Tokyo CGM Night 2話

Mon 2009/02/09 19:42 JST

Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=

「Tokyo CGM Night」2話は青山のFiat Caffeで開催された。主催者は僕とアンドリューだ。
前回のTokyo CGM NightではWeiden and Kennedyのおしゃれなオフィスで開催され、参加者はおよそ40人ぐらいだった。今回は100人以上が参加すると想定したので、アンドリューはもっと大きなイベントスペースを探して参りました。

「Tokyo CGM Night」では、数千億億億億PVを稼ぐノーハウを持つメジャーブロガーやYouTubeのトップディレクターや業界人が参加するイベントです。

今回の豪華ゲストはマイクロソフトジャパンの元会長古川享さん、アップルの元営業本部長/Focal Pointの代表取締役恩田フランシス英樹FONの創業者Ejovi Nuwereだ。

Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=


Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=


Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
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Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
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Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=
Tokyo CGM Night 2話 title=


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  • J. Maurice
    J. Maurice in 千葉市 (Registered on 2008/11/06)

    Hey Danny,

    Thanks again for organizing a great event on Friday night! It was great. Can't wait until next month...


    Mon 2009/02/09 18:01:04 JST (ID #481639)
    reply to J. Maurice's comment
  • Organization XIII
    Organization XIII in Far far away[london] (Registered on 2007/08/07)

    wow looks like a really cool event, i wish i could go but im stuck here in boring England^_^

    Mon 2009/02/09 19:32:05 JST (ID #481704)
    reply to Organization XIII's comment
  • Rin
    Rin in Toronto (Registered on 2008/01/04)
    Student Otaku (ITM Student) and ACG NA Staff

    JUST WOW!!!!!!
    Looks like fun too!!!!!!
    I wonder if regular bloggers from outside of Japan are allowed to attend if something like this happens again...
    I would love to join and see all and meet all these cool industry people...

    Mon 2009/02/09 19:38:29 JST (ID #481706)
    reply to Rin's comment
    • Rin
      Rin in Toronto (Registered on 2008/01/04)
      Student Otaku (ITM Student) and ACG NA Staff

      It'll also be a great learning experience for an ITM student that is trying to get into the industry...

      Mon 2009/02/09 19:42:07 JST (ID #481709)
      reply to Rin's comment
  • adamsneeka
    adamsneeka in Brisbane (Registered on 2008/08/16)
    machinery operator, eskimo, blame taker

    Looks like everyone there had a great night
    the fiat cafe looks like an awesome place to hold events but i guess it's better for you guys to keep it fresh with new places each time
    there's not much of a gap between CGM nights if your holding one next month do you still expect the same attendance if not i am sure you can find many volunteers here to represent the "consumer" part of CGM

    Mon 2009/02/09 19:46:52 JST (ID #481711)
    reply to adamsneeka's comment
  • Ken Lee
    Ken Lee in Tokyo (Registered on 2008/05/21)
    Full-time student へへ

    Can't wait for next month's event too! Andrew corrected me earlier.... Fiat Caffe is spelt with a double f. ^^.

    Mon 2009/02/09 19:52:47 JST (ID #481717)
    reply to Ken Lee's comment
  • jinstevens
    jinstevens in Portland, OR, USA (Registered on 2009/01/05)
    Blogger, consultant

    Wow. CGM night just looks amazing.

    Mon 2009/02/09 19:58:32 JST (ID #481721)
    reply to jinstevens's comment
  • Blowfish
    Blowfish in Close to Dyusseru,Karlsland (Registered on 2008/06/11)
    Physical Therapist

    Looks like fun as always!
    So many business cards from only one cant keep up with all of em right?

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:03:44 JST (ID #481728)
    reply to Blowfish's comment
  • tintin-san
    tintin-san in シンガポオル Singapore (Registered on 2008/05/11)

    It looks like a major success!

    Congrats Danny ^-^

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:08:52 JST (ID #481731)
    reply to tintin-san's comment
  • eddie
    eddie in tokyo (Registered on 2006/12/31)

    T'was cool.
    And, no, I wasn't at all interested in the Iron Man...

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:10:36 JST (ID #481732)
    reply to eddie's comment
  • Stefkov
    Stefkov in England (Registered on 2008/06/01)

    Looks like it was really fun. That pile of business cards is huge.

