Nation Brands Index

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Try out this interactive version of the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index™ yourself!

Quote Mark what DO the Egyptians think about the Danes? Quote Mark
Here's your chance to find out what our panel of over 20,000 ordinary people in 20 different countries really think about other countries: the people, the products, the governments, the culture, the education, the tourist attractions and the lifestyle.

The full Anholt-Gfk Roper Nation Brands Index™ gives far more detail than this online version, of course: you can find the answers to dozens of specific questions in each of the six areas of national image featured below; you can select people by age, income, education, gender, region or religion; you can follow trends over time, and much more besides. To find out more about the full Index, go to the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index tab.

Try looking up what people think about their own countries too: that gives some fascinating results!

The only country where we can't collect data on this is in China, but we do have their views on the other 49 countries in the Index.

01: People
How highly do people in…
Rank the people in…
Result >
02: Products
How highly do people in…
Rank products from…
Result >
03: Governance
How highly do people in…
Rank the government of…
Result >
04: Tourism
How highly do people in…
Rank a holiday in…
Result >
05: Culture
How highly do people in…
Rank the culture of…
Result >
06: Immigration and Investment
How highly do people in…
Rank immigrating to…
Result >
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