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foot  (ft)
n. pl. feet (ft)
1. The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking.
2. A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk.
3. Something suggestive of a foot in position or function, especially:
a. The lowest part; the bottom: the foot of a mountain; the foot of a page.
b. The end opposite the head, top, or front: the foot of a bed; the foot of a parade.
c. The termination of the leg of a piece of furniture, especially when shaped or modeled.
d. The part of a sewing machine that holds down and guides the cloth.
e. Nautical The lower edge of a sail.
f. Printing The part of a type body that forms the sides of the groove at the base.
g. Botany The base of the sporophyte in mosses and liverworts.
4. The inferior part or rank: at the foot of the class.
5. The part of a stocking or high-topped boot that encloses the foot.
a. A manner of moving; a step: walks with a light foot.
b. Speed or momentum, as in a race: "the only other Democrats who've demonstrated any foot till now" (Michael Kramer).
7. (used with a pl. verb) Foot soldiers; infantry.
8. A unit of poetic meter consisting of stressed and unstressed syllables in any of various set combinations. For example, an iambic foot has an unstressed followed by a stressed syllable.
9. Abbr. ft. or ft A unit of length in the U.S. Customary and British Imperial systems equal to 12 inches (0.3048 meter). See Table at measurement.
10. foots Sediment that forms during the refining of oil and other liquids; dregs.
v. foot·ed, foot·ing, foots
1. To go on foot; walk. Often used with it: When their car broke down, they had to foot it the rest of the way.
2. To dance. Often used with it: "We foot it all the night/weaving olden dances" (William Butler Yeats).
3. Nautical To make headway; sail.
1. To go by foot over, on, or through; tread.
2. To execute the steps of (a dance).
3. To add up (a column of numbers) and write the sum at the bottom; total: footed up the bill.
4. To pay; defray: footed the expense of their children's education.
5. To provide (a stocking, for example) with a foot.
at (someone's) feet
Enchanted or fascinated by another.
best foot forward
A favorable initial impression: He always has his best foot forward when speaking to his constituents. Put your best foot forward during an employment interview.
feet of clay
An underlying weakness or fault: "They discovered to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of clay, after placing him upon a pedestal" (James Joyce).
foot in the door Slang
1. An initial point of or opportunity for entry.
2. A first step in working toward a goal.
get (one's) feet wet
To start a new activity or job.
have one foot in the grave Informal
To be on the verge of death, as from illness or severe trauma.
have (one's) feet on the ground
To be sensible and practical about one's situation.
on (one's) feet
1. Standing up: The crowd was on its feet for the last ten seconds.
2. Fully recovered, as after an illness or convalescence: The patient is on her feet again.
3. In a sound or stable operating condition: put the business back on its feet after years of mismanagement.
4. In an impromptu situation; extemporaneously: "Politicians provide easy targets for grammatical nitpickers because they have to think on their feet" (Springfield MA Morning Union).
on the right foot
In an auspicious manner: The project started off on the right foot but soon ran into difficulties.
on the wrong foot
In an inauspicious manner: The project started off on the wrong foot.

[Middle English fot, from Old English ft; see ped- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: In Standard English, foot and feet have their own rules when they are used in combination with numbers to form expressions for units of measure: a four-foot plank, but not a four feet plank; also correct is a plank four feet long (or, less frequently, four foot long). When foot is combined with numbers greater than one to refer to simple distance, however, only the plural feet is used: a ledge 20 feet (not foot) away. At that speed, a car moves 88 feet (not foot) in a second.
Our Living Language Some people in New England and the South use constructions such as three foot and five mile in place of Standard English three feet and five miles in certain contexts. Some speakers extend this practice to measures of time, as in He was gone three year, though this is not as common. Interestingly, such constructions are used only if a specific numeral (other than one) precedes the noun. Thus, She gave me four gallon of cider can be heard in vernacular speech; however, no one would say She gave me gallon of cider for She gave me gallons of cider. This is because the numeral makes apparent the plural meaning that would not be specified if both the numeral and the plural form were omitted. See Notes at comparative, plural, redundancy.
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foot [fʊt]
n pl feet [fiːt]
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) the part of the vertebrate leg below the ankle joint that is in contact with the ground during standing and walking Related adj pedal
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates, including molluscs
3. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) Botany the lower part of some plant structures, as of a developing moss sporophyte embedded in the parental tissue
4. (Mathematics & Measurements / Units)
a.  a unit of length equal to one third of a yard or 12 inches. 1 Imperial foot is equivalent to 0.3048 metre Abbreviation ft.
b.  any of various units of length used at different times and places, typically about 10 per cent greater than the Imperial foot
5. any part resembling a foot in form or function the foot of a chair
6. the lower part of something; base; bottom the foot of the page the foot of a hill
7. the end of a series or group the foot of the list
8. manner of walking or moving; tread; step a heavy foot
9. (Military)
a.  infantry, esp in the British army
b.  (as modifier) a foot soldier
10. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Knitting & Sewing) any of various attachments on a sewing machine that hold the fabric in position, such as a presser foot for ordinary sewing and a zipper foot
11. (Music, other) Music
a.  a unit used in classifying organ pipes according to their pitch, in terms of the length of an equivalent column of air
b.  this unit applied to stops and registers on other instruments
12. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) Printing
a.  the margin at the bottom of a page
b.  the undersurface of a piece of type
13. (Literature / Poetry) Prosody a group of two or more syllables in which one syllable has the major stress, forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm
a foot in the door an action, appointment, etc., that provides an initial step towards a desired goal, esp one that is not easily attainable
kick with the wrong foot Scot and Irish to be of the opposite religion to that which is regarded as acceptable or to that of the person who is speaking
my foot! an expression of disbelief, often of the speaker's own preceding statement he didn't know, my foot! Of course he did!
of foot Archaic in manner of movement fleet of foot
on foot
a.  walking or running
b.  in progress; astir; afoot
one foot in the grave Informal near to death
on the wrong (or right) foot Informal in an inauspicious (or auspicious) manner
put a foot wrong to make a mistake
put one's best foot forward
a.  to try to do one's best
b.  to hurry
put one's foot down Informal
a.  to act firmly
b.  to increase speed (in a motor vehicle) by pressing down on the accelerator.
put one's foot in it Informal to blunder
set on foot to initiate or start (something)
tread under foot to oppress
under foot on the ground; beneath one's feet
1. (Performing Arts / Dancing) to dance to music (esp in the phrase foot it)
2. (tr) to walk over or set foot on; traverse (esp in the phrase foot it)
3. (tr) to pay the entire cost of (esp in the phrase foot the bill)
4. (usually foll by up) Archaic or dialect to add up See also feet, foots
[Old English fōt; related to Old Norse fōtr, Gothic fōtus, Old High German fuoz, Latin pēs, Greek pous, Sanskrit pad]
footless  adj
Usage: In front of another noun, the plural for the unit of length is foot: a 20-foot putt; his 70-foot ketch. Foot can also be used instead of feet when mentioning a quantity and in front of words like tall: four foot of snow; he is at least six foot tall

