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November 10th, 2009

Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?

Posted by Ryan Naraine @ 6:46 am

Categories: Apple, Arbitrary Code Execution, Browsers, Data theft, Denial of Service (DoS), Digital rights management, Exploit code, Malware, Microsoft, Pen testing, Punditocracy, iPhone

Tags: Operating System, Apple Inc., Microsoft Windows, Apple iTunes, Digital Music, Digital Media, Operating Systems, Personal Technology, Consumer Electronics, Software

Guest editorial by Costin Raiu

In every system designed by man, there is always a balance between features, usability and security. While designing pretty, easy to use and secure systems is possible, quite often this is not what the users get, or worse, this is not what the users want.

The most popular example of this applies to Apple. Focusing on eye-catching designs and easy to use products, Apple is listed in almost every marketing book as a success story.

Interestingly, maybe their second most popular software product, Mac OS X (after iTunes) represents a curious blend between eye-catching, easy to use, flexible, usable and decently secure, modern operating system. Please notice how I avoided saying “secure” and instead, wrote “decently secure”. Not wanting to start a holy war, I’d like to state that no operating system is bulletproof. Or, if an operating system even remotely tries to achieve that, nobody really wants to use it. Take VMS for instance; it was maybe one of the most secure operating systems ever design, yet, it was a pain to use. Ten years ago, in my University, the people doing schoolwork on VMS dreamed of doing it on Linux. Yet, a computer running VMS with 4MB of RAM and a 40MB hard drive could host 50 concurrent users, while a similar Linux computer started having issues with more than 10 users. VMS was not only secure, but it was resource efficient as well. It was that good. Yet, it went into oblivion, just like it will happen to any other secure but a-pain-to-use OS.

With Windows 7, Microsoft made an interesting move. The developer of the most attacked operating system in the world decided to turn off an age-old option. This was one of the options that made the operating system easier to use but much, much more insecure. I’m talking of course about Windows AutoRun.

You can imagine my surprise when I got the following message from iTunes, while plugging my iPod to transfer some newly purchased albums:

So, iTunes detected that my system was more secure but less usable, and decided that maybe it’s a good idea to change that back! My surprise was even bigger after seeing the following message from iTunes:

Therefore, even if AutoRun is off, iTunes will still recognize my CDs!

With that in mind, Apple’s decision with iTunes doesn’t make any sense. It took Microsoft more than 25 years to finally understand how important security is, and then it took them another 5 years to understand that AutoRun was inherently flawed and insecure, so it needs to be deactivated by default.

As I was saying, Apple is a success story when it comes to combining easy to use technology with eye catching design, while keeping it also decently secure. It is a real pity though when somebody finds slips like the one above. Will it also take them 5 or 10 or even 25 years or so to understand the dangers of AutoRun?

I certainly hope not.

* Costin Raiu is chief security expert in Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team.

Ryan NaraineRyan Naraine is a journalist and security evangelist at Kaspersky Lab. He manages Threatpost.com, a security news portal. Here is Ryan's full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.

