Thursday, November 19, 2009

WHO says Deaths After Vaccine Are NOT Linked - 11/19/09 3:20pm

WHO says Deaths After Vaccine Are NOT Linked

I am trying to find out whatever I can about the situation in Poland, while doing that I found this nice little article in a Polish Paper.

Oh, Yeah, sure - With these statements from WHO - are we really suppose to Believe Anything they say at this point?


Studies have shown that fatal cases after vaccination against influenza A/H1N1 are not linked to vaccines.

Wyniki badań przedstawiła Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO). The results presented World Health Organization (WHO). Do tej pory, po przyjęciu szczepionki przeciwko A/H1N1 na świecie zmarło kilka osób – informuje TVN 24. So far, after the adoption of vaccines against A/H1N1 in the world died a few people - tells TVN 24

– Szczepionka przeciwko grypie pandemicznej jest tak samo bezpieczna jak ta przeciwko grypie sezonowej – zapewniła Marie-Paule Kieny, ekspertka WHO. - A vaccine against pandemic influenza is as safe as the one against seasonal flu - has provided Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO expert.

Messages From Inside Ukraine - What is Really Going On - 11/19/09 3:10pm

Messages From Inside Ukraine - What is Really Going On

I have been reading all the messages possible on Ukraine boards/forums - here are a few of them, they seem to tell the REAL situation in the Ukraine, that we can not get otherwise. Again, I will not link this site, as I do not want it to be taken down for any reason.

The first message is of great interest to me, I could not find more information about it in some searches. I would like those who may be reading this and is more informed in this area to give their opinion on if it makes sense or is possible.

Knowing this, could help lots of people if true - then no need for the $300+ Tamiflu shot.


In South Korea found a new way to fight the epidemic "new" influenza H1N1.

Ученые из корейских университетов Аджу (Ajou University) и Йонсей (Yonsei University) пришли к выводу, что одним из самых эффективных в борьбе с вирусом H1N1 средством является озонированная вода с добавлением небольшого количества соляной кислоты. Scientists from Korean universities Ajou (Ajou University) and Yonsei University (Yonsei University) came to the conclusion that one of the most effective in combating the H1N1 virus tool is ozonized water with the addition of small amounts of hydrochloric acid. Данные проведенных ими исследований гласят, что заряженные ионы хлора деактивируют вирус, а вода полностью вымывает его из организма. These outcomes of their research state that ions of chlorine will deactivate the virus, and the water washes away completely from his body. В процессе нескольких экспериментов было взято 430 тысяч вирусных тел H1N1, и все они погибли через пять минут после контакта с озонированной кислотной водой (acidic ozone water). In the course of several experiments was taken 430 thousand phone virus H1N1, and they all died within five minutes after contact with acid ozonized water (acidic ozone water).

По мнению исследователей, на одну тонну воды необходимо всего лишь 22 грамма концентрированной соляной кислоты, и этого объема вполне достаточно для того, чтобы в получившейся жидкости образовалось достаточное количество заряженных ионов хлора, которые быстро уничтожат вирус. According to researchers, one ton of water to only 22 grams of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and this amount is sufficient to ensure that in the resulting liquid formed a sufficient number of charged chloride ions, which rapidly destroy the virus. Помимо этого, получившая кислотная среда прекрасно подойдет для дезинфекции организма. In addition, received the acid environment perfect for disinfection of the organism.

«Затраты, требующиеся для изготовления данного средства, ничтожно малы по сравнению с созданием вакцины, — рассказали авторы исследования, Квонг Ли (Kwang Lee) и Хан Ум (Han Uhm) на страницах авторитетного научного издания Applied Physics Letters. "The costs required for manufacturing the funds are negligible compared with the creation of a vaccine - have told the authors of the study, Kwong Lee (Kwang Lee) and Khan Um (Han Uhm) in the pages of authoritative scientific publications Applied Physics Letters. — Более того, озонированную кислотную воду можно производить в промышленных объемах, в корне изменив ситуацию с распространением вируса H1N1 во всем мире». - Moreover, ozonized acidic water can be produced on an industrial scale, fundamentally changing the situation with the spread of the H1N1 virus around the world. "

**Note - I have searched under Applied Physics - South Korea - Swine flu - I can not come up with the information that is stated above. So, would this work in others opinions?**
UPDATE - 11/19/09 4:45PM - Link to Information the message above talks about - Thank you to the Person Who Linked it in Comments - Who ever you are!!

