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Which is faster?T1,T3,cable/dsl?

which is fastest among all.Which should i opt for downloads
  • 10 months ago
alwaysther by alwaysth...
Member since:
January 05, 2009
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138 (Level 1)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

It all depends on what internet connection u r using.

Generally for offices its "T3 or higher"
and for houses it would be "cable/DSL"(this is for when u r using modem at ur house)
  • 10 months ago
Asker's Rating:
5 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
thanks.that was clear.

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Other Answers (5)

  • VicSage by VicSage
    Member since:
    September 12, 2008
    Total points:
    421 (Level 2)
    DSL (though this depends, can be faster than T1) < T1 < Cable < T3.

    Contrary to what user "good" said, schools, particularly universities, do NOT use T-Carrier and instead use OC (Optical Carrier). My university used to use partial OC-3 but I believe they now use partial OC-12.

    If you have the money, you should go for T3 as more bandwidth = faster = more optimal for downloads. Your ISP, however, may shape traffic or have other methods of preventing/slowing illegal downloading, if that's what you were thinking, so you should check the below link for a list.


    • 10 months ago
  • zypher1083 by zypher10...
    Member since:
    December 01, 2006
    Total points:
    649 (Level 2)
    Well, this question is not quite as cut and dry as it used to be. First T lines and cable/dsl are completely different beasts. You also need to take into account a few variables. Really it depends on what you are doing with them.

    I'll start with Cable/DSL.
    These are more consumer oriented services. They are asynchronous internet connections - what this means is that your download speed is not the same as your upload speed. for cable I have seen speeds in the ranges of:
    3 Mbps down 512 Kbps up all the way to 20 Mbps down 1 Mbps up.
    With dsl i've seen:
    768 Kbps down 128 Kbps up
    all the way to 15 Mbps down 5 Mbps up

    If you are doing alot of uploading while you are downloading (with things like bittorrent) you will see a slower download speed because the ACK packets have a harder time getting out to get the next packet from the server.

    These tend to be much cheaper, with no SLAs and are more oriented toward consumers.

    T lines T1,T3 are synchronous lines which means that they can upload just as fast as they can download. These are normally used in business settings where upload is just as important as download due to hosting your own mail, websites, vpn, etc.

    T lines also have an SLC and are generally more reliable. But at the same time Vastly more expensive. A T1 is about 400$/mo T3 lines can run you from 5-8K/mo

    T1 lines are 1.5Mbps each, and T3 lines are 43Mbps. A T3 is 28 T1s bundled together.

    You can also Multilink up to 4 T1 lines for a max of 6Mbps.

    so when comparing them all depending on what is available in your area it would be

    Cable or DSL then T1 then T3
    • 10 months ago
  • Dexter V by Dexter V
    Member since:
    January 01, 2009
    Total points:
    166 (Level 1)
    DSL (though this depends, can be faster than T1) < T1 < Cable < T3.

    Contrary to what user "good" said, schools, particularly universities, do NOT use T-Carrier and instead use OC (Optical Carrier). My university used to use partial OC-3 but I believe they now use partial OC-12.

    If you have the money, you should go for T3 as more bandwidth = faster = more optimal for downloads. Your ISP, however, may shape traffic or have other methods of preventing/slowing illegal downloading, if that's what you were thinking, so you should check the below link for a list.
    • 10 months ago
  • John S by John S
    Member since:
    June 08, 2008
    Total points:
    1076 (Level 3)
    T3 is fastest at 44,736 Kbs
    T1 is 1,544Kbs
    Cable is up to 1,000 Kbs

    IDSN is 144 Kbps
    I perfer IDSN it's cheap

    but many people don't buy land lines any more opting for cable instead.


    • 10 months ago
  • good by good
    Member since:
    February 08, 2007
    Total points:
    88 (Level 1)
    ALL T's
    they are used for big networks such as school, companies
    • 10 months ago

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