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Skin Details
Texture: Custom Texture
Model: Hacked Custom Model
Filesize: 8 mb
World View: Yes
Custom Animations: No
Custom Sounds: No
Misc. Features: Animated Textures, Phong Shading
Skin License
This Skin is free to download, but may not be free to modify or redistribute. Please respect the authors' wishes.
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TF2 Oldschool Pack Beta *Updated Again
for those that like older games
Added by...
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Key Authors
Insaneicide - compiler/model edits
Revenant100 - most textures for this part of the pack
Neo Dement - Engineer stuff and other stuff
Vi3trice - boxing glove model
Loyen - sentry model
Soja The Painkilla - help with .vta files
Original Authors
Tom Tallian - All original models in this pack
STJoris - original locker medkits and smal and medium ammo
Category: TF2 > Packs
Tags: tf2, old, school, pack
Added 1 day ago - last modified 58 minutes ago
4,468 views, 367 downloads, 54 comments, 7 favorites
Author's Readme/Notes:

hey its me again i have the update up now it includes everything v_models unlockables buildables and some miscelanous props such as the flag and locker

all errors should be fixed because revenant 100 went through and checked everything also i have to thank the painkilla for helping me fix the selection screen animations

Revenant 100 -almost ALL of the textures and the sandman hexed bat
Neo Dement - all buildable textures hat textures and quite a few models
Vi3trice -Boxing gloves (not texture)
Insaneicide- almost all of the unlockable models and all compiles except what neo dement did and the large ammo texture placeholder
Loyen- lots of help and his sentry is included in this one
Soja The Painkilla- got the VTA files on short notice (as i was updating the pack)

as you may notice there might be placeholder textures that arent finished but then again there are quite a few textures that arent finished

there is also a bonus model in the pack the sapper_placement_dispenser and sapper_dispenser models (sapper bluprint model and the sapper that goes on the dispenser itself)

quite a few models are unfinished and or in beta or even alpha form but i decided to release it because i want to get as much testing as possible done on the hats and other things that need it

10/06/09 *Update ubersaw charge fixed by me and misc textures fixed by revenant 100
(8 mb)
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1 hour ago

Posted by Petard

Can you post some V-models screenshots too?


Hudda Hudda Hudda
4 hours ago

I am having some problems with this skin. First being only player models are only working anything else is normal tf2 fare of hi-rez texture and phonged models, and the hands are always normal too. it's a great concept I wanted done for a while now and I was amazed at how little of a noticeable visual difference it is between regular TF2

4 hours ago

This + mat_picmip 2 + mat_filtertexture 0 = EPIC WIN RETRO GAME !

Amazing !

I really love it !

5 hours ago
Shugo Takahashi

Posted by Revenant100

Posted by Shugo Takahashi

EDIT: By the way, Insaneicide, the Dispenser loses quality when the textures are turned down.
Insaneicide has yet to update the pack with the fixed versions of NeoDement's buildables textures I sent him. If you would like to use them right now, you can download them here:

Thanks a lot!

Also forgot to mention earlier that I'm glad you're on this project, too. Insaneicide, NeoDement, Revenant100, and Painkilla all working together? Well of course the result is going to be pure quality. :D

You need to calm down.
7 hours ago

Congrats for releasing this. I think people will report some errors.

For example, the übersaw über-meter doesn't move, and it's texture doesn't glow.

Yay! Chocolate chips and cats :3
8 hours ago

Posted by Shugo Takahashi

EDIT: By the way, Insaneicide, the Dispenser loses quality when the textures are turned down.
Insaneicide has yet to update the pack with the fixed versions of NeoDement's buildables textures I sent him. If you would like to use them right now, you can download them here:

9 hours ago

Posted by Shugo Takahashi
By the way, Insaneicide, the Dispenser loses quality when the textures are turned down. I'm playing my game with texture quality on lowest with unfiltered textures/lightmaps (so that everything is pixelated to match the characters) and everything else looks fine.

Here's how everything else looks:
And here's the dispenser:

That's because for some reason the "No Mipmap" and "No Level Of Detail" flags aren't on in the .vtf files for the dispenser when they're on for every other texture.

9 hours ago

OMG!!!!! THIS OWNS!!! Can u plz add some "oldschool" hands in first person? and the mouth can move.... This skin owns!

Is this Beta? So ur not done with it?... :P

10 hours ago

Can you post some V-models screenshots too?

10 hours ago

Please try to make it for pure servers, i hate when it gets wireframed D:

54 records
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