
Michael:  Martyr or Magician?

Better known as, “Dead Men Don’t Tell Tales.”

By: Rhiannon | MJHD Forum Moderator

Four months nearly have passed since the world lost sight of Michael Jackson.  Yes, society’s own prodigal son.  We “knew” him without knowing him, we loved him and he loved us more.  And randomly out of nowhere he made a quiet exit, curtains clanged shut and the house lights came on.  As we all struggled to adjust our vision in the days and weeks in the immediate aftermath of June 25th two divisive groups emerged.

Picture 2The first of these, although timid of their own sanity, were the group who just didn’t buy what they were being told.  They watched, they observed, they dug a little deeper into the mystery.

The second came along after.  Their thoughts were around before, but they didn’t coagulate into a solid group until recently.  They watched the beforehand, observed the beforehand, but had no mystery into which to plant even the shallowest of spades.

I am, of course, referring to the now two vocal groups of individuals seeking both “truth” and “justice” for Michael today; hoaxers and the murder conspiracy theorists.  Between the two a sudden power struggle has inexplicably erupted, as one side seems to can’t see the other’s viewpoint to save their life (no pun intended).  To be fair, the inconsistencies between both theories justify their own possibility.  I’ve used this example before, and for equality I will apply it again here, as far as Michael Jackson and his “death” are concerned, we exist in a quantum reality.   Example: I set a box on a table in front of you.  If the box is marked “HAT” then you might logically assume that there is a hat inside the box.  But in a quantum reality at the present moment in time there is a hat in the box, and there is also no hat in the box.  Each possibility is true until one crosses into the plane of our reality, which is to say; until you open the box both must be assumed to be true and untrue.

Which is basically a fancy way of saying, until Michael shows back up or enough time and events pass to prove he’s not showing back up, we must imagine that both are true.  That said; don’t allow discouraging thoughts to worry your pretty little heads.  We’re going to employ the old grade school problem-solving method of compare/contrast to weed our way to the most likely result.


There are as many stories for Michael’s health in 2009 as there are stars in the sky.  Multiple visits to doctors’ offices, rumors of cancer, rumors of lung disease, rumors… rumors.  One side claims they watched him slowly go downhill to 108 pounds (an awful exact guesstimate if I might observe) as he only seemed to become worse and weaker.  However, judging from what we’ve seen thus far (that we can confirm thus far is actually Michael) he is alarmingly thinner than he has been in years.  Since the last time he performed I’d say.  As we age, our lean muscle mass declines as humans become more sedentary as they age.  How many ripped 80 year-olds do you see?  Not many.  So if we just assume Michael knew what he was doing and following his normal rehearsal habit, he dropped his usual pre-tour weight but without the lean muscle from his 30s, we would be apt to assume something sinuous might be going on.  While I say he is thinner, I do think he was healthy.  Any busy parent or workaholic who forgets to eat, will know exactly what I mean.  So since there is no conclusive proof that Michael was in ill health, we must by logic assume he was in good health for a man his age.

Advantage: Hoax


Continuing on from the same line of thought I had previously, if you are one of those workaholics and you also battle with insomnia, you’ll know why many people might’ve assumed he was being drugged.  I can prove this (not that you know me) from my own life experience.  I totally am on the same creative biorhythm as Michael.  I have my best ideas and most productive inspirations between midnight and 6am, with a huge burst of it usually around daybreak.  This wasn’t a problem when I worked as a radio DJ on the graveyard and morning shows as I could skew my day around my natural stasis.  Now that I’m a member of the Monday – Friday workforce professionals, I still haven’t changed and stay up all night long at least once per week, I’m awake until 2 or 3am on work nights unless my body gives out from exhaustion.  And the weekends?  Let’s just say I rarely see sunlight.  The days after the nights without sleep are rough.  Though I feel that I am peaking creatively and mentally, I often come across as erratic, hyper, goofy, and drugged up.  I’ve even been asked a time or two what I was on, and if I could share!  Sleep deprivation is actually considered DUI in some American states, because it’s effects on a person are the same as being intoxicated from alcohol or substance.

While Michael has admittedly fought vices in the past, I will go out on a limb for him and say I see no such thing out of him this year.  What I see is an overtired genius at his creative peak pushing himself to some unfathomable (to us) goal, while also being a single father to three children, and dealing with every other thing life was throwing at him.  And frankly, he did it with more grace than most anyone could muster.  And to say he had relapsed into his addiction is to turn a blind eye to the sober and lucid determination and drive he clearly demonstrated.

