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File 125969423435.jpg - (747.30KB , 2128x2832 , 1257099752307.jpg )
44284 No. 44284 [Reply & Quote]
Lets start this up one more time, in memory of stickbackup. Good night sweet prince.
Expand all images
>> No. 44285 [Reply & Quote]
oops forget to sticky.
>> No. 44296 [Reply & Quote]
File 125969623130.jpg - (27.70KB , 800x595 , 1 (Medium).jpg )
i think snickers is waiting for:


before he posts more from sara26247
>> No. 44311 [Reply & Quote]
... then you better find it
>> No. 44322 [Reply & Quote]

now were talking!!

*frantically searching for leah vid*
>> No. 44331 [Reply & Quote]

its part 5 of a massively epic thread, and its not gonna stop, ever.
>> No. 44339 [Reply & Quote]
File 125970461769.jpg - (277.59KB , 1024x838 , sxybrunette.jpg )
its not mine but i really enjoyed this one.


no pass

and bump for sara vidz
>> No. 44341 [Reply & Quote]
File 12597050765.jpg - (350.38KB , 1024x825 , woot.jpg )
NN but check that ass out


pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44343 [Reply & Quote]
i highly doubt there is a good bate sara video, and if there is its not going to be high quality. and it wont be that entertaining
>> No. 44344 [Reply & Quote]
File 125970534026.jpg - (329.66KB , 1024x838 , nice.jpg )
short and sweet


pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44346 [Reply & Quote]
File 125970536623.jpg - (144.35KB , 684x1139 , stickamsound40_xy_patricksday_wmv_index.jpg )

no pass
>> No. 44347 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 44351 [Reply & Quote]
not my cap or pic, its 30 frames a sec btw, not bad, i use 10 a sec max. thats why its so big i guess, but its nice cap, thank you original capper and uploader to rapidshit
>> No. 44352 [Reply & Quote]
File 12597060495.jpg - (240.61KB , 838x1024 , rotateme.jpg )
Here's a nice old one, needs to be rotated but still nice


pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44353 [Reply & Quote]
isnt this the epic thread? not the lamer lets repost lame cap thread
>> No. 44354 [Reply & Quote]
isnt this the epic thread? not the lamer lets repost lame cap thread
>> No. 44355 [Reply & Quote]
File 125970625184.jpg - (785.01KB , 2128x2832 , 1257102943127.jpg )

no pass
>> No. 44361 [Reply & Quote]

Mike, its saying "tempary univalible"

anychance you can upload to multihost?
>> No. 44362 [Reply & Quote]
ty but..

The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.

couuld it be that its still loading it to the MU?

and um
whats her screename? :o
>> No. 44363 [Reply & Quote]
nvm, downloaded
but whats her name?

ty btw \m/
>> No. 44364 [Reply & Quote]

how did u download it?
can you upload it to a miultihost or post the link u used?
>> No. 44366 [Reply & Quote]
File 125970730657.jpg - (275.82KB , 1024x838 , thumbs20091201233534.jpg )

pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44367 [Reply & Quote]
used what mike gave, the file was synchronizing i guess
>> No. 44368 [Reply & Quote]
File 125970755731.jpg - (273.31KB , 1024x838 , thumbs20091201234304.jpg )

bump for sara
>> No. 44372 [Reply & Quote]
awesome epic thread jk id rather watch granny sex
>> No. 44374 [Reply & Quote]


same perhaps?
>> No. 44377 [Reply & Quote]
rofl even the mods are reposting. this thread really delivers. if you faggots think im worried about a ban get real. im on a vps and i can change my ip every 30sec
>> No. 44380 [Reply & Quote]
twas just a random pic on the hd
>> No. 44385 [Reply & Quote]
Who the fuck is rob? And why was /stickbackup deleted??
>> No. 44394 [Reply & Quote]
rob runs the site for gOa and sbu was deleted for reasons unknown, tho i strongly suspect it was the sierra thread.
>> No. 44396 [Reply & Quote]
reup plz
>> No. 44397 [Reply & Quote]

i didn't get to see it

was there at least anything new or unposted in there? aka anything besides the old released shit?
>> No. 44399 [Reply & Quote]

