
say hi to forever

jim rivers

best track forever


say hi to watergate 04 sebo k


cos i love sebo K

and watergate is always good compliation good to look at new talents i dont know

in minimal

i did not like watergate 03 because it was too heavy and kind of i dunno

i miss 2007 for minimal cos it was less heavy and less heroine

i love sebo K cos of his signature mastering of beats

its very bouncy but like hard at the end kinda refreshing

very exciting without being cute

but still its kinda reminds me of 2003 ALOT kinda old school house element i feel

kinda i dunno its nostalgic for me because

thats when i got into minimal and that year was particularly good time i think ???

maybe i didnt live long enough to know.

This track called strange things/excursion(reprise) by daze maxim (love him) / pattrice scott


but one thing good about growing up in singapore and having hifi-crazy dad

is that you get GOOD quality of djs and good quality of sound education....

so i guess... hard times do pay off in some ways


say hi to 10.

by marcus gaab.

i thought it was funny

and ironic

kind of sad

because i spend so much time in the bath tub

in reality

as well.

say hi .


그냥 단순히

시간은 너무 짧아

그리고 기억은 너무 아파

더이상 아픈기억

만들필요 없잖아

오히려 부딧히는게

더 쓸쓸한거 보다 나을지 몰라

차라리 서로 때리는게 나을지 몰라

하지만 그냥 나는 너무 아까워 시간이


say hi to self-reliance

Self-Reliance is an essay written by American Transcendentalist philosopher and essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson. It contains the most solid statement of one of Emerson's repeating themes, the need for each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency, and follow his or her own instincts and ideas. Emerson's ideas are considered a reaction to a commercial identity; he calls for a return to individual identity.


Emerson presupposes that the mind is initially subject to an unhappy nonconformism.[5] However, "Self-Reliance" is not anti-society or anti-community. Instead, Emerson advocates self-reliance as a starting point, not as a goal.[6]

The first hint of the philosophy that would become Self-Reliance was presented by Emerson as part of a sermon in September 1830

it is said that after a month of Emerson's marriage, his wife was sick with tuberculosis, and his biographer wrote "emmersons belief in immortality had never been stronger or more desperately needed'.

oh but how lonely it is.

then and now,


say hi to lurve!

it was lovely to work with cecile bortoletti and romain kremer
i admired cecile's work for a very long time! <3


say hi to insomnia put to good use

making breakfast.

im going to be a good wife !!!!!!!!!!!!



-what i do is not a bad occupation
someone is always willing to pay.

+i would find it


-oh no , its quite ________,
almost peaceful

no need to believe in either side

or any side

there is no courage.

theres only yourself.

the belief is your own precision

say hi to love italians

say hi to NASIR <3

i love Nasir mazhar!!!


say hi to IS IT ARRRRRRT?????

we went to centre pompidu and i complained

the writing of introduction of each artist/era kinda sucks

cos they kinda try to tell you what happened or explanation but its very

not clear? and kinda sucks all the time its like in the luna blablabla surrealism blablalbla

art blablabla ARRRRRT blablalba.... she was once his lover.....blablalblalba

(the writers take too much self-importance i think)

and bart was like


was like

"Basically... surrealism was.... not suppose to be silly

because everyone was so serious when they used film

when they used film there was a purpose to it

but when they did not, it was a new concept

and there was this one guy who decided if you were surrealist or not"


i watched dali/bunuel movie and was laughing and crying at the same time

i kind of

hate art

because its always so something in the air

too much importance

too much pride? and also teaches me about how to use the era of your time wisely.

but sometimes something catches your eye and thats nice. but its very rare

its like same as shopping. or looking at people on the street.

whatever. beauty is beauty...

beautiful to be remembered and to capture and to display and to be forgotten to be remembered and then forgotten then remembered...

say hi to 3 days of condor

i love it <3

i was always wondering why 80's japanese comic books have that particular style?

and i realized, perhaps its an influence from this movie?

oh wow. and very very good casting very sharp! also is michael kane really in this movie? i checked many times :(?

i personally like the paid killer german guy (joubert?) with painting action figure hobby the most

because his style is so sharp and yves saint laurent <3 and kinda mean


say hi to sadist masochist

shel silverstein... you kinda fucked me up in a beautiful way


how can you be smart

when its love

i already accepted that i relate to nothing

past is heavy but past is past and

i can only try to understand


too much self importance


luxury of time

perhaps just series of bad events which were only beautiful

the irony

the facade we put on

penetrating time.

but not egoism.

it is relative but different.

i just know

the more i gain

the more lonely it is

but when people grow together

its something that is not easy but is nice

and that is something,


staying relative is hard

staying honest is hard

i know i'm like a ghost

i have nothing

but myself

and potential, to me is the question of will

thats why i am present to you


say hi to.....



say hi to julia

it must be so nice to be loved ...

Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you, Julia

Julia, Julia, oceanchild, calls me
So I sing a song of love, Julia
Julia, seashell eyes, windy smile, calls me
So I sing a song of love, Julia

Her hair of floating sky is shimmering, glimmering
In the sun

Julia, Julia, morning moon, touch me
So I sing a song of love, Julia

When I cannot sing my heart
I can only speak my mind, Julia

Julia, sleeping sand, silent cloud, touch me
So I sing a song of love, Julia
Hum hum hum hum... calls me
So I sing a song of love for Julia, Julia, Julia


say hi to a saturday afternoon at bianca's

yeah this is how i dress when im at my friends place

i wear louis barthelemy

as you can see

i dont really care about comfort ...

say hi to protons

The proton is a subatomic particle with an electric charge of +1 elementary charge. It is found in the nucleus of each atom, along with neutrons, but is also stable by itself and has a second identity as the hydrogen ion, H+. It is composed of three fundamental particles: two up quarks and one down quark.[3]



say hi to where strange things meet

diiiiiioooooooooor dioooooooooooooooooooor kouttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure


say hi to halloween

last year

i was so lost

but that night was beautiful

i was living in london, and i had a punk boy in my life

and it was such a relief to run away to

new york city

i had no time to buy costume, so i just wore my old dolce&gabanna from the 90s

ironically the one the punk boy gave to me ...

i felt so...free and kind of excited

i was with my best friend p, and it was beautiful and strange night

we ended up in the most strangest place, most awkward moments

so newyork.

i think this year i will remember today as the day i slept 10 hours without

any help of anything or anyone without any dreams and woke up feeling peaceful and happy.

no more running away from something or someone or myself.

i wonder what will happen tonight


say hi to dazed party

i was getting mad depressed and overworked in seoul and highlight of it was this day

i dj-ed
and it sucked

everyone just stared and took photos and left

cos of staring, and not dancing i was like.... uhm....okay what should i do. should i pose?

so i just drank a lot


and take photos with minkoo <3 youweresleeping.com

and my agent was like.... panic ....

its like...

ppl tell me to do something, and i do it, and then they always tell me don't do anything.

and when i don't do anything they also tell me to do something.

so i left seoul and im in paris <3

im happy!!!!!!!!


as is

i stand across the light

holding plastic bags

i respond to the man i dont know who smiles at me

i dont exist

only something almost near perfection

i dont even move my head and

i dont even jay walk in front of the police car.

as it is.

like this.


i danced all night

i sold my soul

i sang a song

killed everyone

i realized space

i abandoned love

i bought blood

i hid my tears

say hi

what are you doing for halloween
nothing special i'm already a monster.


say hi to james....



say hi to what i want to wear this SS10

but i aint shoppin cos im buying food instead


orange marmalade

하고픈일도 없는데
nothing i want to do
되고픈것도 없는데
nothing i want to be
모두들 뭔가 말해보라해
everyone tells me to say something

별다른 욕심도없이
without any greed
남다른 포부도없이
without any extraordinary ambition
이대로이면 안되는걸까
can't it be this way

i a little strange?
어딘가 조금
somewhere little
매일매일 다른 생각만 가득히
filled with different thoughts

i okay
지금 이대로
as of right now
어른이되버린 다음에는
after i become adult
점점 더 사람들과 달라지겠지
more and more i will be different from everyone
모든사람이 나와같다면
if everyone were like me
no conflict
미움도 없이
without hatred
it would be so nice
it would be so nice

i a little strange
머리에는 매일 매일 다른 생각만 가득히
head different thoughts everyday

i okay
as of right now
어른이 되버린 다음에는
i become adult
아니 난 자라지 않을것만 같아
no i don't think i will grow

say hi to. hair grows.

hair grows.

say hi to....possibilities

if i continued to stay in korea and became a wife

if i continue to stay in paris and smoke alot

what i want to be deep inside


say hi to kostas murkudis

omg young gunievere (???) and christina kruse <3

i always loved christina kruse but wow. she looks amazing here