Advantage: Hoax

Doctor Murray

To the conspiracy theorists, he’s the fall guy for murder.  Murder by contract.  Sent in by the execs that were after Michael’s fortunes.  However, multiple people from label, AEG, and family have stated Michael knew Murray before hand and hired him specifically himself.  But that could just be their “spin” on it to “clear them of wrongdoing”.  Unfortunate for the hoax theory this would also explain why we haven’t seen nor heard a word out of him from day one.

So here’s the hole in that.  Murray’s newest lawyer for his baby-mamma drama is a mere back alley no name from Vegas.  His email address links back to a yahoo account.  Doesn’t sound like these ill-conspiring executives really care for keeping their scapegoat well defended, do they?   That wouldn’t make sense for a murder conspiracy.  You’d expect him to somehow magically be represented by some of the best legal teams around.  I mean, if he’s “innocent”, after all.  Which if a corporation is powerful enough to bring down a man like Michael they can be powerful enough to buy their own trial.  However, no one has stepped up to spin the story in the direction of Murray’s innocence.  Not a one person from any camp has fessed up to actually having known and met Murray except for Jermaine.

In this case, I still must request he be proven to exist before I can buy that he’s a murderer.  Propofol might kill people, but fictitious doctors do NOT.

Advantage: Draw.

He Was Worth More Dead Than Alive

This is a ridiculous statement.  Any adult carrying a life insurance policy is worth more dead than alive.  I can understand the complex intricacies of Michael’s situation and the many many nefarious hoodlums and hangers-on that flocked to him like moths to a flame (burned by the fire… sorry, Janet moment) would certainly give ample room to motive for such a twisted scheme to have actual credibility.  But how credible?  Michael had been in the business for forty-five (count ‘em) years.  I imagine if someone were going to off him for personal or professional or monetary gain, they’d have done so long ago.  And if it were some devilish plot from unnamed Walter Yetnikoff wannabes, they’d have timed it much better than three weeks before his concert were to start.  To suggest he was killed by a plot, suggests there was also a plot to kill him.  Which would denote that his death would have been planned and organized down to the detail for biggest impact and biggest shock value.  Knowing rock & roll tragedy as well as I do, the night after his first performance would have not only been more heartbreaking, but way more untimely, and tragic.  And believe it or not, would have sold far more merchandise as now they could also market the “final show”.  Not have to patch one together from rehearsal footage.  It is by logic of knowing that the chain of events doesn’t feed into a money making scheme as what could have been, I must then conclude that logically there was no conspiracy to kill him by Sony, AEG, or anyone.  Unless of course, there really was, and Michael found out.  Then he took this knowledge and planned his escape before they could get him.  Plus, who out there actually believes Kenny Ortega could be an accessory to murder?  Because that’s what these conspiracies inadvertently suggest.

Advantage: Inconclusive, most likely hoax.

Hoax – 2, Conspiracy – 0, Tie – 2.

Time has left us with two options going forward.  Murder, or a mystery.  The one thing we don’t know is who is the man behind the curtain?  Is he back there pulling ropes and pouring more liquid hydrogen in the fog machine?  Is he setting up the mirrors for the next phase?  Or is there even a man behind the curtain anymore at all?

This is where the subtitle helps, dead men don’t tell tales.  That might be some old cliché.  But, clichés are clichés because they are the constant things that have stood the test of time.  In observing the continually unfolding storyline (and it’s such a well crafted one) we have the literal interpretation of a dead man telling a tale.

…But dead men don’t tell tales.

This must mean there’s no dead man.


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What’s in a Name? The MJHD Admin Conspiracy continues…

Hi there everyone – it seems the time has come once again when the spotlight has turned from Michael Jackson and the Hoax Death discussion and has been brought back to myself, MJHD Admin. I would like to say a big hello to all of our MJHD Admin ‘Haters’ who are having a wonderful time at the moment on their Forums and Blogs – taking a ‘so-called’ constructive look at me personally and at this site as usual.

I feel the need has arisen to address a few issues and pose a few questions of my own. I realise that I had two options regarding this situation – to either ignore all of you ‘Haters’ or address you. In my decision of writing this post to you, I realise that my words and entire post will be under your scrutiny. You will most likely copy it word for word into your little Forums and onto your Blogs, make snide remarks about me, laugh, joke and be as rude as possible – however I no longer have the patience to ignore you, but at the same time, I don’t really care what you have to say either.

You may be curious as to what I’m about to say though. Firstly, I would like to remind you that the more you speculate and try to ‘dig’ into my personal identity and personal life – the more wrong you are.

You continue to look into the identity of the name ‘Amy Sampson’, merely because it appears on the IP Lookup information available freely on the internet. Had it ever occurred to you that this might not be the only name of it’s kind?