Foot [fʊt]
(Biographies / Foot, Michael (Mackintosh) (1913 M, British, POLITICS: politician, POLITICS: statesman, WRITING: journalist) Michael (Mackintosh). born 1913, British Labour politician and journalist; secretary of state for employment (1974-76); leader of the House of Commons (1976-79); leader of the Labour Party (1980-83)

foot  (ft)
Plural feet (ft)
A unit of length in the US Customary System equal to 1/3 of a yard or 12 inches (30.48 centimeters). See Table at measurement.
ThesaurusLegend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun1.footfoot - the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint; "his bare feet projected from his trousers"; "armored from head to foot"
human, human being, homo, man - any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
calcaneus, heelbone, os tarsi fibulare - the largest tarsal bone; forms the human heel
arcuate artery, arteria arcuata - curved artery in the foot
arteria digitalis, digital arteries - arteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and toes
arteria metatarsea, metatarsal artery - dorsal and plantar arteries to the metatarsal region of the foot
intercapitular vein, vena intercapitalis - veins connecting the dorsal and palmar veins of the hand or the dorsal and plantar veins of the foot
metatarsal vein, vena metatarsus - dorsal and plantar branches of veins serving the metatarsal region of the foot
leg - a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle
pedal extremity, vertebrate foot - the extremity of the limb in vertebrates
pes planus, splayfoot, flatfoot - a foot afflicted with a fallen arch; abnormally flattened and spread out
instep - the arch of the foot
sole - the underside of the foot
toe - one of the digits of the foot
big toe, great toe, hallux - the first largest innermost toe
little toe - the fifth smallest outermost toe
heel - the back part of the human foot
2.foot - a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard; "he is six feet tall"
linear measure, linear unit - a unit of measurement of length
in, inch - a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
yard, pace - a unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride
3.foot - the lower part of anything; "curled up on the foot of the bed"; "the foot of the page"; "the foot of the list"; "the foot of the mountain"
bottom - the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill"
head - the top of something; "the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list"
4.footfoot - the pedal extremity of vertebrates other than human beings
fossorial foot - foot adapted for digging as in moles
hoof - the foot of an ungulate mammal
bird's foot - the foot of a bird
webfoot - a foot having the toes connected by folds of skin
trotter - foot of a pig or sheep especially one used as food
forefoot - a front foot of a quadruped
hindfoot - a rear foot of a quadruped
paw - a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped
pedal extremity, vertebrate foot - the extremity of the limb in vertebrates
5.footfoot - lowest support of a structure; "it was built on a base of solid rock"; "he stood at the foot of the tower"
bed - a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track; "the track bed had washed away"
raft foundation - a foundation (usually on soft ground) consisting of an extended layer of reinforced concrete
structure, construction - a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons"
support - supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation; "the statue stood on a marble support"
6.footfoot - any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates
invertebrate - any animal lacking a backbone or notochord; the term is not used as a scientific classification
tube foot - tentacular tubular process of most echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins and holothurians) having a sucker at the end and used for e.g. locomotion and respiration
organ - a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function
7.foot - travel by walking; "he followed on foot"; "the swiftest of foot"
walk - the act of walking somewhere; "he took a walk after lunch"
8.foot - a member of a surveillance team who works on foot or rides as a passenger
intelligence agent, intelligence officer, operative, secret agent - a person secretly employed in espionage for a government
9.footfoot - an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot; "there came ten thousand horsemen and as many fully-armed foot"
army unit - a military unit that is part of an army
armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
paratroops - infantry trained and equipped to parachute
10.foot - (prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm
metrics, prosody - the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
cadence, metre, meter, measure, beat - (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
dactyl - a metrical unit with stressed-unstressed-unstressed syllables
iamb, iambus - a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables
anapaest, anapest - a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed syllables
amphibrach - a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (e.g., `remember')
trochee - a metrical unit with stressed-unstressed syllables
spondee - a metrical unit with stressed-stressed syllables
dibrach, pyrrhic - a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables
11.foot - a support resembling a pedal extremity; "one foot of the chair was on the carpet"
leg - a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person's leg
support - any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf"
Verb1.foot - pay for something; "pick up the tab"; "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"; "foot the bill"
pay - give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please"
2.foot - walk; "let's hoof it to the disco"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
walk - use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"
3.foot - add a column of numbers
arithmetic - the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
add together, add - make an addition by combining numbers; "Add 27 and 49, please!"