When I read the information at the link - the main thing I realized it spoke about was Acid - that got me thinking.... Have you ever heard of Kombucha Tea? I drink it morning and night - you can make it yourself - I just researched and Found it DOES KILL Viruses! Kombucha is considered a "miracle tea" it cures cancer besides almost everything else - it has worked miracles for me and now I realize, when others have had colds/flu and gotten very sick around me - I DO NOT! I Drink Kombucha! Don't buy it in a store, get the mushroom and make it yourself - inexpensive. I will do a post about it all tomorrow. When I gather good links etc. to go to.
Please be sure to see comments - good information there too!

My aunt. Работа - модуль на рынке. Work - a module on the market.
Вторник 10.11 - высокая температура, скорая сбила температуру и предложила вызвать участкового врача. Tuesday 10.11 - high temperature, ambulance brought down the temperature and invited to call a GP. Участковый сразу направление в больницу выписал, скорая забрала. The policeman immediately sent for referral to hospital, ambulance picked. Чем лечили не знаю. What is treated not know. Предлагали темифлю 700-800 грн один укол а надо три как я понял. They offered temiflyu 700-800 UAH one shot and have three as I understood. Денег у родственников нет и постеснялись занять... Money from relatives do not hesitate and take ... Сейчас второй день в реанимации, сама не дышит, за реанимацию 3000 грн в сутки и шансов дают 10%. Now the second day in intensive care, she was not breathing, for resuscitation 3000 UAH per day and give 10% chance. Разве это не похоже на описание свиного гриппа? Is this not similar to the description of swine flu? Эти подходы оценила Европа в борьбе правительства с эпидемией! These approaches are evaluated in Europe against the government to the epidemic!

Father is sick the second day. все признаки гриппа, сильная усталость, слабость, тошнота. all the signs of influenza, severe fatigue, weakness, nausea. нигде в городе не поставили диагноз и не взяли анализов. anywhere in the city is not diagnosed and did not take tests. сейчас поедем евролаб. Now go Eurolab.
как можно так относится к людям? how can you apply to people?
почему врачи отказываются ставить диагноз пациентам? why doctors refuse to diagnose patients?

Yesterday was talking with a doctor, buyout deals and a physician lecheshim nekoryh policy, goes to various conferences, and so I trust her knowledge, poezhtomu yesterday to ask her about the situation with influenza in our country. Она мне ответила, что люди, котрые думают о том , что ситуация сильно раздута, глупоко ошибаются, информация не поступает в народ в нужном объеме, как это должно быть, от людей скрывают правду, реальную правду и смертность в регионах она мне назвала значительно выше той,которую мы слышим по ТВ.Сказала нивкоем случае не прекращать носить маски, прежде всего задуматься о себе и о своей семье, нежели о том, что о Вас подумают окружающие люди, которые расслабились и ходят уже без масок. She replied to me that people think about the buyout that the situation has greatly inflated, glupoko mistaken, the information did not reach the people in the right quantities, as it should be from people who hide the truth, real truth, and mortality in the region, she called me is considerably higher that which we hear on TV.Skazala nivkoem if not to stop the wearing of masks, especially to think about yourself and your family than that of the people around you think that walking is relaxed and without masks. Сейчас врачи молчат, те врачи кому не разрещают выносит правды в народ. Now doctors are silent, those doctors who do not razreschayut makes the truth in people. На самом деле все серьездно(привела, пример с Чернобылем и то когда до народа была донесена правда). In fact, all serezdno (led, the example of Chernobyl, and then when people had to indicate this is true). Вторая волна будет еще сильнее, после того когда закончится карантин( опять же власти будут давать народу инфу не в полном масштабе, чтобы не поднимать панику.Категорически против она была настроена вакцинации, особенно маленьких деток.В данный период она не советует вакцинироваться,еще одна вишка на чем наживутся политики. Мало того что у всех ослаблен иммунитет в связи с осенним периодом, так он еще и подорван у нас давно в связи с Чернобылем.Вакцина очень тяжело переноситься и не известно как наш организм отреагирует на данную вакцин( ПОВТОРЮСЬ ЭТО БЫЛИ ЕЕ СЛОВА).А в состав вакцины входит ртуть, вы знали? Дело конечно каждого на счет вакцинации, но для себя я выбор уже сделала The second wave will be even stronger after that, when completed quarantine (again, the authorities will give the people Join not in full scale so as not to raise paniku.Kategoricheski against it was set up vaccination, especially for young detok.V this period, she does not advise vaccinated, another Visca on what nazhivutsya policies. Not only are all weakened immunity in connection with the autumn period, so it also undermined our long time in connection with Chernobylem.Vaktsina very distressing and does not know how our bodies react to this vaccine (Repeat BEEN Her words). And in the vaccine composition includes mercury, you know? "It certainly at the expense of each vaccination, but for myself I have already made a choice

