
Category Linkin Park

Staring by Ithilmenel

Many thank yous to the people who reviewed my previous stories! This one is a stand alone... 2 chapters in total. Will post 1st chapter today. 2nd chapter will come on sunday or monday!


Staring pt 1


“What?” Mike’s voice brought Chester out of his deep thoughts.

“Huh?” Chester focused on Mike.

“You’re staring at me, something wrong?” Mike asked.

“No, sorry, was just… lost in thought, you know.” Chester shrugged and turned his head down and focused on his hands.

He had been staring at Mike, but he got so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t pay attention to the fact that Mike noticed him staring. What had Chester been thinking about then? Well lots of things, all of which was revolving around Mike. A very naked Mike. Chester felt his cock twitch in his pants as the images of a naked and sweaty Mike appeared again.

“Fuck.” Chester muttered under his breath.

“You alright, Chaz?” Rob asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied.

“You look a bit warm…” Rob continued.

“I’m fine!” Chester snapped.

Then he quickly got up from the couch and headed to his bunk. Chester lay down and closed the curtain. He rubbed his hands over his face, sighing heavily.

He had no idea that he was gay until Mike Shinoda had come into his life. At first there was nothing but friendship; Chester and Mike hanging out just as friends. But these past few months had been pure torture for Chester. He was desperately in love with his band mate and Mike had no clue about it. Chester turned on his side staring at the grey curtain in front of him. Suddenly there was movement outside and soon a familiar voice asked:

“You alright, Chaz?”

“Yeah I’m fine.” Chester sighed and pulled the curtain away.

Outside Mike knelt down so that he came face to face with Chester. Mike smiled towards him and Chester smiled back. Suddenly Mike’s hand was on Chester’s face touching his cheek, his forehead. Chester bit down on the inside of his lip to stop himself from whimpering. Mike’s hand was so soft and wonderful.

“You sure you’re ok?” He asked as he kept his hand on Chester’s forehead.

“I’m fine.” Chester breathed out.

“You feel a bit warm. You’re not coming down with something?” Mike looked worried.

“I promise, I’m fine, I’m just warm.” Chester replied.

“Tell me if you start feeling worse, alright?” Mike looked at him.

“I promise.” Chester said.

“Good.” Mike smiled again and ran a hand through Chester’s short hair. “Rest for a while; I’ll wake you when we get to the hotel.”

Then Mike closed the curtain again and Chester heard him move away. Chester let out a very shaky breath. Mike’s touch had been ever so soft and careful but it lingered in Chester’s mind. He just loved the little things Mike did without thinking about it. Like when they were on stage Mike would occasionally come up to Chester and fling an arm around his shoulder and sing with him. Or when Mike would pass Chester the water bottle on stage.

Chester sighed heavily again. Then he turned around again so that his back was against the curtain. Then he slid a hand inside his baggy trousers. He wrapped his hand around his swollen manhood and proceeded to slowly jerk himself off. Chester closed his eyes and soon he had a very clear image of Mike. Mike with his hot mouth surrounding Chester’s cock. Chester bit down on his lip to stop himself from moaning out loud. The images in his head were so real, so vivid. He sped up the pace slightly and within a few seconds he came whispering Mike’s name over and over again.

“Chaz? You awake?” Mike’s voice startled him.

“Yeah, sure.” Chester replied.

“We’re at the hotel.” Mike said. “You coming?”

“Uh, yeah… sure… Go on ahead without me.” Chester said.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right out.” Chester replied.

“Alright then.” Mike said and soon Chester heard everyone shuffle off the bus.

He quickly got up and headed to the bathroom where he cleaned himself off and changed his trousers. Then he quickly grabbed his bag and headed into the hotel. He found the others sitting in the lobby awaiting the room keys. Chester sat down on a chair, dropping his bag to the floor.

“Feel better?” Dave asked.

“I’m fine, thanks.” Chester nodded.

“Good.” Dave said and went back to flipping through a magazine.

“I said we’d room together.” Mike said all of a sudden.

“What?” Chester looked up from staring at his hands.

“I said we’d room together, is that alright?”

“Yeah, sure.” Chester nodded.

A while later Chester walked into the hotel room he’d share with Mike. He put his bag on one of the beds and then he went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. All he could think of was Mike and his body was reacting thereafter.

“You alright, Chaz?” Mike’s voice was on the other side of the door.

“Yeah. Just washing off.” He replied splashing more water on his face.

“I’m gonna order some food. Anything you’d like?”

“Uhm… some chicken and potatoes.” Chester said while wiping his face with a towel.

An hour later the two sat on the couch watching TV. There was some documentary on detectives on the discovery channel and Chester always enjoyed watching stuff like that. As he took another sip of his water he flicked his gaze over to Mike. The emcee was seated next to him but he had his eyes closed. After a while Chester realized Mike had fallen asleep. After some thinking Chester turned his head so he could fully appreciate Mike. Chester took his time and studied every inch of Mike’s beautiful face. Suddenly Mike moved in his sleep sliding down and Chester stopped breathing as Mike’s head rested against his shoulder. As Mike mumbled softly in his sleep Chester moved a bit so that Mike’s head rested on his chest. Chester wrapped an arm around Mike and the younger man sighed contently. The bespectacled singer looked down at the sleeping form and ever so carefully he inhaled Mike’s wonderful scent. Then he turned his attention back to the TV.