/me Bows!
all hail this anon!
>> No. 44400 [Reply & Quote]
File 125971182921.jpg - (379.82KB , 1024x838 , caa.jpg )

another from her


pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44402 [Reply & Quote]
File 125971223141.jpg - (279.96KB , 1024x838 , baa.jpg )

pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44409 [Reply & Quote]
File 125971298611.jpg - (134.46KB , 800x645 , woot (Medium).jpg )



pass: waiting_for_sara
>> No. 44417 [Reply & Quote]
hey newfags i told you once and i will tell you again there is no sara bate video besides the lame nn one
>> No. 44420 [Reply & Quote]

according to the almighty Snickers, there is. il take his word over yours.
>> No. 44427 [Reply & Quote]

he trades with other peoples shit. he doesnt produce oc so.... also its been demanded for 2 weeks and no delivery
>> No. 44433 [Reply & Quote]
File 125971429427.png - (881.74KB , 628x760 , 1259649959257.png )
I posted that girl @ tnr http://anonib.com/tnr/res/37860.html

so here I am again to deliver more pics...

no pass
>> No. 44435 [Reply & Quote]
By the way, they are different girls
>> No. 44436 [Reply & Quote]
Mike sucks about bakup...i know you workt hard on it
>> No. 44440 [Reply & Quote]

Thanks dude, at least someone appreciates my posts. They are mostly old, but i'm just posting win to try and get the ball rolling. hopefully before this thread hits 1000 posts, Leah, Sara, and the hotlink chick will all be here. woot!
>> No. 44442 [Reply & Quote]
re-up please
>> No. 44456 [Reply & Quote]
so you = newfag?
>> No. 44457 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 44461 [Reply & Quote]
point me the psot
>> No. 44475 [Reply & Quote]
Sorry bud can't get of hold of Anonbi or CapMaster its been a rough couple of days
>> No. 44476 [Reply & Quote]
File 12597220279.jpg - (104.11KB , 500x337 , anchorman5.jpg )
good night anon

and as always stay classy anonib.
>> No. 44485 [Reply & Quote]
File 125972316861.jpg - (11.66KB , 300x238 , e5262ae01251766423.jpg )
>> No. 44511 [Reply & Quote]
File 125972641313.jpg - (40.03KB , 552x492 , 1116chickens.jpg )
>> No. 44513 [Reply & Quote]
File 125972655022.jpg - (17.55KB , 338x347 , legochicken.jpg )
this one's cuter
>> No. 44535 [Reply & Quote]

can anyone tell me how to download/view this ? when i click the link the download window pops up but the resulting file is only 16 kb.
>> No. 44543 [Reply & Quote]
now dont say i never do anything nice for anon


pass: snickers
>> No. 44544 [Reply & Quote]
I love you snickers!
>> No. 44550 [Reply & Quote]
Thanks Snickers for sharing that OC or not. Not sure why it matters if he was the OC. Isn't the point of this board sharing?
>> No. 44553 [Reply & Quote]
sharing is fine. impliedly trying to take cred/propz from others' caps isnt.
>> No. 44554 [Reply & Quote]
sharing is caring ;)
>> No. 44558 [Reply & Quote]
i just posted so at least there is on epic post on here lulzzzzzzzz
>> No. 44563 [Reply & Quote]
I'm back, and ready to share some more OC.
Uploading lots of cool shit right now. ;o
>> No. 44565 [Reply & Quote]
I have never taken credit for any cap I have posted weather it be mine or not
>> No. 44582 [Reply & Quote]
thank you snickers. that was my early christmas present =)
>> No. 44583 [Reply & Quote]
re up plz
>> No. 44584 [Reply & Quote]
File 125973895244.jpg - (130.12KB , 800x900 , 70019_want_123_1189lo.jpg )
want pls
>> No. 44598 [Reply & Quote]
File 125974308740.jpg - (200.79KB , 800x1416 , thisforthis2.jpg )
and i want leah, but her caps just doesnt exist, apparently.
>> No. 44602 [Reply & Quote]
More nicole alexis please. She is so cute :3
>> No. 44603 [Reply & Quote]

i have this video and will post it if anyone knows the name so i can find it on my drive
>> No. 44605 [Reply & Quote]
Who dis?
>> No. 44637 [Reply & Quote]
dude srsly why do u troll?
>> No. 44645 [Reply & Quote]

wooot!! thanks friend that is very generous of you! snickers is the best!
>> No. 44659 [Reply & Quote]

anyone got more vids of this girl?
>> No. 44664 [Reply & Quote]
is it always the case that these videos once dl'd have no sound? amidoinitwrong?
>> No. 44666 [Reply & Quote]
1 out of 10 has sound
>> No. 44667 [Reply & Quote]
that is pretty much what i am finding. thanks
>> No. 44685 [Reply & Quote]

