Tokyo CGM Night 5
Tokyo CGM Night第5話のリポートです。今まで一番面白かったエピソードだったな。
CPIホスティングとJimdoを運営しているKDDI Web Communicationsさんのオフィスで行われました。KDDIさんに感謝感謝!
海外のGoogleのプロダクトマネージャー達も参加。マリッサ メイヤー - 検索製品および利便性向上担当副社長も参加。
自分は写真撮れなかったので、これらのCGM NightのFlickrプールからお借りしました。
主催者は僕とAndrew Shuttleworthだ。
今までのTokyo CGM Night 5の記事↓(日本語あり)
iPhone開発者と写真家のKen Leeだ。
Tokyo CGM Night 3で日本進出が正式発表されたPoken。これは電子名刺みたいなもんだ。Tokyo CGM Nightでだけ安く買えるし、じゃんけんでもらえるかも。
Social EvangelistのPaul Papadimitriouだ。
Mika Uenoさん。
Web2.0のニコニコ動画?Twitter Fountainを使い、リアルタイムにTweetを表示。写真もEye-fiSDカードでリアルタイムにアップロードされ、数秒後にプロジェクターに出る。
Kevin Cooneyさん。
Sun社のJim Grisanzioさん。
モジラジャパンのTOPの人Gen Kanaiだ。
元シックスアパートのDavid Shackelfordさん。
Fumi YamazakiとSatoka Fさん。Fumiさんと一緒にその昔ブログTVに出ましたね。
Otaku Encyclopediaの著者パトリックさん。
渡されたちらしとWhite Wall Studiosの本。
Akiba Keiさんも来ました。当日の様子はこれらのビデオで見れる。
メディア、エンタメ、ITやブロガーの方をTokyo CGM Nightに歓迎しています。参加したい方は僕かアンドリューに次のネットワークを使って連絡してください。
-Akihabara News – Gadgetry from Japan (Subscribe)
NEET part-time - Technical Support Officer - Network security engineer
networking, gadgets, cameras and freebies - One might think CGM nights are some sort of gadget/electronics convention of Japan's high flying bloggers!
Reading about your CGM events really blows my mind and is a great encouragement everytime.
I really like your usage of the Eye-fi card - I have a few events I'm involved in that would greatly benefit from it. Is the Eye-fi software focused or hardware focused? What if i had a mobile phone with wifi and wanted to upload pictures to the same location that the Eye-fi card is uploading too. Would that work?
AHH!!! - Mass Otagei. awesome
I also notice this article is not yet pulished... Did i just divide by zero?!
A Curiosity
The picture of the 2 cutie pie girls kinda remind me of nagato and mikuru... yea i dunno why... haha, wish i could get all that cool stuff..
still working with my unfinished blog
nice costume danny !! is that new ??
High School Student
uhh...OHH YEAH you're right, wow i didn't look at it that way, man i wish u had some of that stuff as well ^^
studying comp studies, planning to look for part time job
AHH! wish I can see whats going on there till the end.
Otari Vader, Sith Lord for Hire, will fillet Makoto Itou for free
image ID#26983 - PINOY PRIDE!!
image ID#26996 - that's an interesting conversation piece to have in an event.
image ID#27013 - I want those stickers!!
Would love to sign up for CGM night in the next couple of years. Been aroun the interwebs with several accounts in various journals and folios (i.e. Deviantart) though I've never seriously blogged until recently. :)
P.S. to fellow bloggers out there, advice would be most welcome :)
we've got to talk sometime, then. I can pass on everything I've learned from the other local masters...
Otari Vader, Sith Lord for Hire, will fillet Makoto Itou for free
oooh... :)
Draftsman Graduated, Environment & Interior Design Student
Is really funny the Otaku Dance... I need to lern. Good photo article...
IT Business Analyst + Test Analyst + Undergrad Uni Student
Firefox goodies~! me want ;p
OMG me too!! so many Foxkeh goodies why they don't export T_T
Must of been a lot of fun.
OMG Ken Lee!!! I can belive he really exist O_o
Hmmm... Mayu-chan+megane = Satonaka Chie?
Popular Culture Vulture
As always thanks for sharing Danny!
Pseudo-Graphic Designer, 触手 wrangler, H-Man
Marin-chan calls herself "HetaLayer"?? But... but... she's gorgeous! Her Ayanami Rei is ultra bijin da!