As the detectives’ documentary ended Chester was asleep with Mike snuggled closely to him.

In the morning Chester woke and he felt incredibly rested. As he had woken up properly he realized Mike was still asleep resting against him. Mike had wrapped an arm around Chester’s waist and buried his head in the crook of Chester’s neck. Chester sighed happily and just smiled. Content he sat like that for over half an hour enjoying Mike’s arm around him, inhaling Mike’s smell. Eventually Mike begun stirring and Chester straightened up slightly.

“Oh… hi…” Mike looked up at Chester. “I…”

“We fell asleep.” Chester smiled.

“I guess we did.” Mike ran a hand through his black hair.

“Sleep well?” Chester asked as Mike sat up straight.

“Yeah I did.” Mike replied. “Very well actually.”

“Good. Should we go get some breakfast?”

“Yeah, I’m starving.”

As they had finished their breakfast they went back to the hotel room where Mike headed into the shower. Chester sat down on the couch again and turned on the TV. After flipping channels for a while he suddenly found himself on the TV set. After a little while he recognized it as their performance of “Faint” from Top of the pops. Chester smiled as Mike was being filmed, he was wearing a very cute black hat and he looked pretty happy. Chester decided he’d watch it for a while, just to see Mike. As Mike begun singing Chester couldn’t help but smile happily, Mike had a fantastic voice.

“Face away and pretend that I’m not but I’ll be here cause you’re all that I’ve got.”

As Chester watched Mike sing this on the TV his heart almost stopped. Just as Mike sung the last few words of that line he turned his eyes towards where Chester was standing and smiled. Chester, who was now sitting on the edge of the couch, stared at the TV where he himself was now singing. All sorts of thoughts ran through his head. Did Mike really look at him with a smile? What did that mean? Was he imagining things?

“Why in the world are you watching us?” Mike’s voice startled Chester.

“What?” Chester looked over at Mike who was standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

“Why are you watching us?” He asked again.

“No reason…” Chester shrugged and turned the TV off.

“We did good that time.” Mike said as he sat down on a chair.

“Yeah, I guess we did.” Chester said.

“You were really good.” Mike said as he picked up a magazine and began flipping through it.

“I was?” Chester looked at Mike.

“Yeah, I thought so.” Mike gave a shy smile that made Chester’s heart melt.

“Thanks… you too.” Chester said and met Mike’s surprised eyes.


“Yeah.” Chester smiled slightly.

During the concert the band played that night Chester did his best in trying to see if Mike would look at him again. But half way through the concert Chester realized he needed to focus more on the crowd and not just on Mike - that would look too suspicious.

Nearing the end of the concert they launched into “Faint” and Chester took his place, leaning towards the crowd, listening to Mike sing. As Mike was nearing the end of his first part Chester suddenly found Mike’s arm flung around his shoulder. He acted all cool and looked at Mike with a smirk. But as Mike sung the word “but I’ll be here, cause you’re all that I got” he smiled towards Chester again. That smile. Chester quickly gathered himself and took to singing his part. But he simply could not let go of the image of the smile. Mike had smiled at him again and it was that certain smile that just made Chester weak in the knees. Chester was bewildered and had no idea what to do.

As the band shuffled on board the bus after the show Chester quickly headed into the bathroom to calm himself down. He quickly pulled off his shirt and grabbed a washcloth. Then he drenched it in cold water and proceeded in wiping himself down. The cloth was icy cold but it still didn’t help Chester will his erection down. He repeated the procedure over and over again but to no avail. All he could think of was Mike. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Chaz?” Mike’s voice was outside the door. “You washing off?”


“Finished soon?”

“Yeah…” Chester replied.

“You need any help?” Mike sudden question came through the door.

“What?!” Chester almost dropped the washcloth.

“Do you need any help? With washing off I mean…” Mike said.

“Uh…” Chester had no reply for the question.

“With your back and stuff…” Mike sounded slightly unsure.

Chester didn’t reply, he simply opened the door facing Mike outside. Mike took the cold washcloth from Chester and ran it under the tap again. Then he turned Chester around and began with slowly wiping Chester’s back. Chester leaned his head on the wall nearby and bit his lip to stop from moaning. Mike continued rubbing the cloth over Chester’s back in a slow, circular motion and Chester was harder than ever.

“I think you’re clean now.” Mike whispered.

“Yeah…” Chester breathed and pushed off the wall. “Thank you.”

“Sure… you’ll help me, right?” Mike asked.

“Yeah… if you want me to…” Chester said.

“I do.” Mike stared into Chester’s brown eyes.


TBC! Review... please, pretty please?! *uses her best puppy dog eyes*

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