Alleged CRU Emails - 25 results below

The below are part of a series of alleged emails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, released on 20 November 2009.

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From: Rashit Hantemirov <>
To: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Short report on progress in Yamal work
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 19:17:12 +0500
Reply-to: Rashit Hantemirov <>

Dear Keith,

I apologize for delay with reply. Below is short information about
state of Yamal work.

Samples from 2,172 subfossil larches (appr. 95% of all samples),
spruces (5%) and birches (solitary finding) have been collected within
a region centered on about 67030'N, 70000'E at the southern part of
Yamal Peninsula. All of them have been measured.

Success has already been achieved in developing a continuous larch
ring-width chronology extending from the present back to 4999 BC. My
version of chronology (individual series indexed by corridor method)
attached (file "yamal.gnr"). I could guarantee today that last
4600-years interval (2600 BC - 1996 AD) of chronology is reliable.
Earlier data (5000 BC - 2600 BC) are needed to be examined more

Using this chronology 1074 subfossil trees have been dated. Temporal
distribution of trees is attached (file "number"). Unfortunately, I
can't sign with confidence the belonging to certain species (larch or
spruce) of each tree at present.

Ring width data of 539 dated subfossil trees and 17 living larches are
attached (file "yamal.rwm"). Some samples measured on 2 or more radii.
First letter means species (l- larch, p- spruce, _ - uncertain), last
cipher - radius. These series are examined for missing rings. If you
need all the dated individual series I can send the rest of data, but
the others are don't corrected as regards to missing rings.

Residuary 1098 subfossil trees don't dated as yet. More than 200 of
them have less than 60 rings, dating of such samples often is not
confident. Great part undated wood remnants most likely older than
7000 years.

Some results (I think, the temperature reconstruction you will done
better than me):

Millennium-scale changes of interannual tree growth variability have
been discovered. There were periods of low (5xxx xxxx xxxxBC), middle
(2xxx xxxx xxxxBC) and high interannual variability (1700 BC - to the

Exact dating of hundreds of subfossil trees gave a chance to clear up
the temporal distribution of trees abundance, age structure, frequency
of trees deaths and appearances during last seven millennia.
Assessment of polar tree line changes has been carried out by mapping
of dated subfossil trees.

According to reconsructions most favorable conditions for tree growth
have been marked during 5xxx xxxx xxxxBC. At that time position of tree
line was far northward of recent one.
[Unfortunately, region of our research don't include the whole area
where trees grew during the Holocene. We can maintain that before 1700
BC tree line was northward of our research area. We have only 3 dated
remnants of trees from Yuribey River sampled by our colleagues (70 km
to the north from recent polar tree line) that grew during 4xxx xxxx xxxx
and 3xxx xxxx xxxxBC.]
This period is pointed out by low interannual variability of tree
growth and high trees abundance discontinued, however, by several
short xxx xxxx xxxxyears) unfavorable periods, most significant of them
dated about 4xxx xxxx xxxxBC. Since about 2800 BC gradual worsening of
tree growth condition has begun. Significant shift of the polar tree
line to the south have been fixed between 1700 and 1600 BC. At the
same time interannual tree growth variability increased appreciably.
During last 3600 years most of reconstructed indices have been varying
not so very significant. Tree line has been shifting within 3-5 km
near recent one. Low abundance of trees has been fixed during
1xxx xxxx xxxxBC and xxx xxxx xxxxBC. Relatively high number of trees has been
noted during xxx xxxx xxxxAD.
There are no evidences of moving polar timberline to the north during
last century.

Please, let me know if you need more data or detailed report.

Best regards,
Rashit Hantemirov

Lab. of Dendrochronology
Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology
8 Marta St., 202
Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russia
Fax: +7 (34xxx xxxx xxxx; phone: +7 (34xxx xxxx xxxx
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From: Rashit Hantemirov <>
To: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Re: Your data- a reference?
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 12:46:54 +0500
Reply-to: Rashit Hantemirov <>

Dear Keith,
below is the list of publications concerning Yamal chronology.

References of russian articles are in three forms:
a) original russian text. I am afraid you will be not able to read
(see) it without any russian driver. Therefore, if you need this form
of reference, please see attached file as well (.doc file) using
attached russian font;
b) russian words written by english letters;
c) english translation (excuse me for my english).

1. Hantemirov, R.M. A 2,305 year tree-ring reconstruction of mean
June-July temperature deviations in the Yamal Peninsula //Int. Conf.
on Past, Present and Future Climate: Proc. of the SILMU conf.
Helsinki, Finland, xxx xxxx xxxxAugust 1995 /Publication of the Academy of
Finland 6/95.- Helsinki, 1995.- P. xxx xxxx xxxx.

2. U`mrelhpnb P.L., Qspjnb @.^. 3243-kerm dpebeqmn-jnk|veb`
pejnmqrpsjvh jkhl`rhweqjhu sqknbhi dk qebep` G`o`dmni Qhahph //
Opnakel{ nayei h ophjk`dmni }jnknchh (L`reph`k{ lnkndefmni
jnmtepemvhh).- Ej`rephmaspc, 1996.- Q. xxx xxxx xxxx.

Hantemirov R.M., Surkov A.Yu. 3243-letnyaya drevesno-kol'cevaya
rekonstrukciya klimaticheskich usloviy dlya severa Zapadnoy Sibiri //
Problemy obshchey i prikladnoy ekologii (Materialy molodezhnoy
konferencii).- Ekaterinburg, 1996.- S. xxx xxxx xxxx.

Hantemirov R.M., Surkov A.Yu. A 3243-year tree-ring reconstruction of
climatic conditions for the north of West Siberia // Problems of
general and applied ecology (Proceedings of young scientists
conference).- Ekaterinburg, 1996.- P. xxx xxxx xxxx.

3. Xhrnb Q.C., U`mrelhpnb P.L., L`geo` B.Q. Onbeqr| _l`k|qjhu ker.
Kernohq| hglememhi jkhl`r` m` _l`ke g` onqkedmhe rph r{qwekerh,
g`ohq`mm` b cndhwm{u jnk|v`u depeb|eb. // _l`k - qnjpnbhymhv`
Pnqqhh.- 1996.- N 4.- Q. 6-7.

Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Mazepa V.S. Povest' Yamal'skich
let. Letopis' izmeneniy klimata na Yamale za posledniye tri
tysyacheletiya, zapisannaya v godichnych kol'zach derev'ev // Yamal -
sokrovishchnica Rossii.- 1996.- N 4.- S. 6-7.

Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Mazepa V.S. The tale of Yamal's
years [summers]. A chronicle of climate changes on Yamal during last
three millennia recorded in tree rings. // Yamal - the treasury of
Russia.- 1996.- N 4.- P.6-7.

I am sorry, it is difficult for me to translate properly the title of
this article in the popular magazine.

4. Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Schweingruber, F.H., Briffa K.R.
and Moell M. Potential long chronology development on the northwest
Siberian plain: Early results // Dendrochronologia.- 1996.- V. 14.- P.

5. B`c`mnb E.@., Xhrnb Q.C., U`mrelhpnb P.L., M`spga`eb L.L.
Hglemwhbnqr| kermei reloep`rsp{ bngdsu` b b{qnjhu xhpnr`u Qebepmncn
onksx`ph g` onqkedmhe 1.5 r{q. ker: qp`bmhrek|m{i `m`khg d`mm{u
cndhwm{u jnkev depeb|eb h kednb{u jnknmnj // Dnjk. @M.- 1997.- R. 358,
9 5.- Q. xxx xxxx xxxx.

Vaganov E.A., Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Naurzbaev M.M.
Izmenchivost' letney temperatury vozducha v vysokich shirotach
Severnogo polushariya za posledniye 1.5 tys. let: sravnitel'nyy
analiz dannych godichnych kolec derev'ev i ledovych kolonok //
Doklady Akademii Nauk.- 1997.- T. 358, N 5.- S. xxx xxxx xxxx.

Vaganov E.A., Shiyatov, S.G., Hantemirov, R.M., Naurzbaev M.M.
Variability of summer air temperature in high latitudes of the
Northern Hemisphere during last 1.5 thousand years: comparative
analysis of tree-ring and ice core data // Proceedings of the
[Russian] Academy of Sciences.- 1997.- V. 358, N 5.- P. xxx xxxx xxxx.

Papers in press expected to be published this year:

6. U`mrelhpnb P.L. Dpebeqmn-jnk|veb` pejnmqrpsjvh kermhu reloep`rsp
m` qebepe G`o`dmni Qhahph g` onqkedmhe 3248 ker // Qha. }jnk. f..-
1998.-R. 5, N 5 (b oew`rh).

Hantemirov R.M. Drevesno-kol'cevaya rekonstrukciya letnich temperatur
na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri za posledniye 3248 let // Sibirskii
ecologicheskii zhurnal.- 1998.- T. 5, N 5 (v pechati).

Hantemirov R.M. Tree ring reconstruction of summer temperatures on
the north of West Siberia during last 3248 years // Siberian
Ecological Journal.- 1998.- V. 5, N 5 (in press)

There is English version of this journal

7. U`mrelhpnb P.L. 4309-kerm upnmnknch dk _l`k` h ee hqonk|gnb`mhe
dk pejnmqrpsjvhh hqrnphh jkhl`rhweqjhu hglememhi m` qebepe G`o`dmni
Qhahph. // Opnakel{ }jnknchweqjncn lnmhrnphmc` h lndekhpnb`mh
}jnqhqrel.- QOa.: Chdpnlerenhgd`r, 1998.- R. 17.- (b oew`rh)

Hantemirov R.M. 4309-letnyaya chronologiya dlya Yamala i yeyo
ispol'zovaniye dlya rekonstrukcii istorii klimaticheskich izmeneniy
na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri // Problemy ecologicheskogo monitoringa i
modelirovaniya ekosistem.- SPb.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1998.- T.17 (v

Hantemirov R.M. A 4309 year chronology for Yamal and its use for
reconstruction of climatic changes history on the north of West
Siberia // Problems of ecological monitoring and modelling of
ecosystems.- S.Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1998.- V.17 (in press)

8. U`mrelhpnb P.L., Xhrnb Q.C. P`dhnsckepndm{e h
demdpnupnmnknchweqjhe d`rhpnbjh onkshqjno`elni dpebeqhm{ m` _l`ke h hu
hqonk|gnb`mhe dk hgswemh dhm`lhjh keqnrsmdpnb{u }jnqhqrel. // Ahnr`
Ophsp`k|qjni Qsa`pjrhjh b ongdmel okeiqrnveme h cnknveme.
Ej`rephmaspc, hgd-bn "Ej`rephmaspc", 1998 (b oew`rh).

Hantemirov R.M., Shiyatov S.G. Radiouglerodnyye i
dendrochronologicheskiye datirovki poluiskopayemoy drevesiny na
Yamale i ich ispol'zovaniye dlya izucheniya dinamiki lesotundrovych
ekosistem // Biota Priural'skoy Subarktiki v pozdnem pleistocene i
golocene. Ekaterinburg, izdatel'stvo "Ekaterinburg", 1998 (v pechati)

Hantemirov R.M., Shiyatov S.G. Radiocarbon and dendrochronological
datings of subfossil wood from Yamal and their using to study
forest-tundra ecosystems dynamic // Biota of [near]Ural Subarctic
during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene. Ekaterinburg,
publishing house "Ekaterinburg", 1998 (in press)

9. Xhrnb Q. C., U`mrelhpnb P. L. Demdpnupnmnknchweqj` d`rhpnbj`
dpebeqhm{ jsqr`pmhjnb hg `puenknchweqjncn onqekemh _pre-6 m`
onksnqrpnbe _l`k // Dpebmnqrh _l`k`. Rnank|qj, 1998 (b oew`rh).

Shiyatov S.G., Hantemirov R.M. Dendrochronologicheskaya datirovka
drevesiny kustarnikov iz archeologicheskogo poseleniya Yarte-6 na
poluostrove Yamal // Drevnosti Yamala. Tobol'sk, 1998 (v pechati)

Shiyatov S.G., Hantemirov R.M. Dendrochronological dating of shrubs
wood from archeological settlement "Yarte-6" on the Yamal Peninsula //
Antiquities of Yamal. Tobolsk, 1998 (in press).

I am not quite get your question about fieldwork. You mean "this year"
is 1998? If so it is too late now, on southern part of Yamal yesterday
was about -10 C. Next year we plane fieldwork, final decision about
where and when we will make in the beginning of next year. I would
like to go to Yuribey River, northward of our usual research area.

Best regards,

Rashit Hantemirov

Lab. of Dendrochronology
Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology
8 Marta St., 202
Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russia
Fax: +7 (34xxx xxxx xxxx; phone: +7 (34xxx xxxx xxxx
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From: Sarah Raper <>
Subject: Scenarios Conference - Simple Models
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:25:07 +0100

3. Use of simple climate models

3.1 Simple models used only as tools for extrapolationg/interpolationg GCM
results to estimate the effect of different scenarios or sensitivities?

1-D UD/EBMs (upwelling-diffusion energy balance models), such as the Wigley
and Raper (1992) model updated in Raper et al. (1996), in my opinion, come
into this category. I along with Jonathan Gregory and Tim Osborn have
completed a very detailed comparison of this and several alternative 1-D
models with HadCM2 results. With the addition of a sea ice parameter the
Raper et al. model reproduces well the HadCM2 results for global mean
surface temperature and thermal expansion out to 2100, for several scenarios.

However, the distinction between 3.1 and 3.2 below is not clearcut. By the
end of the 900 year 2xCO2 experiment the thermal expansion for the HadCM2
model is nearly 5 times larger than that simulated by the fitted (over
1xxx xxxx xxxx) UD/EBM, and unlike the UD/EBM shows no sign of coming to
equilibrium. In our analysis we conclude that it is not immediately obvious
which if either model is correct. The difference serves to highlight the
uncertainty in the thermal expansion commitment. Incidently a fitted pure
diffusion/EBM gives good simulation of the HadCM2 results in both the short
and long term.

3.2 Simple models used to offer independent climate predictions?

It would probably be difficult to use 2+D models for 3.1, so they may belong

I think, 3.1 and 3.2 serve different purposes. Both may be desirable.