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:16:43 JST (ID #481737)
    reply to Stefkov's comment
  • onebeat
    onebeat in Roppongi, Daikanyama, Hong Kong, Los Angeles (Registered on 2009/02/08)
    Multiple business owner, designer, musician

    Hey Danny, really enjoyed the night and your enthusiasm making the Japanese people smile and happy. Yoru a real visionary.

    BTW, my name is spelled wrong, it is ONDA and not ONODA... Please just call me Francis..

    Take care and hope to see you soon... I am off to HK office from 2/11, be back in a week. I hope I will no miss events..

    Take care and hello to all his COOL friends and colleagues.

    Francis Onda

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:18:48 JST (ID #481742)
    reply to onebeat's comment
  • I Am Kaze
    I Am Kaze in England (Registered on 2008/12/28)
    Looking for Work

    I want to go! =O But first I must take the internet by storm... Hmm.

    Perhaps some of us members should collaborate? Create something new, something exciting, something that will catch the attention of countless people! Then we can have fun, drink, and network with all the wonderful people in the pictures above! ^_^

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:36:33 JST (ID #481760)
    reply to I Am Kaze's comment
    • adamsneeka
      adamsneeka in Brisbane (Registered on 2008/08/16)
      machinery operator, eskimo, blame taker

      I vote yes

      There seem to be a few people here in the more creative industries or studying to enter them perhaps now is the time to step up and show people what you've got I'm sure danny will invite you to CGM night if you can make an impact (disclaimer I cannot actually be sure what danny will do he is his own person and not in anyway influenced by promises I may or may not make to others using this website)

      Mon 2009/02/09 21:25:20 JST (ID #481797)
      reply to adamsneeka's comment
      • I Am Kaze
        I Am Kaze in England (Registered on 2008/12/28)
        Looking for Work

        Yeah I've seen a lot of creative talent around on this website. It'd be really cool to collaborate with some members in hopes of making a big impact within this community ^_^

        I'm a graphic designer by hobby and I created a theatrical trailer for a Machinima I am currently making. I was considering posting that on here.. Not to sure if something like that would really make a big impact though. I wonder if other members have suggestions of "What could make an impact?" on here to really catch the attention of Danny and other members alike.

        Mon 2009/02/09 21:39:12 JST (ID #481808)
        reply to I Am Kaze's comment
        • ryuutatsuo
          ryuutatsuo in Phoenix, AZ USA (Registered on 2009/01/22)
          university student

          I agree with the both of you. I was thinking already about what could be done.
          If you don't mind me suggesting something. What about inviting Danny to the US and holding a big reward party with all the DC members invited to honor Danny's accomplishments.

          Mon 2009/02/09 22:06:21 JST (ID #481824)
          reply to ryuutatsuo's comment
          • I Am Kaze
            I Am Kaze in England (Registered on 2008/12/28)
            Looking for Work

            That'd be very costly! I was thinking more along the lines of an existing event which is the CGM Night. What could make an impact enough on here that would get members recognised more and to hopefully attend one of these awesomesauce parties ^_^'

            Mon 2009/02/09 22:50:11 JST (ID #481868)
            reply to I Am Kaze's comment
            • ryuutatsuo
              ryuutatsuo in Phoenix, AZ USA (Registered on 2009/01/22)
              university student

              so we are looking for something that members can do to get more recognized and with that would come an invite to CGM am I fallowing you correctly

              Mon 2009/02/09 23:05:34 JST (ID #481886)
              reply to ryuutatsuo's comment
      • Danny Choo
        Danny Choo in Tokyo (Registered on 2006/12/11)
        CEO MIrai Inc

        CGM will be held world wide in the future - details soon.

        Tue 2009/02/10 01:22:12 JST (ID #482023)
        reply to Danny Choo's comment
        • I Am Kaze
          I Am Kaze in England (Registered on 2008/12/28)
          Looking for Work

          Now that does sound good! Although a CGM Night in Tokyo would be a dream come true. I've always wanted to see Japan in all its glory =]

          Tue 2009/02/10 02:15:27 JST (ID #482058)
          reply to I Am Kaze's comment
        • WiseFreeman
          WiseFreeman in DC Cloning Laboratory (Registered on 2007/11/07)
          Dance Trooper: DCX-001 O.D.E. (Order of the Dancing Empire)

          That would be TOTALLY AWESOME!