13mb 00:13:08
>> No. 44703 [Reply & Quote]

oh come on. if you really had this vid, you wouldnt have to search for it. gtfo attention whore.
>> No. 44707 [Reply & Quote]
Anyone else having problems with Megaupload and Zshare?? Mega freezes my computer for like 15 min and F's it all up. And Zshare, i wait the 60 secs to download, click the link and it keeps going back the the download screen and recounting the 60 secs... ???
>> No. 44710 [Reply & Quote]

do have the same problem with zshare... dont get it. maybe a regional problem ?? wouldnt be the first time that only ppl from certain countries have trouble with the one or the other filehoster...
i for one also cant download from uploading.com. timer counts down, no download starting.
>> No. 44712 [Reply & Quote]
Try using a different browser as this may help if unable to download from one host, as the browser default settings affecting things like java and how links open can differ. I use Opera mostly, & Firefox when am unable to DL on the odd occasion or for saving streamed vids.
>> No. 44714 [Reply & Quote]
Are you serious anon? Unless you've got some sort of awesome sauce filing system, caps end up all over the place.
>> No. 44719 [Reply & Quote]
Opera always asks me where I want to save files (yes I do have a pretty good filing system, but with all the many gigs of cam captures I have I need to have some kind of ordered filing system to be able to find what I want to watch when I want), and Firefox automatically saves files to my desktop, where I view, & move to the relevant HD/file then delete from the desktop. It is really not that difficult.
>> No. 44721 [Reply & Quote]
was the password for kelseyfr3sh ever posted in the previous threads?

>> No. 44758 [Reply & Quote]
File 125979123832.jpg - (168.15KB , 1584x707 , triforce.jpg )
Latefag here, can someone link me to the laurenxfgt tri-bate vids? Looked through like 4,000 posts in the locked threads but can't seem to find it.
>> No. 44769 [Reply & Quote]
I can not direct you to the original links, so I have re-upped for you on sharebee the three vids in your cap in one rar. No PW needed, although I hope that you get more fun from watching these than I did as I found them too short, barely any face to be seen and no sound. Also I had to view with media player classic as my preferred player (gom player) would not display correctly.
>> No. 44776 [Reply & Quote]

some stuff....
no pass
>> No. 44784 [Reply & Quote]

bump for reup
>> No. 44788 [Reply & Quote]
Thanks Anon! Firefox worked like a charm. Dont know why I havent been using it all along!
>> No. 44799 [Reply & Quote]

Can someone confirm or screenshot what's in here? Not keen on downloading a virus or that spam shit that's been going around
>> No. 44800 [Reply & Quote]
File 12597996833.jpg - (367.67KB , 1200x1038 , eleven.jpg )

Wait, three clips all less than 30 seconds long? That's the grail everyone's been after? I downloaded a vid of her that has the same triple bate action as the third clip, except it's 11 minutes and 34 seconds long...pic related. I got it as part of some webcam mix pack from a porn board. Was the 11 minute version already posted here or no?
>> No. 44804 [Reply & Quote]
File 125980042424.jpg - (34.56KB , 640x480 , teen-red-head-phonesex-hi- 025_0001.jpg )
I'm gonna contribute and post some vids i havent seen on here
I down loaded them from a forum is now longer up

vids will have sound, good quality, about 20 minutes or more
vids are being upped on multi upload 7 minutes or so for 2, 20 or minutes or so for the other.
>> No. 44805 [Reply & Quote]

worst download ever.
the most you get is a black and white cam of a girl giving a side shot of her panties for 1.5 seconds.
>> No. 44810 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 44812 [Reply & Quote]
and the quicktime video
>> No. 44813 [Reply & Quote]

re-up of something fairly new...
to lazy to make caps
>> No. 44814 [Reply & Quote]
Name: Lauren Triple
Length: 11:34
Girth: 32.5MB