Boy these CGM nights just gets better and bigger every time :D I needs to get to one of these places. Great contribution by Circus there. Especially providing you with your fave Da Capo girl ^_^
Funny, my friend and I were just talking about electronic business cards last Friday and there it is with the "Poken". More environment friendly without dealing with paper :)
Wah look at all the goodies ^o^ you should start giving out goodie bags at the CGM nights ^^; Looks like another awesome CGM night pretty soon everyone is going to want to go.
Otaku Graphic Designer
Nice Vader off-armour outfit, Trooper! :3
Wow this article is impressive! I'm amazed that there are lots of individuals who are interested in this event and most of the participants came from huge companies like google,sun and mozilla and there are lots of gadgets and cool stuffs too! that foxy stuff toy is so damn cute!!! I want to have that one!!! I hope I can attend on that kind of event, never been in any blogging conventions and events before (T_T) waaahhhhh
awww! you should have gone to the last iBlog conference - it was all about beginning blogging.... you should always try to keep an eye out for iBlog in the summer. I try to go as often as I can. that's where I learned a lot of blog stuff.
but Tokyo CGM Night has FAR more impressive loot to give away :)
College Student/Web Designer
Wish they had these kind of events around here. The only social media industry meetups seem to be on the west coast, with a occasional in Texas or NYC. None in Middle-US.
Poken looks like a great idea. I imagine it will be hard for them to catch on in the US with so many people refusing to even do business on a computer still :/
*crosses fingers that site doesn't crash again when posting ^^I*
High School Student
Cool...Wish I could attend and look at all those goodies xD
Nice Vader suit Danny!
Freelance Designer
Dance Trooper: DCX-001 O.D.E. (Order of the Dancing Empire)
Wow, lovely cosplayers & idols~~~~
Danny look so cool in Vader suit ^o^
I wish Pokens will be widely use here soon, so we dont have to run out of business cards anytime, but I wonder does it allow to review the biz card in real time? Or can only retrieve via computer.
Foxkeh face towel is so cute~~~
How come Hisagi-san face was censored??? I thought it's free from portrait-rights in this event.
Wow! Didn't know facebook have a limit of 5000 friends as the maximum. I bet you're the top few facebook user who topped it ^_^
Tokyo CGM Night is getting more & more exciting every month, I hope I will have the chance to attend it one day~~~~
CEO MIrai Inc
Didnt have time to ask him first - probably OK not to censor though.
Student/freelance painter
Hey danny, First off al great site! i was wondering is there a possibilty to ask you some questions by e-mail or something else? instead of commenting? if it is possible could you mail me to my mail adress which is attached to this account?
from the Netherlands
Dance Trooper: DCX-001 O.D.E. (Order of the Dancing Empire)
Thanks for clarifying ^_^
Usually when an event stated the rules, every attendants are automatically bounded to it, unless stated otherwise.
Otaku, US Army, Student (Political Science)
Lots of goodies and seemed like a really fun night like always ^^ I like reading about the CGM nights ^^
A Most Awesome Time indeed~
Foxkeh goodies get!!!
And The twitter fountain looks real nice!
part time illustrationist, doll clothing seamstress
wooo looks like this event is getting bigger and bigger! great job danny and everyone! :D
by the way sometimes even trained pets can have "accidents" :P It depends on type of pet U get, if they are easy to train etc or not ^^ Some pets require a lot of attention and energy to train ^^;
Dirty Gentleman
Looks like another fun night. The room so bright this time around.
Everyone looks to be having fun except the US google team with thought clouds over their heads: "Those crazy Japanese..."
Wow. Another amazing article. I enjoyed the pictures alot. It feels like I'm there. x)
Also the pokken looks so much like a pencil sharpener to me. ^^
And about your question on dogs, even well-trained ones will seldomly pee in the house.
It depends on how much attention you give your pet and how often you take him outside to do his business (if it is the type to know how to use the toilet outside by himself ) ^^ but this should be the least of your worries.
CEO MIrai Inc
How often do you have to walk dogs and how long for each run?
depends on the breed of dog, usually. some breeds are made to be very active, some are okay with light exercise. try to talk to the local kennel clubs?
