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The world's biggest Intel chime

Hello from Finland!

Hello, I'm Martti Roth from Intel Finland. At Intel, we love trying new things. So, when me and my team decided to create the world's biggest Intel chime, we used five big cannons, five big tubes and five big heroes with helmets on. Yes, I suppose it was a little bit crazy!

To find out how and why we did it, explore our site. Get to know some people with a real passion for pushing back boundaries. I think our experiment might even be worth an entry in the Intel Technology Wiki.

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All copy and videos are part of a marketing campaign for Intel® Sponsors of Tomorrow™. No Intel employees were harmed in the making of this film. All characters featured in the videos were played by actors specially trained in silly costumes and Finnish accents. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to fire anyone out of a cannon.