>> No. 44815 [Reply & Quote]
thx, these are the same vids btw?
>> No. 44816 [Reply & Quote]
>>42214 Don't know the pw but here's the one vid along with the Lauren tri vid... no pw

>> No. 44817 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 44825 [Reply & Quote]
No, but its the same girl
>> No. 44841 [Reply & Quote]
that's kelseyluvsu not kelseyfr3sh...
i am disappoint.
>> No. 44843 [Reply & Quote]

kelfresh is up on motherless or camwins right now, was watching it earlier today. go to each site and check most viewed and youll find it eventually
>> No. 44861 [Reply & Quote]
can some kind anon make a screencap of this?
>> No. 44864 [Reply & Quote]
File 125981723243.jpg - (373.93KB , 1560x1486 , dsaw.jpg )
>> No. 44880 [Reply & Quote]
fyi these are treasureandflesh vids
>> No. 44881 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 44897 [Reply & Quote]
Anybody have the password for hanna1010.rar? (from filehoster.ru/files/dp1447)
>> No. 44898 [Reply & Quote]
File 125983719574.jpg - (171.08KB , 912x768 , youareone_wmv.jpg )
does anyone have more of her???? will post this clip soon and another of her...need more she is so damn hot hehe
>> No. 44901 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 44914 [Reply & Quote]
She was heroed right after this. Like, the very next day. She said she thought her vid was epic, lol. Unfortunately, the hero got modded and tried to be controlling and yeah. She hasn't done anything since but she was still on stick for awhile on different accounts. Been inactive for a bit.
>> No. 44917 [Reply & Quote]

what ever happened to getting this cap. its amazing come on anon!
>> No. 44920 [Reply & Quote]

Wait, wtf! Where's the double bate she did? This isn't the full video. She did a bate and anal bate at the same time. That's why she says it's epic.
>> No. 44929 [Reply & Quote]
Hmmm...I'll be damned. Thanks rora.
>> No. 44931 [Reply & Quote]
This is an advertisingcampaign from the siteowner thickheads,they luer in new members(read money)by using pics of underaged girls.
>> No. 44934 [Reply & Quote]

video was removed, i managed to downlaod half be4 they deleted it, but the screen stays still?
>> No. 44938 [Reply & Quote]

yeh it stayed still :(, they need to post the epic 2 dogs and 1 girl video int he thread below soo bad
>> No. 44942 [Reply & Quote]
Poor Rora duped again,when will you learn these mods are not our fellowanons.they are the owners sidekicks.
>> No. 44944 [Reply & Quote]

The laissez-faire approach only works in the virtual realm,not on boards like this,sure it helps you to identify some of your "enemies",but the damage on the long run is far greater.
>> No. 44951 [Reply & Quote]
No. Not really.

and btw download this-> 2012.R5.LINE.XviD-MDMA
>> No. 44956 [Reply & Quote]
File 125985493576.jpg - (221.01KB , 1024x832 , caps2].jpg )
-_- Epic is dying.. lets try to give it mouth to mouth
>> No. 44958 [Reply & Quote]
if this is the one you are talking about then it's not the one i'm talking about..
>> No. 44959 [Reply & Quote]
not working even after putting it to .avi
>> No. 44962 [Reply & Quote]
sir it is called a 7zip archive....
get it. unzip with password below the archive
-_- good gawd..
>> No. 44964 [Reply & Quote]
thanks, but it only works for windows and i have a mac. my loss
>> No. 44969 [Reply & Quote]
There are 7zip apps for Macs ...
Google it or check their download page and find Mac ...
>> No. 44970 [Reply & Quote]
Thanks but seen this movie already, speaking of torrents,planning on reviving your movieboard ?
>> No. 44971 [Reply & Quote]
thanks again took me forever
>> No. 44972 [Reply & Quote]
does she have stickam?
>> No. 44976 [Reply & Quote]
that would be frankie! haven't chatted with her in a long time. this clip's about a year old, maybe a little more. yes, she was a fun girl when she went private :P
>> No. 44981 [Reply & Quote]
Ok guys,
Maybe it is time for a new challenge.
Anybody up for the task?
>> No. 44984 [Reply & Quote]
annoying request, but anyone recall the pass for queenember2409.rar
>> No. 44988 [Reply & Quote]
File 125986210027.jpg - (385.29KB , 1280x1030 , 125949442944.jpg )
this one, can't find pass X(
>> No. 44989 [Reply & Quote]
That´s exactly why boards get shut down, idiot
>> No. 44992 [Reply & Quote]
anyone have the link to the Taurenwolf stuff?
>> No. 44994 [Reply & Quote]
Anyone got the 2 Dogs 1 Girl cap from thread 44085?
>> No. 44995 [Reply & Quote]
had a look at the original filename and where it would have turned up in last thread and it seems like the original post is gone.