Oh yea~ FOXKEH Pluuuuuuuushhhhhhh out of REACH!!! Dx
So much goodies...and so much fun...every time I read the word "Poken" I think Pokemon for some's like an endless supply of business cards, but I'd still prefer hard copies for the times being...
CGM Nights look like so much fun!
hikkikomori for hire
it looks like a good place to meet some very interesting people too.
prizes, cool new stuff, AND THAT NAGI NENDOROID!
these articles never fail to amaze
university film student | ecchikid | the Archivist
It's kind of amazing how big CGM night has gotten in such a short time. Way to pick up on good ideas and run with them, Danny. ^^ Having Mirai smack dab on top of the CGM posters as well as being a host must be good for publicity, despite the work involved.
Also, about Sunil/catering: I always thought IT + food as a side job was an odd combination, but since it's apparently a workable and even successful one...I suppose your aspirations for restaurant ownership aren't that farfetched after all. ^^;
struggling undergraduate student
The Poken gadget is really cool. The docking reminds me of the digimon v-pets. Anyway, nice Foxkeh haul. All I can have is a Firefox Foxkeh skin.
Self employed
Can someone just drop by if there happens to be a CGM Night held when in Tokyo for a holiday?
Hector has a forked tongue...
Web Developer, Designer, ALT
Looks like a fun night had by all, one day I'll qualify to attend.
The moe satellite illustration book looks rather tempting... And now you reminded me about Valkyrie Complex. Must start playing soon. As soon as I finish exams orz
Education specialist, IT content developer, crosscutural trainer, freelance translator / interpreter
Danny, it was great to be there as always. CGM Night is becoming legendary!
Miho Takahashi? strange, I use to have a sensei in college with the same name. ^^;
btw nice casual Vader-wear Danny. btw keep the poo mat, you will need it when you have a baby. pee on the carpet or tatami isn't a very pretty sight. ^^
whoops, it was a facetowel. ^^;;;;;; I thought it was one of those extra absorbent cloth things meant for pee and poo. sorry.
Student, Artist, Unemployed but seeking
I really want that foxkeh towel, wonder if it'll ever turn up on ebay :P
Great event!! Foxkeh goodies wants^^
part-time professional part-timer
Lot's of Firefox goodies ^^
College Freshmen
I know some people who would probably kill for those Circus stuff. I personally never got into it because I never got my translator working...
Student, Freelance Artist
CGM Night looks like so much fun! Lots of networking opportunities, too; which reminds me, I need to get on that (going into the IT industry myself ^^;).
Also, I'm really envious that you have Foxkeh stickers. They're shiny AND they're of the Firefox mascot. Do want ;___;
CGM nights are getting bigger and bigger, the venue this time seemed brighter than the others heh. The Poken look very nice, i'll have to try pick myself up one, but I doubt i'll get a chance to use it around here.
All those exclusive goodies, makes me jealous of the people who go there.
Lots of fun and goodies as usual and some cuties as well :P
Looks like another awesomely successful CGM Night! Look at all 'em goodies!
Gahh... I must get myself into one of these CGM Nights when I visit Japan. It seems like I would gain a lot of experience and learn new things from meeting all these elite people!
Graphic designer
Looks very fun!^^ I hope I can attend similair business events in the future when working as a freelancer.
Those Poken are used her in the NL mainly by kids, but seeing how they use it there it looks alot more useful.
Looks like everyone who went had an awesome time there. I'm glad you take plenty of pictures and write about it all for those of us who wouldn't be able to attend. ^^
image ID#26976 - you look badass, Danny! you look grand in the non-armor parts of the Vader costume!
image ID#26981 - aww, double whammy! not only are the Poken Japan-only, they're Mac-only too :( me want.
image ID#26983 - I hope I can get the chance to meet with Paul-san soon, if he's working around these parts.... *points at location line*
image ID#26992 - ooh, samosas in the left-most chafing dish! *crunch crunch crunch*
image ID#27013 and image ID#27015 - wow, Foxkeh sure is cute. we don't have that :)
image ID#27030 - my goodness, but Aoi and Ryomo are VERY cute together.
it's been raining very hard here too. we're all in this spate of bad weather together, it seems.
Computer science student
Lol the end was so realistically funny "And the pile of business cards I still need to go through."
I see that in my office too often -_^ !!