3.3 Depending on the answers to 3.1 and 3.2......

Whichever 3.1, 3.2 or both is adopted the results and the attendant simple
model versus A/OGCM comparisons should be given in the projections chapter.
A selection of the results should then carry over to the sea level chapter.
This consistency is very important.

It is a separate question as to whether the simple climate model results
should subsequently be used as scaling factors for regional scenario
development in the scenario chapter.

3.4 How many simple climate models are needed...

For 3.1 in order to fit the A/OGCM results extensive comparisons using
alternative parameter values/models (for example, UD versus pure diffusion)
will be necessary. As well as my HadCM2 comparison mentioned above a
comparison with ECHAM3/LSG results is also well underway. In both cases the
work shows that it is advisable to calculate the effective climate
sensitivity of the A/OGCMs for use in the simple model. We found that the
effective climate sensitivity is non-constant but apparantly varies with the
surface temperature in these models. For this calculation and for
comprehensive model comparisons a specific list of A/OGCM output is
required. This includes decade ocean mean temperature profiles, a measure of
the strength of the thermohaline circulation, the A/OGCM forcing change for
2xCO2 etc. I am keen to continue these comparisons specifically as input to
the new IPCC assessments. Unfortunately, and I think mistakenly, the US DOE
have recently decided to discontinue this line of research. An endorsement
of the need for this work by the IPCC would help my attempts to acquire
funding elsewhere.

For 3.2 there would be no need of tuning to A/OGCM results and many model
results could be used to give a range. This would serve a different purpose
to 3.1 where A/OGCM results are interpolated/extrapolated for different
sensitivities and forcings.

| Dr S. C. B. Raper |
| Climatic Research Unit |
| University of East Anglia |
| Norwich |
| NR4 7TJ |
| |
| Tel. xxx xxxx xxxx |
| Fax xxx xxxx xxxx |

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From: Mike Hulme <>
Subject: scenarios e-conf., session 3
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 18:22:30 +0100

> 3. Use of simple climate models:
> 3.1 Simple models used only as tools for
> extrapolating/interpolating GCM results to estimate the effect of different
> scenarios or sensitivities?
> 3.2 Simple models used to offer independent climate
> predictions?
> 3.3 Depending on the answers to 3.1 and 3.2, where will
> the assessment of simple model results be located within the TAR (under the
> projections or the scenarios Chapter or under an Appendix?)
> 3.4 How many simple climate models are needed (again
> depending on 3.1 and 3.2)?

I wish to pick up on two of the points raised by Sarah Raper and Jonathan
Gregory which, while not directly answering the questions posed above, need
a clear position being taken upon by IPCC. These two points are:

>From Gregory ......
"The presentation of a wide range of scenarios and
sensitivities (3.1) will be a very important output of the TAR. Tom Wigley
argues that it would be inappropriate to relegate it to an Appendix. None-
theless it is different from the discussion and assessment of models which
produce the basic projections of climate change and sea-level. I think both
climate change and sea-level chapters should have separate, final, sections
devoted specifically to showing the full range of uncertainties and the best
estimates - an appendix to each chapter. The figures given there will be
brought together in the summary of the TAR."

This is a very important concern from the perspective of how Chapter 13
(climate scenarios) is written and how WGII will look over their shoulder
to WGI. For many reasons which have been well-articulated elsewhere, it is
too much to expect complete consistency from WGIII emissions, to WGI models
and to WGII impacts - the lags in the knowledge creation and ratification
are too great. However, bear in mind that most GCM results used for
climate scenario construction will be 1% per annum forcing (plus a few with
0.5% forcing, stabilisation forcing or one or more of the new SRES
forcings, but these latter GCM results are unlikely to feed forward into
(much) impacts work in time). However, for much impacts work to be
properly assessed and interpreted by IPCC it is necessary to have used a
range of climate scenarios spanning a range of risk. This is difficult,
nay impossible, without resorting to simple climate model results. If WGI
can Fast-track this generation of headline projections spanning a range of
forcings and sensitivities, then this information may be made use of by
climate scenario developers and impacts analysts. If not, then WGI
(Chapters 9 and 11) will be saying one thing, and all the impacts work is
in danger of saying something else (e.g. using IS92 forcings with the SAR
Chapter 6 simple model projections). At worst, some careful post-hoc
re-interpretation of WGII results may be necessary in light of WGI for the
policymakers summary and most importantly for the Synthesis Report.

>From Raper .......
"It is a separate question as to whether the simple climate model results
should subsequently be used as scaling factors for regional scenario
development in the scenario chapter."

This is indeed a separate question and one on which Chapter 13 can and will
'assess' the science. Scaling of GCM results has been widely used by
impacts/integrated assessors since CRU started using this methodology in
the early 1990s. Whether or not to adopt/recommend scaling methods for the
IPCC TAR was side-stepped by the TGCIA, although it was clearly stated
within the TGCIA that basing all impacts work on 1% p.a. forced GCMs which
represented a narrow range of climate sensitivities, would skew impacts
results in a particular (and not altogether desirable) direction. Chapter
13 will also recognise this problem and will assess the pros and cons of
scaling based on simple models, but given the short length of Chapter 13,
its remit now is not to convert any headline simple model results from
Chapters 9 and 11 into scaled regional scenarios for impacts work - by
mid-late 1999 it will be too late for that anyway. So, different impact
studies will now adopt different approaches, and WGII can assess the
resulting science, but what will help the writing of Chapter 13 and WGII
will be as clear a statement of intent (and ideally some preliminary
results) of the sort of exercises that Sarah and Jonathan refer to,
preferably using the new SRES emissions scenarios.


Dr Mike Hulme
Reader in Climatology tel: xxx xxxx xxxx
Climatic Research Unit fax: xxx xxxx xxxx
School of Environmental Science email:
University of East Anglia web site:
Norwich NR4 7TJ
Mean temp. in Central England during 1998 is running
at about 1.05 deg C above the 1xxx xxxx xxxxaverage
The global-mean surface air temperature anomaly estimate for the
first half of 1998 was about +0.60 deg C above the 1xxx xxxx xxxxaverage,
the warmest such period yet recorded

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From: From <>
Subject: No Subject
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 10:09:48 +0400 (MSD)

Tree-ring widths (TRW) chronology:

Ident., Trees, Inent. N (trees)
No. No.
xxx xxxx xxxx all living and dead 2209-years chronology
2)* xxx xxxx xxxxMAY,925,927,928, CHA044
3)* xxx xxxx xxxxCHA-H1
4)* xxx xxxx xxxxMAY702
5)* xxx xxxx xxxxNOV001
6)* xxx xxxx xxxxCHA-H6
7)* xxx xxxx xxxxNOV078
8)* xxx xxxx xxxxNOV-A02
9)* xxx xxxx xxxxCHA005
10)* xxx xxxx xxxxNOV029
11)* xxx xxxx xxxxCHA060,012,009,017,001
* - calibrated radiocarbon age

1) all living and dead 2209-years chronology
2209=N -212=I xxx xxxx xxxxsamples -5(13F6.0)~
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
54xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
49xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
24xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
56xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
41xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
45xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
74xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500116xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
46xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
48xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
49xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
16xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx315
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx539
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx759
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx410
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx400
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx594
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx065
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx832
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx824
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx161
16xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx367
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx608
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx251
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx164
20xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx069
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx687
20xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx326
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx235
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx019
38xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx208
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx341
62xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx877
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx750
31xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx709
15xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx630
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx917
4xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx018
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx175
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx619
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx273
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx082
19xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx753
33xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx587
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx675
25xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx967
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx069
20xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx552
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx932
9xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx953
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx052
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx916
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx509
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx534
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx658
45xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx993
54xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx700
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx737
41xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx007
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx013
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx271
43xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx802
20xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx364
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx685
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx396
8xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx696
8xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx821
15xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx654
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx959
35xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx694
24xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx663
44xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx831
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx721
16xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx873
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx813
48xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx577
2xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx624
50xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx257
61xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx394
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx422
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx541
41xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx680
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx200
3xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx420
10xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx138
25xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx594
56xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx339
15xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx278
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx974
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx577
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx061
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx861
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx682
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx962
24xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx729
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx060
53xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx813
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx242
6xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx734
37xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx592
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx415
38xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx727
33xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx534
33xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx691
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx945
55xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx976
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx853
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx309
24xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx255
6xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx313
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx826
6xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx926
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx807
11xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx883
31xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx809
42xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx710
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx038
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx250
38xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx380
60xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx648
37xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx816
37xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx329
33xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx488
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx799
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx056
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx222
47xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx315
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx885
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx197
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx880
14xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx728
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx454
20xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx992
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx592
20xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx016
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx999
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx360
15xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx264
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx897
31xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx768
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx560
4xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx038
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx206
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx012
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx102
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx646
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx832
44xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx487
30xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx070
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx577
16xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx764
30xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx366
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx101
25xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx666
45xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx281
34xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx316
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx679
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx180
30xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx523
38xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx260
48xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx788
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx317
24xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx011
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

2) MAY,925,927,928, CHA044
296=N -670=I 2) 4 samples (MAY925,927,928, CHA0xxx xxxx xxxx(13F6.0)~
42xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000128xxx xxxx xxxx
51xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
78xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
55xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx250
39xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx250
15xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
59xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
33xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx250
42xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx750
43xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
14xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx778
58xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx125
51xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx438
19xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx833
55xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx167102750103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx583
46xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx167
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
23xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx750
27xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
10xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000

3) CHA-H1
306=N -1398=I 3) 1 sample (CHA-Hxxx xxxx xxxx -3(20F4.0)~
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
11701xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx51xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

4) MAY702
270=N -2456=I 4) 1 sample (MAY7xxx xxxx xxxx -2(26F3.0)~
xxx xxxx xxxx 89124144xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx161102130153109
123128153124147xxx xxxx xxxx134xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 36 73
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 30 16
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 20 16
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 14 10
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 19 21
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 14 19
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 12 12
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 5 9
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 8 10
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx

5) NOV001
246=N -2923=I 5) 1 sample (NOV0xxx xxxx xxxx -2(26F3.0)~
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 33115148xxx xxxx xxxx 57119179106182
169117127160187162143170102xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx125xxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 79xxx xxxx xxxx103
xxx xxxx xxxx 39xxx xxxx xxxx 83116138xxx xxxx xxxx113128103158
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx 52 52
xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 38 18
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 22 29
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 20 38
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 31 28
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx

6) CHA-H6
345=N -3178=I 6) 1 sample (CHA-Hxxx xxxx xxxx -2(26F3.0)~
xxx xxxx xxxx 87138157143xxx xxxx xxxx147xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 73 33
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 33 37
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 29 4
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 61 20
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 18 16
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 33 43
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 38 47
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 26 42
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 4 15
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 9 7
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 32 42
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 28 5
xxx xxxx xxxx 26

7) NOV078
299=N -3358=I 7) 1 sample (NOV0xxx xxxx xxxx -2(26F3.0)~
xxx xxxx xxxx136142152115153161154xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx118
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 49 3
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 38 41
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 98 33
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 88xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 90
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 32 50
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 41 50
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 23 13
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 17 16
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 29 24
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 34 20
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 24

8) NOV-A02
286=N -3457=I 8) 1 sample (NOV-Axxx xxxx xxxx -5(13F6.0)~
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
35xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
54xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
65xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
41xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
45xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
4xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
25xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
76xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
25xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
14xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
41xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
28xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
30xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
53xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
53xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000105500117xxx xxxx xxxx
123000139xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx

9) CHA005
198=N -3513=I 9) 1 sample (CHA0xxx xxxx xxxx -2(26F3.0)~
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 18 19
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 90103
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 49 34
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 69 67
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 37 44
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 29 27
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 85 38
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx124116145141

10) NOV029
306=N -3634=I 10) 1 sample (NOV0xxx xxxx xxxx -2(26F3.0)~
129159235264201202138213132xxx xxxx xxxx115xxx xxxx xxxx108104175111
xxx xxxx xxxx 83xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx102
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 78132
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 52 27
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 17 31
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 18 36
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 42 54
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 42 41
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 34 57
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 39 37
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 13 17
xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx 9 9

11) CHA060,012,009,017,001
685=N -3964=I 11) 5 samples (CHA060,012,009,017,0xxx xxxx xxxx(13F6.0)~
29xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
7xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
14xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
10xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
14xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
7xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
45xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
26xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
25xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx500
57xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx743
62xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx002
39xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx052
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx343
56xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx367
43xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx716
19xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
39xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
51xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
60xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
30xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx985
41xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx274
77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx297
21xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx814
22xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx706
67xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx614
60xxx xxxx xxxx100100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
97654102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
72xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx602
48xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx721
46xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx223
52xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx673
61xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx838
56xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx765
72xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx281
33xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx192
51xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx200
40xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx003
24xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx282
11xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx290
32xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx201
38xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx525
11xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
57xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx867
11xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
17xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
10xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
18xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
56xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000
43xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx000114xxx xxxx xxxx000113xxx xxxx xxxx
103000106000110xxx xxxx xxxx000133000180000178000

Temperature reconstructed:
1) Early summer temperature reconstructed, RCS-RES chronology
2) Early summer temperature reconstructed, RCS-RES chronology (5-years moving average)
3) Annual temperature reconstructed, RCS-chronology (5-years moving average)