Would love the pass for this one, or if a kind anon could reup anew I would be very grateful
>> No. 45000 [Reply & Quote]
Major Gratis
>> No. 45001 [Reply & Quote]
try: Proverbs 8:5 (KJV)

for the pword, going to download and try myself
>> No. 45002 [Reply & Quote]
wow worked, many thanks
>> No. 45006 [Reply & Quote]
File 125986677727.jpg - (188.06KB , 1024x907 , jrabbit.jpg )
np, heres some more, i liked this one:
>> No. 45009 [Reply & Quote]
Any of this stuff have sound, or is it all just garbage?

>> No. 45012 [Reply & Quote]
Probably one of the greatest sources .. ever...
Keep the ball rolling !!!!
>> No. 45024 [Reply & Quote]

Err what? Post doesn't exist anymore care to repeat what he said?
>> No. 45063 [Reply & Quote]
ugh i srsly feel like i'm missing out...half the posts people are quoting or talking about are gone, wtf mods

what's this epic source and the double bate people are talking about?
>> No. 45066 [Reply & Quote]
I give you this i wish i had a cap but its a good video trust me

>> No. 45068 [Reply & Quote]
help me out here, im not religious :]
>> No. 45081 [Reply & Quote]
Good shit vato! More of these stuff please :)
>> No. 45098 [Reply & Quote]
Please up!
>> No. 45101 [Reply & Quote]
Damn,i lost count lol.
>> No. 45107 [Reply & Quote]
would anyone reup this one? file is deleted.
>> No. 45108 [Reply & Quote]
Pass: anonib
>> No. 45118 [Reply & Quote]
What's the sauce on this? Anymore win to come?
>> No. 45119 [Reply & Quote]
Random stuff. Don't even know.
>> No. 45141 [Reply & Quote]

Thanks for that.

More riiandlee if you've got it.
>> No. 45158 [Reply & Quote]
More than a year old. Try two.
>> No. 45181 [Reply & Quote]
File 12599189857.jpg - (134.70KB , 912x768 , pic.jpg )

just have it as 2 part vid so here is the rest of it...to bad there is not more of her...she have talent ;)
>> No. 45183 [Reply & Quote]
/CS4FT0H8UK-> http://anonym.to/?http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/f9719dff4406f82aa9ed92daeb28bb12/

/18FPFQ158A -> http://anonym.to/?http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/54793112e8c0330821b363216ba8c233/

/2V3PDCE2RR -> http://anonym.to/?http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/646149a7297a54ec456f84b32e2b6277/

/7OLPTHNK0M -> http://anonym.to/?http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/583466ec3b9f363529961f72edc8c04b/
>> No. 45185 [Reply & Quote]

I have moar of her on another hd since i'm Oc but I capped this so long ago I don't even remember dp bate??? I'll look and try and post up. believe she bated several imes after this night... don't know 4sure b/c I never went back in just heard she did moar 4 a chosen few.
>> No. 45191 [Reply & Quote]

motherless apparently has taken this down...can we get a reup?

>> No. 45199 [Reply & Quote]

Re-up please?
>> No. 45201 [Reply & Quote]

never mind the re-up i found it a bit lower. i missed it the first scan through
>> No. 45205 [Reply & Quote]
great....hope you'll find them...cant wait she is yumm ^^
>> No. 45207 [Reply & Quote]

Chosen few? There's only 4 people it could be and 2 of them won't post it if they have it, the 3rd I doubt even got a show before fucking up any chance they had of future win and the 4th likely doesn't have or won't share.