plural noun
tootsies (informal) his aching arms and sore feet
1. paw, pad, trotter, hoof, f%t (S.M.S.) It could trap and hurt an animal's foot.
2. bottom, end, base, foundation, lowest part, f%t (S.M.S.) Friends stood at the foot of the bed.
Related words
technical name pes
adjective pedal
drag your feet (Informal) stall, procrastinate, block, hold back, obstruct They were dragging their feet so as to obstruct political reforms.
foot [fʊt]
A. N (feet (pl))
1. (Anat) → pie m; [of animal, chair] → pata f
my feet are achingme duelen los pies
to get to one's feetponerse de pie, levantarse, pararse(LAm)
lady, my foot!¡dama, ni hablar!
on foota pie, andando, caminando(LAm)
to be on one's feetestar de pie, estar parado(LAm)
he's on his feet all day longestá trajinando todo el santo día, no descansa en todo el día
he's on his feet againya está recuperado or repuesto
to rise to one's feetponerse de pie, levantarse, pararse(LAm)
I've never set foot therenunca he estado allí
to set foot inside sb's doorponer los pies en la casa de algn, pasar el umbral de algn
to set foot on dry landponer el pie en tierra firme
it's wet under footel suelo está mojado
to trample sth under footpisotear algo
the children are always under my feetsiempre tengo los niños pegados
to put one's feet updescansar
to put one's best foot forwardanimarse a continuar
to get cold feetentrarle miedo a algn
to get one's foot in the doormeter el pie en la puerta
to put one's foot down (= say no) → plantarse (Aut) → acelerar
to drag one's feetdar largas al asunto, hacerse el roncero
to fall on one's feettener suerte, caer de pie
to find one's feetponerse al corriente
to have one foot in the graveestar con un pie en la sepultura
to have one's feet on the groundser realista
to put one's foot in itmeter la pata
to start off on the right footentrar con buen pie
to shoot o.s. in the footpegarse un tiro en el pie
to sit at sb's feetser discípulo de algn
to stand on one's own two feetvolar con sus propias alas
to sweep a girl off her feetenamorar perdidamente a una chica
she never put a foot wrongno cometió ningún error
it all started off on the wrong foottodo empezó mal
2. [of mountain, page, stairs, bed] → pie m
at the foot of the hillal pie de la colina
3. (= measure) → pie m
he's six foot or feet tallmide seis pies, mide un metro ochenta IMPERIAL SYSTEM
1. (= pay) to foot the bill (for sth)pagar(algo), correr con los gastos(de algo)
to foot it (= walk) → ir andando or (LAm) caminando; (= dance) → bailar
C. CPD foot brake N (Aut) → freno m de pie
foot fault N (Tennis) → falta f de saque
foot passenger Npasajero/a m/f de a pie
foot pump Nbomba f de pie
foot rot Nuñero m
foot soldier Nsoldado mf de infantería

foot [ˈfʊt] [feet] [ˈfiːt] (pl)
(ANATOMY)pied m
My feet are aching → J'ai mal aux pieds.
She stamped her foot → Elle tapa du pied.
on foot → à pied
to set foot somewhere (= go) → mettre les pieds quelque part
to be on one's feet (= standing) → être debout
to rise to one's feet, to get to one's feet (= stand up) → se lever
to get back on one's feet (= recover) (after illness, bad experience)se remettre sur pied
to put one's feet up (= relax) → se détendre
to get cold feet about sth (= start feeling unsure) → être moins chaud pour qch >
to find one's feet (fig)s'acclimater
to put one's foot down (= accelerate) → appuyer sur le champignon (= say no) → ne pas vouloir en entendre parler
He was going to go skiing, but his wife put her foot down → Il allait partir au ski, mais sa femme n'a pas voulu en entendre parler.
to have one's feet on the ground (= have a sensible attitude) → avoir les pieds sur terre
to keep one's feet on the ground (= have a sensible attitude) → garder les pieds sur terre
to stand on one's own two feet (= be independent) → se débrouiller seul
to land on one's feet, to fall on one's feet → retomber sur ses pieds
to put one's foot in it → mettre les pieds dans le plat
to put one's best foot forward (old-fashioned)faire de son mieux
the boot is on the other foot (British)les rôles sont inversés
to have one foot in the grave → avoir un pied dans la tombe
to be under sb's feet (= in the way) → être dans les jambes de qn
to get off on the wrong foot (= start badly) → mal commencer
he never puts a foot wrong (= never makes a mistake) → il ne commet jamais la moindre erreur
(= bottom) [bed] → pied m; [stairs] → bas m; [hill] → pied m; [page] → bas m
(= measure) → pied = 30.48 cm; 12 pouces)m >
Dave is 6 foot tall → Dave mesure un mètre quatre-vingt.
That mountain is 5000 feet high → Cette montagne fait mille six cents mètres de haut.
[animal] → patte f
The dog's foot was injured → Le chien était blessé à la patte.
vt [+ bill] → payer