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  • Talkback
  • Most Recent of 138 Talkback(s)
Redundant post is redundant.
While you're at it, say "grass is green" LOL! (Read the rest)
Posted by: AzuMao Posted on: 11/17/09 You are currently: a Guest | | Terms of Use
Not suprised...  Ceridan | 11/10/09
__|__  AzuMao | 11/10/09
I have NEVER seen a single message .....  kd5auq | 11/11/09
Torvald?  Ceridan | 11/11/09
Understood ...  kd5auq | 11/11/09
I guess you're right.  AzuMao | 11/11/09
A hint: It's not autorun you have to worry about  Mikael_z | 11/11/09
They aren't meddling with anything  davidmeridian | 11/11/09
It is meddling when  Erroneous | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  shellcodes_coder | 11/10/09
Same here.....  daMan25 | 11/10/09
Xbox 360 integration  tikigawd | 11/11/09
Apple != secure. duh :\ nt  T1Oracle | 11/10/09
Not the same as AutoRun  Stuka | 11/10/09
Wouldn't that...  rapson | 11/10/09
It depends...  Ceridan | 11/10/09
That is possible  Stuka | 11/10/09
Nope.  SupraGuy | 11/10/09
It doesn't enable ANYTHING, actually. It asks the user if he/she wants to.  AzuMao | 11/10/09
ummm, yes it does.  Badgered | 11/11/09
If you tell your computer to enable AutoRun, obviously it will enable it.  AzuMao | 11/11/09
....  Badgered | 11/11/09
It doesn't even "recommend" you turn it on.  AzuMao | 11/11/09
Re: It doesn't................  Disgruntled M$ User | 11/17/09
How can I trust Apple  ICUR12 | 11/12/09
You can't  AzuMao | 11/12/09
Logic?  john_gillespie@... | 11/11/09
Read the article!!  Scubajrr | 11/11/09
Got your "Internet Passport" Costin?  Trolleur | 11/10/09
Should your CDs not run anymore!  alokgovil | 11/10/09
I agree (nt)  Stuka | 11/10/09
Read the article  Scubajrr | 11/11/09
You seem to misreading this.  UrbanBard | 11/10/09
PS:  Ceridan | 11/10/09
I H-A-T-E any software that nags me to change my security settings ....  kd5auq | 11/10/09
Are you blind, too?  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
Why didn't you tell me the building was on fire?  kd5auq | 11/11/09
The solution is SOOOO simple... don't use any Apple software  NonZealot | 11/10/09
What is your problem?  Asiafish | 11/10/09
It doesn't sound like you had any choice at all!  NonZealot | 11/10/09
Don't be so hard..  bentedgz | 11/10/09
What restrictions?  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
Of course, Sync ONLY comes on Ford's products.  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
It would be great if Sync was an option on more cars  NonZealot | 11/10/09
"Double standards?" "I don't thin' it means what you thin' it means."  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
Sure, I'll explain  NonZealot | 11/10/09
Then the double standard is yours...  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
Your objections would carry more weight if reality didn't hurt so much  NonZealot | 11/10/09
|_ Wrong...  olePigeon | 11/10/09
I also say "Wrong!"  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
@olePigeon  Badgered | 11/11/09
Apple does not stop car makers from offering Zune kits...  olePigeon | 11/10/09
Don't let, you know, history, facts, or anything like that get in the way.  hmcm@... | 11/11/09
Wow! Pretty cool!  unclefixer@... | 11/10/09
re: Zealot  WarhavenSC | 11/10/09
Reading comprehension is fun!  NonZealot | 11/10/09
re: Zealot  WarhavenSC | 11/11/09
Different day . . . *somewhat* different subject . . .  brian ansorge | 11/10/09
Wow, you sure go through a lot of cases on your iPod! Sounds like a pretty  hmcm@... | 11/11/09
Yes, he would...  WarhavenSC | 11/11/09
And that's where Apple wins.  SupraGuy | 11/10/09
You don't need iTunes  unclefixer@... | 11/10/09
I bought a Toshiba Gigabeat 10 gb That does the same!  windozefreak | 11/11/09
A little line fro an Aretha Franlin's Tune...  windozefreak | 11/11/09
this is a very foolish article indeed  Narr vi | 11/10/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  cacruden | 11/10/09
No contradiction...  SupraGuy | 11/10/09
OH NO! My software is doing its job well!!! OMG HORRIBLE!  jared@... | 11/10/09