Figure Collecter
굉장히 즐거워 보이는군요~
다양한 사람들이 자유롭게 모여 즐기는 모습이 보기 좋습니다~
CEO MIrai Inc
참가자중에서는 돌피을 가지고 있는 사람이 몇명도 가지고있어요. 할 수 있으면 다음번에 데리고 갑니다 ^o^
Figure Collecter
돌피가 있는 파티라 더 멋지겠군요 실물의 돌피를 보지 못하신 분이 꽤 많지요.
아참!! 그러고 보니 6월쯤에 서울에 오신다고 그러시지 않으셨던가요?
시간이 되면 서울에서 뵈었음 좋겠군요~ ^.^
CEO MIrai Inc
6월에 가고 싶었지만 시간이....우우우우우
Figure Collecter
하하하 그러셨군요~
다음에 시간날때 오세요~
엄청나게 매운 국수나 불고기라도 같이 드시죠~ ^.^/
former Emperor of Britannia
Socializing + goodies + unknown loads of fun = CGM Night.
Each post of this topic/event is really interesting. Attendees not only get to know more people but this ls gives them an opportunity to expand their horizons in different levels.
Congratulations on another successful event.
Student and full-time otaku
Wow, another great event that was, it seems. Whish I was a blogger and in Tokyo at times like this, but I don't think I have anything to add to the web scene......Why doesn't the engineering world have events like this?
anime/cosplay events organizer
Awesome CGM Night~
I wish that soon my company would join in the fun and exchange ideas and contacts with others in the industry ^___^
The Poken thing got my attention 'coz you can exchange digital information with other Poken users =3
The Poken caught my attention. gots to have one of those.
November Echo Echo Tango
Hetalayer doesn't look bad at cosplay~
That event looks real fun~~~~
That's so awesome! Look's like another great CGM Night! So much goodies... Gorgeous Koko oppai mousepad, indeed! ^^ Nice, really nice. Good luck next time to (CGM Night 6) Mr. Danny Choo!!
And Thank's for the sharing all of the goodies Danny and Nagi ^^; She looking cute... Am so glad to have her ^^;
Network Engineer,Otaku
Mr.Danny choo is cool of image ID#26976.
image ID#26976(一番上の写真)のダニー・チューさんは格好良いですね。
College Student, Self-Learner.
I did add you at Facebook but I don't know what number am I...Am I the 5000th??? LOL =P
Student, PoomDomain Director
I really admire Danny Choo. From a 'normal mediocre person' (in my opinion), he become a CEO of the company or something. I just started my own blog just a few weeks ago, and one of my reasons is to become like Mr. Danny Choo here. This is not ass-kissery either, Im serious.
I was wondering where am I hiding around the crowd. ^^;;
Otaku Social Media/Blogger/Event Coverage
CGM Night 5 looks like it was a blast!
Was surprised to see the otagei! I recently learned about it when I went to Momoi Haruko's concert a couple weeks ago. They were giving out flyers about otagei to teach everyone and explain so no one would be confused. Free glow sticks too! XD
Any way to get a hold of one of those CGM Night Posters? I know they're probably limited. Would you ever consider giving one away in a giveaway like you do with your business cards?
Nice Firefox accessory, hehehe.
All that loot! Whoa!
Valkyrie Complex looks really good, I hope that it will be translated to English~
I've always liked Mirai sitting down the best, for some reason~
The food makes me hungry... I need to go eat breakfast...
And Ken Lee's pants look good.
Did you know that tak is thanks in Danish? Mr.THANKS, which is funny.
Mr THANKS who arranged for us to use his office. Thank you THANKS-san!
Student in Internet-based Systems
I second the wish for an English version of Valkyrie Complex^^;
And do want Oppai Mousepad. :(
One man company, visual UI / icon designer.
Here's to hoping we'll see the DCCOM iPhone app also having some proper icon and interface design. Going from Appliya's website... I am unsure -_-"
Oppai disciple
Foxkeh is so kawaii!! ^^
Image ID#26980 Tunder-tunder-tundercats hooooo ... brings back memories ^^;
Also yey for FF propaganda ^^;
Mad scientist
LOL at the CGM Night poster: 'No birthday suits.' ^^;
wait a minute, what's a birthday suit?
Night Stalker
Saw lots of interesting stuff! ^ ^ lots of Kawaii people! & ohhh Danny has a new Vader cosplay thats AWSOME! - image ID#26983 he lives there in the PI!?