n pl <feet>
Fuß m; to be on one’s feet (lit, fig)auf den Beinen sein; to help somebody back (on)to their feetjdm wieder auf die Beine helfen; to get back on one’s feet (lit, fig)wieder auf die Beine kommen; the country is starting to get back on its feet againdas Land kommt langsam wieder auf die Beine; on footzu Fuß; to set foot on dry landden Fuß auf festen Boden setzen, an Land gehen; I’ll never set foot here again!hier kriegen mich keine zehn Pferde mehr her! (inf); the first time he set foot in the officeals er das erste Mal das Büro betrat; to get or rise to one’s feetaufstehen; to jump to one’s feetaufspringen; to put one’s feet up (lit)die Füße hochlegen; (fig)es sich (dat)bequem machen; he never puts a foot wrong (gymnast, dancer)bei ihm stimmt jeder Schritt; (fig)er macht nie einen Fehler; to catch somebody on the wrong foot (Sport) → jdn auf dem falschen Fuß erwischen; (fig)jdn überrumpeln; to be dying or dead on one’s feet (inf)todmüde sein
(fig uses) to put one’s foot down (= act with decision or authority)ein Machtwort sprechen; (= forbid, refuse)es strikt verbieten; (Aut) → Gas geben; to put one’s foot in itins Fettnäpfchen treten; to put one’s best foot forward (= hurry)die Beine unter den Arm nehmen; (= do one’s best)sich anstrengen; to find one’s feetsich eingewöhnen, sich zurechtfinden; to fall on one’s feetauf die Beine fallen; to have one’s or both feet (firmly) on the groundmit beiden Beinen (fest) auf der Erde stehen; to keep one’s feet on the ground (fig)beide Beine auf der Erde halten; to have one foot in the gravemit einem Bein im Grabe stehen; to get/be under somebody’s feetjdm im Wege stehen or sein; (children also)jdm vor den Füßen herumlaufen; to get off on the right/wrong footeinen guten/schlechten Start haben; to have/get one’s or a foot in the dooreinen Fuß in der Tür haben/in die Tür bekommen; to get one’s feet under the table (Brit inf) → sich etablieren; to stand on one’s own two feetauf eigenen Füßen or Beinen stehen; to sit at somebody’s feet (fig)jds Jünger sein; a nice area, my foot! (inf)und das soll eine schöne Gegend sein!
(of stocking, list, page, stairs, hill, sewing machine etc)Fuß m; (of bed)Fußende nt
(Measure) → Fuß m; 3 foot or feet wide/long3 Fuß breit/lang; he’s 6 foot 3˜ er ist 1,90 m
(Poet) → (Vers)fuß m
no pl (Mil) → Infanterie f; the 15th footdas 15. Infanterieregiment; ten thousand foot (Brit) → zehntausend Fußsoldaten pl
to foot it (inf: = walk) → marschieren (inf)

foot bath
nFußbad nt
n (Rail, on coach) → Trittbrett nt
foot brake
nFußbremse f

nSchritt m
foot fault
n (Tennis) → Fußfehler m
nFußbekleidung f
pl(Gebirgs)ausläufer pl
nStand m, → Halt m; (fig)sichere (Ausgangs)position; he got or gained a foot on the rocker fand mit den Füßen Halt am Felsen; to establish or gain a foot (fig)Fuß fassen; to lose one’s foot (lit, fig)den Halt verlieren

adjungebunden, unbeschwert; foot and fancy-freefrei und ungebunden
nLakai m
nFußabdruck m
nFußnote f; (fig)Anmerkung f
nSchritttempo nt; at a footim Schritt
(= path)Fußweg m
(Brit: = pavement) → Bürgersteig m
nFührerstand m
footplate men, footplate workers
n britische Maßeinheit für Drehmoment und Energie
nFußabdruck m; (fig, of machine) → Stellfläche f, → Grundfläche f
plFußspuren pl
foot pump
nFußpumpe f, → Blasebalg m
nFußstütze f
foot rot
n (Vet) → Fußfäule f
foot save
n (Sport) → Fußabwehr f

vi (inf)latschen (inf), → marschieren
n (Mil sl) → Fußsoldat m, → Infanterist m; foots (Mil sl) → Fußvolk nt; (inf: = walkers) → Spaziergänger pl, → Tippler pl (inf)
foot soldier
nFußsoldat m, → Infanterist m
adj to be footwunde Füße haben
n (Bot) → Stängel m, → Stiel m
nSchritt m ? follow
nSchemel m, → Fußbank f
nSchuhe pl, → Schuhwerk nt
n no pl (Sport) → Beinarbeit f; (fig)Manöver pl