1) Early summer temperature reconstructed, RCS-RES chronology
2072=N -77=I TJJ -4(13F6.0)~
150043131332106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx633105xxx xxxx xxxx782
117175117224102770101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx545106681103xxx xxxx xxxx
95246111xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx255107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
95xxx xxxx xxxx166104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx906111xxx xxxx xxxx
70xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx039
72xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx771104xxx xxxx xxxx
74xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx138
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx041
93xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx367
80xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx358107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
98xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx583
64xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx672101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
80792113017117xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx742104849109xxx xxxx xxxx
90xxx xxxx xxxx544120244104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx789103909
80xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx386109057100xxx xxxx xxxx
100xxx xxxx xxxx097107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx965111581115442
110xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx721
103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx700
85594107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx039101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
45004101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
95939103166102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
74xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx495
54xxx xxxx xxxx397101xxx xxxx xxxx873101xxx xxxx xxxx456116977
107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx395
124303113xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
83911135143125590112472112522108xxx xxxx xxxx522102770101xxx xxxx xxxx
95xxx xxxx xxxx830111xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx490120095127718
94xxx xxxx xxxx347110xxx xxxx xxxx859162071104552105xxx xxxx xxxx
100xxx xxxx xxxx396136xxx xxxx xxxx265105245113xxx xxxx xxxx739
77xxx xxxx xxxx740112xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx435103661100345
113xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx196
97127109057110xxx xxxx xxxx010115xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx707
88366108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx533100xxx xxxx xxxx
70249105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx423108562116927
113xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx502
63368115xxx xxxx xxxx692102374109552109xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
117373105xxx xxxx xxxx589105xxx xxxx xxxx200123xxx xxxx xxxx532
70xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx595103xxx xxxx xxxx810124204128461
102028102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx155101xxx xxxx xxxx139131728
63xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx418133xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
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77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx900102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
96xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx305
97xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx734
72xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx337100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
63xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx020105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
105xxx xxxx xxxx156102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx215118xxx xxxx xxxx
121432101xxx xxxx xxxx436105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
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119xxx xxxx xxxx229116xxx xxxx xxxx139111185120xxx xxxx xxxx990
44756109601106087104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx096107xxx xxxx xxxx
81xxx xxxx xxxx017106xxx xxxx xxxx764117xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
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78416100939100xxx xxxx xxxx150102919104849119798108xxx xxxx xxxx099
100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx672102127103xxx xxxx xxxx
76xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx854
54656114898106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx722101xxx xxxx xxxx438
115xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx383
54xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx188
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx137114xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
85xxx xxxx xxxx067100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx754108xxx xxxx xxxx
112xxx xxxx xxxx554131xxx xxxx xxxx347115591102523108xxx xxxx xxxx
104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx983
105592106631108xxx xxxx xxxx383116xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx869
87xxx xxxx xxxx080104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
71xxx xxxx xxxx406121xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
121xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx247100xxx xxxx xxxx
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx714106483121xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
68219101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
87xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx533109700115xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
79852105xxx xxxx xxxx714108859117323101087127xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
110542113710104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx942130391121xxx xxxx xxxx
104849119xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
67xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx077
99xxx xxxx xxxx451109502101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx773109948
77377107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
71xxx xxxx xxxx269103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
101483100493143657125xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx367
99998111185115195120343114xxx xxxx xxxx875113xxx xxxx xxxx729119353
132124110245117xxx xxxx xxxx446105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx632
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx399
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx917
128xxx xxxx xxxx978111532103xxx xxxx xxxx655101xxx xxxx xxxx146
71xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx581108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
65xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx297117422109403113759118214104008118511
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx175102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
86435101xxx xxxx xxxx938106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
131xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx274108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx622108166110xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
118xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx838
96830122xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
89xxx xxxx xxxx275103364154xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx918101731
100097116482107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx160102077120xxx xxxx xxxx
61883118xxx xxxx xxxx088109601146xxx xxxx xxxx615110xxx xxxx xxxx
97672108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx338
52825111xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
93xxx xxxx xxxx999100xxx xxxx xxxx997115046100xxx xxxx xxxx250
93xxx xxxx xxxx377110xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx495106xxx xxxx xxxx
69xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx534
117xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx447
109xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx415
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx110
106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx701
87871114xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx484100xxx xxxx xxxx105124897
92029110641102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx248107869
85xxx xxxx xxxx166110xxx xxxx xxxx635106829102xxx xxxx xxxx494
96236101533128xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx710122xxx xxxx xxxx196
97xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx675104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
99xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx678139153132xxx xxxx xxxx
72xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx455
87227100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx811123xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx949
104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx778
60695103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
85xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx641
83960101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx128114xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx664
66xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx187104xxx xxxx xxxx
75xxx xxxx xxxx525104305103xxx xxxx xxxx496100xxx xxxx xxxx702
92227112xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
106xxx xxxx xxxx118103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx643
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx556111xxx xxxx xxxx
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx881108xxx xxxx xxxx168117175100345
63xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx524101xxx xxxx xxxx
105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx247
101xxx xxxx xxxx544108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx117109xxx xxxx xxxx
102077118xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx454107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
85xxx xxxx xxxx860101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
72xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx019
95xxx xxxx xxxx188104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
102176117521100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx939103xxx xxxx xxxx108
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx593124xxx xxxx xxxx
105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx733104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
112472108xxx xxxx xxxx096112xxx xxxx xxxx833101xxx xxxx xxxx554
88762120xxx xxxx xxxx023103xxx xxxx xxxx178115789109502113xxx xxxx xxxx
113xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx089
106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx139108xxx xxxx xxxx791114799124154
73xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx746
106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx802
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx474107918104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
100444101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx395100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
80xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx485
131134110xxx xxxx xxxx177104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
72xxx xxxx xxxx158120739119204102325112xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
75248109799104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
54xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx614
62xxx xxxx xxxx502101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
80644113xxx xxxx xxxx255103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
114155127421116779148261115442121xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx656108463
85693101632134xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
110xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx800
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx870129xxx xxxx xxxx317108xxx xxxx xxxx
107xxx xxxx xxxx893107918
2) Early summer temperature reconstructed (5-years moving average)
2068=N -75=I TJJxxx xxxx xxxx -4(13F6.0)~
107xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx027
107344107166104xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
98xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx375
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx703
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx901
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx672
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx564
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx534
81xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx554
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx663
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx247
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx949
99xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx514
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx633
76xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx038
100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx097107611108373112017109xxx xxxx xxxx
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx187
93xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx721103xxx xxxx xxxx
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx862
80xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx722
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx782
79xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx040
81xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx959
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx226
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx593106463110106113422
113927118897101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
96xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx483104473107700106xxx xxxx xxxx226
95xxx xxxx xxxx078108423107215116838112126106xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
91xxx xxxx xxxx622102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx543
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx770
88xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx871
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx712
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx690104xxx xxxx xxxx
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx999
83xxx xxxx xxxx829102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx543
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx195112195110334101057
85xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx226
88xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx820109xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx454
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx118
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx463100xxx xxxx xxxx
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx713
78xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx841
81xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx167
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx672102xxx xxxx xxxx
78xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx385
88xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx226
97xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx691
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx879106116103xxx xxxx xxxx
100xxx xxxx xxxx751104542105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx682
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx742
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx385
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx603
90xxx xxxx xxxx989101651100176101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx395
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx574
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx584
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx315
93xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx999
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx980
88xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx831
87xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx851
96xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx761
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx543
103889105047107096102958107482109xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
93xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx306
95781100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx772
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx167102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx880
88xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx108
84xxx xxxx xxxx583104631107215105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx405
98xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx007102xxx xxxx xxxx
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx573
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx503
98xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx584
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx723
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx720
102285109146105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx622105017
112294110680112601118937117660111155115xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx393
109xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx989
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx928104097111838110660
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx760
106483101562102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
78xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx931
77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx819112561112779108xxx xxxx xxxx465
71xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx622
101760105700101513100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx691100424106xxx xxxx xxxx
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx939
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx641103xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx751104186107007104869
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx801
92167105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx661105255106324112492107xxx xxxx xxxx
100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx969100xxx xxxx xxxx
88xxx xxxx xxxx057103978100483100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx752
85xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx207
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx159
80xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx197
89xxx xxxx xxxx533101542101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx485
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx613
86xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx603
87xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx346
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx396
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx454100xxx xxxx xxxx
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx246102008107690105908112254109769100176
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx750
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx275
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx732
81xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx069
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx423115383112809111xxx xxxx xxxx773
68xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx534
89xxx xxxx xxxx721105xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx711
88xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx168
75xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx078
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx137
94xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx167
95xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx137
93xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx871
81xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx060
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx988
100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx098
99xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx790
96xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx108
81xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx663
79xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx446
76xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx573
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx306
91xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx613
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx870
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx147
100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx475
77xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx207
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx998
97xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx435
84xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx177
92xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx256
104948105027103146101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx098
83xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx651106393100424105xxx xxxx xxxx188
79xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx127
96xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx415
80xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx345100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx346
85xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx405
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx168
78xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx236103265102xxx xxxx xxxx
102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx217
91365100770106789107700108403102xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
89xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx969101166100xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
82xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx672
94207100830105938106186101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
94xxx xxxx xxxx621102829100xxx xxxx xxxx820100067106819112383120768
124411125916115878119333108xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
102770104701101xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
93xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx088
90xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx831
3) Annual temperature reconstructed, RCS-chronology (5-years moving average)
2068=N -75=I TYYxxx xxxx xxxx -3(13F6.0)~
-12xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx930
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx410
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx580
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx358
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx582
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx940
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx714
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx402
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx206
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx416
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx584
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx069
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx868
-13xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx156
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From: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: transfer
Date: Wed Nov 18 11:04:xxx xxxx xxxx

I am told that the money transfer xxx xxxx xxxxu.s. dollars) should have gone to the bank account you stated. Please let me know if this is received by you. I now also have the contract signed by INTAS and we must organise future work and I will talk to Fritz about us visiting Ekaterinburg next year. In the meantime I wish you and Stepan to organise major review papers of the Yamal and Taimyr long chronology staus for inclusion in the Holocene ADVANCE-10K Special Issue. These need to be completed by June at the latest . They will each be xxx xxxx xxxxpages of print. I can suggest content, do some analyses and help with editing these . I am also sending Stepan's 5000 dollars to Switzerland now to be carried back by his colleague. I have yet to sort out how claims on the INTAS money will be handled. Have you received the details of the final contract?
best wishes

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From: Keith Briffa <>
To: Paul Valdes <>, Nick Shackleton <>
Subject: Re: Thematic Proposal
Date: Thu Nov 26 10:51:xxx xxxx xxxx

Paul and Nick
at this point it would be unwise to consider the proposal dead. Yes
it has received mixed receptions in different quarters but this was always to be expected. Each of the boards has its own family to protect , or at least this is the way science funding is now perceived, so that the only consideration in the discussion ( especially of proposals from alien boards) is whether or not there will be enough on the carcass for ones own. The strength of our proposal lies in the potential for true cross-Board participation and the real scientific and strategic advantage of the focus on the Hadley Centre work. In my mind the problem has always been to get real enthusiasm from ASTB , and if COAPPEC had not been on the table this may have been more forthcoming. I can not see that we could have done anything more in the cicumstances to overcome this hurdle than by enlisting Hadley Centre support. The decision to go jointly only with ESTB and ASTB was already made. The issue of 'no money anyway ' typifies the unsatisfactory nature of the system - but in this case I hear things may not be so bleak. Apparently some millions more pounds are now available than was the case earlier! At this point NERC will say nothing - but they are equally not saying ' sorry and goodbye' . Let us wait and reconsider when we hear something definate.
Incidently, I have seen a copy of a project funded in Germany where they have millions of marks to compare model and palaeodata to verify and otherwise explore the natural variability in the Hamburg model! They are looking forward to using our data in this exercise!
I will be in touch as soon as I hear more.
best wishes

At 06:41 PM 11/25/98 +0000, Paul Valdes wrote:
>Keith, Nick,
>Have you had any news about the thematic proposal.
>I gather that things did not go well for it in the ASTB.
>The story I have heard is that it was tabled along with
>the other proposals, but also tabled was the proposed
>expenditure for the next 5 years. Moreover, apparently
>it was then said (or perhaps just implied) that there
>was no point looking at some thematic proposals because
>all money was already committed!
>If only half of this were true, then it is disappointing.
>Apparently, more atmospheric chemistry was recommended,
>plus COAPPEC (the coupled ocean-atmosphere project).
>Hopefully it faired better at ESTB but it clearly cannot
>be argued to be a joint proposal!
>Perhaps we should consider recycling it into an EC framework
>5 proposal.
>Dr. Paul Valdes Dept. of Meteorology,
>Email: University of Reading,
>Phone: xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx Earley Gate, Whiteknights,
>Fax: xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx PO Box 243
> Reading. RG6 6BB. UK

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From: Bob Keeland <>
Subject: Re: verification and uniformitarianism
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 16:13:xxx xxxx xxxx

Frank is correct in that we need to define 'abrupt climatic change' or
even just 'climate change.'

Using Jim's Schulman Grove example suppose that the area supported a
stand of bristlecone pine 9,000 or more years ago, hence the scattered
remnants. Either a major catastrophic event or a fluctuation in climate
(call it climate change if you want) resulted in conditions that killed
the mature trees and eliminated any further recruitment for up to 1,000
years. This site may be near the limits of recruitment and with a major
(or minor perhaps) change in climate it could easily be beyond the
limits of recruitment. About 8,000 years ago climate again became
favorable for bristlecone pine recruitment and a new stand(s) developed
and have existed ever since. Some or most of the material remaining
from the original stand may be buried down in the valley, or the
original stand may have been small or sparse. The amount of time
between the loss of the original stand and the beginning of the new
stand would depend on the period of unfavorable weather and the amount
of time needed for bristlecone pine to re-invade the area. I am out on
a limb here, so to speak, as I an somewhat ignorant of prehistoric
climate patterns for the area and of bristlecone pine ecology, but this
seems like a relatively reasonable scenario.

I guess that my point is that climate continues to fluctuate within
broad bounds. Everything that we are now calling 'climate change' is
well within the bounds observed within the prehistoric record of climate
fluctuations. Do we call any variation 'climate change' or should we
limit the term climate change for anything considered to be caused by
humans? To my mind it is not so much what we call it, but rather that
we keep a clear idea of what we actually talking about.

Bob Keeland
USGS, National Wetlands Research Center
Lafayette, LA

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From: Bryson Bates <>
To: Barrie Pittock <>
Subject: Re: uncertainties guidance paper
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:58:01 +0800 (WST)
Cc: "''" <>

Dear All --

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Barrie Pittock wrote:

> 1. Two issues are being addressed and partially confused:
> (a) the confidence we have in the science (which seems to be the main
> concern of the paper);
> (b) the quantitative uncertainty regarding specific results such as: by
> what percentage will the rainfall change at 2050 in region/location A?
> or, how much will changes in tropical cyclones cost in percent of GNP
> (or additional? lives lost)? My reading of the comments from WG1 authors
> reported by Neil Leary was that they were focussing more on (a), whereas
> WG2 authors may want to focus a bit more on (b).

