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Guns N' Roses Videos
nolifish さんのチャンネル
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Guns N' Roses - There Was A Time (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - IRS (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Better (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Mr. Brownstone (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - It's So Easy (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle (Madrid 06)
Guns N' Roses - Paradise City (Lisboa 06)
Guns N' Roses - Night Train (Lisboa 06)
Guns N' Roses performing live.
Recently Uploaded: Live in Lisboa 06
Coming Soon: Madrid 2006
nolifish さんが新しい動画をアップロードしました (1週前)
Guns N' Roses live in Madrid ,May 25, 2006
nolifish さんが新しい動画をアップロードしました (1週前)
A rare live performance of 'There Was A Time' - Madrid, May 25, 2006
nolifish さんが新しい動画をアップロードしました (1週前)
Guns N' Roses live in Madrid ,May 25, 2006
nolifish さんが新しい動画をアップロードしました (1週前)
Guns N' Roses live in Madrid ,May 25, 2006
nolifish さんが新しい動画をアップロードしました (1週前)
Guns N' Roses live in Madrid ,May 25, 2006
チャンネルのコメント (8)
pinkpanther446 (2 時間前)
Did you film this concert yourself ? I hear music that I haven't heard from other vids ! Thanks man !
Zmurrz (1日前)
Great GN'R vids. The LA show is the best fan shot I have seen from Guns. Do you have this on DVD?? Would love to get my hands on that. Thanks
Nicc069 (5 日前)
great channel man!!! very good works! I just embedded the whole LA concert in the article I made on my fansite... thank you!
lorinczge (2 週前)
very thank you for the Rock Am Ring Guns n Roses concert!
Estranged9 (2 週前)
Great Page MAN!!!!!! thanks for the vids
arienafer (2 週前)
vraiment geniale ta chaine gars = )
TheGlow101 (1月前)
Great channel for Nu-GnR fans !
chacallanxuero (2 か月前)
awesome channel men!!!!