foot [fʊt]
1. n (feet (pl))
a. (gen) → piede m; (of animal) → zampa; (of page, stairs) → fondo
on foot → a piedi
to be on one's feet → essere in piedi (after illness) → essersi rimesso/a
to jump/rise to one's feet → balzare/alzarsi in piedi
it's wet under foot → è bagnato per terra
b. (fig) (phrases) to fall on one's feetcadere in piedi
to find one's feet → ambientarsi
to get cold feet → avere fifa
to get under sb's feet → stare tra i piedi a qn
to have one foot in the grave → avere un piede nella fossa
to put one's foot down (say no) → imporsi (Aut) → schiacciare l'acceleratore
to get a foot in the door → fare il primo passo
to put one's foot in it → fare una gaffe
to put one's feet up (fam) → riposarsi
I've never set foot there → non ci ho mai messo piede
to put one's best foot forward (hurry) → sbrigarsi
to get off on the right/wrong foot → partire col piede giusto/sbagliato
she didn't put a foot wrong → non ha fatto neanche un errore
c. (measure) → piede m (= 304 mm or 12 inches)
he's 6 foot or feet tall → è alto 1 metro e 80
2. vt to foot the bill (fam) → pagare il conto

foot [fʊt]
1. n (feet (pl))
a. (gen) → piede m; (of animal) → zampa; (of page, stairs) → fondo
on foot → a piedi
to be on one's feet → essere in piedi (after illness) → essersi rimesso/a
to jump/rise to one's feet → balzare/alzarsi in piedi
it's wet under foot → è bagnato per terra
b. (fig) (phrases) to fall on one's feetcadere in piedi
to find one's feet → ambientarsi
to get cold feet → avere fifa
to get under sb's feet → stare tra i piedi a qn
to have one foot in the grave → avere un piede nella fossa
to put one's foot down (say no) → imporsi (Aut) → schiacciare l'acceleratore
to get a foot in the door → fare il primo passo
to put one's foot in it → fare una gaffe
to put one's feet up (fam) → riposarsi
I've never set foot there → non ci ho mai messo piede
to put one's best foot forward (hurry) → sbrigarsi
to get off on the right/wrong foot → partire col piede giusto/sbagliato
she didn't put a foot wrong → non ha fatto neanche un errore
c. (measure) → piede m (= 304 mm or 12 inches)
he's 6 foot or feet tall → è alto 1 metro e 80
2. vt to foot the bill (fam) → pagare il conto