I wholeheartedly agree. While I agree with the probabilistic approach in
general, there are a number of practical factors that will mitigate
against it. Barrie has listed most, I have added one below.

> 2. Authors will be limited largely by what is in the literature,
> especially on the second class of uncertainty. So the guidance needs to
> go from the authors, or IPCC in some other way (as soon as possible), to
> the researchers to encourage greater attention to quantifying their
> uncertainties, and to the authors to put their fingers on misleadingly
> "precise" estimates by pointing out the basis of such estimates, eg.,
> "this estimated crop yield change is based on only one simulation with
> one GCM and should be considered in the light of the range of results
> from other GCMs and for other realisations".

Another source of uncertainty is the different methods used to derive
climate change scenarios at regional and local scales. Some authors apply
perturbations (based on changes indicated by several GCMs) to historical
climate series, some use results from limited area models, while others
use one of a wide variety of stochastic approaches that are based on
results from one or more GCMs. The important point here is these methods
would produce different estimates of uncertainty for the same region and
the same suite of GCMs.

> 6. Regarding para. 67, I am more concerned about the "best" or "central"
> estimate for climate sensitivity of 2.5 deg.C for 2xCO2 than about the
> range. Several lines of evidence (paleo-evidence, fitting models to the
> last 100 years, the distribution of improved model results) all suggest
> that the "best estimate" for this increasingly dated and artificial
> notion should be raised from 2.5 to nearer 3.5. This would be
> controversial, but I believe it would also be giving the best advice
> possible. Whatever you believe is the correct number, the level of
> concern such a change would raise is in itself evidence for the
> importance of central estimates in the climate change debate.

This could be investigated and quantified in a Bayesian framework.

> 7. I share Martin Manning's problems with the use of the term "Bayesian"
> and equating it with "subjective". Personally I think this paper should
> avoid such specialist technical terms if possible, especially if there
> is disagreement about what they mean!

Yes: Bayesian methods provide a means of combining prior (expert)
knowledge with data to quantify the posterior distribution. The prior
knowledge may be based on the results of previous experiments and need not
be subjective. Another point is that formal application of Bayesian
methods usually leads to problems that are analytically intractable. The
recent development of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods has largely
overcome this.

> 8. I repeat my concern re too much spatial aggregation of results if it
> hides important regional differences, as these are very important for
> questions of intragenerational equity. I think the paper should
> specifically warn against this. Averaging is notorious as a way of
> hiding important differences.

I share this concern: the average of a large negative and a large
positive number is close to zero.

Bryson Bates

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From: Rob Swart <>
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jan Bakkes <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bert Metz <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Subject: IPCC Emissions Scenarios
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:34:41 +0100


As you may recall, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is
in the process of preparing a Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES).
Recently, it has been agreed that these scenarios are to play an important
role in IPCC's Third Assessment Report. The Terms of Reference of this
Special Report include a so-called Open Process to stimulate input from a
community of experts much broader than the writing team. This Open Process
has started in August 1998 and was planned last until the end of the year.
Because of the late date of this message we decided to extent this deadline
until January 10 now. A website ( is managed by the Center
for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) in the United
States in collaboration with the Energy Research Foundation (ECN) in the
Netherlands, the Technical Support Unit (TSU) of Working Group III on
Mitigation of IPCC in the Netherlands, and the International Institute of
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria, the home institution of the
co-ordinator of the SRES Report, dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic. Three types of
input are invited: (a) new scenarios (preferably from the peer-reviewed
literature) that have not been taken into account by the writing team, (b)
new quantification of the proposed SRES scenarios based on storylines, and
(c) suggestions for improvements of the material developed until now.
Several of you have responded to an earlier request for input into this
open process. Thank you for that input. Amongst other things on the basis
of input received so far, recently the information on the website has been
improved considerably. The writing team of the report has now started to
actually draft their report, but can still take into account reactions to
this new information as published through the website, in principle until
31 December 1998. Herewith I would like to invite you to explore the site
(again) and provide us with your comments.


On behalf of Dr. Nakicenovic, thank you very much for your support to this
important endeavour!

Dr. Rob Swart
Head, Technical Support Unit
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group III: Mitigation
P.O. Box 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
xxx xxxx xxxx
email: or

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From: Bill Hare <>
To: Mike Hulme <>
Subject: Re: MAGICC
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 18:05:59 +0100

Dear Mike

Please send the details etc to me.



On 18 Dec 98 at 9:43, Mike Hulme wrote:

> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:43:31 +0000
> To: Bill Hare <Bill.Hare@xxxxxxxxx.xxx3>
> From: Mike Hulme <>
> Subject: Re: MAGICC

> Bill,
> The version of MAGICC we are distributing is the IPCC SAR 1996
> version. You can get that from me under Licence for $50. If you
> wish to proceed let me know and I can send it you with invoice.
> Regards,
> Mike
> At 17:59 16/12/98 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dear Mike
> >
> >I would like to know how to get the most recent version of MAGICC and
> >of COMICC (carbon cycle model). I heard from a colleague that you
> >may be distributing MAGICC??
> >
> >I look forward to hearing from you,
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Bill Hare
> >
> >Bill Hare
> >Climate Policy Director
> >Greenpeace International
> >Keizersgracht 176
> >1016 DW Amsterdam
> >The Netherlands
> >
> >Phone: xxx xxxx xxxx
> >Fax: xxx xxxx xxxx
> >Email:
> >
> >
> >
Bill Hare
Climate Policy Director
Greenpeace International
Keizersgracht 176
1016 DW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: xxx xxxx xxxx
Fax: xxx xxxx xxxx

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From: "Stepan G. Shiyatov" <>
Subject: Scientific cooperation
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 11:00:33 +0500
Reply-to: "Stepan G. Shiyatov" <>

Dear Keith,

Thank you for the money transfer via Fritz Schweingruber. I received
5000 USD. Is it necessary to give you a receipt for this sum of money?
Money will be used for organization of field works in the Yamal
Peninsula and Polar Urals next year. Of course, this sum is not
enough. I hope we shall have an additional money from the INTAS
project and the Russian Funds.

I received two copy of the INTAS contract from Fritz and one copy I
sent to E. Vaganov. We would like to know your opinion concerning
transfer money.

Also, I need to know exact time you and Fritz intend to visit
Ekaterinburg next year. The new rules demand to make application to
the Russian officials before 6 months of your arriving. Do you want
or not to travel in the area of Southern Ural Mountains after meeting
in Ekaterinburg? Fritz wants to travel over this area (the Taganai and
Iremel Mountains).

Best wishes to you, your family and your colleagues.

Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Stepan G. Shiyatov

Lab. of Dendrochronology
Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology
8 Marta St., 202
Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russia
Fax: +7 (34xxx xxxx xxxx
Phone: +7 (34xxx xxxx xxxx

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From: Janice Darch <>
Subject: EN99:04 UKRO - European News (29 January 1999) (fwd)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:09:54 GMT

Dear All, The most pertinent document is item one on copyright. Some ENv policy documents are also included as
Forwarded Message:
From: Helen Self <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 14:32:36 GMT
Subject: EN99:04 UKRO - European News (29 January 1999) (fwd)
To:,, Dora.K@uea, e.banakas@uea,
e.doy@uea, f.littlewood@uea,, h.brownlee@uea,, j.darch@uea,, j.schostak@uea,
j.steward@uea,, m.silbert@uea, m.stallworthy@uea,, odg.gen@uea, r.mcbride@uea,,,,,

Forwarded Message:
From: ukro.ukro <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 12:45:25 +0000
Subject: EN99:04 UKRO - European News (29 January 1999)

EN99:04 UKRO - European News (29 January 1999)
News on non-Framework Programme 5, programmes & policy

1. ESF on Copyright Law
2. GENERAL - Policy documents

3. DG V - Newsletter on Alzheimer's Disease
4. Microbiology - Industrial Platform

5. ENVIRONMENT - Policy documents

6. Synergy - International Cooperation in Energy

7. Public-Sector Information

8. Results - Pilot Projects on Benchmarking
9. Communication on Industrial Policy

10. Leonardo Database on Cordis

11. Mid-term Review for Structural Funds


1. ESF on Copyright Law

The European Science Foundation is warning that current plans for new EU
copyright laws, if left unchanged, could harm the international
competitiveness of European research. The Commission's draft Directive
harmonising aspects of copyright will shortly be debated by the Council of
Ministers. The ESF is calling for changes to be made to the wording of one
of the Directive's key articles which deals with 'exceptions' to the
proposed laws to ensure that it doesn't cause legal and financial headaches
for Europe's researchers.

The Foundation supports the Commission's objectives of improving the
protection of intellectual property as technological developments make it
ever easier for pirates to duplicate and distribute copyright material.
But it warns that this should not be at the expense of Europe's ability to
carry out research. Reflecting widespread concern in its Member
Organisations, the Foundation argues that the draft Article 5, which deals
with 'exceptions' to the proposed laws, "could result in research being
treated differently in different countries across Europe". As presently
written, the Article sets out an exhaustive list of permissible exceptions
to the directive, but it leaves to Member States the interpretation and
implementation of these 'exceptions'. The effect of this could be that
some researchers might find themselves in a worse position than at present
regarding their access to and use of published material. Given the
differences in national legislation between Member States, the ESF
recognises it may be difficult to draft and agree prescriptive legislation
for 'exceptions'.

The Foundation is recommending, therefore, that a clause be added to the
Directive allowing for the inclusion of all current 'exceptions' set out in
national legislation. Other suggested revisions include the need to ensure
that 'scientific research' is interpreted in a broad sense, with research
in the humanities and arts being explicitly included. In addition, the ESF
suggests that the current reference to 'non-commercial' research could
cause confusion, as it would be very difficult to differentiate between
commercial and non-commercial research in most academic settings. To avoid
this, it recommends the introduction of a 'public good' definition of
research, which could form an 'exception' to the Directive. The
Foundation's statement also points out that the Directive's current
reference to the possibility of Member States exempting the use of work
"provided that such use exclusively serves the purpose of illustration for
teaching or scientific research" is ambiguous. It could be interpreted
that there is such a thing as 'illustration for research' and that any
'exception' did not apply to research in general. A simple rewording of
the sentence to read "sole purpose of scientific research or for
illustration for teaching" would clarify the 'exception'.

The European Commission's draft "Directive on the Harmonisation of Certain
Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society" is
available on-line at

FURTHER INFORMATION: Johanne Martinez, Information Officer, European
Science Foundation, tel 0xxx xxxx xxxx, fax 0xxx xxxx xxxx, email:, URL:

2. GENERAL - Policy documents

Recent policy documents issued by the European institutions. Full titles
and details appear on the UKRO web site under the subject listings:
* Community action programme in the field of Civil Protection
* Action programme for customs in the Community
* Further actions in the fight against trafficking in women
* Further actions in the fight against trafficking in women
* Better lawmaking 1998: a shared responsibility Commission report to the
European Council
* Determination of the person liable for payment of value added tax
* Legal aspects of electronic commerce in the internal market
* General framework for Community activities in favour of consumers
* Action programme for customs in the Community

3. DG V - Newsletter on Alzheimer's Disease

The first edition of the Alzheimer Europe quarterly newsletter has been
published by DG V (Public Health). The newsletter is intended to draw
attention to the aims and activities of Alzheimer Europe, a grouping of
national organisations dealing with Alzheimer's disease. The newsletter
includes news of research, events and conferences relevant to the field. It
will focus on important developments in the European institutions which
affect people with dementia and is also intended to be a platform for the
exchange of ideas between organisations and institutes active in the field
of Alzheimer's disease. Each issue will include reports on EC-funded
transnational projects, beginning in the first edition with London's
Institute of Psychiatry EUROCARE project. The next edition of the
newsletter will be published towards the end of March 1999.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Alzheimer Europe, tel 00xxx xxxx xxxx, fax 00xxx xxxx xxxx
972,email:, URL:

4. Microbiology - Industrial Platform

The Industrial Platform for Microbiology, a ginger group of EU-funded
companies and researchers, has decided to change the focus of its
activities. It will now aim to provide a forum for EU industrial
microbiologists to discuss research and development strategies, scientific
aspects of regulatory developments in applied life sciences, and
professional issues such as education and training in the field. The
Industrial Platform for Microbiology was originally established to organise
information exchange between EU-funded companies interested in using the
results of EU funded projects and academics working on microbiology
research and development projects. Its members will meet again in Brussels
in February 1999 to discuss a draft "code of conduct" for companies
involved in bioprospecting activities.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Anne-Marie Prieels, Tech-Know Consultants, tel 0032 58
xxx xxxx xxxx, email:, URL:

5. ENVIRONMENT - Policy documents

Recent policy documents issued by the European institutions. Full titles
and details appear on the UKRO web site under the subject listings:
* Present situation and prospects for radioactive waste management
* Minimum criteria for environmental inspections in the Member States
* Cooperation in the field of accidental marine pollution
* Limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of
organic solvents
* Review clause Environmental and health standards four years after the
accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the E. U.
* Application of aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques to the
agricultural statistics for 1xxx xxxx xxxx
* Financial instrument for the environment
* Forestry strategy for the E. U.
* Control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their
* Voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management
and audit scheme
* Remote sensing applied to agricultural statistics during the period
1xxx xxxx xxxx

6. Synergy - International Cooperation in Energy

The Council has announced a Decision (1999/23/EC) adopting a multiannual programme to promote
international cooperation in the energy sector
(1xxx xxxx xxxx). According to the Decision, within the European Union's Energy
Framework Programme (see EN39:98, item 11), a specific programme for
reinforcement of international cooperation in the energy field will be
implemented from 1998 to 2002 ('Synergy programme').

The objectives of this programme are to provide assistance to third
countries with the definition, formulation and implementation of energy
policy, and to promote industrial cooperation between the Community and
third countries in the energy sector. The main tasks of the Synergy
programme are to help achieve the Community's energy objectives:
competitiveness, security of supply, and protection of the environment.

The financial reference for the Synergy programme will be ECU 15 million.
Of this, ECU 6m will be for the period 1998 to 1999. The finances for the
period between 2000 and 2002 will be reviewed if the amount ECU 9m is not
consistent with the financial perspective for that period.

