London: Nearly two in three Brits think that immigration has a "negative effect on the UK," a new poll has found.
According to a poll on border control policies by Angus Reid Public Opinion, 67% felt that immigration was bad for Britain, while 56% believed that illegal migrants were taking jobs from British workers.
Of the 2,006 people quizzed, 57% thought illegal newcomers should be deported, The Sun reports.
Only 23% thought illegal immigrants should be allowed to work in the UK on a temporary basis and just 13% wanted them to have the eventual opportunity of becoming UK citizens.
The poll made it clear that mass immigration will be a key issue among voters at next year's general election.
The paper quoted a spokesman for Angus Reid Public Opinion, as saying: "The survey shows that immigration is important to voters and the level of concern over both legal and illegal immigration is particularly high in Britain at this point."
It also exposed widespread scepticism about the Labour party's immigration policies.
Only 12% believed that Labour was the political party best at controlling Britain's borders, compared with 30% favouring the Tory approach while just 8% backed the Lib Dems on the issue, the report says.