n foot [fut]
1 the part of the leg on which a person or animal stands or walks My feet are very sore from walking so far. voet; voete; poot; pote قَدَم пета noha fod der Fuß πόδι pie (laba)jalg پا jalka pied כַּף רֶגֶל पांव stopalo láb(fej) kaki fótur piede (척추 동물의) 발 pėda, koja (kājas) pēda kaki voet fot stopa, noga picior ступня, нога; лапа noha noga stopalo fot เท้า ayak ступня, нога پاؤں bàn chân
2 the lower part of anything at the foot of the hill. aan die voet van أسْفَل الشَيئ подножие úpatí fod der Fuß βάση, το κάτω μέρος από κτ. pie jalam, alaosa پایین؛ پایه alaosa pied תַחתִית किसी चीज का निम्न हिस्सा podnožje láb(azat) kaki brekkufótur; fjallsrót; neðsti hluti piede, base 下部 아래쪽 부분 apačia, papėdė kalna pakāje kaki voet fot(stykke), sokkel dół, podnóże sopé parte de jos нижняя часть;подножие päta vznožje dno fot, nederdel ส่วนล่าง etek 最下部 підніжжя, підошва کسی شے کا نچلا حصہ phần thấp nhất của cái gì
3 (plural often foot; often abbreviated toftwhen written) a measure of length equal to twelve inches (30.48 cm) He is five feet/foot six inches tall; a four-foot wall. voet قَدَم وِحْدَة قِياس фут stopa fod der Fuß (-0,31m) πόδι (μονάδα μέτρησης) pie jalg پا؛ فوت jalka pied רֶגֶל फुट mjera za dužinu, stopa (oko 30cm) láb (hosszmérték) kaki fet piede フィート 피트(12 inches, 1/3 yard, 30.48cm) pėda (mērvienība) pēda kaki voet engelsk fot stopa picior фут stopa čevelj stopa fot หน่วยวัดความยาวเท่ากับ 12 fut, fit 英尺 фут بارہ انچ کے برابرطول đơn vị đo độ dài Anh bằng 30,34cm
n footing
1 balance It was difficult to keep his footing on the narrow path. vastrapplek تَوازُن равновесие rovnováha balance sichere Stellung ισορροπία equilibrio tasakaal حالت گذاشتن پا tasapaino équilibre אֲחִיזַת רַגלַיִים संतुलन ravnoteža egyensúly keseimbangan fótfesta equilibrio 足場 균형 pusiausvyra atbalsts; pamats; drošs stāvoklis keseimbangan evenwicht fotfeste, balanse równowaga equilíbrio echilibru опора (для ноги) rovnováha ravnotežje ravnoteža fotfäste, balans การทรงตัว, denge 平衡 опора توازن thăng bằng
2 foundation The business is now on a firm footing. vaste voet أساس основа základ, pevná půda fundament die Grundlage έρεισμα, βάσεις base alus موقعیت perusta base בָּסִיס आधार temelj, uporište alap(zat) landasan grunnur, undirstaða base 基盤 기반, 터전 pagrindas, pamatas pamats landasan basis fundament, grunnlag podstawa bază (прочное) положение základ temelj oslonac grund, basis รากฐาน temel 基礎 фундамент بنیاد cơ sở
n football
1 a game played by kicking a large ball The children played football; (also adjective ) a football fan. voetbal لُعْبَة كُرة القَدَم футбол fotbal; fotbalový fodbold; fodbold- das Fußballspiel, Fußball-... ποδόσφαιρο fútbol jalgpall فوتبال jalkapallo football כַּדוֹרֶגֶל फुटबॉल nogomet; nogometni futball, labdarúgás sepakbola fótbolti calcio; di calcio サッカー 미식 축구 futbolas futbols; futbola- bola sepak voetbal fotball piłka nożna futebol fotbal футбол futbal; futbalový nogomet fudbal fotboll กีฬาฟุตบอล futbol 足球運動 футбол فٹبال môn bóng đá
2 the ball used in this game. voetbal كُرَة القَدَم футболна топка fotbalový míč fodbold der Fußball μπάλα ποδοσφαίρου balón jalgpall توپ فوتبال jalkapallo ballon (de football) כַּדוּר כַּדוּרֶגֶל फुटबॉल की गेंद nogometna lopta futball-labda bola sepak fótbolti pallone サッカーボール 축구공, 럭비공 kamuolys futbolbumba bola sepak voetbal fotball piłka bola de futebol minge (de fot­bal) футбольный мяч futbalová lopta nogometna žoga fudbalska lopta fotboll ลูกฟุตบอล futbol topu 足球 футбольний м'яч فٹبال میں استعمال ہونے والی گیند quả bóng đá
n foothill
a small hill at the foot of a mountain the foothills of the Alps. voorheuwel; uitloper تل على سَفْح الجَبَل предпланина předhůří udløber; forland die Ausläufer (pl.) λοφίσκος estribación eelmäestik دامنه کوه matala reunavuori contrefort גִבְעָה छोटा पर्वत जो बड़े पर्वत के आधार में हो podnožje, obronci planine előhegy perbukitan lág hæð við fjallsrætur contrafforte 小丘 산기슭의 작은 언덕 prieškalnė priekškalne perbukitan uitloper ås ved foten av et fjell podgórze contraforte înălţime subalpină предгорье predvršie, úpätie predgorje brdo u podnožju planine utlöpare เนินที่ตีนเขา tepe 山麓小丘 передгір'я پہاڑ کے نچلے حصے میں چھوٹی سی پہاڑی đồi thấp dưới chân núi
n foothold
a place to put one's feet when climbing to find footholds on the slippery rock. vastrapplek مَوْطئ قَدَم опора за крака opora na nohu fodfæste der Halt πάτημα hueco para apoyar el pie jalaase جای پا jalansija prise pour le pied אֲחִיזַת רֶגֶל सुरक्षित स्थान, पैर टिकाने का स्थान uporište, oslonac talpalatnyi hely pijakan fótfesta appiglio, punto d'appoggio 足掛かり 발판 atrama kojoms atbalsts (kājai) tempat pijak steun voor de voet fotfeste oparcie dla nóg apoio (punct de) sprijin точка опоры для ног opora na nohu opora za nogo oslonac fotfäste รอยแยกสำหรับวางเท้าเวลาปีนต้นไม้หรือหน้าผา ayak basacak yer 立足點 опора для ноги چڑھائی کے وقت قدم رکھنے کی جگہ chỗ đặt chân