Supported activities are:
* Energy policy advice and training;
* Energy analyses and forecasting;
* Energy dialogue and exchanges of information on energy policy, notably by
means of organisation of conferences and seminars;
* Support to regional transboundary coooperation;
* Improvement of the Framework for industrial cooperation on energy.

According to this Decision, NO FUNDING MAY BE GRANTED TO RESEARCH,
development, or demonstration projects.

FURTHER INFORMATION: OJ L 7 of 13 January 1999, p.23.

7. Public-Sector Information

The European Commission has decided to publish a Green Paper on how the
information gathered by government departments and other public bodies can
be used to provide the greatest benefit for citizens and businesses in
Europe. A lot of information gathered by public bodies for carrying out
their duties could be used by the multimedia industry for developing new
products and services. Citizens could make better use of their rights if,
for example, information was readily available on the conditions for
working, studying or living as a pensioner in other Member States. Many
people would like to have full information on the tax regulations for
cross-border purchases. The competitiveness of businesses could be
increased if they had a quick and easy means of finding out what the
regulations and procedures are for exporting to other countries. All this
information exists, but the technical and legal procedures and terms under
which the Member States make it available are uncoordinated and therefore
not very transparent for citizens and business. The Green Paper calls for
these matters to be discussed and asks questions about how the situation
can be improved.


8. Results - Pilot Projects on Benchmarking

Results from four pilot projects on benchmarking framework conditions - in
the fields of professional qualification, logistics, the impact of new
information technologies (NITs) on company organisation, and the financing
of innovation - are reported in the January issue of the newsletter of the
European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA).

The lessons drawn included:
* Companies located in peripheral regions suffer from the poor quality of
infrastructures, expensive logistical services and weaknesses in the field
of transnational cooperation;
* The authorities should support the effective use of NIT and the
enhancement of NIT-related structures;
* SMEs lack NIT qualifications and skills;
* Business Angels play a lesser role in innovation in Europe than in the
US, probably due to tax- and revenue-related problems;
* Even though it remains below the number of such companies operating in
the US, the number of venture capital companies operating in Member States
of the EU is rising (750 versus 1800);
* Generally speaking and in comparison with the US and Israel, Europe
suffers from a deficit in terms of the ability to evaluate technological
risks and from a lack of initiatives to support faster interaction between
universities and companies;
* Education policies should be more practical and in-company training
should be fully integrated in the programmes of higher education
* Closer links should be promoted between industry and the educational
* The skills which new workers lack most upon entry to the labour market
are (a) knowledge of English, (b) computer literacy, (c) knowledge about
the industrial world, and (d) adaptability.

FURTHER INFORMATION: EURADA, Avenue des Arts 12/7, B-1210 Brussels, tel
0xxx xxxx xxxx; fax 0xxx xxxx xxxx, email:, URL:

9. Communication on Industrial Policy

The Commission has adopted a communication launching an open debate with
the EU's different political, economic and social players on the
orientation of a new industrial policy with a view to addressing the
challenges of globalisation and accelerated technological changes. The
communication diagnoses European industry's weaknesses and proposes a
series of measures to promote industrial competitiveness.

The communication diagnoses the weaknesses of European industry:
* Europe does not have a strong presence in the services sector;
* European enterprises resort to insufficient externalisation;
* Specialisation remains underdeveloped in sectors with high growth, highly
differentiated products and requiring a strong marketing strategy;
* The European audiovisual sector is in an unfavourable competitive
* European enterprises form relatively few alliances in advanced technology
* The amounts invested by risk capital funds are insufficiently oriented
towards new and high- technology industries;
* European enterprises can access financial markets only with difficulty;
* The level of R&D spending in terms of EU GDP is still below that of its
principal global economic partners;
* The exploitation of research results is not efficient enough;
* The EU suffers from high costs and the complexity of procedures for
achieving intellectual property protection in Europe;
* European enterprises put very few joint research projects in place.

To counteract this situation and stimulate European competitiveness, the
communication emphasises the following proposals, among others:
* Reinforce intangible investment, by adapting the systems of accrediting
competencies and by improving the level of and return from research
resources, especially through a better system of intellectual property
* Develop human resources by acting on the educational system, by
encouraging the spirit of enterprise and various forms of social innovation
and social cohesion;
* Promote the access of European enterprises to the world market, by
accelerating the exploitation of the competitive advantages of the Single
* Promote fair rules of the game at a world level in view of the new round
of WTO negotiations (that is by developing an observation system for public
support to research in industrialised countries);
* Develop the dialogue between industry and public authorities and forms of
self-regulation (protection of consumers and users);
* Improve financing by eliminating institutional and regulatory barriers to
the development of venture capital and improving the tax regime applied to
venture capital;
* Adaptation of the rules to the context of the information society and
electronic commerce (agreements such as the "International Charter").

FURTHER INFORMATION: Press release IP/99/33.

10. Leonardo Database on Cordis

DG XXII and Cordis have approved plans to include the products database of
the Leonardo da Vinci Programme on the Cordis service. The publication of
the Leonardo Da Vinci products database on Cordis should allow its
continual update. This is hoped to improve interaction between the owners
of products and their users. The schedule for the launch of this database
on Cordis has yet to be confirmed.

FURTHER INFORMATION: DG XXII, fax 0xxx xxxx xxxx, URL:

11. Mid-term Review for Structural Funds

The European Commission approved a report on the mid-term review for the
poorest (Objective 1) and sparsely populated regions (Objective 6) in the
European Union (EU) for the present programming period (1xxx xxxx xxxx). It
gives an overview of the mid-term evaluations carried out for the
Structural Funds programmes during the current programming period. The
report shows important achievements, e.g. when it comes to reducing
disparities in basic infrastructure, energy diversification or
environmental improvements.



Commission press releases (reference 'IP/year 2 digits/number') can be
obtained from 'RAPID' at
Log in as 'guest' with password 'guest'.

European documents (ISBNs) and Official Commission documents (reference
'Com (year 2 digits) number') are available from your local European
Documentation Centre at: or from
the Stationery Office, Tel 0xxx xxxx xxxx, fax 0xxx xxxx xxxx.

Please note that European News is sent directly to European Liaison
Officers only. ELOs can decide how to disseminate it within their
institution. European News is accessible via the web at (subscribers only).

OF YOUR INSTITUTION. No liability shall be incurred by UKRO for use of the
information provided in this publication.

Rue de la Loi 83
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: 0xxx xxxx xxxx/ 1535
Fax: 0xxx xxxx xxxx



Dr J P Darch
Research Administrator, School of Environmental Sciences,
University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1xxx xxxx xxxxFax: +44 xxx xxxx xxxx/507719

Original Filename: 918004907.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Wolfgang Cramer <>
To: Mike Hulme <>
Subject: Re[2]: IPCC Chapter 13 - invitation to contribute
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 20:21:47 +0100
Reply-to: Wolfgang Cramer <>

Dear Mike,

thanks for your message. I am sure we can work with these files as
soon as we know how the grid is organized. Is it line by line from the
North to the South, starting at the dateline? Or something different?

Yes indeed, it would be the best to work with *your* xxx xxxx xxxxbaseline
for this. Does the baseline also contain cloudiness? If not, then I
intend to generate that from our own files, and we will make the
assumption that, on the level of monthly means, this does not change
as much as to significantly affect the sensitivity of vegetation to
the other forcings.

As for a minor point, please remember to use my pik-address
whenever possible. The other two (csi and t-online) are both used for
sending mail while I am on the road (csi) or at home (t-online), and
particularly t-online has the drawback that I can ONLY access it from
home (presently) and not from the lab. Unfortunately, I cannot
convince my mail sending software to always pretend the mail comes
from PIK...

Yes, I will come to the ACACIA meeting, at least until the second
day in the afternoon - after that I have to juggle two other meetings
in Holland and Germany. With some luck, I should be able to present
some results there.

Best wishes!


PS: I saw your correspondence with Kinne and am interested to follow
up - but not today.

On Dienstag, 2. Februar 1999, you wrote:

> Wolfgang,

> Martin is dragging his feet, but you have convinced me we should distribute
> them anyway. I have got someone onto it today and with luck may have the
> minimum (8 realisations for 4 scenarios and for 3 timeslices and for Tmean,
> Precip and DTR on the HadCM2 grid for the entire world) completed and on an
> ftp site by Friday. I will also let Nigel know about this. Presumably you
> will use the 1xxx xxxx xxxx.5deg baseline data? Our files will present
> *changes* from 1xxx xxxx xxxxon a mean monthly basis on the 2.5 by 3.75 grid.

> Let's keep in touch on this since it opens up a number of other
> issues/applications. Will you be coming to the ACACIA meeting in early March?

> Mike

> p.s. the files will be in the same format as the attached file to this
> email - just so that you can start thinking about what you need to do.

Original Filename: 918146589.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: "Jonathan T. Overpeck" <>
To: Frank Oldfield <>
Subject: Re: Finances and futures
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 11:43:xxx xxxx xxxx

Hi Frank and friends - I'm happy to see the budget looking sound and feel
Franks suggestions are good ones in terms of money to spend this year.
Building on the Swiss paleoclimate course is a good idea, and, of course,
we should decide on future REDIE investments at future SSC's. My gut
feeling is that REDIE will have to continue to be a lower priority in the
future, BUT that we should stay committed to getting scientists (including
youngsters) from developing countries to our science mtgs - makes more
sense than training probably, given tight budgets. Thanks,Peck

>Dear colleagues,
>I now share with you some ideas about our financial situation in PAGES. I
>think the information should be treated confidentially at this stage and
>certainly with some discretion.
>During the course of last year, it was very difficult to keep track of our
>financial position from month to month, partly because it took our
>financial contacts in the University of Bern an inordinately long time to
>sort out the financial implications of the OSM, partly because, in the
>course of doing this, they made some understandable but very significant
>and confusing errors. Niklaus has now managed to sort these out and we also
>have our confirmed budget for 1999 - which means that we can begin to do
>some real planning.
>The first significant point is that we are carrying over into 1999 a
>surplus some US$15k greater than we began with in 1998. In fact we have
>been building up our 'carry-over' steadily since the beginning of 1996 and
>it is now around $67k - between 13% and 14% or our annual budget and a much
>higher proprtion of that part of our budget that is uncommitted each year.
>Whilst I believe it would be unwise to eliminate it entirely, I do think we
>should aim to reduce it significantly provided there is a good rationale
>for the means we choose.
>I have attached a summary of how I see things for 1999. You will see that
>even if we spend all the funds committed to workshops at our Pallanza
>meeting, we still have a very healthy surplus. On past experience, I do not
>think this sum will be exceeded during 1999 - even if we have one or two
>more urgent requests, they are more than likely to be offset by delayed
>workshops, so I think this is actually likely to be an over-estimate.
>Moreover, I have assumed that ALL the money allocated by IGBP for Synthesis
>will be spent in 1999. We are under some pressure to do this, but the pace
>of the exercise makes me suspect that we may have difficulty.
>At the end of the Table, I list 3 additional commitments I would like to
>propose for prioiritizing and I discuss each briefly below:
>1. REDIE (which you may remember stands for Regional Educational and
>Infrastructure Efforts (about which we have, so far, said very little and
>done even less).
> In this area, one of the ideas gently simmering on the back burner has
>been the notion of winning support from START to run something like a
>Summer School for selected young scientists from developing countries. This
>emerged from an informal discussion between ouselves in the Office, Bruno
>and Roland Fuchs, the Director of START, when he was over here on a visit.
>At the time, he seemed quite keen on the idea, but has since been silent.
>No matter, I still feel it is an idea worth working towards at least up to
>the pre-commitment stage and I have been exploring informally the
>possibility of basing such a course in London.
>This coming summer, I think we may have a chance to do a kind of partial
>trial run. Thomas Stocker and Andy Lotter (a first class paleolimnologist
>here in Bern) plan to run a Summer School nearby this year. Thomas
>approached me some time ago to see if PAGES could support participation by
>any overseas students and my reply was a very cautious one to the effect
>that we would normally expect to be approached and have an input at the
>planning stage and that we would only really consider such a possibility in
>the context of training for scientists from developing countries. Having
>discussed the whole thing more fully with him, I begin to wonder whether
>it may offer quite an interesting possibility. My plan would be to seek
>nomination of/applications from say 3 to 5 young scientists from different
>parts of the developing/former eastern bloc world (represnting each of the
>PEP Transects) and bring them to Bern both for the course and for a short
>period linked into the PAGES Office. The ideas behind the latter part of
>the suggestion would be to
> - support their participation if need be,
> - give them some sense of PAGES and its role in nternational global
>change science/IGBP etc and
> - solicit feedback and advice about what the shape of an ideal course for
>developing country scientists interested in PAGES activities might be.
>I believe that even if we did not have something like REDIE in our
>Implementation Plan it should be an important commitment; since we do, it
>is an absolute obligation which we ignore at the risk of serious
>allegations of bad faith.
>2. I feel there will be a need to follow up my PEP II visit to Australia
>with something positive there. John Dodson is responding well to
>suggestions about more co-ordination and bringing in more colleagues to
>share the responsibility, but I think that if whatever we agree in Perth is
>actually to work, there will be a need to fund a WORKshop (as distinct from
>a mini-symposium) of thematic and/or regional co-ordinators to get their
>act together. We should offer money for this.
>3. The difference it has made having Cathy Stickley (based at UCL) working
>for PEP III is fantastic, but we risk losing her input unless something can
>be done. I'm negotiating with ESF, but it will be over a year before their
>finely grinding mills deliver anything. Rick and Francoise are also going
>to apply to EC for Framework 5 funding, but that will be no quicker. I am
>seriously considering asking Zimmie to help bridge the gap since he did not
>quite close the door when I last talked this through with him, but I feel
>that if I do this, PAGES might need to put up a bit more colateral, the
>more so since we are in credit.
>Both 2 and 3 reflect my view that the PEP's remain an absolutely vital part
>of the PAGES structure and need to be supported if that is the only way
>they can achieve their objectives.
>All three of the above suggestions require some endorsement in principle
>before I take them any further. If we were to spend all the funds envisaged
>before the end of 1999, our budget credit would be very much reduced -
>probably by too much, but I believe the PEP funding would probably be paced
>over a longer period and that the other items in our budget are more likely
>to be marginally under- than over-spent, so I do not feel we are proposing
>any unreasonable risk.
>I look forward to any reactions members of EXCOMM may have to these
>Withh all good wishes,
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Budget for 1999 (RTF /MSWD) (0000B314)
>Frank Oldfield
>Executive Director
>Barenplatz 2
>CH-3011 Bern, Switzerland
>Phone: xxx xxxx xxxx; Fax: xxx xxxx xxxx

Dr. Jonathan T. Overpeck
Head, NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway E/GC
Boulder, CO 80303

tel: xxx xxxx xxxx
fax: xxx xxxx xxxx

For OVERNIGHT (e.g., Fedex) deliveries,

Dr. Jonathan Overpeck
NOAA National Geophysical Data Center
3100 Marine Street, RL3, Rm A136
Boulder, CO 80303
tel: xxx xxxx xxxx

Original Filename: 919310505.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Simon Tett <>
To: Peter Stott <pastott@meadow>, Gareth Jones <gsjones@meadow>, Myles Allen <>, Phil Jones <>, Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Tuesday Meeting
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:01:45 +0000

Dear all,
thank you for the meeting on tuesday. I think it went well. Here as
promised and slightly late is a summary of what we discussed. Myles can
you forward the message to Michael. Can you let me know if you are all
happy with this and once I have made any corrections you want I'd like
to send it to John, Geoff and Tim Barnett -- anyone else you think
should get it?