No more NEET, enineering student now...g
My goodness, Circus was there!?!? Wish I was there too ><
Looks like CGM night is getting more and more famous! Hope to be able to attend it in the future. Looks fun ^^
failing student
that is a lot of free stuff
Associate Network Administrator
Great article! Interesting you mention the Facebook friends limit, as I recently added you and got accepted. Might I possibly have been #5000?
Web Designer
Look interesting! Foxkeh is soo cute.
demon hunter
Hello what is tokyo cgm?please can you explained?
Associate Network Administrator
Hobby fan
Your outfit is simply awesome Danny ^^.
High school student
Must have been really fun. I find that Twitter Fountain system very sophisticated. It's a great widget for such events. And that pile of acquired things is awesome too.
Seems like everyone is enjoying there. Hope I can attend the event one day.
I want the Foxkeh face towel!
Student during the day, otaku at night, and amateur musician ^_^
Looks fun ^_^
And love the Poken idea, I'm not such a busy person to the point of having my own business card, but I'll get a Poken for the sake of having one ^_^
CGM night is getting bigger and bigger...
Lots of networking opportunities.
Onward to world domination!
Student, Uncle & hopfully a good husband..
Wow...quite a big event indeed...And those Google people are really punctual....
impressive... Tokyo CGM night is awesome
College Student
Those Poken things are a great idea, every phone should have this and people can exchange details this way haha.
College Student
Those Poken things are great, all phones should have this on so people can exchange phone numbers etc. quickly. ^^
College Student
Hmmm when I first checked, the first comment didn't go through...
Education specialist, IT content developer, crosscutural trainer, freelance translator / interpreter
clearly, clapping hands are the way to go for any otaku dance!
*stares did marin-chan deliberately spill that juice to make that shot more realistic or something?
Network Security Specialist
Ya I was wondering.....why is there spilled juice?
Art Student/Freelancer
CGM really makes me want to complete my blog faster ^^;
haha, Will Vader post on him the some Firefox stickers??
It seems you got plenty of them... ^^
I would love to attend a CGM too.
This looks like a lot of fun.
But I am not living in japan and my japanese is way to bad ^^
It is incredible what someone can accomplish by hard work. And so many people are open minded and nice and give away nice goodies.
CG artist
Sounds like a fun time, those POKEN seem really interesting.
So many gooooooodies~
Awwh, Marin-chan doesn't look bad at cosplay, Hetalayer is a new word for me, though.
Cool event. Love all the cool Circus gear you picked up.
Software Developer
All looks really fun.
And the poken sound interesting, might have to pick one up.
project finance adviser
danny> I just spotted yr dad on a tv ad in the UK for de montfort uni....professor choo! very cool!
Thanks for the info on the Poken- it's definitely something I need to check up on.
Wow, looks like it was a great event!
By the way, is that red stuff on the floor next to Asahina-san put there on purpose?
So much fun!
I wanna go!
Loving the pics here Danny, looks like an absolutly fantastic experience!!!
Exostential mouse herder
Looks like it was a good evening for all though the google folks sure did look like they were thinking they had entered the twilight zone.
I work at the hangar beside the airport
Congrats to you Mr. DC on organizing the 5th CGM night..
CGM night getting more and more interesting..
More interesting people coming out that night..
Also have some wotagei dancer show up..
Love all the goodies you can get over there..
i see vader have firefox sticker on his chest..
looking forward to the next CGM night..
do you planning on organize it outside of tokyo..
Student, Otaku, She-Geek(Sheek lol)
Koko Tsukaima!!! She's my favourite too! Far too cute for her own good! Lucky you getting a tshirt, oppai mousepad AND a towel! And such cute Foxker stuff! Me wants....
Ahhh Poken, I thought it was new to me, but I realise I've seen them on Firebox a while ago. Very funky idea. I must get one... even if I don't know anyone with them... I can bet if I get one... but friends would want one too. (They're very tech savvy, more so than me lol)
Looked like mucho fun was had by all again, gosh darn I wish I was on holiday in Japan when something like that happened lol
Student, Otaku, She-Geek(Sheek lol)
And also, forgot to say, the little hands of the Poken are like Barney Stinson said in an ep of HIMYM, 'Tiny five!!' Love it! Must have one...
