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Microsoft Search (formerly

Did Microsoft just learn how to handle 301s?
Major, and very positive improvements if so

 7:23 am on Oct. 30, 2009 (utc 0)

MSN/Bing appears to have finally figured out how to follow 301 redirects, discarding the old URL and indexing/not-penalizing the destination URLs.

This has lead to a lot more URLs from older authority domains coming into the index, and a pretty huge improvement in Bing's results, including ranking the best pages for a domain for a query instead of second and third choices.

If this continues I see it as a fix of one of the two main weaknesses of Bing compared to google (with the other being a smaller index of obscure stuff).

Finally, some very significant positive news from Bing... unless it all reverts again one of these days and all these 301 destination pages disappear again.


 4:50 pm on Oct. 30, 2009 (utc 0)

Major Improvement? Not for me maybe.

About six months ago removed 301 redirects non-www to www from all of my websites after being dropped almost completely out of Yahoo! index. Now both SE's index new pages almost instantly.
BTW Y! most definately prefers non-www.

Not only did Live/Bing referrals skyrocket, Yahoo! did as well.
Go figure. Easiest SEO trick for those two out there(in my case).

Also did some experimenting with 302 redirects with very good results.


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