And that is not the "Berea" or "disbelief".
Грипп есть, причём не такой, как в прошлые годы, протекает тяжелее и длительнее даже у тех, кто раньше особо не болел, смертей намного больше и от всех скрывают эти цифры. Influenza is, not the same as in past years, more severe and prolonged, even those who had not particularly ill, many more deaths and hide from all these figures. Правда лишь в том, что политики стараются использовать эту ситуацию с пользой для себя, но пока не определились, что для них лучше: говорить о гриппе, или молчать, как они и приказали делать последнее время...Но проблема от этого не решается. The truth lies in the fact that politicians are trying to use this situation to the benefit of themselves, but have not decided yet what to them is better: to talk about the flu, or silent, as they are ordered to do last time ... But the problem is not solved by this.

People are dying ... Как лечат, чем лечат??? How to treat than cure?? У моего закомого в один день умерла мама 57 лет, и невестка 23 года. My Zach one day my mother died aged 57, and daughter for 23 years.

Reliable information: from the Ministry of Health came to an official order to all physicians not to write diagonoz influenza, and pathologists (so as not to spoil the statistics) strict orders not to write the cause of death pneumonia. Любой другой диагноз. Any other diagnosis.

I am familiar doctor told me that they gathered the chief doctor and instructed not to write diagnoses of influenza and pneumonia. Ни в коем случае. Never. Вот Вам и правда!.... Here's to you and the truth !....

Our shop therapist confidentially said that they were forbidden under pain of dismissal diagnosis-influenza (write ARI, ARI). А ещё точно знаю, что с 15 ноября в реанимации нашего небольшого города лежат 8 человек с диагнозом бактериальная пневмония, но СЭС это отрицает. And just know that from November 15 in the resuscitation of our small town are 8 people with a diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia, but the SES is denied.
Паники нет,но население должно быть информировано, по моему мнению. No panic, but people should be informed, in my opinion.



1,540,514 SICK


354 DEAD



Flu Attacks Poland Article 11/19/08 11:43am

Flu Attacks Poland Article

Small article in the Polish Paper today:

Flu attacks Poland
18.11.2009 14:25

A rising number of Poles are suffering flu symptoms and four have died after contracting the AH1N1 virus.

Agnieszka Bielawska reports

The AH1N1 virus has claimed a fourth victim in Poland and the number of those suffering flu-like symptoms has increased dramatically. The Health Ministry says that since September, 107,000 Poles have succumbed to the flu virus. Health Minister Ewa Kopacz announced yesterday that it is evident that the swine flu virus has established itself in Poland, as has seasonal flu, both of which are highly contagious.

Thank you to reader Wim for bringing this article to our attention.

Birds at a Show in the U.K all started dying - autopsy - hemmorhaging of Lungs - 11/19/09 11:08am

Birds at a Show in the U.K all started dying - autopsy - hemorrhaging of Lungs

I am putting this in here, because, my thoughts are I want to pay attention to what happens to the people who were there.

Could something have been sprayed?


The birds were among hundreds lined up in their cages ready to be judged Gwynedd Budgerigar Society Open Show in North Wales when disaster struck.

One toppled off his perch then others began "dropping like dominoes", according to the organizers.

Owners fearing a gas leak – canaries have highly sensitive respiratory systems and were once used down mines to detect leaks – grabbed their cages and ran for the door.

Some of the birds, which are worth around £1,000 each – were revived outside but in total 38 died.

"After five or ten minutes as many as 12 had died. I lost one bird myself," organiser Rob Hughes said.

"We saved the majority but what happened was utterly horrible. It was a freak event. We may never know the exact cause."

Retired pet shop boss Dave Cottrell, 55, lost ten birds at the event, at the end of last month.

"They were dying by the second," he said. "The odd thing is, I have asthma but I was unaware of anything."

Plumbers and gas board officials who were called in found no trace of a leak, and inspections by the fire brigade and environmental health officers also proved inconclusive.

