hey its me again i have the update up now it includes everything v_models unlockables buildables and some miscelanous props such as the flag and locker
all errors should be fixed because revenant 100 went through and checked everything also i have to thank the painkilla for helping me fix the selection screen animations
Revenant 100 -almost ALL of the textures and the sandman hexed bat
Neo Dement - all buildable textures hat textures and quite a few models
Vi3trice -Boxing gloves (not texture)
Insaneicide- almost all of the unlockable models and all compiles except what neo dement did and the large ammo texture placeholder
Loyen- lots of help and his sentry is included in this one
Soja The Painkilla- got the VTA files on short notice (as i was updating the pack)
as you may notice there might be placeholder textures that arent finished but then again there are quite a few textures that arent finished
there is also a bonus model in the pack the sapper_placement_dispenser and sapper_dispenser models (sapper bluprint model and the sapper that goes on the dispenser itself)
quite a few models are unfinished and or in beta or even alpha form but i decided to release it because i want to get as much testing as possible done on the hats and other things that need it
10/06/09 *Update ubersaw charge fixed by me and misc textures fixed by revenant 100
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