Ferrero - Tunes Of Nirvana -
Brian and Ted in Babylon
Eluvium - Genius And Thieves -
Boys dancing/End Credits
Kernkraft 400 - Zombie Nation -
Emmett and Drew
Pinback - Sender -
Jen and Justin at Justin's hovel
The Telepathic Butterflies - Love Is For Hire -
Background in the diner,
Brian & Mikey still aren't speaking
Missing Songs: ? -
Brian at the loft, Brian and Debbie
? -
Background in the diner, Justin & Jen
Episode 510
Bright Eyes - Lover I Don't Have to Love -
Brian watching Justin from his car on Liberty Ave
Gadjo feat Alexandra Prince - So Many Times (Deep T. Sans Serif Mix) -
Ted's Meet & Greet at the Diner
Lauper - Shine (Babylon 2005 Mix) -
Cyndi Performing
Lauper - Shine (original version, not the show version)
Paper Moon - Falling -
Deb & Justin in the diner
Missing Songs: Mach 747 feat. Andersen - One Day (Superstar) - (Roberter House Mix) - Em &
Brian in Ript
? - Ben & Michael
at Diner
? -
Babylon Fundraiser
Episode 511
The Dandy
Warhols - Sleep - End Credits in the Screeners
Earlimart-We Drink on the Job -
Brian & Justin at Justin's apartment
Flaming Sideburns - Street Survivor -
Brian and Justin drive out to the new home
Kasabian - Lost Souls Forever -
Brian proposes... Justin say's "No"
Mogwai - 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong -
Brian and Justin make love - End Credits
Missing Songs: ? -
Funeral - Brian
sees himself
? -
Mel, Lindsay & Justin at the Diner
Episode 512
Africanism All Stars - Summer Moon -
Woody's - Em, Ted and Tad meet up Eagles Of Death Metal - I Only Want You* -
Brian's Loft - Brian & Justin's Fuck-a-Thon
Femme Generation - Honestly, Trudy** -
Comic Book Store - Brian and Mikey talk about their kids
The Local Division - All The Rest Are Boring -
Justin's Loft - Justin and Lindsay talk about NYC and Art Review Radiohead featuring PJ Harvey - This Mess We're In -
Brian's Loft - Brian & Justin read art review Ultra Nate - Free (Jason Nevins Dub) -
Popperz - Em & Drew / Ted & Tad
From Screeners:
Robot - Alive -
Brian and Justin's fuck-a-thon **The
Killers - Smile Like You Mean It -
Brian and Mikey at the Comic store
Missing Songs: Dan Kircher - Just
Nothing -
Woody's - Em & Drew Say goodbye
Madeleine Peyroux - Dance Me to the End of Love - Ted & Thad love each other
(restaurant) Episode 513
Dandy Warhols,
The - Sleep
Opening Scene, Brian & Justin preparing for their
Doves. Tje - Ambition*
Brian and Justin making love in the loft
Holiday. Debby - Half a Mile Away (Scotty K's Vocal Club Mix)
- Woody's - Brian's stag party
Mr. Scruff - Jazz Potato
Rehearsal Dinner - wedding is called off
Small, Heather - Proud (Peter Presta QAF V Vocal Mix)
Brian and Mikey at Babylon,
Celebration, End Credits
Spiritual South - Green Gold
Emmett & Ted at the Gym - Thad is too much!
Sunday's Best - The Californian
Diner - Deb tells all about the press conference, Ted
repeats his story to Em From Screener: *Black
Rebel Motorcycle Club - Love Burns -
Brian and Justin making love in the loft
Bonus track:
Heather Small - Proud (Illicit Mix Edit)
Missing Songs:
Denny - Cliche (Paul Graces Big Room Mix) - another version - Junior
Vasquez Mix Edit -
Ted, Emmett and Blake at the lodge
Thick Dick - Wetter -
Woody's, Brian and Justin,