An autopsy on two casualties revealed they died from congestion and haemorrhaging of the lungs.

The organisers believe a boiler flue may have become temporarily blocked by leaves, causing it to emit noxious fumes.

Just a question, could the area have been sprayed? Are any of those people who were there, now sick?

Video - Doctor Who Had recommended Vaccine - Now Retracts that - Says "Don't Take the Swine Flu Vaccine" 11/19/09 10:40am

Video - Doctor Who Had recommended Vaccine - Now Retracts that - Says "Don't Take the Swine Flu Vaccine"





Reports are coming in of people dying of symptoms similar to the pneunomic plague in an Emergency Room in Bialystok in the north east of Poland.

A doctor reported treating three patients with symptoms similar to the pneumonic plague, including burned lungs. One the patients died in his arms. The doctor said that it appeared be a bacterial infection and that no antibiotics worked. He also thought it could be a more virulent strain of the swine flu.

The victims came from small villages close to Bialystok.

Low flying aircraft were heard in the region a few nights ago.

Cases similar to the pneumonic plague have also be reported in Lithuania, close to the Polish border and to Bialystok.

The appearance of something resembling the pneumonic plague in Poland shortly after low flying aircraft made carried out unexplained missions during the night time in the same area has parallels with the recent incident in the Ukraine.

Witnesses reported low flying planes carrying out aerosol spraying shortly before the pneumonic plague was diagnosed in victims a few days later.

The Ukrainian government and WHO moved swiftly to declare the swine flu virus had mutated to become more dangerous and implement martial law.

This is an email from Poland:

My friend a doctor who works in Emergency Room in Bialystok (Eastern North of Poland) called me saying that he had 3 cases of patients with symptoms similar to the pneumonic plague. "If it is h1n1, so it means that it has changed for very virulent form and it kills in matter of hours". One patient died in his hands. I do not know what happened to other two. He is going to inform me how's the situation, but he expects it to get much worse. No antibiotic works for the disease!

This wouldn't be payback to the Polish people for the Poland government NOT buying the Swine Flu Vaccine would it? (my conspiracy side)
UPDATE 11/19/09 5:18PM From FluCase Website

More Reports of Low Flying Planes:

Reports are coming in of planes flying low tonight over Cracow in Poland also over Derby in the Peak District in the UK.

"We're getting info from our readers in England - there are several slow and low flying planes over Derby "working" for a quite long time (inf from 11;07PM), there is a high wind."

Mill Hill Lab Website (WHO lab) - No News On their Site since July 09 - I have NO trust in their results Either! 11/19/09 9:04am

Mill Hill Lab Website (WHO lab) - No News On their Site since July 09 - I have NO trust in their results Either!

Here is the Mill Hill WHO Lab in London - the last thing they have about the Swine Flu was in July 09. I have gone to all the different links, on their site.

If they are doing all this testing for WHO (it is a WHO lab) - why are they not showing exactly what the results were? Why is there nothing new about the Swine flu since July 09? Why are they not completely making public as much information as possible?

Why is it, they now say the flu strain in the Ukraine HAS changed yesterday, yet on Tuesday there was NO change?

Until the WHO and Mill Hill laboratory completely releases the results for the public to see and not just give a "summary" of it - I WILL NOT BELIEVE A WORD THEY SAY!!

WHO has already PROVEN to LIE!

WHO NEEDS TO Release the following:

Exactly what type victims samples were used (bleeding lungs/black lungs) or ones who had positive Swine flu symptoms?

WHAT exactly was found - could it have been a Biological Weapon used - from low flying planes spraying things?

Exactly what Chemicals were found in the bodies, was a complete chemical analysis done of the bodies of those with bleeding lungs and black lungs?

With the information WHO released yesterday - that the "sequences" have changed - THEN doesn't that Make the SWINE FLU VACCINE - NULL AND VOID Created for the Swine Flu, considering CHANGES have taken place!

I could only find the information of sequences changed on ONE site that is not even a WHO site, it only "said the information without providing the information" Where was that information received from? WHO - provide the information for all to see and other medical professionals to give their opinion.

WHO - release exact results proving and showing you had taken them from those victims with the Black and Bleeding Lungs!


Eurolab in the Ukraine, which the Ukrainian government Shut Down last week, released - what they think the more realistic numbers are for the sick and dead.

