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Paranormal Activity Rises To Become Tops At Box Office view!
time.com - TIME chronicles the weekend box office and how “Paranormal continued its preternatural rise.”
- WraTH017, on 10/22/2009, -6/+935I'm guessing that big hole in the wall didn't help things either.
- Thrustmaster, on 10/23/2009, -2/+547There is nothing worse than a cold toilet seat in the morning!
- anexanhume, on 10/22/2009, -2/+484Yeah, you better close it. You're going to let the cold out.
- Xaevier, on 10/23/2009, -7/+338Looks like your average Russian bathroom.
Whats the problem? - tokiman, on 10/23/2009, -1/+210Peeing on the toilet seat just might help.
- yellowfish04, on 10/23/2009, -3/+205or, as we call this in North Dakota, Friday morning
- RudeTurnip, on 10/23/2009, -2/+183Be a gentleman and let the wife go first. Problem solved.
- BossKey, on 10/23/2009, -1/+116Icy what you did there
- FormerBabby, on 10/23/2009, -1/+95Some theme restaurants work out better than others.
- bossm4n, on 10/23/2009, -1/+94At least you remembered to put the toilet seat down though. I'm sure THAT made the wife happy.
- alan617, on 10/23/2009, -7/+92"Ice to see you!"
- zosoIV, on 10/23/2009, -4/+88FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: RE: DOES YOUR BATHROOM LOOK LIKE THIS?!?!
- lunacraz, on 10/23/2009, -0/+67am i the only one who is thinking "what the ***** am i looking at?"
not only is there a gaping hole in the wall that seems to be caused by a mortar attack, apparently the bathtub is a freaking ice prison cell. - surfergirlsc, on 10/23/2009, -1/+56heh, I thought it was a mirror.
- StueyPidass, on 10/23/2009, -1/+53i dont like ass-warmed toilet seat either
- koolox, on 10/23/2009, -0/+49Frozen toilet paper might be worse.
- fredtehcat, on 10/23/2009, -2/+37Do you keep a potato masher in the shower to help it down the drain?
- Madcow17, on 10/23/2009, -3/+37wtf?
- gizram84, on 10/23/2009, -18/+52In Soviet Russia, bathroom goes on you!
- kilroyy, on 10/23/2009, -0/+33That's what I told her.
- veriix, on 10/23/2009, -1/+34No, there's a large hole in the wall, like this pic:
http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2079/dailypicdump ... - Parastie, on 10/23/2009, -2/+34I think the person who took this picture would beg to differ.
- nichiplechle, on 10/23/2009, -3/+34your sense of humor sucks
- valetudomexican, on 10/23/2009, -0/+30I used to take pics of foreclosed houses in Michigan. This type of thing happen a lot.
- stonebear, on 10/23/2009, -0/+30Now if only she weren't so frigid...
- Tkuebrich, on 10/23/2009, -0/+30Did a pipe burst due to cold weather and freeze everything? Like this garage:
http://www.garagedesignsource.com/sitebuilder/imag ... - JessterKing, on 10/23/2009, -1/+28I didn't see the hole at first
- barrimon, on 10/23/2009, -4/+30that comment makes you both scientific and a dumbass
- bravo1995, on 10/23/2009, -2/+25More accurate link re: your joke:
http://www.pacdudegames.com/fail/ - Stuart750, on 10/23/2009, -2/+25Agreed. I would rather not be reminded that someone else recently used the toilet.
- toxicityj, on 10/23/2009, -1/+23Frost-a-la-vista.
- greenlight2001, on 10/23/2009, -10/+28I just ***** in the shower. Problem solved.
- jpartridge, on 10/23/2009, -1/+18I know 'lol' has to be the most overused phase in netspeak. That being said, I actually laughed out loud at the potato masher visual.
I award you one digg! - TheMeatball, on 10/23/2009, -0/+16Those flowers seems to be doing alright.
- fabriciom, on 10/23/2009, -1/+14A mirror to hell?
- JiGMeister, on 10/23/2009, -1/+13In soviet Russia, this statement make sense.
- DLit, on 10/23/2009, -14/+26Might wanna fix that crack in the wall as well
- ayeroxor, on 10/23/2009, -1/+13In Soviet Russia, it does YOU wrong.
- padd0016, on 10/23/2009, -1/+12Cool party.
- Skurt, on 10/23/2009, -0/+11There's one on the wall in the picture, it's to the left.
- versualize, on 10/23/2009, -1/+11Let's kick some ice!
- postitnote, on 10/23/2009, -1/+11Good place to chill.
- Vodd9, on 10/24/2009, -0/+10Sorry for the confusion. I won't fap again in my bathroom.
- barf314, on 10/23/2009, -0/+9I hope you enjoy sanitizing the frozen wall you will be forced to touch in your inferior toilet paper retrieval method.
- danr2c2, on 10/23/2009, -0/+9Is it too hard to link to the original story behind the photo? Seriously.
- charlietuna, on 10/23/2009, -0/+9@anaclagon
No, it only needs a touch up. Why waste money on an entire sheet of drywall when there are people who are deprived of a sardonic sense of humor. - asnider, on 10/23/2009, -0/+9It looks like the back deck, to me, rather than another room. It's hard to tell for sure, though.
- alexlafreniere, on 10/23/2009, -0/+9I would go on a murderous rampage if my classic Porsche became encased in ice.
- charlietuna, on 10/23/2009, -0/+8I'd like to buy 800 eight ounce cans of spackle please.
- EastBury, on 10/23/2009, -0/+8For all of yous saying it's cold at such and such temperature for x-amount of weeks. Come to Alaska!
More specifically, Norton Sound region of Alaska. Longest cold period I've experienced was for two and a half months, never rose above -40, and the coldest it dipped to was -82. -
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