You continue to look into this name – and you’re all convinced that any and all information you find about ‘Amy Sampson’ is the same person. It has obviously never occurred to you that there is more than one person of that name in Australia, USA and the World –in fact I would go so far as to say that there are hundreds.

If you do a Google Image search on this name – there are many pictures of different women, however all of you ridiculous ‘Haters’ still choose to believe there is one person of this name and that’s that.

You have done some digging as you call it and it has brought you to a Blog or two. These Blogs tell you exactly what you want to hear about this person and this name so you believe every word. You have found out – because someone told you so – that a person named Amy Sampson is the Admin of this site and that she is also the Admin of other sites. It has never occurred to you that it’s not the same person because that is not what you want to hear.

I feel sorry for you. It has obviously never occurred to you ‘Haters’ that you should be ashamed of yourselves. All of you, who contribute to your little Blogs and Forums have your screen names. No one knows your real first name – let alone full name. No one has slandered your name or has said nasty untrue things about you, and I’m sure if you were honest with yourself, if someone (or many people) were doing this to you, you would feel deeply hurt and angered.

But the sad truth is, you don’t even stop to think that what you’re doing could be hurting someone’s feelings. All you want is to make yourself feel good, by bringing someone down, slandering them and embellishing untrue rumours about them.

And the even sadder thing is the reason why you’re doing this…because the person with this name decided to create a website, devote many hours to it’s creation and upkeep, spend money on it,  put a Forum on it and continue to work on it for hours each day. You are sadly justifying to yourselves that because the Admin of MJHD has put this site on the web, that it’s OK to bad mouth her and talk about her in a degrading and nasty way.

You have decided that because MJHD Admin closed down the Forum when people were digging into her personal identity previously, that it must mean that she was guilty of what they accused her of.

Had it not ever occurred to you that if you were in the position of MJHD Admin – to find that some of your own members had posted multiple links to a website with mountains of information about her so-called identity along with mountains of UNTRUE information, of a very degrading and rude nature that you would have shut down your Forum also? Had it not occurred to you that MJHD Admin did not want this kind of Untrue CRAP all over her own Forum and realised the only way she could stop being degraded and slandered on her own website was to close access to the Forum for a few days?

No, of course you haven’t thought of that. Why? Because to you, ‘Amy Sampson’ is just a name -10 letters on a page. To you this is not an identity or a real person.

Wake Up. Do yourselves a favour and find something else to bitch about. You are all wrong and just making yourselves look even more ridiculous, the more you carry on and on about MJHD Admin.

With what you are doing, there are only two possible outcomes….for MJHD to be shutdown completely and to cease to exist or for it to get bigger, better and stronger.

I assure you, it’s not going to be shutdown.

Good news travels fast – but bad news travels even faster.

I want to thank all of you for making this site even bigger and for giving it so much more exposure. The more you carry on about MJHD Admin and the site itself, the more exposure the Hoax and this site is getting, so you’re essentially making my job that much easier.

You are, however, at the same time, making yourselves look like complete idiots.

Such a shame.

For those of you who are curious about MJHD Admin and want to know about her please visit this site: www.amysampson.com.au

Tweet This Post #amy_sampson

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Michael Jackson could still be Alive…

This video was created by PianoGames on Youtube and it raises some interesting questions about Michael Jackson’s known impersonators and Dr. Conrad Murray. The video takes a constructive look at some of the many evidences that are still apparent nearly 4 months after the King of Pop ‘died’.

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Viral Marketing in Relation to the Hoax: No News is Bad News, Bad News is Good News.

(And: How to Get Away With Fake Murder)
By: Rhiannon | MJHD Forum Moderator

this_is_it_movie_poster_michael_jacksonNow, we know in March of 2009 Michael Jackson announced his upcoming residency at London’s O2 arena.  This was an idea pitched to him initially by AEG in 2007, wanting him to kick off the “Grand Opening” of the O2.  At this time Michael had still been living like a vagabond, and after little consideration he turned down the offer.  His counter offer to Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega was he would rather make movies.  Movies that he “produced, directed, and starred in”… shows “like the world has never seen”.  AEG, not in the market for filmmaking respectfully declined the offer and found a more than eager to oblige Prince to fill the opening dates.

Michael had long been in a self-fueled competition with Prince ever since the “Purple Rain” singer refused to record with him on the “Bad” album.  Michael is the type of person who always feels that he has to one-up himself, and one-up the world in the process.

Through whatever means, Michael re-approached AEG in November of 2008 again with his movie ideas.  What happened next is anybody’s guess.  This only brings us to March, the 10 shows turned 50, and the ensuing media silence that followed.