С начала эпидемии в Украине заболело: 1,457,564 / умерло: 328 , подробнее » Since the beginning эпидемии in Ukraine zabolelo: 1,457,564 / died: 328, More " "Official Numbers"

На основе статистики полученной штабом "Киевляне против гриппа" в Украине заболело: 2,477,858 / умерло: 557 Based on statistics poluchennoy headquarters Kievlyane against гриппа in Ukraine zabolelo: 2,477,858 / dead: 557 "their probability numbers"

So, as for Mill Hill releasing the sequences - sorry - I do not accept a generalized information piece - especially when I can not find it anywhere on their or the WHO's site! Where is THIS information EXACTLY? That shows changes?

Besides one site reporting the changes, I have found NOTHING else on it!

WHO - release ALL INFORMATION FOR THE WORLD TO SEE - Don't just CLAIM what it is - SHOW the LAB results On Paper and the Internet!

I am not a medical professional - but I also do not just accept what is claimed either without showing proof - I believe an independent lab needs to do testing.

OH, that is right - there was one, but it was SHUT DOWN by the Ukraine Government with the WHO most likely behind that decision! Why is it the WHO does not want other labs to do testing on victims? Would they come to a Different Conclusion?

Recombinomics Commentary 19:17 November 17, 2009 11/19/09 8:20am

Recombinomics Commentary 19:17 November 17, 2009

I am a little lost here, Recombinomics has been writing everyday that the sequences have been over due since the 4th of November.


Ukraine Dead Increase to 344 - Sequences Released
Recombinomics Commentary 19:17
November 17, 2009
1,502,345 Influenza/ARI

85,904 Hospitalized

344 Dead

The above tally is from the latest update from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The 344 dead represents an increase of 16 from yesterday's total, which is similar to recent daily increases (see map). The steady climb in fatal cases highlights the importance of the release of sequences by Mill Hill a WHO regional center in London.

Included in the sequences from 10 isolates were four HA sequences with the receptor binding domain change, D225G, which was found in the one throat and three lung samples. The change was not found in isolates from nasopharyngeal washes, suggesting D225G may lead to high concentrations of H1N1 in patient's lungs. The high concentration of virus leads to a cytokine storm that destroys the lungs in a few days.

The finding of D225G in lung tissues raises concerns rergarding sequencing of isolates from nasopharyngeal swabs. The monitoring of this important genetic change in the receptor binding domain may require sampling of lung tissues or fluids.

The relationship between the negative nasopharyngeal washes and the lung samples would be useful.

Kudos to Mill Hill and WHO for the prompt release of the panel of H1N1 sequences from Ukraine patients.

I am a little confused - they are saying Mill Hill and WHO were prompt in getting the information out? As I see it the 4th to the 18th is 2 Weeks overdue! They had been repeating in all their other reports the sequences were overdue.

Funny also how the report yesterday from WHO, is now different from their report on Tuesday,
they said it was H1N1, now they say there is a difference.

So, WHO has released two conflicting reports and information, in 2 days?!

Ukraine flu death toll goes up - British labs test to ID flu as H1N1, Spanish flu, or something else 11/19/09 7:35am

In the Ukraine, a strain of the flu has infected 1.4 million people. The death toll, according to the Ukraine Health Ministry, is at 315 people as of November 16, 2009. The World Bank Database gives the estimated population for the Ukraine as a little over 46 million. While the percentages do not appear high, the reported symptoms and contagion patterns of this flu are of concern to some doctors. The virus is being tested at the Medical Research Council laboratories, in Britain.

Symptoms of the Ukrainian flu

"We don't believe it's H1N1 swine flu. Neither do we know what kind of pneumonia it is," states Ukrainian emergency physician Myron Borysevych. The Daily Mail states that doctors are likening this strain of the flu to the Spanish flu, which included internal hemorrhage and edema in the lungs.

World Health Organization Comments about Ukrainian flu

Last week, the World Health Organization team working in the Ukraine stated that there would be a second wave of the epidemic. This prediction appears to be coming true. The Ukraine Health Ministry reports 16 new deaths in the past day alone.

Testing of the Ukraine flu virus is underway

Samples of the Ukraine flu virus were provided to a British lab, for testing to conclusively subtype the virus. Learning whether the virus is a mutated form of the H1N1 swine flu, or an entirely new type of flu virus, will help health officials and members of the public take necessary measures for protection from this deadly disease.

