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§ 4 - Industrial Processes in Space For Converting Lunar and Asteroidal Materials into Useful Products

Note: Many of the sections below focus on producing useful things from lunar materials rather than asteroidal materials because we know more about the Moon, mainly from the samples returned from the Apollo missions, and it has traditionally been much easier to get funding for studies to use lunar materials. However, most of these processes would apply to asteroidal material as well. (Some of the following applies mainly to asteroidal material.)

The focus of this chapter is the Space Manufacturing Facility (SMF).

Table of Contents:

§ 4.1 The space environment -- advantages and disadvantages

§ 4.2 Separating elements and minerals by simple methods

§ 4.3 Construction materials from minimally processed bulk lunar and asteroidal soils

§ 4.4 Separating elements and/or oxides from minerals or bulk material

§ 4.5 Producing high temperature refractories

§ 4.6 Waste disposal

§ 4.7 Manufacturing overview

§ 4.8 Automation and teleoperation (robotics)

§ 4.9 Bootstrapping

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