          Looking forward for more details~~~~~~~~~

          Tue 2009/02/10 04:30:02 JST (ID #482197)
          reply to WiseFreeman's comment
        • TsubasaNoTenshi
          TsubasaNoTenshi (Registered on 2008/12/29)
          Student, Motivated Future Hikikomori

          That would be great, in that case, must get back to studying japanese and html - hope to be a part of this some day.

          Tue 2009/02/10 22:23:08 JST (ID #483173)
          reply to TsubasaNoTenshi's comment
    • Organization XIII
      Organization XIII in Far far away[london] (Registered on 2007/08/07)

      Great idea

      Mon 2009/02/09 23:37:30 JST (ID #481927)
      reply to Organization XIII's comment
      • I Am Kaze
        I Am Kaze in England (Registered on 2008/12/28)
        Looking for Work

        Glad you think so! You have any ideas of what would take the internet by storm? ^_^

        Tue 2009/02/10 00:21:54 JST (ID #481978)
        reply to I Am Kaze's comment
  • ryuutatsuo
    ryuutatsuo in Phoenix, AZ USA (Registered on 2009/01/22)
    university student

    these events look like so much fun. great job keep it up

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:55:18 JST (ID #481772)
    reply to ryuutatsuo's comment
    • I Am Kaze
      I Am Kaze in England (Registered on 2008/12/28)
      Looking for Work

      Yeah what you said above sounds correct ^^' It'd be an incredible experience to actually be apart of CGM Night and if we as members can achieve something together that can really have an impact on the community and really grasp them then I am sure it'd be fun for all =]

      Mon 2009/02/09 23:19:46 JST (ID #481904)
      reply to I Am Kaze's comment
  • WiseFreeman
    WiseFreeman in DC Cloning Laboratory (Registered on 2007/11/07)
    Dance Trooper: DCX-001 O.D.E. (Order of the Dancing Empire)

    Congratulation to Danny & Andrew on this successful event ^_^

    Very nice venue, it sure look cramp with so many people attended.

    Woah! Nanako is the giveaway prize~~~~~~~

    Wow, majority of them are foreigners~

    Great to know it's a monthly event & open to fresh enthusiastic people too, it will definitely be the biggest CGM event in ASIA very soon ^_^

    Mon 2009/02/09 20:57:39 JST (ID #481774)
    reply to WiseFreeman's comment
  • Lelouch Lamperouge
    Lelouch Lamperouge in ClovisLand (Registered on 2008/08/21)
    former Emperor of Britannia

    Congratulations on the successful event Danny!
    You could see that everyone indeed had an awesome night in that event.
    Wow! Just one event and you got a deck like quantity of business cards. Awesome!
    Still watching the Youtube embeds.

    Mon 2009/02/09 21:05:15 JST (ID #481780)
    reply to Lelouch Lamperouge's comment
  • vincento_py
    vincento_py in Kawaguchi, Japan (Registered on 2008/06/16)
    Lover of Akiba!

    Maybe I'll go someday... My english still bad during conversation -_-

    Mon 2009/02/09 21:06:11 JST (ID #481782)
    reply to vincento_py's comment
  • vongola_samurai
    vongola_samurai in oregon, portland (im taiwanese tho) (Registered on 2008/07/22)
    college student

    loved iron man, but i like ghost rider better

    Mon 2009/02/09 21:06:29 JST (ID #481783)
    reply to vongola_samurai's comment
  • Evil King
    Evil King in Vlaardingen, the Netherlands, Earth (Registered on 2007/12/18)
    Student and full-time otaku

    Looks like it was fun; wouldn't mind trying to win some of those SAFS...

    Something I was wondering: there are a lot of gaijin folk at these events, so do people sometimes revert back to English when talking to each other, or is everybody so fluent in Japanese that you don't even bother?

    Mon 2009/02/09 21:24:46 JST (ID #481796)
    reply to Evil King's comment
  • chun
    chun in need to be in bed (Registered on 2007/01/09)
    part time illustrationist, doll clothing seamstress

    Once broken considered sold? LOL! jk Danny it looks like a blast! :D:D

    Mon 2009/02/09 21:27:29 JST (ID #481799)
    reply to chun's comment
  • Hidden Oasis
    Hidden Oasis in California, United Sates (Registered on 2008/10/28)
    College Freshmen

    I totally want a handheld projector. That is so awesome!