Apple doesn't understand  jgwinner | 11/10/09
I believe it is YOU who don't understand  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
No, YOU don't understand  NonZealot | 11/10/09
Answer me this:  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
I don't know, what settings have you changed?  NonZealot | 11/10/09
You Assume I made changes.  vulpine@... | 11/10/09
You must have received the special "Windows Hater" copy then  NonZealot | 11/10/09
I'm running Win 7  steeleblue_cactus | 11/10/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  jgagnon@... | 11/10/09
This is proof that MS has gotten really good at securing Windows  NonZealot | 11/10/09
Why Ask?  thekman58 | 11/10/09
Because...  SupraGuy | 11/10/09
Not True  thekman58 | 11/10/09
That is factually incorrect  NonZealot | 11/10/09
AutoRun versus AutoPlay  thekman58 | 11/10/09
It's so that  NStalnecker | 11/10/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  simple simon | 11/10/09
Hey Troll read the latest Apple emergency patch?  tonymcs@... | 11/10/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  mlbslugger | 11/10/09
Look at all the confusion here by self-proclaimed experts  NonZealot | 11/10/09
Wheres the uproar?  thekman58 | 11/10/09
Says who? I'm an upgrader - nothing clean here.  windozefreak | 11/11/09
I'm Glad You Noticed Apple Is Probably Complicit In Windows Problems  Steve@... | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  docmurdock | 11/10/09
So why is  thekman58 | 11/10/09
Yes! it sucks with apple's half baked software.  windozefreak | 11/11/09
Who is this writer?  dgurney | 11/10/09
Does not matter  thekman58 | 11/10/09
Really?  SquishyParts | 11/10/09
ignoring the glaringly obvious...  benblush@... | 11/10/09
I have to agree...  Cayble | 11/10/09
Common sense " its about time"  phintz@... | 11/10/09
Hmmmmm  SquishyParts | 11/10/09
What imperfections?  Cayble | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  SquishyParts | 11/10/09
At least they ask.  itguy08 | 11/11/09
Apple is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad  mlindl | 11/11/09
Apple is not so bad  paul.bounds@... | 11/11/09
....  Badgered | 11/11/09
How does asking you whether or not you want AutoRun  AzuMao | 11/11/09
Message has been deleted.  AdventTech67 | 11/11/09
Well, Apple WAS the first to steal the GUI from Xerox  GuidingLight | 11/11/09
Yes, the real SCUM being Microsoft!  AdventTech67 | 11/11/09
and from court decision...  ljenux-23043766007667558234416105604265 | 11/11/09
Give me...  windozefreak | 11/11/09
http://9to5mac.com/windows_7_inspired_by_mac_50054  AdventTech67 | 11/12/09
Liar!  AzuMao | 11/12/09
Your credibility is now ZERO  rahbm | 11/17/09
Redundant post is redundant.  AzuMao | 11/17/09
Message has been deleted.  AdventTech67 | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  jakenhauser23 | 11/11/09
becuase they know...  ljenux-23043766007667558234416105604265 | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  Franco De Besta | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  Franco De Besta | 11/11/09
Why is this on the front page?  Stuka | 11/11/09
Sorry, but that was fixed in Vista  Joe_Raby | 11/11/09
ZDNet....A battle ground!!!  Nsaf | 11/11/09
What's it to you what it is to us?  AzuMao | 11/11/09
Windows Vista/7 calls it AutoPlay exclusively  Joe_Raby | 11/11/09
Here's another tidbit from the Windows 7 help  Joe_Raby | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  DannyO_0x98 | 11/11/09
Non-issue  davidmeridian | 11/11/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  davidmeridian | 11/11/09
DOESN'T bother me  dcdavy | 11/11/09
Why is Windows meddling with my Firefox?  AzuMao | 11/11/09
LOL Cocaine is a hell of drug  midenginedrift | 11/11/09
This article and many posts about is are just STUPID  dgrainge | 11/11/09
agreed  john_gillespie@... | 11/11/09
DZDNET shall miss you. Farewall, Mr. p***ed off.  AzuMao | 11/12/09
RE: Why is Apple meddling with my Windows AutoRun?  gennx30 | 11/13/09

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