Ukraine Committee Meeting On Nov 20th to Decide Terms of Quarantines 11/19/09 7:30am

Ukraine Committee Meeting On Nov 20th to Decide Terms of Quarantines

I believe they have the wrong date inside the article - the heading says the 2oth, but the article says the 29th.


The state anti-epidemic committee at its sitting on Nov. 29 will analyze the information on the fight against flu and acute respiratory diseases in Ukraine and will decide whether to continue or cancel the quarantine, Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko said at a cabinet meeting on Nov. 18.

"I charge you with holding a special sitting of the emergency anti-epidemic committee headed by [First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine] Oleksandr Turchynov on Nov. 20," she said.

The premier charged the members of the committee with analyzing information from the regions on the fight against the epidemic. Tymoshenko added that the infection rate differs in the various regions of the country: in some regions, including Kyiv, the epidemic threshold has currently been exceeded, while the eastern and southern regions haven't reached it yet. That's why the premier said that at the sitting it is necessary to decide "where and how we will end certain quarantines."

Tymoshenko also said that in the near future the government plans to adopt a strategy of vaccination in the country.

WHO -memos-1972-explain-how-to turn vaccines-into-a-means-of-killing 11/19/09 7:15am


Info Wars Ireland found paperwork and they have it linked on their site, showing a WHO memo on how to turn vaccines into ways of killing people!


Two key memorandums from WHO, discovered by Patrick Jordan, prove WHO has intentionally created the three-shot killer vaccine that people in the USA and other countries could soon be forced to take.

1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2 Memordanda #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology:

Animal models and implications for human disease * technically outline the ability to create biological weapons in the form of vaccines that:

1) First totally disable the Immune System.

2) Load every cell of the Victim’s body up with Infection.

3) Switch the Immune System on causing the host to kill themselves in a Cytokine Storm.

One, Two, Three, Dead.

These WHO Memorandas describe the three-stage impact of the three “shots” many people will be forced to take this fall to allegedly treat a virus that WHO also helped create and release.

This is a crucial piece of evidence of WHO’s long-term genocidal intentions that could stand in any court of law because these memorandums give the best and fullest explanation WHO’s and affiliated labs (such as the CDC) current activities, such as their patenting of the most lethal bird flu viruses, their sending that virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which weaponised it and sent out 72 kilos to 16 labs in four countries almost triggering a global pandemic.

For every crime, there needs to be motive, an indication that it was deliberate, planned. The WHO memorandums provide the evidence of just that deliberate, long-term planning to kill people by weakening their immune system by use of the first vaccine, injecting a live virus into their body by a second, and creating a cytokine storm using squalene in a third.

Download the WHO Memoranda on:

Please go to the link embedded in the headline to click on links to see the memo and all other information.

WHO says Ukraine Flu Infections Not As High As Other Nations! 11/19/09 6:50am

WHO says Ukraine Flu Infections Not As High As Other Nations!

I know the information from Norway is 17% of the people are sick Link:
But for the WHO to say the Ukraine is the least of the rest of the countries listed here is shocking. I constantly search for information of "flu" cases around the world, so all I can say is, the infection rates and information is being kept very quiet.


The infection rate of A/H1N1 flu in Ukraine is lower than in seven other countries where high flu rates were registered - Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Moldova, Iceland, Ireland and Russia - the European department of the World Health Organization has reported.

The weekly epidemiological bulletin said that Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Moldova, Iceland, Ireland and the Russian Federation (Ural and Far East regions) a very high flu infection rate had been registered.

According to the WHO, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, various regions of Russia, Northern Ireland, Turkey, Finland, and Ukraine have a high sickness rate of А/Н1N1 flu.

Another 19 countries have reported widespread cases of flu and acute respiratory diseases, the WHO reported.

Research was conducted in 43 countries of the European region of the WHO.

I will try and find everything I can about the countries. Yesterday I posted about Turkey and 71% of their Health Care Workers are sick. There is almost no information available from there, it is being kept very tight lipped and information is not being released about it all.

It sounds as if almost all of the Eastern Bloc countries are in an Epidemic, I would then question if this is a true statement, why are so many countries coming to Ukraine's aid and WHO has concentrated on them more?

Is it, other countries do actually have a higher percentage of people with the "Swine Flu" - Because so few people in the Ukraine actually have the Swine Flu? Ukraine has something totally different?! So, the WHO knows this and can come out with a misleading statement saying "Ukraine doesn't have the largest flu epidemic" because they know it is something Entirely Different! Are they trying to take some attention off Ukraine right now?