    Mon 2009/02/09 21:32:04 JST (ID #481803)
    reply to Hidden Oasis's comment
  • Protocol Snow
    Protocol Snow in USA (Registered on 2007/07/25)
    Medical student

    Danny, you're a true pioneer. I'm impressed by how awesome the event looks!

    Mon 2009/02/09 22:11:40 JST (ID #481827)
    reply to Protocol Snow's comment
  • Snafu Slick
    Snafu Slick in South Carolina, USA (Registered on 2008/06/12)
    Motivational Speaker

    I'd feel kinda crunched in that small area full of people X_X

    Still would have like to been there :P

    Mon 2009/02/09 22:13:29 JST (ID #481829)
    reply to Snafu Slick's comment
  • yc
    yc in サンノセ、カリフォルニア (Registered on 2009/01/02)
    MOSSAD Employee

    You probably get this a lot...seeing how often you wear the Storm Trooper Armor these days...

    How often does the armor go into the 洗濯機? I've been agonizing over the decision to get one...but worry that it might be an incredible hassle to have it cleaned.

    Mon 2009/02/09 22:27:32 JST (ID #481834)
    reply to yc's comment
  • FatBastard
    FatBastard in over his head (Registered on 2007/11/04)
    Dirty Gentleman

    Maybe I'll be part of this in the upcoming future... we'll have to see. Always in motion is the future.

    Mon 2009/02/09 22:33:09 JST (ID #481841)
    reply to FatBastard's comment
  • megurineluka
    megurineluka in vocaloidworld (Registered on 2009/01/11)

    wesome give away !!!

    Mon 2009/02/09 22:40:35 JST (ID #481852)
    reply to megurineluka's comment
    • megurineluka
      megurineluka in vocaloidworld (Registered on 2009/01/11)

      iron man I mean

      Mon 2009/02/09 22:51:21 JST (ID #481870)
      reply to megurineluka's comment
  • MrN
    MrN in Deep Space (Registered on 2009/02/08)
    Wallet Inspector

    Congrats on the event. Glad to see so many people came out to it. I've always got the impression that the CGM scene was pretty big, but the photos here really help to put it in perspective. Even if those that showed up only constitute a small portion the bloggers, Youtubers, etc. out there, that's a fair chunk of people.

    Mon 2009/02/09 22:51:51 JST (ID #481873)
    reply to MrN's comment
  • Rusting
    Rusting in South Texas, USA (Registered on 2009/01/06)

    That looked like a super event this time. I remember that Blog-TV interview when the link was put up on your site the 1st time, some time around when Aya Hirano fainted during one interview with you on TV in time (thats how my memory works now). It is interesting to me that in the videos the presentations are in English (glad I don't have to wait to have them subbed by someone). Video 2 on the list up there has the one Figurine getting knocked over the comment "That didn't happen" was perfect and "need a medic". That one guy that said he would put the one figurine where hes daughter wont find it, lol , good luck with that they can sense them through walls. Looks as if you, Danny, got out with some pretty nice figurines yourself.

    Mon 2009/02/09 23:26:25 JST (ID #481910)
    reply to Rusting's comment
  • Jez
    Jez in Mississauga Ontario (Registered on 2008/04/11)
    Student/ Anime Club Leader at St. Joseph Secondary

    looks like fun hooking up with top youtubers and bloggers ^0^
    should do something like this sometime ^0^

    Mon 2009/02/09 23:29:08 JST (ID #481915)
    reply to Jez's comment
  • Yuuichi
    Yuuichi in Amsterdam!!!:D (Registered on 2008/05/15)
    Student Game Development.

    Looks Great :D

    Mon 2009/02/09 23:37:53 JST (ID #481928)
    reply to Yuuichi's comment
  • Riz
    Riz in インデアナポリス, インデアナ (Registered on 2009/01/02)

    That looked awesome! In the near future I think you'll be hosting events twice as large as this :D

    Mon 2009/02/09 23:43:45 JST (ID #481935)
    reply to Riz's comment
  • pedropinilla
    pedropinilla in Los Angeles, Chile (Registered on 2008/09/29)
    Hobby fan

    I might write a lot about so brilliant event, abundance of happiness and fellowship (and, of course the Idol Rika... she's so beautiful, damm lucky you) but I prefer saying only the following thing...

