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WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin

The Atmospheric Environment and Research Division of WMO’s Research Department publishes the WMO-GAW Annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletins. Each year, these bulletins will report the latest trends and atmospheric burdens of the most influential, long-lived greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), as well as a summary of the contributions of the lesser gases. The Bulletins represent the consensus of a consortium of networks operated since the mid 1980s. These three major gases alone contribute about 88% of the increase in radiative forcing of the atmosphere by changes in long-lived greenhouse gases occurring since the beginning of the industrial age (since 1750).

GHG Bulletin no. 5

Bulletin No. 5: November 2009

English - French - Russian - Spanish - Chinese - Arabic

WMO Press Releases: English - French - Russian - Chinese - Spanish

Bulletin No. 4: November 2008
English - French - Russian - Spanish

WMO Press Releases: English - French - Arabic - Chinese - Spanish

Bulletin No. 3: November 2007
PDF English - French - Spanish

WMO Press Releases: English - French - Arabic

Bulletin No. 2: November 2006
PDF English - French - Spanish - Russian

WMO Press Releases: English - French - Spanish - Arabic

Bulletin No. 1: March 2006
PDF English - French

WMO Press Releases: English - French


Other reports

Expert Group Recommendations from the 14th WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Related Tracers Measurement Techniques. Helsinki, Finland, 10-13 September 2007 (report).





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