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(cache) AP Video Australian miners freed after 14 days underground Print-friendly version Frisky F... Frisky Futa-kun demonstrates eve | Japan Sex News

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AP Video Australian miners freed after 14 days underground Print-friendly version Frisky F... Frisky Futa-kun demonstrates eve

Posted in by admin on Tue, 2006-05-09 11:00

Standing upright made Futa-kun the lesser panda Japan's hottest property for a brief period about a little over a year ago as the country fell for his cuteness with a fever only the Japanese seem able to muster. Now, his time in the limelight over, Shukan Gendai (5/20) reports that Futa-kun is appearing in mating movies where he remains rigidly upright, but that's less in terms of his hind legs than what he has between them. And it seems he's certainly far from being lesser.

Hacks from the men's weekly headed out to Chiba Zoo to check up on the frisky feller and found he was still standing tall. Beside Futa-kun in his enclosure, however, was another lesser panda who was not there when all the hullabaloo was being made about him being on his feet. It's Futa-kun's new "wife," Chichi.

"They 'married' in March last year. She's half a year older than Futa-kun, so he's found himself an older woman. It took a while for them to get used to each other. Every time Futa-kun approached her, she'd run away, or growl at him. She totally ignored him," Shigeru Chiba, the zoo's lesser panda keeper, tells Shukan Gendai. "Now, though, they're really good buddies."

"They mated successfully in January this year," Chiba says. "Lesser pandas get in heat in January and we've confirmed they have mated on numerous occasions."

In fact, the zoo captured the lesser pandas' most intimate moments on film, which the men's weekly dissects with way too much attention to detail. It devotes the better part of a full page to describing how Futa-kun and Chichi did their part to increase the global lesser panda population and lauded the male for the rich variety of positions he assumed.

The men's weekly hails Futa-kun for delivering his coup de grace by noting that the entire session went on for two hours, 40 minutes and "he emerged standing tall down there, too."

Lesser panda pairing almost always results in conception, so it seems almost certain that Chichi is carrying Futa-kun's child. Keeper Chiba is not so sure.

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