Proxy Climate forcing.

Solar -- Beer has a Be based proxy reconstruction of Solar ACTIVITY
which can be converted to irradiance changes. [Is it different from LBB
or H&S ?] Has the LBB dataset been updated? Has Svensmark got a better
handle on his proposed physical mechanisms to amplify solar irradiance
changes? [Someone to check at RMS meeting which I won't be able to
attend] Want forcing back to 1600?? though HC would find it hard to
justify doing runs that early -- me to see if John/Geoff think useful or
Me to check with William the source of the rumour about problems with
the H&S dataset.

Volcanoes. Volcanoes are an important climate forcings [Issue for
IPCC??] Do volcanic erruptions cluster? Myles to "persuade" a student to
look at Phil/Keith's dataset and see if there is evidence for this? Are
there other indices of volcanic activity? Is climate response to
volcanoes sensitive to mean state?? i.e. in cooler climate get bigger
response. [Gareth could see from our model if Krakota response
significantly different from Pinatubo]

Proxy Climate data + comparision with obs and models.

Keith/Phil have 400 sites of high quality tree ring density data which
there are willing to let HC (Mat) use to do a crude model/data
comparision. Mat and Tim to liase on what they are doing. Note that
funny things are happening in the density data post 1950. Also available
may be some borehole data [Phil to talk to Pollock/Wang about
possibility] which could use to compare with model -- should consider
using lower soil temperature rather than 1. m temp. There are a few
sites with data from 0A to 2000 as well as many sites with data for 1700
to 2xxx xxxx xxxxshould consider both. There may be some other tree ring data
which tells us something about SW USA precip and thus ENSO.

Tim wants to compare patterns of temperature var from the proxy data
and compare that with the models i.e compare "observed" and modelled
covariance structure rather than just the variability. Also Tim wants to
try and unpick Mann's stuff.... HC to provide solar forced run from 1700
-- Me to check if it goes from 1700!

Our approach will be to compare model data "directly" with Proxy data
rather than do Interpolation a la GISST or Mann et al.

EU proposal

Not clear if in this years framework 5 call there will be room for
Detection/Attribution proposals (which is how we'd like to frame a
model/proxy comparision). Other issue is that QUARCC 2 and model/proxy
comparision could involve similar institutions which could cause
problems. Phil to check if room this year for proposal. Keith pointed
out that we can't just recycle the NERC thematic proposal (PRESIENT).
There is good news on that fron which suggests the proposal will go
through with an 8 million pound budget!!!

Ad Hoc detn group.

Not much said on that (or at least I didn't note it) Phil -- you have
some advice for me on that?


In the next 1-2 years there may be new reasonable quality ice core and
sedimentation data available. Data availablity from the proxy and
modelling groups is an issue (another reason for an EU proposal!).

Phil pointed out that there is a lot of instrumental data (in "funny"
units) which could be digitised in Europe.

Keith is planning on writting a "call to arms" paleo data paper.

I think I need to come up with a list of actions.... Anyone want to


Original Filename: 919450520.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Eugene Vaganov <>
Subject: No Subject
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 13:55:20 +0300 (MSK)

From: <>
To: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Some information about the super-long tree-ring chronology
the East of Taymir and Putoran

Dear Keith
I sent two variants of letter by mail few days ago.
Hope that you received fax copy of it.
There are the references you ask:

1. Abaimov A.P., Bondarev A.V.,Zyryanova O.A., Shitova S.A. The Forests
of Polar Sector of Krasnoyarskii Krai.Novosibirsk, Nauka,1997,-207 pp.
(in Russ.).
2.Adamenko V.N.,Masanova M.D., Chetverikov A.F. Indication of climate
change. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1982, -110 pp. (in Russ.)
3. Bitvinskas T.T. Dendroclimatic research. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad,
1974,-170 pp. (in Russ.).
4. Budyko M.I., Izrael Yu.A. (eds.) Antropogenic climate changes. Gidro-
meteoizdat, Leningrad, 1987, -406 pp. (in Russ.).
5. Vaganov E.A., Vysotskaya L.G., Shashkin A.V. Seasonal growth and tree-
ring structure of larch near polar timberline."Lesovedenie (Russ.J.For.
Sci.)", 1994,5: 3-15.(in Russ.).
6. Vaganov E.A., Shiyatov S.G., Mazepa V.S. Dendroclimatic Study in Ural-
Siberian Subarctic. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1996,-246 pp. (in Russ.).
7. Vaganov E.A., Panyushkina I.P., Naurzbaev M.M. Summer temperature
reconstruction in the east Taymir for last 840 years. "Ecologia (Russ.
J.Ecol.)", 1997,6:xxx xxxx xxxx. (in Russ. and Engl).
8. Vaganov E.A., Shiyatov S.G., Hantemirov R.N.,Naurzbaev M.M. Summer
temperature variability in high latitudes of the northern hemisphere for
the last 1,5 millennia: comparative analysis tree-ring and ice core data.
"Doklady AN", 1998,358(5): xxx xxxx xxxx(in Russ.and Engl).
9. Vaganov E.A., Kirdyanov A.V., Silkin P.P. The influence of early summer
temperature and dates of snow melting on tree growth in Subarctic of
Siberia."Lesovedenie (Russ.J.For.Sci.)" (in press).
10.Jenkins G.,Watts D. Spectral analysis and it's applications. Mir,M.,v.1-2,
1971,1972,-320 pp.,-282 pp. ( Russ.).
11.Komin G.E. To the method of dendroclimatic study.In: Forest forming processes
in Ural, Sverdlovsk, 1970: xxx xxxx xxxx(in Russ.).
12.Mazepa V.S. The usage of spectral analysis and linear filtering to
reveal the cyclicity in dendrochronological data. In: Dendrochronology
and archaeology, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1986: 49-68.(in Russ.).
13.Monin A.S., Shishkov Yu.A. The History of Climate. Gidrometeoizdat,
Leningrad, 1979,-407 pp.(in Russ.).
14.Naurzbaev M.M.,Vaganov E.A. 1957-year chronology for eastern Taimir.
"Sib.J.Ecol.", 1999,V.6, N 2(in press.).
15.Shiyatov S.G.Dendrochronology of upper timberline in Ural. Nauka,M.,
1986,-136 pp. (in Russ.).
16.Shnitnikov A.V.Intrasecular variations of moisture components. Nauka,
Leningrad, 1968,-246 pp. (in Russ.).
17.Himmelblau D.Process analysis by statistical methods.M.,Mir,1973,-
947 pp.( Russ.).
18.Bradley R.S.,Jones P.D. The "Little Ice Age" summer temperature variations:
their nature and relevance to global warming trends."Holocene",1993,3:367-
19.Briffa K.R.,Bartholin T.S. et al. A 1,400-year tree-ring record of summer
temperature in Fennoscandia."Nature",1990,346:xxx xxxx xxxx.
20.Briffa K.R.,Jones P.D. et al. Fennoscandian summer from AD 500: temperature
changes on short and long timescales."Climate Dynamics", 1992,7:xxx xxxx xxxx.
21.Briffa K.R.,Jones P.D. et al. Tree-ring variables as proxy-climate indicators:
problems with low-frequency signals.In: Climate Change and Forcing Mechanisms
of the last 2000 years.NATO ASI Ser.,1996,141:9-41.
22.Briffa K.R.,Jones P.D. et al.Unusual twentieth-century warmth in a 1,000-
year temperature record from Siberia."Nature",1995,376:xxx xxxx xxxx.
23.Briffa K.R.,Schweingruber F.H. et al.Trees tell of past climates: but are
they speaking less clearly today?"Phil.Trans.Royal Soc.London,Ser.B.",1998,
24.Briffa K.R.,Schweingruber F.H. et al. Reduced sensitivity of recent tree-growth
to temperature at high northern latitudes."Nature",1998,391:xxx xxxx xxxx.
25.Burroughs W.J. Weather Cycles: Real or Imaginary? Cambridge, Cambridge,1992,-201 pp.
26.Cook E.R.,Briffa K.R.,Shiyatov S.G.,Mazepa V.S. Tree-ring standardization
and growth-trend estimation. In:Methods of Dendrochronology.Application
in the Environmental Sciences (Cook E.R.,Kairiukstis L.A.eds.),Kluwer
Acad.Publ.,Dordtrecht,1990:xxx xxxx xxxx.
27.Dahl-Jensen D.,Gundestrup N.S.,Mosegaard K.,Clow G.D. Reconstruction of the
past climate from GRIP temperature profile by Monte Carlo inversion.Paper
presented at the 1997 Fall AGU Meeting,San Francisco,1997,-28 pp.
28.D'Arrigo R.D.,Jacoby G.C.Dendroclimatic evidence from northern north
America.In: Climate since AD 1500 (Bradley R.S.,Jones P.D.,eds.),Routledge,
London, 1992:xxx xxxx xxxx.
29.Dansgaard W.,Johnsen S.J.,Clansen H.B.,Gundestrup N."Medd.Grenland",
30.Fritts H.C. Tree Rings and Climate.Acad.Press, London/New York/San Francisco,
1976,-567 pp.
31.Graybill D.A.,Shiyatov S.G. A 1009 year tree-ring reconstruction of mean
June-July temperature deviations in the Polar Urals.In: Proc.Second US-USSR
Symp.Air Pollution Effects on Vegetation Including Forest Ecosystems. USDA
For.Serv.,NFES, 1989:37-42.
32.Hantemirov R.N. A 2,305 year tree-ring reconstruction of mean June-July
temperature deviations in the Yamal Peninsula.In: Int.Conf.Past,Present
and Future Climate. Publ.Acad.Finland, 1995:xxx xxxx xxxx.
33.Holmes R.L. Computer-assisted quality control in tree-ring dating and
measurements."Tree-Ring Bull.",1983,44:69-75.
34.Hughes M.K.,Vaganov E.A. et al. A multimullenial temperature reconstruction
from far northeastern Eurasia."Holocene" (in press.).
35.Jacoby G.C.,D'Arrigo R. Reconstructed northern Hemisphere annual temperature
since 1671 based on high-latitude tree-ring data from North America."Climate
Change", 1989,14:39-59.
36.Jacoby G.C.,D'Arrigo R. Tree-ring width and density evidence of climatic
and potentual forest change in Alaska."Global Bioch.Cycles",1995,9(2):227-
37.Jacoby G.C.,D'Arrigo R.,Tsevegyn D. Mongolian tree rings and 20th-century
warming."Science",1996,9:xxx xxxx xxxx.
38.Lamb H.H. Climate: present, past and future.In: Climate History and Future,
V.2,Menthuen,London, 1977:5-31.
39.LaMarche V.C., Graybill D.A., Fritts H.C.,Rose M.R. Increasing atmospheric
carbon dioxide: tree-ring evidence for growth enhancement in natural
vegetation."Science", 1984,225:1xxx xxxx xxxx.
40.Mazepa V.S. Spektral approach and narrow band filtering for assessment
of cyclic components and ecological prognoses.In: Methods of Dendrochronology.
Applications in the Environmental Sciences. Cluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordtrecht,
1990:xxx xxxx xxxx.
41.Methods of Dendrochronology.Applications in the Environmental Sciences
(E.Cook,L.Kairiukstis, eds.),Kluwer Acad.Publ.,Dordtrecht, 1990,-394 pp.
42.Schweingruber F.H., Briffa K.R.,Jones P.D. Yearly maps of summer temperatures
in Western Europe from A.D. 1750 to 1975 and Western North America from
1600 to 1982: results of radiodensitometrical study on tree rings."Vegetatio",
43.Schweingruber F.H. Tree Rings and Environment.Dendroecology. Paul Haupt
Publ.,Berne/Stuttgart/Vienna, 1996,-609 pp.
44.Vaganov E.A., Naurzbaev M.M.,Schweingruber F.H.,Briffa K.R.,Moell M. An
840-year tree-ring width chronology for taymir as an indicator of summer
temperature changes."Dendrochronologia", 1996,14:xxx xxxx xxxx.

Regards, Gene.

Original Filename: 919980501.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Some things of possible CLIVAR interest
Date: Thu Feb 25 17:08:xxx xxxx xxxx
Cc: t.osborn@uea,p.jones@uea

Dear Fred,

The following legends refer to the appropriately titled post-script files that will be sent to you separately by my colleague Tim Osborn.

Please note that these results are products of the European Community funded
project ADVANCE-10K (Analysis of Dendrochronological Variability and Associated Natural Climates in Eurasia - the last 10,000 years).Environment and Climate Programme Contract ENV4-CTxxx xxxx xxxx. See also

As I said on the 'phone , due acknowledgement of the above is important to us!

Figure 1
Annually averaged tree-ring density data from 400 high-latiude or high-elevation sites around the Northern Hemisphere. This series represents interannual and multidecadal summer temperature variability from A.D.1400 onwards. This series shows circum-hemispheric summer temperature variability on interannual and multi-decadal timescales and demonstrates the relative cooling effect of known, and some probably as yet unknown, large explosive volcanic eruptions.