She deleted the profile she did this vid on, got banned on the other one and then made a 3rd profile that is still active. She would get drunk and talk about her vid a lot with her mods.
>> No. 45209 [Reply & Quote]

it's at the 1:26:00 mark in part 2. Thanks Devil
>> No. 45224 [Reply & Quote]
A Few more. Again just grabbed a bunch.
no passes
>> No. 45225 [Reply & Quote]
That would be treasureandflesh.
had a thread on stickbackup for a while too right after the site restarted and before archives were up
>> No. 45236 [Reply & Quote]
That's the way aha aha,i like it aha,aha.
>> No. 45239 [Reply & Quote]

Holy shit, I thought she only had 5 or so vids, apparently there's much more!
>> No. 45245 [Reply & Quote]
still need
>> No. 45250 [Reply & Quote]

This please. whats actually happening about this thread now? it seems to have grown abit cold.

and where did The Hanged Man go, his msn cap were awesome
>> No. 45259 [Reply & Quote]
if any kind sir could please reup this... it seems quite interesting :)
>> No. 45267 [Reply & Quote]
It is re-upped

>> No. 45316 [Reply & Quote]
Any chance of screen caps?
>> No. 45317 [Reply & Quote]
1 of them just got bumped below (depshit)
>> No. 45321 [Reply & Quote]
where did the old epic threads go??
>> No. 45324 [Reply & Quote]
locked sub board, look at top of main board.
>> No. 45326 [Reply & Quote]
Where did Taybla go ? lol
>> No. 45328 [Reply & Quote]
great upload, thanks. Any more of this girl? Or a face?
>> No. 45363 [Reply & Quote]
File 125999139214.jpg - (3.54KB , 120x90 , youtube-CYFOhojSPMA.jpg )
I give you this again its a very good video and now i have a cap hope you enjoy.
>> No. 45364 [Reply & Quote]
Forgot the link sorry
>> No. 45399 [Reply & Quote]

Epic indeed. The girl sounds more manly than him though.
>> No. 45402 [Reply & Quote]
That's spore-chan. Has a whole bunch of vids in here http://anonib.com/tnr/res/31801.html
(get link at #33893)
>> No. 45416 [Reply & Quote]

I don't believe that anybody has it, please upload it.
>> No. 45430 [Reply & Quote]
where is gone 'epic thread'?
>> No. 45435 [Reply & Quote]

>> No. 45459 [Reply & Quote]
File 12600283057.jpg - (287.70KB , 1024x833 , thumbs20091205153712.jpg )
>> No. 45460 [Reply & Quote]
File 126002896585.jpg - (199.76KB , 1024x777 , thumbs20091205153815.jpg )
>> No. 45462 [Reply & Quote]
File 126003015959.jpg - (162.79KB , 1024x825 , thumbs20091205154028.jpg )
>> No. 45465 [Reply & Quote]
File 126003078983.jpg - (201.65KB , 1024x823 , thumbs20091205154056.jpg )
>> No. 45466 [Reply & Quote]
File 126003137910.jpg - (152.13KB , 1024x838 , thumbs20091205154129.jpg )
>> No. 45468 [Reply & Quote]
thumbs failed
>> No. 45469 [Reply & Quote]
best prog to make screens of a vid
>> No. 45475 [Reply & Quote]
File 126003546220.jpg - (223.70KB , 1024x838 , thumbs20091205174841_png.jpg )
>> No. 45481 [Reply & Quote]

nice vid ruined by shitty CRAM compression...
>> No. 45496 [Reply & Quote]
I'm missing passwords for some files from all the epic threads.
Where they never posted or did I miss them somewhere along the way ?


bamfmichaela bate.rar
rachscene bate.rar
selena vanity.rar
>> No. 45500 [Reply & Quote]
I thought my joujou's were kinda epic.
>> No. 45503 [Reply & Quote]
File 126004207052.jpg - (382.02KB , 940x1770 , 47184_mercedes_123_485lo.jpg )
>> No. 45508 [Reply & Quote]
someone post the girl with her 2 dogs please
>> No. 45522 [Reply & Quote]
Danke! Is there a silly_goose2.avi and silly_goose1.avi? ;)
>> No. 45526 [Reply & Quote]

such sweet luscious girls, thanks for the awesome share
>> No. 45545 [Reply & Quote]
File 126005286537.jpg - (143.95KB , 1020x719 , SIdx34kiSK.jpg )
Can u guys post that one plox? :D..