The shows were set to begin in early July then pushed back a week.  Taking in things as they were on June 24th, assuming the shows were legitimate and had every intention of actually happening, where was the pre-push?

Michael was set to take the stage in London in mere weeks for his “final performances” there.  This is some pretty big news, right?  We hear now that he had recorded a single entitled “This Is It”… why wasn’t this released to promote these shows?  From a traditional standpoint there was absolutely no marketing or advertising going on for the O2 shows, at all!  We know MJ wasn’t one to grant loads of TV interviews, but he was definitely a marketing genius (remember the statue floating down the Thames?) only here on the cusp of his career comeback and professional vindication… there is NOTHING?!  TV he may have stayed shy from, but he did do magazines, he always seemed to have some kind of “making-of” or “preview” leaked before whatever his next big thing was… but for This Is It we saw nothing.

Or did we?  …Hang on.

So now, we find ourselves in the present, less than a month away from the opening of the rapidly produced “Michael Jackson’s This Is It” in theaters worldwide.  And what do we have now?  There are a few radio spots, a random TV commercial, you may have even seen a banner or poster.  This is all totally normal for a movie.  Nothing to see here.  Right?

Wrong.  In promoting a film of this magnitude (let’s just say this will be the movie everyone remembers from 2009… unless you live under a rock) it would be especially commonplace to have a media circuit push in effect.  At this point, it would be the final push.

What you should see is Kenny Ortega, some of the dancers, anyone associated with the film promoting it by going on Letterman, Today, GMA, and giving quick 5-minute sit downs about the movie.  And trust me folks, it’s not like they’ve not been contacted to do these.  So why in the world would they turn down free publicity?  Why don’t they want to talk about Michael’s vision and L.O.V.E., etc?  Are they hiding something?

Meanwhile, the internet is hot with people talking, “buzz-bombing” is a term used sometimes for people planted by the company in question to litter sites and networks with information and keep the chatter going.  A common marketing phrase states, “There is no better advertising than word of mouth.”

So, that all said, let’s imagine the “what-ifs”.

The only major media talk surrounding the O2 shows in the weeks before they were set to happen were tethered to how Michael had just tragically and suddenly “passed-away”.  Then, how kindly, AEG volunteered the Staples center out to the Jackson family to have Michael’s public memorial, being as how they still had it rented out for rehearsals.

Wait… rehearsals for the show, on July 7th?  That’s cutting it dangerously close considering Michael had to move to the UK, the set had to be moved, the dancers had to move, and they’re all expecting us to believe this could be done in a week?  What seems more likely is they had a rental agreement still in place for the Staples Center through July 7th because the Memorial was a part of the plan all along.

Remember how Michael came around to AEG in November wanting to do movies?  What’s more foolish to believe, Michael was really going to do 50 shows in London like nothing… or that he said, “Ok, guys, here’s what I want to do… this might sound crazy but I’ve got it all planned out… this is my vision, you will make serious coin, and I get my public vindication and professional dignity restored.”  To say the latter is not possible is to sorely underestimate the genius that IS Michael Jackson.

AEG seeing an opportunity to make money hand over fist and be apart of the largest publicity stunt in history gladly signs on.  Michael then brings back his “dream team”, John Branca, Frank DiLeo, Karen Faye, even Kenny himself was around in the glory days.

The story of his “death” is believable because to the general unassuming public Michael was “odd” and most were aware he had issues dealing with prescription vices on and off for many years.  It’s easy to pin the tail on the donkey, Conrad Murray, because no one… still to this day… is entirely certain who he truly is, if he exists, and what his story is.  And shockingly, over three months have passed and we’re no closer to wrapping up the “investigation” than we were on June 25th.

So, how can this be?  Wouldn’t the officials involved risk professional demise once this is out?  Not necessarily, remember in Los Angeles, it’s not exactly difficult to obtain a filming/location permit or work out an agreement with hospital, coroner, and law enforcement higher-ups.  And to keep it quiet, all you need is one person in charge at each place to delegate information to his employees on a need-to-know basis.  They could be just as in the dark as we are!  Hence why the investigation is so flawed.  Hence why Chief Bratton is retiring in about 4 weeks.  For the hospital and coroner, you’ll notice you still don’t have any conclusive concrete, beyond shadow of a doubt, proof that they have been fraudulent.  In fact, Jermaine made the statement at UCLA, and after the announcement of an autopsy pending and the subsequent “security hold” on the findings, we have nothing official from them either.  All of the news people assume as factual has been leaked from sources “close to” or “involved with” the case.

