- #fakenumber
- Follow FridayPeople tweet suggested users to follow on Friday.
- Modern Warfare 2The sequel to Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out Nov. 10 for 360, PS3, and Windows.
- Google WaveEvery one still wants invites to the beta for Google's new communication/collaboration tool.
- #aRealWife
- #youknowyouruglyifPeople are tweeting situations that alert you to the fact that people may find you unattractive.
- #tommcflyontwitcam
- New MoonNew Moon, the next Twilight movie, will be out in theaters Nov. 20. Fans can't wait.
- #stevens
- MW2Short for Modern Warfare 2. The sequel to Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out Nov. 10 for 360, PS3, and Windows.
- #youknowyouruglyifPeople are tweeting situations that alert you to the fact that people may find you unattractive.
- Google WaveEvery one still wants invites to the beta for Google's new communication/collaboration tool.
- Modern Warfare 2The sequel to Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out Nov. 10 for 360, PS3, and Windows.
- #ARealWifePeople are tweeting what they believe constitutes a good wife.
- Follow FridayPeople tweet suggested users to follow on Friday.
- TGIFThank God It's Friday. People are tweeting how happy their are it's the weekend.
- #donttrytohollaPeople are tweeting reasons why others shouldn't "try to holla" at them.
- New MoonNew Moon, the next Twilight movie, will be out in theaters Nov. 20. Fans can't wait.
- MW2Short for Modern Warfare 2. The sequel to Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out Nov. 10 for 360, PS3, and Windows.
- #wecoolandallbutPeople are tweeting things that annoy them about their friends.
- #05starbarbie
- NASAThey are sending the Ares I-X rocket for a test flight this morning (Oct. 27, 2009), assuming conditions are adequate.
- Google WaveEvery one still wants invites to the beta for Google's new communication/collaboration tool.
- Modern Warfare 2The sequel to Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out Nov. 10 for 360, PS3, and Windows.
- Jedward
- Fort HoodGunmen opened fire inside Fort Hood in Texas Nov. 5, killing as many as 13 and wounding numerous others.
- #rihannasforehead
- #bestfeelingPeople are tweeting things that make them feel great!
- #MusicMondayA meme for tweeting what you're listening to each Monday.
- #worstfeelingPeople are tweeting things that make them feel horrible!
- #wecoolandallbutPeople are tweeting things that annoy them about their friends.
- #donttrytohollaPeople are tweeting reasons why others shouldn't "try to holla" at them.
- #celebrityperfumesPeople are making jokes about celebrities by saying what perfumes would come out under their name.
- #UnFollowMePeople are tweeting the types of people they would rather not be followed by.