The site was a little sluggish on first release, which we anticipated, so we’ve been monitoring usage carefully. Whenever some ugly code rears its head, we lop it off.
Yesterday we pushed out a bunch of changes that massively increased performance, and we just did a few tweaks now that should also help. The site and the new learning app should be zipping along now quite nicely.
With the latest update we just pushed out, the problem of goal comments being truncated has also been fixed, so you can see all comments again. Expect a bunch of other enhancements and tweaks to be rolled out on a daily basis. The team has been running like a train on red bull, but we’re not slowing down yet. There’s still a few more hours before a well-needed weekend of rest…
Good job guys, I have been noticing the speed increases, notably in the item creator. Now I’m looking forward to the functionality improvements in the item creator.