System Design Engineering (UWaterloo)
Makes me want a POKEN now ^_^
thousand master II, Internet Learner, Auto didacta
really amazing the idea of CGM. Really want to finish my studies so i can be in a room with the very best ^^. As for dogs, it takes some time to train your dog to pee and poo outside and that doesn't make any damages in the house. But overall, having a dog is a good experience, is like having another member of your family.
Creative Director
God I wish I was there. I would have spiked the drinks of all the Google guests.... learn all their secret plans for world domination and building the ultimate evil empire :P
Otaku Programmer
Wish I could be there...
But I wonder how would I feel when a nobody like me enters a pack of successful people T_T
@.@ ... i want to be there so badly...
Wow that's one helluva night. Just wondering, are you going to use all of those stickers? XD
Graphic Designer
Foxkeh is absolutely adorable! Why don't we get cute critter mascots here in the states?
Yes! Danny should get a dog! XD
I suppose the occasional accident is to be expected if getting a puppy. Some people prefer to avoid that age and pick up a house broken dog from the shelter instead. You also save a poor unfortunate critter who needs a good home. ^^
Our dog is house broken but on very very rare instances when he does have an accident in the house, he knew he did something wrong and goes hide. I just can't get mad at that! Just too precious, lol.
They need to bring Foxkeh to NA too >_<.
anime + games collector
damn wish ic ould go to one of those events it would be awesome good job danny. go koko-chan!
Student (Programing, Streaming, Gaming)
Looked like you had fun. Cool Koko stuff... no wrong word, maybe goodies? Yeah, much better!
Valkyrie complex postcards, I could use a few of thoughs.
Mechanical Engineering student
image ID#26983: Mr. Papadimitriou works here in my country? What does he do? O_o
I would love to be able to attend one of those events. But I'm not a famous blogger nor some big shot in the computer industry :P
Policy & Research Officer
Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves dancing and interacting with one antoher.
Daigakusei [Consular and Diplomatic Affairs]
CGM Night 5 is amazing~
lots of cool people and tons o' goodies!
Vader suit is snazzy btw~ me like it^^
Very nice! I like Kevin Cooney's tie. xD
Photographer, writer, blogger
I really wish there were more web, design, photography meets going on in and around Kyoto and Kansai where I run Of Rice and Zen Studios. Are there any like-minded folk in here who'd like to start something up?
ダニーさん こんにちは!
Photography Student
I wish there was something like that around here, the meeting looks awesome! And I was shocked at the vids, so funny!
what language is spoken as these events? w
medicine student & otaku
i soooo want those Firefox stickers ^^ they look cute!
College Student, Computer Science Major
Seemed like it was a blast. Those Pokens are a pretty cool concept along with all that loot. =O
Aspiring Comic Artist
Awww, I want a Foxkeh plushie! :3
Looks like your party went very well though, hats off to you! Can't believe even people from Google were there.
Software Engineer (Web)
Do i have to be one of the best in the IT industry to join this event?
Otaku / Student in Networking
WOW! What a nice CGM ^^ Always see people having fun makes me happy too =D
student and clothes designer
I do a map
The Twitterffountain looks great... Wow someday I dream of joining the cgm night in Tokyo.
mwuahahaha good thing I already added you XD
Actor, Moviemaker and Blogger.
I want some Foxkeh goodies!!! ^^
Oriental Blogger
Looked like an exceptional event! Certainly great to be in Tokyo... nice goodies toe.
Technical Support
great night .... invited includes Kirai !!
thanks for sharing ...
Custom Arcadestick builder
that crazy otaku dance just made my eyes become more focused, crazy as it is but hey you gotta love japan.
That was a great post. Loved the interviews. ~dw
wow pokens enter japan too? I've seen them quite often on german blogs!
It's amazing what kind of people you know (the rinkya lady for example!) O.O
Danny, that outfit suits u :">
Otaku, Student in Biotechnology, Digital Media Research
I totally agree!!! Looks so cool especially the pose in 1st photo.
Graphic Design student | Receptionist | Otaku
A great outfit Danny~ The cosplay is always great, seems like a fun filled event! Nice to see people from all around too~
Ouu Poken for Canada! =]
Student, Artist
Man that looks incredible, i'm sure you all had a blast. I sent you a message on facebook a week ago, and you haven't replied ;_;