Serkan anilir hakkında 2004 Cambridge Üniversitesi Fizik ödülü, Amerikan Şeref Madalyası, 21. YY'ın ilk 10 bilim adamı arasında yer aldığı gibi çeşitli spekülasyonlar mevcuttur. Kendisinden Ödülleri isteyen bir arkadaşıma gönderdiği bilgiler şu şekildedir.

1. ödül 2000 Outstanding Scientist of 21st century ödülüdür. Bu ödülü veren Kesinlikle Cambridge üniversitesi falan değildir,ı sitede bulunan merkezi Cambridge'de yer alan bugüne kadar 150 farklı dalda 1 milyondan fazla kişiye ödül vermiş bir kuruluştur. 1000-2000 $ bağışta bulunan herkese bu ödülü vermektedirler. ikinci ödülde adresinde görülen kuruluştur. Buda aynı şekilde bağışta bulunan herkese bu ödülü vermektedir.!.html
adresinde bu tarz ödüllerin nasıl dağıtıldığı ile ilgili bilgi mevcuttur, ne gariptir ki
2000 Outstanding Scientist of 21st century ve American Medal of Honor ödülleri de bu listededir. Aşşağıda bu tarz ödüllerin hangileri olduğu gösterilmiştir ve bu alınan ödüller ve veren kuruluşlar özellikle koyu olarak belirtilmiştir ve büyütülmüştür
American Biographical Institute
Ambassador of Grand Eminence
American Medal of Honor
American Order of Excellence Medal
Congressional Medal of Excellence
Continental Governor for the United States of America
Deputy Governor of the American Biographical Institute Research Association
Gold Record of Achievement
Genius Laureate of the United States
Great Minds of the 21st Century Award
Great Women of the 21st Century Award
International Medal of Vision
International Peace Prize (United Cultural Convention Award)
Key Award
Legion of Honour (United Cultural Convention Award)
Man of Achievement
Man of the Year
One of the Genius Elite
Order of International Ambassadors
Outstanding Man of the Century
Outstanding Professional Award
Platinum Record for Exceptional Performance
The Statesman's Award
Woman of the Year
World Lifetime Achievement Award
World Laureate of the United States of America
World Lifetime Achievement Award
World Medal of Freedom
20th Century Achievement Award
500 Leaders of Science Award
500 Leaders of Influence Award
1000 World Leaders of World Influence Award
2000 Millennium Medal of Honour
5000 Personalities of the World Award
International Biographical Centre
Archimedes Award
Associate of the International Biographical Centre
Certificate of Appointment - Honorary Governor and Member of the Board of Governors
Certificate of Diploma of Annual Fellowship
Certificate of Inclusion as Honorary Member of the International Biographical Centre Advisory Council
Certificate of Proclamation - Outstanding Speaker Award of the 20th Century
Companion of Honour, Defensor Elegentiae
Da Vinci Diamond
Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man Diploma
Decree of Membership of the Order of International Fellowship
Decree of Merit
Deputy Director-General of the International Biographical Centre
Diploma of Authority - Deputy Director-General (America Division)
Diploma of Life Fellowship
Distinguished Leader's Plaque of Honour
First Five Hundred
Gold Star Award Certificate of Achievement
Governor, Board of Governors of the International Biographical Association
Greatest Living Legend
Hall of Fame
Honourable Director-General for the Americas
International Ambassador of Goodwill
International Man of the Millennium
International Man of the Year
International Medal of Honour
International Musician of the Year
International Order of Merit Illuminated Testimonial
International Order of Merit
International Order of Distinction
International Personality of the Year
International Professional of the Year
International Register of Profiles
International Scientist of the Year Testimonial
Kings College Diploma
Leader of Achievement
Leading Health Professional of the World
Leading Philosopher of the World
Life Fellow of the International Biographical Centre
Life Patron of the International Biographical Centre
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lifetime of Achievement One Hundred
Lifetime of Scientific Achievement
Living Legend
Man of the Year
Meritorious Decoration
One-in-a-Million Medal
One Thousand Great Americans
One Thousand Great Intellectuals Medal and/or Plaque
Order of International Fellowship
Outstanding Scientist of the 20th Century
Outstanding Intellectual of the 21st Century Award
Outstanding Intellectual of the 21st Century Diploma
Outstanding Intellectual of the 21st Century Medal
Outstanding Speaker Award
Pi Diploma
Plaque of Warrant of Proclamation as International Man of the Year
Vice-Consul of the International Biographical Centre
World Peace and Diplomacy Forum, Life Member
World Wide Honours List
20th Century Award for Achievement
21st Century Award for Achievement (Bronze Medal of Honour)
21st Century Award for Achievement (Silver Medal of Honour)
21st Century Award for Achievement (Illuminated Diploma of Honour)
2000 Outstanding Scientist of the 21st Century 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century