Figure 2
Normalized tree-ring -density anomalies around the Northern hemisphere showing patterns of likely summer temperature changes year by year through the relatively cool decade of the 1810s, in part caused by major volcanic eruptions in 1809 and 1815.

Figure 3
Decadally-smoothed timeseries of standardized radial tree growth at three high northern latitude regions during the last 2000 years : Tornetrask, N.Sweden (20E);Yamal(70E)and Taimyr(102E),Russia. Positive and negative values of these data represent relatively warm and cool summers, associated at each location with the strength and position of large-scale atmospheric circulation features.

I have asked Phil Jones here to send you a post script file and reference for the mean 1000-year Nortern Hemisphere curve. His email address is shown above.

You may be also interested in some reconstructions of the NAO made by various people. If so ask Tim about these.

best wishes

Original Filename: 922988761.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Mike Hulme <>
To: Jose Caicedo <>,,,<>,, Xiaso Dai <>,Mohammed El-Raey <>,,,,,Luis Mata <>,,Nguyen Nghia <>, Dr M.Lal <>,,, Daniel Murdiyarso <>,,,,,,,
Subject: URGENT - IPCC DDC consultation
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 12:46:01 +0100

Dear TGCIA'ers,

I have two questions to raise with you regarding the IPCC Data Distribution
Centre. The first one concerns advice regarding a GCM submission to the
DDC and the second concerns mirror web sites for the DDC.

1. GCM submission.
The LMD (through Herve Le Treut) has requested the runs from LMD coupled
GCM be lodged with the DDC. His original request (July 1998) is appended
below as text ATTACHMENT 1. We originally rejected the submission on the
grounds that the runs were not historically forced, i.e., they were
cold-start experiments with 1% p.a. forcing being introduced from 'current'
baseline and different to all other DDC runs.

However, LMD have re-submitted their request for reasons outlined in
ATTACHMENT 2 which is an email from my DDC Co-Manager Michael
Lautenschlager (dated 12 February 1999). In this ATTACHMENT Michael makes
a proposal to include the LMD model runs, but as 'related modelling
results' rather than as 'full status' DDC results.

We need to take TGCIA soundings on this. Strictly, the LMD runs do *not*
qualify according to the criteria the TGCIA established back in May 1997.
The question is how flexible are we prepared to be and whether including
model runs with a different experimental design may either a) confuse
impacts users and/or b) invalidate inter-model comparisons. Bear in mind
also that if/when new GCM results forced by SRES forcings are generated
this summer and beyond, we will need to consult again about how the DDC
handles/presents these new SRES runs. At present the DDC does not have a
mandate for these either.

Please would you submit your opinions to me by Monday 12 April. I will
then compile the views expressed and make a recommendation.

2. DDC mirror web sites.
With the DDC web site now fully operational (and the CD-ROM about to be
released) we need to consider our idea for mirror sites around the world.
Users are picking up data and information from both the Yellow Pages (full
GCM archive site) and Green Pages (synthesised GCM results, observed data,
and other scenario data and visualisation), but for some
users/regions/operations access is very slow.

Proposed mirror sites might include: CSIRO (Victoria), IIT (Delhi), NCAR
(USA) and Cape Town (S.Africa). Maybe a Japanese site also.

The mirror sites could consist only of the Green Pages (about 0.5GB
requirement) or both Green and Yellow Pages (several GB requirement, but I
have not checked exactly how much with DKRZ). I know that we can arrange
for the mirror sites to automatically refresh every 24 hours therefore
reflecting perfectly any developments on the host mother-site (i.e., the
mirror sites must be perfect mirrors).

Could I also ask for your views on the desirability of these options,
whether Green only or Green plus Yellow, how many mirrors and where they
should be? Please let me have your views on this also by Monday 12 April.

In considering both these questions it is perhaps worth thinking about the
longer-term future of the DDC beyond TAR and into 4th IPCC Assessment.
Although TGCIA and the DDC has now only a mandate through the lifetime of
TAR, for us to really learn from our experiences and to achieve full
benefits for IPCC, then we need to be thinking ahead beyond year 2000.

Mike Hulme


From: at internet
Date: 9/7/98 9:08 pm

Dear Maria,

At the IPCC meeting a week ago, I spoke with M. Hulme concerming the
possibility of having our simulations being integrated in the IPCC
data base (DDA?)

I think that our simulations meet a number of the criteria:
- the control simulation is 200 years long
- the model has participated to CIMP1 and CMIP2
- it is described in details (description posted on the WEb in the
Euroclivar Web site:

Our main problem concerns the definition of the experiments. We have used
a model without flux correction and have decided to start from observed
Levitus data. The coupled model has some drift but it stabilizes rather
quickly and the thermohaline circulation is quite stable
Accordingly our initial CO2 value corresponds to a recent past: 320 ppm.
>From that value we have increased directly the CO2 concentration of
1 percent per year. We have therefore not allowed for an 'historic'
increase of the CO2 before the actual 1percent increase, which is due
to a lack of understanding of the IPCC rules.

My feeling is that scientifically this is not too important (we have
no 'cold start' symptom when we look at the difference between the
perturbed and controled run). I have realized that in the context
of the IPCC, however, people may think otherwise.

My question is two-fold:
- Can our experiment nevertheless be integrated in the IPCC data base.
This is important to us: if it cannot we will not realize the sulfate
experiment we had planned to do, and wait for the future scenarios to be
- I hope that I will be more easily aware of the IPCC initiatives in the
future. But is there any procedure through which we can make sure in
advance that a given experiment we decide to carry out does get
approoved by the IPCC?

Sincerely yours

Herve Le Treut
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, Universite PetM Curie ,
Tour15-25, 5eme etage, boite 99, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05
(mail sent to Ecole Normale Superieure also reaches me)
tel: +33 (xxx xxxx xxxxfax : +33 (xxx xxxx xxxx
secretariat du LMD a Jussieu: +33 (xxx xxxx xxxx



Hamburg, den 12. February 1999 (15:00)

Dear Maria and Mike,

last week I have a discussion with Herve LeTreut from LMD in Paris about
the DDC rejection of the French contribution to the climate scenario
calculations. He informed that the climate modellers are running into
political difficulties because no French data are contained in the DDC.

We have rejected the data last year because they design of his
experiments are not directly comparable to the DDC requirements. A
recalculation is not possible within short term.

In order to prevent the French colleagues from difficulties I suggest to
install an additional section in our DDC page which may be entitled 'DDC
related modelling results'. In this section Herve`s data as well as data
from other groups can be disseminated. The processing priority is
certainly lower than for the direct DDC data.

Do you agree with my suggestion?

Best regards, Michael

Dr Mike Hulme
Reader in Climatology tel: xxx xxxx xxxx
Climatic Research Unit fax: xxx xxxx xxxx
School of Environmental Science email:
University of East Anglia web site:
Norwich NR4 7TJ
Annual mean temperature in Central England during 1999
is about +1.5 deg C above the 1xxx xxxx xxxxaverage
The global-mean surface air temperature anomaly for 1998
was +0.58 deg C above the 1xxx xxxx xxxxaverage, the warmest year yet recorded

Original Filename: 923937760.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Keith Briffa <>
Subject: Re: ipcc update
Date: Mon Apr 12 13:22:xxx xxxx xxxx

I am off to Finland for a week but I am sending you (via Tim) a copy of a draft perspectives piece for Science on you recent 1000-year reconstruction paper . They want to run it in early May I think and I have been told I will see their edited draft on my return. The idea was to make a wider comment that just report on your latest curve so I decided to mention uncertainties in tree-ring data while pushing the need for more work on high-resolution proxies and especially interpretive work in the very recent context of high temperatures and other possible anthropogenic environmental disturbance. The trouble is that they would only give us 1000 words and one Figure. Anyway this Figure now contains a selection of various large-scale temperature average series - all recalibrated against northern warm season (april-sept) average land data north of 20 degrees north. This is just to provide a convenient common scale - all the original season /area references are given. You will see that this brings phil's curve nicely back in line and the correct (low frequency ) density curve now fits better also. I have taken the opportunity to put our new longish (2000-year)tree-ring width curve in representing the north of Europe/Siberia . This is the average of Tornetrask(Sweden) and Yamal and Taimyr(Siberia ) - all processed to retain low-frequency variance. These curves and a similar average incorporating all the Northern tree-ring data (not including the large density set) are in my paper for the Pages open science meeting publication. Tim and I will produce a short paper describing the new low-frequency density curve , probably for Geophysical Research Letters. For the meantime I hope you think the perspectives piece is O.K. Let me know if you have any problems with it - but remember that they are going to hack it about anyway. By the way, how did you compare the high-elevation (PC1) timeseries with Jacoby and D'Arrigo's northern treeline data in your paper when the latter only go back to 1671 ? Did you use their reworked Gidding's dataset for Alaska?
Thanks for the message on the IPCC stuff . I am happy to write any additional bits or make suggestions . Sorry I did not get back to you last time but I was confused about the timetable . Thanks for putting my name on the list. I will make comments again as soon as I see the next draft. Cheers

At 06:20 PM 4/11/xxx xxxx xxxx, you wrote:
>Dear Phil, Keith,
>An update on IPCC. Almost done w/ my revisions, taking into account
>yours and Phil's comments, and included the *correct* briffa et al
>series. Keith--added your name in the contributor list. Sorry for
>the earlier omission (I hadn't heard from you at the point I
>wrote the initial draft)...
>A couple things--Phil can you send a copy of the in-press Rev
>Geophys. article as soon as possible? I'd like to have a copy
>for my own records...
>Also, I'm going to have to leave it to you to insert some
>of the references you mentioned in your comments which I'm
>not familiar with. Also, you'll need to supply an updated
>reference for the Briffa et al series as soon as it is
>I'll send you the revised draft when I finish it within a day
>or two, at the same time I send it to Chris, Jim, and Jean. We'll
>need to incorporate Pfister's contribution (if it ever comes in),
>and Jim and Jean's suggestions at the next stage. I believe it
>will be Chris' responsibility to coordinate this. Anyways, more
>from me soon...
> Michael E. Mann
>________Current_____________________________Starting Fall 1999_________
>Adjunct Assistant Professor | Assistant Professor
>Department of Geosciences | Dept. of Environmental Sciences
>Morrill Science Center | Clark Hall
>University of Massachusetts | University of Virginia
>Amherst, MA 01xxx xxxx xxxx | Charlottesville, VA 22903
>e-mail:; (attachments)
> Phone: (4xxx xxxx xxxxFAX: (4xxx xxxx xxxx

Original Filename: 924030302.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

Subject: No Subject
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:05:xxx xxxx xxxx(EDT)

Dear Keith

(Tim, please get this to Keith by FAX or other means, if
he is unlikely to have received this at his own email while traveling).

It's a good piece overall. As you might suspect, I do have several
comments. Ray and Malcolm may send along a few of their own. Malcolm
in particular may want to comment on some of your points regarding
dendroclmiatic series and our ITRDB PC#1 series which figures
so prominently in our millennial reconstruction.

1) page 2, top paragraph:

It's is very misleading to make it sound as if we are strictly
reconstructing northern hemisphere mean temperature, and then
say "4 of the records are actually from the southern hemisphere
locations". This is misleading for a number of reasons. First of
all, if one is going after true northern hemisphere areally-weighted
mean temperature xxx xxxx xxxxdegrees (as we are), then the southern hemisphere
tropics are actually more relevant than the high-latitudes of the
Northern Hemisphere. Careful diagnostics of surface temperature
covariances by Alexey Kaplan, Mark Cane and others have shown this
clearly to be true. BUt more than that, we are reconstructing the full
20th century surface temperature domain shown in Figure 1 of our '98
Nature paper. This is a GLOBAL domain, albeit sparse outside the southern
hemisphere tropics/subtropics, particularly the southern oceans,
for obvious regions. THe proxy network roughly overlaps the spatial
domain of surface temperature we are reconstructing (ie, compare
Nature '98 figure 1a and figure 1b). We choose to diagnose from
this spatial domain the northern hemisphere mean only because that
is the hemisphere for which we can meaningfully talk about a
true hemispheric mean. But both the predictor and predictand have
a global distribution. Without going on and on, I think its clear
why your comments here are a bit unfair in how they represent why
we use southern hemisphere data. This is probably the most important
point that needs to be revised here.

2) page 2, 2nd paragraph

A minor point, but an important one: It is incorrect to say the
our uncertainties are based only on "a consideration ...goodnest
of fit...over the calibration period"! This is not correct. A
key point is that the verification period (1xxx xxxx xxxx) diagnostics
(though based on a somewhat sparser distribution of gridpoint
data from which NH mean temp can be estimated) give very nearly
identifical diagnostics in terms of unresolved reconstructed
NH mean temp variance. So our uncertainties are based both
on 20th century calibration and independent confirmation from
19th century data. PLEASE MAKE SURE this is clear.

On the bigger point being made here, I agree w/ you in principle,
and this is a point that Phil has raised too: what we *DONT*
take into account (though I challenge anyone to really ever
be able to take this into account!) is the unknown potential
bias due to degradation from diminishing quality of the underlying
proxy data back in time. However, on some of the specific
points in that regard, it is very likely not a significant
concern in our reconstructions. We closely examined the spectra
of the underlying proxy data to insure that those upon which
our reconstruction ultimately relies have the amount of
millennial scale trend/variability that would be expected for
a climatic series for at least the null hypothesis of red noise.
Malcolm independently examined the tree ring chronologies underlying
our ITRDB PC #1 to verify that the standardization was appropriately
conservative for a millennial-scale reconstruction. Furthermore,
Malcolm verified that the ITRDB PC #1 is made up of heavily replicated
chronologies as far back as we use them. So neither of the
points you raise appear to be all that relevant to our reconstruction.

With regard to this point, I have some issues with your Figure
that accompanies the piece. It is quite ironic
given your comments about the potential impacts of
standardization on the long-timescale veriations. For our
millennial reconstruction we have verified as carefully as
has ever been verified, that the millennial scale trend is
likely to be meaningful. I don't think you have done so for
the 2000 year-long trend in the series you show, and if you
have not verified that it is likely to have retained 2000 year
long trends, it is VERY misleading to show this series along
with the others. I don't believe that it is likely to accurately
represent the 2000 year long trend in NOrthern Hemisphere mean
temperature, as you imply by showing it here. I think this series
needs to be removed from the plot. I have a related comment
below (point #5).