    ...congratulations Danny, you're on a higher lever.

    Mon 2009/02/09 23:59:30 JST (ID #481949)
    reply to pedropinilla's comment
  • Monkee
    Monkee in Canada (Registered on 2007/02/08)
    Otaku / Student in Networking

    Looks you have lots of fun there ^-^ I want to go too T-T

    Tue 2009/02/10 00:08:30 JST (ID #481957)
    reply to Monkee's comment
  • Hoshizora - DreamtheFuture
    Hoshizora - DreamtheFuture in San Francisco and Shibuya! (Registered on 2009/01/11)
    Future Pioneer and a Dreamer

    you had a phat night. メンツがスゲ~!
    Optoma laser projector is not that bad! me wants too
    BHA baybi~ may be I should go plobroggin' also

    Tue 2009/02/10 00:25:12 JST (ID #481983)
    reply to Hoshizora - DreamtheFuture's comment
  • Cyberchaos
    Cyberchaos in Australia, Sydney (Registered on 2008/02/17)
    NEET part-time - Technical Support Officer - Network security engineer

    wow, that looks heaps fun
    that venue looks awesome too - it's like a post modern mix with retro 80s

    the amount of SAFS is incredible

    Tue 2009/02/10 00:37:45 JST (ID #481991)
    reply to Cyberchaos's comment
  • Matteas
    Matteas in Prague, Czech Republic (Registered on 2008/10/25)
    High school student

    The interior of that place look awesome.

    What a pile of meishi! I cannot believe my eyes, there must be, well, a lot of them ^^

    Tue 2009/02/10 00:45:57 JST (ID #482000)
    reply to Matteas's comment
  • NPC
    NPC in Rocklin, CA (Registered on 2007/12/06)
    JR. College Student

    That is one awesome Cafe.
    Looks like fun!

    Tue 2009/02/10 00:59:56 JST (ID #482013)
    reply to NPC's comment
  • JeromeS
    JeromeS in Yokohama || Tokyo (Registered on 2008/05/26)
    Web App. Dev.

    Danny, it was a great evening! thanks again:)

    Tue 2009/02/10 02:07:08 JST (ID #482051)
    reply to JeromeS's comment
  • Hatsune Mitsu
    Hatsune Mitsu in Despair! (Registered on 2008/07/28)
    It's Mimi... my account died.

    The girl to guy ratio is ... T__T;;

    Tue 2009/02/10 02:42:43 JST (ID #482080)
    reply to Hatsune Mitsu's comment
    • Mimi
      Mimi in MIT (Registered on 2008/03/11)

      ^^;;; Girl power!

      Danny it looks like such a great event! You are superbly fantabulous, keep it up! ^___^ Hope we can have a big DC meeting sometime ^^

      @Mitsu: Are you online right now? Girls take more thought before standing up because they know that they're being watched. Guys are usually the first at everything because of reasons listed in IB World. (Go to IB room and read it mitsuuu!) :D :3

      Tue 2009/02/10 03:05:19 JST (ID #482100)
      reply to Mimi's comment
      • Koshiko
        Koshiko in Sydney, Australia (Registered on 2007/08/03)
        website/graphic designer and karaoke amateur~

        Ah, so true u_u~

        We should unite in some sort of online girl-power movement lol~

        Tue 2009/02/10 13:09:52 JST (ID #482690)
        reply to Koshiko's comment
    • Danny Choo
      Danny Choo in Tokyo (Registered on 2006/12/11)
      CEO MIrai Inc

      Quite a few ladies actually - just not pictured.

      Wed 2009/02/11 00:41:11 JST (ID #483277)
      reply to Danny Choo's comment
  • litokid
    litokid in Toronto, Canada (Registered on 2007/11/25)
    university film student | ecchikid | the Archivist

    I am getting dizzy reading name after name. >< I'm sure no one would fault you for forgetting their name, because that's a huge long list of people you have here.

