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Wake on LAN Information
WOL (Wake on LAN) 機能を利用すると、スリープ状態のコンピューターをネットワーク管理者がリモートから復帰 (ウェイクアップ) できます。この機能を利用すればリモートから電源を投入して定期メンテナンスなどを行えるため、就業時間外にコンピューターの電源を入れたままにしておく必要がありません。
Although power management can be standard to implement on individual desktop and notebook computers, adopting power management across an enterprise computer system requires a more thoughtful approach. These papers address power management solutions and strategies for the enterprise, its associated benefits and how to make power management more efficient.
Many Climate Savers Computing members are actively involved in research around green computing and sustainable IT issues. The following reports were sponsored by one or more Climate Savers Computing member companies.