If u do i'll share this one

>> No. 45549 [Reply & Quote]
i would love too see more
>> No. 45556 [Reply & Quote]
File 126005487672.jpg - (225.04KB , 1024x838 , sticky_avi_thumbs_[2009_12_05_16_37_02].jpg )
no pass
>> No. 45562 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 45567 [Reply & Quote]
Its exactly what I posted for the password:

"Proverbs 8:5 (KJV)"

without the quotes, its not rocket science.
>> No. 45570 [Reply & Quote]

>> No. 45576 [Reply & Quote]
File 126005825843.jpg - (35.38KB , 383x150 , FORUM-MOD.jpg )
>> No. 45593 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 45594 [Reply & Quote]
what vid is that, ever been uploaded?
>> No. 45596 [Reply & Quote]
Nice cap. I like this stuff more than bate vids. Hope you can get some more down the road.
>> No. 45599 [Reply & Quote]

This one is nice, thanks for uploading and sharing anon!
>> No. 45602 [Reply & Quote]
rofl. You cracked me up mike
>> No. 45603 [Reply & Quote]
>> No. 45614 [Reply & Quote]
Where did you read that?
>> No. 45620 [Reply & Quote]
Fuck I hate these idiots why doesn't anyone read board rules.
>> No. 45621 [Reply & Quote]
feel free to post those treasured blogtv caps.
>> No. 45625 [Reply & Quote]
cmon mods, no fun in shooting a lame duck.
>> No. 45626 [Reply & Quote]
>Stickam Girls AND CAMWHORES
>feel free to post those treasured blogtv caps.

feel free

any questions?
>> No. 45630 [Reply & Quote]

>> No. 45647 [Reply & Quote]
Anons of justice and epic qualities. may we please have this cap, in all that is generous of all winculture

let us not forget these images bestowed upon our eyes!
>> No. 45649 [Reply & Quote]
I saw this a few days back posted on a good site, I think it was called "Stick Backup"?
>> No. 45650 [Reply & Quote]
christ, let the board go already. whats the point of two?
>> No. 45655 [Reply & Quote]
I don't know if you are anonib-wan or not
I appreciated your contribution.
I hope the epic thread can go through at least Chrismas or New Year.
>> No. 45657 [Reply & Quote]
what happened to that blogtv cap, was it posted or not and why was the post deleted? as a customer of this board, can i please know why we can't have some nice blogtv vids? should i think you guys are not interested in my 13gig folder of unseen blogtv stuff? and why would i start posting mine if all the blogtv content on this damn board seems to be deleted in 2minutes i dont even know why? is there another forum where we can share blogtv stuff in peace? any suggestions? kthanxbye
>> No. 45658 [Reply & Quote]
I hope "The Hanged Man" will be back soon.
>> No. 45661 [Reply & Quote]
We are interested in your 13gig folder.
>> No. 45665 [Reply & Quote]
>interested in my 13gig folder of unseen blogtv stuff?

1st thing Blogtv isnt banned.

Ok the stage is set. Tell me when u'll start ur show mmmkay?

I will be waitin'. Better, we will be waiting.
>> No. 45666 [Reply & Quote]
Haven't been here for a few weeks.
What ever happened to that huge ass thread where people were trading videos for other videos?
I remember 2 threads and one got closed for being so big.
I also remember another StiStickamard (I think it was called StiStickammplete backup), why was it deleted?
>> No. 45667 [Reply & Quote]
Fuck, post got screwed up.

StiStickamard = Stickcam board
>> No. 45679 [Reply & Quote]
Jesus Christ. When did I say that blogtv was banned?
Blogtv isnt banned. Go ahead and post what u want.
Just remember. No personal info (fb myspace well u know) and no CP.

Are we clear now?
>> No. 45680 [Reply & Quote]
Chair, I got banned for an hour the other night for opposting a full URL to a blogtv page.
>> No. 45682 [Reply & Quote]

You should be grateful. Only one hour ban.
Ofc! you've posted a full url. it is against the rules.