    Tue 2009/02/10 02:51:52 JST (ID #482085)
    reply to litokid's comment
  • Alpha Ralpha
    Alpha Ralpha in Ohio, USA (Registered on 2009/01/24)
    Accounting Technician

    note to self - move to Tokyo and become a plo brogger with a billion page views so you can be invited to events like this ... ^^;

    Tue 2009/02/10 02:54:24 JST (ID #482090)
    reply to Alpha Ralpha's comment
  • Tachikaze
    Tachikaze in Brooklyn, New York (Registered on 2007/12/26)
    University Student

    Talk about networking, that's a lot of business cards you got. Looked like a really fun event.

    Tue 2009/02/10 03:17:54 JST (ID #482111)
    reply to Tachikaze's comment
  • asianmoviereviews
    asianmoviereviews in UK (Registered on 2008/04/24)

    Danny, you've probably answered this before, but will we be seeing more videos by you (or even by others of your events/outings etc) on I think it would be great if you were able to put up a video (a similar idea to what you did with the stormtrooper) once in a while as i found this a real treat (as well as a boost in motivation to do what it is that we want to do in life), and im sure others will agree with me on this.

    Just want to congratulate you on the success of the event, it looked like a great bunch of people turned up and alot of fun was had!!! and also i cant stress enough how much fun i would have had if i was able to attend (even though i don't blog anywhere near as half of what most of the guys here at do). Best of luck with your future events!!!

    Tue 2009/02/10 03:21:17 JST (ID #482113)
    reply to asianmoviereviews's comment
  • Charten
    Charten in United States (Registered on 2008/11/17)
    Student/Music Producer/Web Designer

    Amazing. I would love to attend an event like this- I'm totally all for networking. :D
    Great thing, it is.

    Tue 2009/02/10 03:26:29 JST (ID #482117)
    reply to Charten's comment
  • LesterHo
    LesterHo in Tokyo, Japan (Registered on 2008/11/16)

    Thanks Danny for inviting me to this great event although some pictures above has me as a back ground. ^^;;

    I'm shy to meet some of the people around and I hardly talk to you too but I will be glad to take another photo with you again on the next Tokyo CGM Night.

    Tue 2009/02/10 04:03:56 JST (ID #482163)
    reply to LesterHo's comment
  • Crux
    Crux in Toronto (Registered on 2007/11/13)
    University Student

    Wow... thanks for the link Danny. I guess I couldn't be more embarrassed that my site is STILL DOWN. I'm seriously thinking about crying right now.
    If you don't mind rerouting the link to my yt for now that would be appreciated. Wowwowowow -_-

    Tue 2009/02/10 04:10:02 JST (ID #482172)
    reply to Crux's comment
  • silent1134
    silent1134 in Los Angeles, California (Registered on 2007/08/22)

    Looks like one wild party...

    Tue 2009/02/10 04:46:04 JST (ID #482211)
    reply to silent1134's comment
  • Mirage
    Mirage in New York, US (Registered on 2008/12/27)
    Young Grasshopper

    Looked fun! Congrats on the successful gathering Danny. I wouldn't have the courage to go to something like that myself after seeing all the pros there even if I do get a chance.. But will definitely look forward to your March CGM coverage. ^^

    Tue 2009/02/10 06:12:32 JST (ID #482304)
    reply to Mirage's comment
  • devilangellus
    devilangellus in Tokyo, ikebukuro (Registered on 2009/02/10)
    Multimedia sales manager

    Thanks Danny,

    It was a really amazing party,
    Tokyo CGM Night was a real success.

    Now waiting for the next one ;)

    Tue 2009/02/10 06:14:02 JST (ID #482306)
    reply to devilangellus's comment
  • BeLe
    BeLe in Davao, Philippines (Registered on 2007/01/03)
    .NET/Web Developer

    Wow. looks like the event was a huge success. Maaan, I would love to go to one just for the networking alone. The people u get to know and meet is just priceless.

    Tue 2009/02/10 06:33:57 JST (ID #482324)
    reply to BeLe's comment
  • kynapple
    kynapple in Tokyo (Registered on 2008/11/24)
    Engineering student

    It was an awesome night, I can't wait for the next one!

    Tue 2009/02/10 06:56:30 JST (ID #482350)
    reply to kynapple's comment
  • yumyu
    yumyu in Toronto (Registered on 2008/04/12)

    Nice gathering! And I want that Luna nendoroid!

    Tue 2009/02/10 06:57:28 JST (ID #482352)
    reply to yumyu's comment
  • blauereiter
    blauereiter in Tokyo, Japan (Registered on 2007/07/07)
    CG artist, Sunrise Emotion

    Thanks for hosting such a great event ! Looking forward to the next one !

