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Shock! New types of influenza found in Ukraine. 85 cases of swine influenza (updated at 05:47 pm)
Shock! New types of influenza found in Ukraine. 85 cases of swine influenza (updated at 05:47 pm)

Besides swine influenza, AN3N2, AN2N2 and group B have been found in the territory of Ukraine. In particular, at present at least 8 different viruses are circulating in the territory of Bukovyna. Such conclusions are made by experts of regional sanitary epidemiological stations following the results of almost 6,000 studies on the identification of acute respiratory viral infections, said the chief state sanitary doctor of the Chernivtsi Region Oleksandr Svitlichny on November 11 at the briefing.

According to him, all the acute respiratory viral infections, which are currently circulating in the territory of Bukovina, are treated. However, due to the fact that they collided, clinical disease and the tactics of his treatment change. Therefore, a doctor needs to know exactly which virus is detected in the patient.

Among the viruses that are registered in Bukovina, Oleksander Svitlychny told about AH3N2, AH2N2, AH1N1, a large group of influenza B, parainfluenza viruses of three types, reports proUA.com.

Ministry of Health notes the lack of vaccines against seasonal types of influenza and influenza A (H1N1) in the world, the first deputy chief sanitary doctor Ludmyla Muharska told about it in the air of TVi IV channel on November 11.

She noted that the Ministry of Health asked the World Health Organization with a request to reserve the vaccine for Ukraine. Also Ludmyla Muharska stressed that during the epidemic there is a definite strategy for vaccination of the population.

"When the active epidemic has begun, population does not need mass vaccination, and it is absolutely correct opinion, and we support it," - she said and added that the vaccination of risk groups with a purpose to have to individual protection or closed groups is necessary, Ukrainian News reported.

As a reminder, experts believe vaccination against influenza A (H1N1) is possible during the epidemic.

Ministry of Health has confirmed 213 deaths of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections as of November 11 in 21 Regions, Kyiv and Crimea, Health Ministry states. Out of 213 deaths 24 fatal cases are recorded over the past day, Ukrainian News reported.

Since October 29 81 cases of death has been recorded in the Lviv Region, 30 - in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 22 - in the Chernivtsi Region, 20 - in the Ternopil Region, 8 – in the Kyiv and Khmelnitsky Regions, and 7 - in the Rivne and Volyn Regions, 6 - in Kyiv, 4 - in the Vinnytsa Region, 3 - in the Donetsk Region, 2 - in the Transcarpathian, Zaporozhye, Poltava, Kharkiv and Chernihiv Regions, and 1 - in Crimea, Odessa, Kherson, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Mykolayiv and Sumy Regions.

In general, since October 29, 1 mn 192,481 people have become sick with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Since the beginning of the epidemic 62,462 people have been hospitalized, 25,968 people have been released. In Kyiv 83,243 people ill with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are recorded.

05:46 p.m. 85 cases of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 are confirmed in Ukraine, including 16 – fatal one. This was reported by chief doctor of the Central sanitary-epidemiological station Lyubov Nekrasova at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.

"According to the preliminary conclusion, we can assume that today this type of virus (A/H1N1 - editor.) prevails in the country, and most of all the diseases are caused by this same type of virus. But now other types of viruses are circulating - a seasonal influenza and respiratory viruses" , - she added.

Lyubov Nekrasova reported that since the beginning of the epidemic 533 samples had been taken, out of them 108 specimens were analyzed and pandemic influenza A/H1N1 is confirmed in 85 cases.

She also noted that currently there is no need to conduct research on each case of disease, because the cost of a study is Hr 220.

In addition, Lyubov Nekrasova stressed that the spread of the virus occurs so rapidly that it is necessary need to define a certain number of studies for the objective analysis, which would confirm indeed the majority of cases among men is a pandemic of influenza A/H1N1. These studies should be done in order to understand how to act when the next wave of the epidemic will appear, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

Lyubov Nekrasova also said that the central laboratory conducts up to 50-60 researches daily. "According to these data, we can say that up to 85 percents of all positive results is influenza A/H1N1," - she said.

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