Read how to use this Interactive Course





Interactive Batch Course with built-in Reference

The versatile MS-DOS/MSDOS Batch Language automates routine tasks with Batch files (lists of Batch commands). Learn how to write Batch files with this free, interactive Course and built-in Batch Reference. You need no prior knowledge of Batch files: you're guided through each step on screen in your Web Browser – no need for printouts.

What's new or quick if you're in a rush?

Try our Batch Reference, our Batch Troubleshooting tips, or Batch Library with example Batch files. If you enjoy our interactive tutorials, take our shorter HTML for newcomers, or try a brief interactive session that shows our training ideas in action with our Quick Look.

The full Batch Course or just a

In our full Course of 21 interactive Lessons, you build a menu-driven Batch file project for backup, and learn a wide range of Batch file skills. Try the full Batch File Course, or a click for details. Use a link below: the Lesson loads in your Browser.

Lesson Index and Course Syllabus

Get introduced first

This fully-interactive Course probably isn't like anything else you've met on the Web. That's why there's an interactive . Think of it as Lesson Zero. You will:

The Lesson pages are designed so that you can (click for details) .

The Course is written for Windows 95/98/ME. users who want to try the Course need (click for a summary).

 Note  Our clickable on-screen Course Reference loads with every Lesson and grows in detail as you progress. We don't load it with this Lesson Index and Syllabus page, which gives only an overview. So Batch terms/commands on this Index page aren't clickable.

 Backup  Batch files are powerful tools. Always backup. Read our .

Two ways to study:
1 Graduated Lessons

In the you learnt to create a custom MS-DOS window that is ideal for Batch file work. To follow an interactive, thorough, and carefully graduated set of Lessons in which you learn to write your own Batch files, continue with the Lesson 1 Syllabus now.

2 Work from reference

Alternatively, if you're already very familiar with the MS-DOS Batch Language, and need only a DOS command reference with syntax examples, see our Batch Reference:

Batch Reference

Contents of Batch ReferenceBatch File Command Reference

Our clickable on-screen Reference to DOS Batch commands and terms also loads with every Lesson. Follow the Course and the Reference grows in detail as you progress, matching what you've learnt (there's no confusion with material not covered until later).

Make sure you take the first (it's the session in which you build the custom  BatchWindow  that the Course needs, and learn to use all the interactive features).

Syllabus for ECHO and Environment variables:

Syllabus for Using Child Shells:

 Note  From now, each Lesson needs your files from the previous one. Use your own files, if you can. If you can't (or if you want to retake a previous Lesson), download the files from the link at the start of the Lesson, and click instructions.

 Errorlevels  Download our Windows 95/98/ME Batch command now (or in any Lesson whenever you click on the term ERRORLEVEL).

Syllabus for Using choice and ERRORLEVELs:

Syllabus for Finding the current ERRORLEVEL:

Syllabus for Scripts as Useful Intermediate Tools:

Syllabus for Designing Menus in Batch scripts:

Syllabus for Redirection and File Management:

Syllabus for Managing Workfiles and Debugging Batch scripts:

Syllabus for Copying and concatenating files:

Syllabus for Testing for existence of files or folders:

 Note  For a detailed account (with many syntax examples) of how to insert fixed-time delays in batch files, how to wait for a Windows process to finish, or wait for an event (in another batch file running in parallel), see our Batch Reference.

Syllabus for Finish Coding the Setup Batch script:

Syllabus for Command-line Parameters and String Comparison:

Syllabus for Plan and Menu Logic of Backup script:

Syllabus for Understanding File Backup methods:

Syllabus for Coding Backup option and a Drive-Ready test:

Syllabus for Using the Pipe operator:

Syllabus for Synchronizing a Backup, and more Pipe work:

Syllabus for Coding the Check and Restore options:

Syllabus for Finishing the Backup script project:

Syllabus for Further Batch skills and Practice:

Batch Reference

When you've completed all the Batch Lessons and want to consult the full Batch Course Reference again to brush up on details, try our Batch Reference.

Any further questions

If you have questions or comments about this Batch File Course, please (your email subject line should contain: website). Please be sure to say whether you are using Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT/2000/XP.

Links to Batch File information on the Web

Our own interest was originally stimulated by the highly intuitive techniques developed by Tom Lavedas, whose Website is well worth studying. For general links, Frank-Peter Schultze keeps an up-to-date, detailed list of Batch Bookmarks that's very useful.

Above all, enjoy writing your own Batch files. After completing the Course, the Batch Language will make sense. And Windows will be more productive, and far more fun!

Our and usual

Recent site changes and future plans are detailed in our page. Our Demonstration Courses are free, with no adverts. Before taking one, read our .

William Allen and Linda Allen
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