    Tue 2009/02/10 09:07:26 JST (ID #482495)
    reply to blauereiter's comment
  • Akari
    Akari in Vancouver/Burnaby, Canada (Registered on 2008/06/15)

    That looked like so much fun! Hope to see more coverage on upcoming events ^^;

    Tue 2009/02/10 09:24:11 JST (ID #482509)
    reply to Akari's comment
  • lightningsabre
    lightningsabre in Vancouver (Registered on 2007/08/30)
    Pseudo-Graphic Designer, 触手 wrangler, H-Man

    Wow what an event! So many people... so many names and faces to remember, or not remember ^^;

    OMG you broke Iron Man?? As long as it's not mine... I'm getting that bust when it comes out here in Canada ^_^ I hope it's not as easily breakable by accident ^^;

    Totally fun, but I'd be so nervous talking to all sorts of people there, I'm just not too social around people, especially in parties.

    Tue 2009/02/10 09:30:44 JST (ID #482517)
    reply to lightningsabre's comment
  • Andrei-kun
    Andrei-kun in California, USA (Registered on 2008/10/23)

    Looks very energy depleter.

    Tue 2009/02/10 10:06:53 JST (ID #482561)
    reply to Andrei-kun's comment
  • acq128
    acq128 in Sydney (Registered on 2008/11/19)

    great to see the hard work =), maybe would've tried to create soemthing if this whole thing started a year earlier

    Tue 2009/02/10 11:24:39 JST (ID #482633)
    reply to acq128's comment
  • Koshiko
    Koshiko in Sydney, Australia (Registered on 2007/08/03)
    website/graphic designer and karaoke amateur~

    Woah, lots of networking happening, love your pile of cards at the end lol~ I should really get mine done ^^;; and a business number, hrmmm~

    Congrats on such a huge turnout~! I wish you all the best in looking for a new location and future events~ x3

    Tue 2009/02/10 13:20:57 JST (ID #482696)
    reply to Koshiko's comment
  • dans
    dans in Chiba, Japan (Registered on 2007/08/05)
    IT Manager

    that must be a very awesome night. in the future, I would also like to join an event like this.

    Tue 2009/02/10 13:35:27 JST (ID #482707)
    reply to dans's comment
  • wickedclown
    wickedclown in California (Registered on 2007/12/07)

    Looks like quite an awesome event Danny! I hope I'll be able to qualify and make it to a CGM night someday in the future. ^^

    Tue 2009/02/10 14:36:11 JST (ID #482738)
    reply to wickedclown's comment
  • Saku
    Saku in Toronto (Registered on 2008/02/07)
    Wannabe Web Developer

    What an awesome night that you had, Danny.

    Tue 2009/02/10 15:22:40 JST (ID #482781)
    reply to Saku's comment
  • phossil
    phossil in Guatemala City (Registered on 2008/07/22)

    very cool pictures. (only some of them are purple-ish a little bit..Lol)

    Tue 2009/02/10 16:20:12 JST (ID #482838)
    reply to phossil's comment
  • suicchi
    suicchi in osaka, japan (Registered on 2008/11/22)
    research student

    whoah, that looks awesome, and very crowded ^_^; i wish i can go to such events someday~

    Tue 2009/02/10 16:27:28 JST (ID #482842)
    reply to suicchi's comment
  • Deathy
    Deathy in Brazil (Registered on 2007/04/20)
    Photography Student

    I hope someday we get this kinda of event here as well. And very nice pictures, everyone looks like enjoying it so much.

    Tue 2009/02/10 17:58:49 JST (ID #482920)
    reply to Deathy's comment
  • yamada
    yamada in Belait District, Brunei Darussalam (Registered on 2009/02/04)
    studying comp studies, planning to look for part time job

    I wonder if bloggers from outside Japan can join this gathering

    Tue 2009/02/10 19:02:54 JST (ID #482974)
    reply to yamada's comment
  • Hisamuran
    Hisamuran in Palma de Mallorca - Spain (Registered on 2008/08/08)
    Web developer

    It must have been a very funny night, playing junken to win goodies and stuff with all that great people.