3) page 3, 1st paragraph:

Remove "this is a moot point" and replace with more appropriate
language. It is not "a moot point" because the problem you point
out has largely been shown to apply to tree ring density data
(which you have largely been using), and much less so tree
ring width data (which we are using). Furthermore, the comparison
only goes through 1980 at which point there is little evidence
that there is a significant declinde in tree ring width response,
although more evidence that there is already a problem at that
point with density data. Your criticism is not quite fair here,
and the statements should be revised to reflect more accurately
on what we have done.

4) page 3, 2nd paragraph:

When you talk about proxy-based ENSO reconstructions, you
should mention our NINO3 reconstruction! This is complementary
to Stahle's SOI reconstruction in a number of ways. The appropriate
references here are both our Nature '98 papers, and the chapter
in Henry Diaz's latest book (in the press):

Mann, M.E., Bradley, R.S., and Hughes, M.K.,
Long-term variability in the El Nino
Southern Oscillation and associated teleconnections, Diaz, H.F. & Markgraf,V.,
(eds) El Nino and the Southern Oscillation: Multiscale Variability and
its Impacts on
Natural Ecosystems and Society, Cambridge University Press, xxx xxxx xxxx, Cambridge,
UK, in press, 1999.

if you care to, you can download the galley version here:

in either pdf format (chapter-diaz.pdf) or postscript (

5) accompanying figure (see also my point #3):

There are problems with the 2000 year series in terms
of your definition of the baseline for comparing with the
other series, and this differs quite a bit from what
we are likely to be showing in IPCC. It appears that both
the density NH reconstruction and your 2000 year long
series fall at least 0.1C below the other series during
the 20th century, and are probably running at least that
much too cold the whole way through.

Also, correct "global temperature and non-temperature proxies"
in your description of our series to "global climate proxies"
which is a more honest way of describing them given our
methodological approach, and make sure it is clear to the
readers which series are extratropical and warm season, and
which are full northern hemisphere/annual mean estimates (ours).
Such discussion will, again, figure prominently in IPCC, and
it would be a shame for Science to be publishing something
that is misleading in that respect. In part, it was this issue
that forced the publication of a followup to Phil's perspective
by me, Ray, Malcolm, and Phil a year ago, and it would be nice
to avoid that scenario this time around...

Thanks for your consideration of the above comments. I believe
your piece will make an excellent "Perspectives" article for
Science, once these comments are appropriately taken into account.
I'll leave it to the Science editor in charge to determine if
that is the case.

best regards,


Michael E. Mann
________Current_____________________________Starting Fall 1999_________
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Assistant Professor
Department of Geosciences | Dept. of Environmental Sciences
Morrill Science Center | Clark Hall
University of Massachusetts | University of Virginia
Amherst, MA 01xxx xxxx xxxx | Charlottesville, VA 22903
e-mail:; (attachments)
Phone: (4xxx xxxx xxxxFAX: (4xxx xxxx xxxx

Original Filename: 924035588.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

From: Brian Luckman <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 16:33:xxx xxxx xxxx


The attachment is in WORD and better formatted.


Dear Keith,

Enclosed please find my comments on Jean Grove's paper. It gives the
impression of a cut and paste job written in haste with several minor
annoying errors. It lacks the synthesis I would have expected and reads
like a catalogue. The paper is also not as comprehensive as would appear
from the title. Six months ago I reviewed a paper by her ( for Astrid) on
"The Initiation of the Little Ice Age in regions round the North Atlantic".
The paper she submitted to you is clearly complementary and reviews " the
rest of the world" for comparison with the classic areas discussed in the
earlier paper. Yet the earlier paper is only alluded to once (rather coyly)
and does not appear in the references. This surely has to be significantly
recognised in the title and body of this paper, because as it stands, the
review of this earlier (best dated) material is far from adequate.

I cannot speak for most of these data directly but the North American
material I am familiar with is not particularly up to date (though in
fairness most of Greg Wiles's stuff is still in press). I have sent her
under separate cover copies of my Little Ice Age in the Rockies paper
(about 6 months ago) and more recently the Luckman and Villalba review
paper on glacier fluctuations of the last Millennium along the PEP-1
transect. (copies are on their way to you too).

I think her mixing the discussion of ice core records and glacier histories
significantly muddies the waters on whether the term LIA should be used to
refer to a glacier or a climate event. I feel this should be addressed and
the paper needs a more effective conclusion. She must also decide whether
she wants diagrams or tables.

I don't know how she will take these criticisms but, as she is just
finishing revising the book, I would have thought she could have presented
a better synthesis. I leave it to your judgement as to how to deal with
these comments. The paper could be much better but that depends on how much
she is willing to reorganise and to some extent rethink what she has written.

I am sending you this e-mail. Do you want me to return the manuscript to
you? If you wish I can also e-mail WORD copies of the two papers to you (
and her) if you wish a rapid turnaround. But you will only get the diagrams
by mail. If I don't hear from you tomorrow I'll just put everything in the



Review of "The Initiation of the Little Ice Age" by Jean Grove

This paper is a useful summary but needs significant fine-tuning and
possibly retitling before it should be accepted. The title promises a
comprehensive review that the text does not deliver. When I first read this
paper I kept asking myself- where is the discussion of all the well-dated
early LIA material from Switzerland, Canada and Alaska? Then I remembered
the paper by the author that I reviewed 6 months ago entitled "The
Initiation of the Little Ice Age in Regions round the North Atlantic". The
present paper is not a global review of evidence but a companion paper that
compares the "Rest of the World" with the "European/North Atlantic record"
discussed in that earlier paper. The crux of the problem is the first
sentence after the title "Little Ice Age Initiation

Original Filename: 924120405.txt | Return to the index page | Permalink | Earlier Emails | Later Emails

Subject: oops typo. disregard previous message
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:06:xxx xxxx xxxx(EDT)

Dear Tim,

Thanks for your comments. Some responses to them are
given below. I'll be too busy for further correspondance
as I prepare for travel, leaving Friday morning for a week.

Since I will be away and unreachable through next wednesday.
I would thus request that you and Keith correspond with
my co-authors Ray Bradley (who should be able to
respond upon his return from current travel on Sunday
/Monday) and Malcolm Hughes on the revisions (please cc to
me so I can read upon my return), as I will be unreachable.

I'm sure we can come up with something mutually agreeable
to all of us with this piece, as is my goal with IPCC, as
long as their is proper communication and mutual understanding
by all concerned. Lets strive for this--choice of language
is a nontrivial element...

best regards,


One additional new comment:

0) 1st page, "In attemping to do this...Mann at al...exemplifies"
is unacceptable language to us. We confront the very problems
that are being discussed here, so it is a disservice to us
to say our paper "exemplifies" these problems. It "exposes"
or "confronts" would be fair language, but "exmemplifies" is

responses to your responses to my original comments:

1) I'm not sure how to interpret your response vis-a-vis
my original comments here. My point is that our use
of southern hemisphere records in the reconstructions
is fundamentally sound, from the point of view of some very
basic principles of optimal interpolation, etc., and given
the domain we are reconstructing, which is not NH only,
although we diagnose NH from our pattern reconstructions
as a key index. There is no basis for what sounds like
a criticism of our use of such data. I couldn't tell
if you were agreeing with this or not from your commments.

2) The uncertainties are determined from the uncalibrated
variance given a certain predictor network. The predictor
network is unchanged from 1820 to present, so the verification
period (1xxx xxxx xxxx) unresolved variance is an independent check on the
calibration period unresolved variance. Both gives numbers in
the range of 30% for the NH mean temperature reconstruction,
meaning that the error bars we determine from verification period
are essentially the same as those we determine from the calibration
period. IN this sense, the error bars as determined
from calibration and verification are essentially identical,
The bottom line, if we had used the verification period
to estimate the error bars, the eye would barely see the difference.

There may be a considerable misunderstanding on your/Keiths part, regarding
regarding what is actually shown by the spectrum of calibration residuals
in our GRL paper. It does not in any way conflict with what I indicate
above. What this particular diagnostic shows is that
there is no evidence of any increase in unresolved secular variance
(ie century-scale and longer) in our reconstructions at least
back to 1600. In contrast, there is evidence that such frequencies
are not as well resolved as higher frequencies with the sparser
predictor network available before 1600. Our estimates of
uncertainty TAKE THIS FACT *EXPLICITLY* INTO ACCOUNT. Our uncertainties
estimates are made up of two components that add in quadrature,
including a component of uncertainty in the lowest-frequency variability
as estimated from the spectrum shown, and a component of the
highest-frequency variability from the spectrum shown. THese are
approximated as a step-wise break in the mean (white noise) level of
unresolved variance at the edge of the secular band. Unlike any
previous study, we have actually estimated the increased uncertainty due
to the loss of low-frequency variability as it can best be estimated,
and this is explicitly incorporated into our error bars, which
is why those error bars expand considerably before 1600. This
is discussed in the GRL paper, and is a VERY important fact. It
would be very unfortunate if this fact were misrepresented!

3) I'll leave this to Keith and Malcolm to discuss (Malcom?). I
think it is pretty clear in the paper what our assumptions are
here, and what the justification is of those assumptions. There
is of course room for differing opinions on this stuff, as
it is all somewhat speculative, and we indicate that this is so
in our paper.

4) good enough

5) I really doubt that the 2000 year trend is meaningful and, unlike
the results we have shown, there is no confirmation that these 3
sites accurately reflect northern hemisphere mean temperatures
to any reasonable level during the modern era.

Work by us and others looking at similar
data would suggest that series in such regions are not adequately
representative of the largest-scale trends. There is, further, no
verification of the frequency-domain attributes pass any satisfactory
test. For these reasons, I have informed Julia Uppenbrink directly
that I don't believe this series should be shown in this context.
I agree it is an important series, and it will be appropriate
to discuss it in IPCC. But it should not be considered on a
par with more statistically-verified true Northern Hemisphere
mean temperature reconstructions, and it is very misleading to
show it along with the NH mean reconstructions. The 2000 year
trend runs absolutely counter to everything we know about
the mid holocene. Extratropical Northern Hemisphere summer
temperatures should have been at an absolute peak 4xxx xxxx xxxxybp,
and the 2000 year trend *ought* to at least be heading in that
direction. The fact that is doesn't, and that the trend hasn't
been verified in the sense discussed above, causes me real
concern. It would be misleading to argue we have any reason
to believe that NH mean temperatures have done what that series
does 2000 years back in time...

Re, the adjustment of the series, I believe it is fundamentally
unsound. Essentially, agreement over the period we can best
constrained (20th century) has been sacrifices for agreement
during the period we can't constrain, apparently for the sake
of getting the different series to align during the 19th century.
Please download the figures I have prepared for the latest IPCC


You will see how I have aligned the series based on a 1xxx xxxx xxxx
reference period for the instrumental series, and a 20th baseline
adjustment for the alignment of all series. To me, this is the
most reasonable adjusment of the series if they are to be shown
together. It also shows the different that latitudinal variations
make EXPLICITLY by showing the difference between our
TRUE xxx xxxx xxxxlat weighted) NH annual mean temp series, and
an extratropical xxx xxxx xxxxdeg lat) average from our pattern
reconstructions, which approaches quite closely the Overpeck
et al '97 and Jones et al '98 series. Seasonal distinctions
then the key remain difference. This is, I believe, the
best approach to the comparisons, and the one I will favor
in IPCC.

The alternative is that true NH mean temperatures and
extratropical NH mean temperatures must be shown on separate plots,
because adjusting them the way Keith has provides a misleading
picture, and one that I don't believe can be justified for the
purposes of IPCC, regardless of what you choose to do with your
Science piece.

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From: "Raymond S. Bradley" <>
Subject: CENSORED!!!!!
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:41:xxx xxxx xxxx

>Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:06:xxx xxxx xxxx
>From: "Raymond S. Bradley" <>
>Subject: Climate warming prespctives article
>I have just returned from Finland and have now read all the correspondence
regarding the Science perspectives article you asked Keith Briffa & Tim
Osborn to write. I've sent Tim Osborn & Keith Briffa a few suggestions re
their perspectives article. If you would like to see them, let me know.
>I would like to diasassociate myself from Mike Mann's view that
"xxxxxxxxxxx" and that they "xxxxxxxxxxxxx". I find this notion quite
absurd. I have worked with the UEA group for 20+ years and have great
respect for them and for their work. Of course, I don't agree with
everything they write, and we often have long (but cordial) arguments about
what they think versus my views, but that is life. Indeed, I know that they
have broad disagreements among themselves, so to refer to them as "the UEA
group", as though they all march in lock-step seems bizarre.
>As for thinking that it is "Better that nothing appear, than something
unnacceptable to us" though we are the gatekeepers of all that is
acceptable in the world of paleoclimatology seems amazingly arrogant.
Science moves forward whether we agree with individiual articles or not....
Raymond S. Bradley
Professor and Head of Department
Department of Geosciences
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01xxx xxxx xxxx
Tel: xxx xxxx xxxx
Fax: xxx xxxx xxxx
Climate System Research Center: xxx xxxx xxxx
Climate System Research Center Web Site:

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Subject: Ray's coments
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 09:12:xxx xxxx xxxx(EDT)

Dear all,

Ray accurately (though w/ not the same level of detail) obviously
recapitulates my main concerns here. As for the one area of
disagreement (not understanding the reason for expecting an overal
cooling during the 1st millennium), I'll refer Ray to the appropriate
areas of his Paleoclimatology text book, and show him some
additional recent work relevant to this, upon my return.

Thanks again to all for working to make the final product one
we can all be happy with.

best regards,

Michael E. Mann
________Current_____________________________Starting Fall 1999_________
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Assistant Professor
Department of Geosciences | Dept. of Environmental Sciences
Morrill Science Center | Clark Hall
University of Massachusetts | University of Virginia
Amherst, MA 01xxx xxxx xxxx | Charlottesville, VA 22903
e-mail:; (attachments)
Phone: (4xxx xxxx xxxxFAX: (4xxx xxxx xxxx