n footlight
(in a theatre) a light which shines on the actors etc from the front of the stage. voetlig أضواء المَسْرَح прожектор světlo rampy rampelys das Rampenlicht φως της ράμπας candilejas rambivalgus پا چراغ parrasvalo rampe אוֹרוֹת הַבִּימָה रोशनी जो मंच पर अभिनेताओं इत्यादि के सामने चमकती है rasvjeta na rubu pozornice rivaldafény lampu panggung ljósaröð fremst á leiksviði luce della ribalta フットライト 각광(脚光) rampos šviesa rampas ugunis lampu panggung voetlicht rampelys światło rampy luz da ribalta lumini ale rampei рампа svetlo rampy odrska luč svetla ispred pozornice rampljus แสงไฟหน้าเวที yer ışıkları (舞臺上的)腳燈 рампа اسٹیج کے نیچے سے اداکاروں پر پڑنے والی روشنی dãy đèn chạy dọc phía trước sân khấu trong rạp hát
n footman
a male servant wearing a uniform The footman opened the door. huiskneg خادِم المَنْزِل слуга lokaj tjener der Bediente υπηρέτης lacayo, criado lakei خدمتکار lakeija valet de pied מְשָרֵת वर्दीधारी सेवक lakaj, sluga inas pelayan þjónn lacchè, valletto 従僕 (제복 차림의 남자) 하인, 종복 liokajus livrejā tērpts sulainis pelayan livreiknecht lakei, herskapstjener lokaj lacaio valet, servitor (ливрейный) лакей lokaj lakaj lakej betjänt, lakej คนรับใช้ชาย üniformalı uşak 男僕 лакей وردی پوش ملازم người hầu bàn
n footmark
a footprint He left dirty footmarks. voetspoor; voetmerk أثَر القَدَم отпечатък šlépěj fodspor die Fußspur πατημασιά huella, pisada jalajälg رد پا jalanjälki empreinte (de pied) טְבִיעַת רֶגֶל पदचिह्न trag (otisak) stopala lábnyom jejak kaki fótspor impronta, orma 足跡 발자국 pėdsakas, pėdos atspaudas pēda; pēdas nospiedums jejak kaki voetspoor fotspor ślad stopy pegada urmă след (ноги) šľapaj, stopa, odtlačok nohy stopinja otisak stopala fotspår รอยเท้า ayak izi 腳印 слід قدموں کے نشان vết chân; dấu chân
n footnote
a note at the bottom of a page The footnotes referred to other chapters of the book. voetnota حاشِيَه، مُلاحَظَه في أسفَل الصَّفْحَه бележка в дъното на страница poznámka pod čarou fodnote die Fußnote υποσημείωση nota a pie de página allmärkus پاورقی alaviite note en bas de page הֶעָרָה पाद टिप्पणी fusnota lábjegyzet catatan kaki neðanmálsgrein nota a piè di pagina 脚注 각주 išnaša zemteksta piezīme nota kaki voetnoot fotnote przypis nota de rodapé notă de subsol сноска poznámka pod čiarou opomba fusnota fotnot เชิงอรรถ dipnot 註腳 виноска صفحے کے آخر میں چھپا ہوا حاشیہ chú thích cuối trang
n footpath
a path or way for walking, not for cars, bicycles etc You can go by the footpath. voetpad طَريق ضَيِّق пътека pěšina gangsti der Pfad μονοπάτι sendero, camino jalgtee پیاده راه polku sentier (pédestre) שְׁבִיל לְהוֹלכֵי רֶגֶל पैदल पथ nogostup, put za pješake gyalogút jalan setapak göngustígur sentiero pedonale 小道 보도 takas taka laluan jalan kaki voetpad gangsti ścieżka passeio potecă тропинка cestička, chodník pešpot staza gångstig ทางเดิน patika 人行道 пішохідна доріжка; тротуар راہگیروں کے چلنے کے لۓ بنائی ہوئی پٹری vỉa hè; đường nhỏ
n footprint
the mark or impression of a foot She followed his footprints through the snow. voetspore أثَر أقْدام отпечатък от стъпка stopa fodspor die Fußstapfe πατημασιά huella, pisada jalajälg رد پا jalanjälki empreinte (de pied) טְבִיעַת רֶגֶל पदचिह्न trag (otisak) stopala lábnyom jejak fótspor impronta, orma 足跡 족적(足跡) pėdsakas, pėda pēda; pēdas nospiedums kesan tapak kaki voetspoor fotspor odcisk stopy pegada urmă, pas след (ноги) šľapaj, stopa, odtlačok nohy odtis noge otisak stopala fotspår, fotavtryck รอยเท้า ayak izi 腳印 слід, відбиток ноги پاؤں یا جوتے کا نشان vết chân
adj footsore
with painful feet from too much walking He arrived, tired and footsore. voetseer مَتَقَرِّح القَدَمَيْن с болящи от вървене крака s bolavýma nohama med ømme fødder fußkrank ξεποδαριασμένος con los pies doloridos valutavate jalgadega دچار پا درد jalat väsyneinä qui a mal aux pieds שֶׁרַגלָיו כּוֹאָבוֹת पैरों के छाले ranjavih nogu fájós lábú melepuh sárfættur (coi piedi doloranti) くつずれのできた 발이 아픈 skaudančiomis kojomis ar noberztām kājām kaki melecur met zere voeten sårbeint z obolałymi stopami/nogami com os pés doridos cu picioarele umflate, cu dureri de picioare со стёртыми ногами s boľavými nohami bolečih nog otežalih nogu öm i fötterna เท้าบวม,เท้าระบม,เท้าพอง pişmiş, şişmiş 走痛了腳的 зі збитими, стертими ногами پاؤں کا چھالا chân đau đi bộ đường dài
n footstep
the sound of a foot She heard his footsteps on the stairs. voetstap خُطْوَه، أثَر القَدَم стъпка zvuk kroku fodtrin der Schritt (ήχος από) βήμα paso, pisada samm صدای پا askel (bruit de) pas קוֹל הַצַעַד कदम jeka koraka lépés langkah fótatak passo 足音 발소리 žingsnis solis; soļu troksnis bunyi tapak kaki voetstap skritt, trinn krok passo (zgomote de) paşi звук шагов zvuk kroku, kročaj korak zvuk koraka fotsteg ฝีเท้า ayak sesi 腳步聲 крок چلتے وقت اٹھایا جانے والا یا رکھا جانے والا قدم tiếng bước chân
n footwear