    By the way, after reading the footer of photo ID#24608 "I'm still holding out for the slimmer 32GB model due out in June - so I hear from an IT comrade in SanFran." I will also wait for the slimmer version, since iphone launch I've been waiting for Apple to make a thinner / smaller version. Great news!

    I see that the founder of FON also was there, impressive! Last year I did a research on FON, and in Japan there are a lot of FON users (quite a bit more than in other places); I guess it must be because of the higher speed of Internet connection you have there.

    The slide with the BHA thing, very unique and surprising!

    Wed 2009/02/11 00:32:14 JST (ID #483261)
    reply to Hisamuran's comment
  • Asuki
    Asuki in Cologne, Germany (Registered on 2008/06/02)
    studying Japanese and Computer Science

    i'm sooo envious of all the people attending your CGM Night!

    hopefully one day my japanese will be good enough that it brings me to japan and allowing me to join your sessions too ^_^

    Wed 2009/02/11 01:13:41 JST (ID #483305)
    reply to Asuki's comment
  • Boo
    Boo in ゆないてっどれっこく (Registered on 2008/10/15)
    Network Engineer

    Very nice, looks like everyone had a blast! Sooo many people to network with O_O what a treat ^^

    Wed 2009/02/11 02:38:44 JST (ID #483363)
    reply to Boo's comment
  • generalchicken
    generalchicken in Over there! (Registered on 2009/02/11)

    Looked like great, great fun! I laughed at the little math problem, haha! And those goodies! oh man wish i had them

    Wed 2009/02/11 08:00:19 JST (ID #483848)
    reply to generalchicken's comment
  • Gibson
    Gibson in California (Registered on 2007/05/27)
    Student artist

    Thats a lot of business cards!

    Wed 2009/02/11 08:10:15 JST (ID #483861)
    reply to Gibson's comment
    • Clement
      Clement in Yamato-city, Kanagawa-ken, JAPAN (Registered on 2009/02/02)
      PhD student at Tokyo Institute of Technology

      That is how people exchange business cards here. I was so surprised when I just arrived here but I am now used to this kind of life.

      Thu 2009/03/12 14:30:07 JST (ID #519048)
      reply to Clement's comment
  • Darknight
    Darknight in Los Angeles, USA (Registered on 2008/03/17)

    Just another day of the life of Danny choo... Looks great, with the many minds in that room...The possibilities are endless...

    Wed 2009/02/11 09:07:50 JST (ID #483921)
    reply to Darknight's comment
  • ShiNAkumA
    ShiNAkumA in New York City (Registered on 2009/02/09)

    you can easily spot CheapyD he's the only tall bald guy there haha

    Thu 2009/02/12 08:43:48 JST (ID #485497)
    reply to ShiNAkumA's comment
  • Clement
    Clement in Yamato-city, Kanagawa-ken, JAPAN (Registered on 2009/02/02)
    PhD student at Tokyo Institute of Technology

    An awesome night indeed! I enjoyed every moment.

    Thu 2009/02/12 10:17:29 JST (ID #485615)
    reply to Clement's comment
  • MAsia
    MAsia in NERV HQ, Tokyo-3 (Registered on 2007/01/14)
    Supreme Commander of NERV Co.

    I want to participate in something like this >_< Danny you had so much fun!!

    Fri 2009/02/27 04:42:39 JST (ID #503520)
    reply to MAsia's comment
  • lostandfound
    lostandfound in Singapore (Registered on 2007/10/21)
    Hikikomori in the making

    "Oookay... That didn't happen..."

    Now that's what you call a crowd! The event looks like fun... I probably won't be able to fit in though^^;...

    Jackie Chan? LOL not the kungfu fighting one I know...
    And Ken Lee? He's got his own song ^^;...

    Sun 2009/03/22 23:14:20 JST (ID #530881)
    reply to lostandfound's comment
  • G-Unit
    G-Unit in Earth, Asia, Malaysia (Registered on 2007/12/25)

    wow... I love these kinds of events. Which everyone could get together and know each other.

    hope I could go for the event.

    Mon 2009/03/23 14:16:11 JST (ID #531471)
    reply to G-Unit's comment
  • Harriken
    Harriken in Barcelona (Registered on 2009/03/24)
    I do a map

    wow! otaku event mixing ppl from classic media... it must be a 1st..

    Mon 2009/04/27 14:42:56 JST (ID #580929)
    reply to Harriken's comment

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