"-No Stickam profile links.
-No other personal info (MySpace, AIM, phone #s, full name etc) "
>> No. 45683 [Reply & Quote]
what is the best/easiest video grabber program? I had one someone recommended on here but lost it when my comp crashed months back
>> No. 45686 [Reply & Quote]
Nigga please. use google.
I dont know.
What do I know is that I'm here now online moderating this thread. Any questions?
>> No. 45687 [Reply & Quote]

How are babies made?
>> No. 45690 [Reply & Quote]
Ask your mom she is a pro at such subject.
>> No. 45697 [Reply & Quote]
seriously though...there was a thread on the backup awhile back where the guy was putting his links to camwins....someone posted a perfect and simple way to grab the video and download it...I lost it and cant find another one that works worth a shit
>> No. 45737 [Reply & Quote]
Ask a judge.
Any judges here?
>> No. 45738 [Reply & Quote]
Mike will talk about blogtv asap.
in the mean time don't discuss or spread rumors. About blogtv/justintv - We will say if it is or it is not banned.
>> No. 45746 [Reply & Quote]
Please enclose in your answer your vieuw on the caps the depshitspammer is is sharing from smotri junior,and the young dancingclips from youtube girls.
>> No. 45758 [Reply & Quote]
File 126012073529.jpg - (488.80KB , 1883x1196 , 125845479876.jpg )
ok who has
>> No. 45759 [Reply & Quote]
i hope you do post your blog stuff mod said you can theres some girls there i like hope you have them
>> No. 45761 [Reply & Quote]
Mods/admins are being too heavy handed

We dont want the inmates running the asylum but

We dont want mods deleting things needlessly either...
>> No. 45764 [Reply & Quote]
File 126012144960.jpg - (493.20KB , 1883x1196 , 126012073529.jpg )
Can anyone please post this cap?
>> No. 45777 [Reply & Quote]
I didn't see top row third from the left get posted. A conditional anon offered it for something else but I don't think that ever came through.

Hope I'm wrong though, as I would love if someone who got it could upload it : P
>> No. 45778 [Reply & Quote]
I used to post my caps on stickbackup. What hppned. No more backup. It looks like a lot of posts get deleted in this thread. Maybe its not worth it to share here. Maybe have to go back to private boards again. Mods have to explain themselves.
>> No. 45781 [Reply & Quote]
no shit sherlock
why do you think win stopped after mike was made mod
>> No. 45782 [Reply & Quote]
Yea, I have researched
its not the same one.
the one on the picture is new cap
and the one have been posted on epic thread was old caps.
>> No. 45807 [Reply & Quote]

any good ones with dad?
>> No. 45812 [Reply & Quote]
File 12601258056.png - (36.60KB , 161x192 , rules.png )

Stfu or gtfo
>> No. 45813 [Reply & Quote]
Dude, you was the 0nly good thing on that board. Im sure anon can find an alternative host, now that all these silly rules and restrictions on posts.
>> No. 45834 [Reply & Quote]
File 126012659316.jpg - (71.34KB , 602x351 , nothing.jpg )

All the rules on posting are sensible ones. The mods/admins just suck at enforcing them. If you disagree its best if you took your fail elsewhere
>> No. 45864 [Reply & Quote]
Now that this place appears to have been neutered (no blame attatched) are there any other boards where mods aren't quite as eager to delete posts. Thanks.
>> No. 45873 [Reply & Quote]

You can sit here 24/7 pressing f5 then hoarding the win. Or become a mod (same thing?)
>> No. 45875 [Reply & Quote]
You could go to the chans,but here not the mods but the posters (read paywhoreanons) are the pricks.i rehosted the mariahmcgee cap on a multihost and it didn't stay long hehehe.
>> No. 45881 [Reply & Quote]
Which chans? Thanks.>>45875
>> No. 45885 [Reply & Quote]
For instance 1024chan.org ,give my regards to the paywhoreanons and show them some anon love hehehe.
You also could go to Tor,but that's invite only and i don't know how that works(i always go uninvited hehehe).
>> No. 45886 [Reply & Quote]
Hey CM the past week mike and i found out that are board was fragged and deleted without warning If you have anymore questions feel free to contact mike or i
Mikes email killadawg2002@gmail.com
>> No. 45888 [Reply & Quote]

1024chan used to be great b4 they tried that lame ass "vip" (read: hoardfag) board to try and get donations. Now it blows.

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