boots, shoes, slippers etc He always buys expensive footwear. skoene; skoeisel حِذاء обувки obuv fodtøj das Schuhwerk είδη υπόδησης calzado jalanõud کفش jalkineet chaussures הַנעָלָה जूते, चप्पल obuća lábbeli alas kaki fótabúnaður, skófatnaður calzature はきもの 신발류 avalynė apavi kasut schoeisel fottøy, skotøy obuwie calçado încălţă­minte обувь obuv obutev obuća skodon, skor รองเท้า ayak giyeceği 鞋類 взуття جوتا یا پاتابہ وغیرہ đồ đi ở chân
follow in someone's footsteps
to do the same as someone has done before one When he joined the police force he was following in his father's footsteps. voetspore يَحْذو حَذْو فُلان، يَقْتَدي بِفُلان правя същото като някой преди мен jít ve stopách følge i nogens fodspor in jemands Fußstapfen treten ακολουθώ στα χνάρια κπ. seguir los pasos de alguien (kellegi) jälgedes käima پیروی کردن seurata jnk jalanjäljissä marcher sur les traces de לַעֲקוֹב אַחָר צְעַדַיו किसी के पदचिह्नों पर चलना ići nečijim stopama vkinek a nyomdokába lép mengikuti jejak feta í fótspor e-s seguire le orme di 後に続く 추종하다 sekti kieno nors pėdomis sekot kāda pēdās ikut jejak langkah iemands voetsporen volgen i ens fotspor iść w czyjeś ślady seguir o exemplo de a merge pe urmele (...) идти по чьим-л. стопам ísť v šľapajach iti po stopinjah ići nečijim stopama เดินตามรอยเท้า birinin izinden gitmek 步某人後塵 іти чиїмись слідами دوسرے کے نقش قدم پر چلنا theo bước chân ai
foot the bill
to be the person who pays the bill. opdok; vir die koste instaan يَدْفَع ورقَة الحِساب الفاتورَه плащам сметката nést výlohy betale regningen die Zeche bezahlen πληρώνω τα σπασμένα pagar la cuenta arvet maksma مسئول پرداخت قبض بودن maksaa payer la note לְשַלֵם עַל व्यक्ति जो बिल चुकाता है platiti račun vállalja a költségeket pembayar borga reikning pagare il conto 勘定を払う 비용을 부담하다 apmokėti sąskaitą samaksāt rēķinu pembayar bil de rekening betalen betale regningen/kalaset zapłacić rachunek pagar a conta a plăti (nota) оплачивать счёт zaplatiť účet poravnati račun platiti račun betala räkningen (kalaset) จ่ายเงิน hesabı ödemek 付帳 оплачувати рахунок وہ شخص جو قیمت کی رقم ادا کرے chịu trách nhiệm thanh toán
on foot
walking She arrived at the house on foot. te voet مَشْيا على الأقْدام пеша pěšky til fods zu Fuß με τα πόδια a pie jala پیاده jalan à pied בָּרֶגֶל पैदल pješke gyalog jalan kaki fótgangandi a piedi 歩いて 걸어서 pėsčias kājām berjalan kaki te voet til fots pieszo a pe jos пешком peši peš pešice till fots ด้วยการเดิน yürüyerek 步行 пішки چہل قدمی کرتے ہوۓ đi bộ
put one's foot down
to be firm about something I put my foot down and refused. voet neersit يكون صارما أو مُتَشَدِّدا непреклонен съм dupnout si stå fast energisch werden επιμένω για κτ., πατώ πόδι imponerse (endale) kindlaks jääma سخت مقاومت کردن toimia päättäväisesti faire acte d'autorité לִהיוֹת תָּקִיף किसी चीज पर दृढ़ रुख अपनाना energicno nastupiti (usprotiviti se) sarkára áll tegas slá í borðið; taka af skarið puntare i piedi 断固とする 단호한 태도를 취하다 ryžtingai pasielgti, būti tvirtam ieņemt stingru nostāju muktamad beslist optreden slå i bordet, sette seg bestemt imot uprzeć się ser firme a pune piciorul în prag занять твёрдую позицию dupnúť si biti odločen odlučno istupiti sätta sig bestämt emot ตัดสินใจเด็ดขาดหรือแน่วแน่ dayatmak, ayak diremek 堅決 твердо стояти на своєму یقینی طور پر انکار کر دینا quyết tâm
put one's foot in it
to say or do something stupid I really put my foot in it when I asked about his wife – she had just run away with his friend! jou mond verbypraat; 'n blaps maak; 'n stel aftrap يقولُ أو يَفْعَلُ شيئا غَبِيّا правя нещо глупаво plácnout netaktnost; seknout se træde i spinaten in Fettnäpfchen treten κάνω γκάφα meter la pata prohmakat tegema اشتباه لپی کردن möhliä (se) mettre les pieds dans les plats לַעֲשוֹת מִשׁגֶה बेवकूफी भरी कोई चीज कहना या करना počiniti glupost, bubnuti szamárságot mond, csinál melakukan kebodohan hlaupa á sig, verða sér til skammar fare una gaffe へまをする 무심코 말해 버리다 padaryti netaktą nonākt sprukās; iekulties ķezā melakukan perkara bodoh een flater slaan si/gjøre noe dumt; trampe i klaveret popełnić gafę pôr a pata na poça a face o gafă дать маху urobiť hlúposť polomiti ga zabrljati trampa i klaveret ทำให้ยุ่งยาก pot kırmak, baltayı taşa vurmak 說錯話,做錯事 сісти в калошу احمقانہ بات کہنا یا کرنا sai lầm ngớ ngẩn

foot قدم chodidlo fod Fuß πόδι pie jalka pied stopalo piede voet fot stopa ступня fot เท้า ayak chân

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He mastered himself so as not to cry out at the pain; but when his foot had been dressed, and he was left alone with Maggie seated by his bedside, the children sobbed together, with their heads laid on the same pillow.
It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen on the sand.
Dainty foot and gentle breast-- Here, across, be glad and rest.
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