Meanwhile, none of the insurance policies have been cashed in by Michael’s estate or AEG.  Some people mistakenly thought one had been, when actually all that happened was a judge granting Branca and McClain permission to use funds from the estate to produce TII and give Katherine and the kids some allowance money. And also, nothing official was ever decided about custody of the three kids… again, many people think this is wrong that Katherine was granted permanent and sole custody, but she still only has temporary guardianship.

And until anyone can see the original death certificate with their own eyes, you honestly can’t prove that it is real either.

Point being, with the right amount of money and the proper legal planning (confidentiality, non-disclosures, gag orders, etc.) Michael Jackson hoaxing his death wouldn’t be all that difficult.

Meanwhile, what we have is a two-week engagement in theaters (anyone else find that confusing?), teasers leaked to the public only *after* June 25th: demo clip, rehearsal footage, pictures, now a new single just in time for the movie… that has the entire world watching.  Michael’s catalogue can’t hardly be kept in stock anywhere, and his debts are being cleared a little faster than anyone presumed.  Leaving everyone without a loss on their investments.  So will he come back in the movie?  Before it?  After?  At all?

Well, I mean, they say This Is It, right?  …So if he’s not coming back soon then that can only mean This Is NOT It.  So which is it… Is This It, or Isn’t It?

By the way, has anyone heard from the children recently?  Odd that they were in the house the day their father was potentially “murdered” and they haven’t been interviewed by authorities at all.

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If the release of this Trailer/Movie is proof of anything, it is that Michael Jackson was certainly not sickly or frail in the days/weeks leading up to his death. The energy that is displayed, even just in this Movie Trailer is evidence that the mismatched stories of the people close to him before he died are not to be believed.

The fact that the Movie is only going to be in Cinemas for two weeks is also very suspicious. Is it because a large cash injection is needed in that short time for some specific purpose?

The release of this Movie is also an attribute to the statement ‘Oh Gee, How lucky it was that they used Full HD Recording equipment and Stereo Sound!’  ‘What an amazing coincidence that a mere rehearsal was going to be recorded this way and then just happen to be released as a Movie showing for a limited time of 2 weeks, only 5 months later!’

Coincidence my foot.


The Personal messages to Michael from Members of his family in the Funeral Booklet have sparked some interest. There is the fact that many of the messages are still using the present tense, even after two and a half months.  Then there is our favourite, LaToya: ” Michael I Love you deeply and I can’t wait to see you perform again. KEEP THE MAGIC GOING!!” Michael’s other sister Rebbie also wrote a very interesting message, ” I love you so much and I’m looking forward to the time I’ll see you again on Earth.” (John 5:28-29)

Then there is these following excerpts of the messages, which all appear in the booklet in larger writing than the rest of the message. If you would like to view the messages in their entirety, please  Click Here

“Michael I am sitting here pondering over what to write as my final goodbye to you in print and it had dawned on me that you have generated a wave of unity across this globe. There was so much love at the Staple’s Centre the night of July 7th, 2009. Everyone felt your presence, spirit and love. It was magical, but a lot of things you did were magical.”

“Fly Michael fly and spread love in ways you have never imagine.”

Marlon Jackson

“What is a Brother?”

“I greatly miss his laughter, that angelic voice but most of all I miss his beautiful smile.”

Tito Jackson

“…the world’s greatest entertainer, writer, creator and humanitarian, and above all a great father and a kindhearted human being.”

Jackie Jackson

“It was the innocence and joy that made us sing as the snow was falling.”

Jermaine Jackson

“Your dreams were so incredible that it made the world a much happier place…” “KEEP THE MAGIC GOING!!”

LaToya Jackson

Why was it only these words that were printed in a larger font in the booklet? The messages from Janet, (who refers to herself as ‘Dunk’) and Rebbie did not have any larger font words at all, whereas all the other quotes did. Perhaps there is some kind of message or code here?


The following report was posted online the day after Michael Jackson’s Funeral.

casket“Randy Jackson, youngest brother of Michael has revealed that he is ‘extremely disappointed’ with the amount of media coverage that took place during his private funeral at Forest Lawn in Glendale.

As reported from eOnline, the ceremony was meant to be a private affair, with only family and close friends in attendance. However, there still appeared to be intrusive media presence, due to helicopters circling around above the location.

There was one cameraman there in attendance, but that was with agreement with the Jackson family and limited footage was only captured anyway. Due to the helicopters though, a lot more coverage was shown than intended, much to the disappointment of Randy.

“I was dismayed last night and again today at the coverage I saw on television of our ceremony for Michael.”

That wasn’t all as he asked all media organizations to stop airing footage of the funeral, which was caught on camera from above.”

I cannot understand Randy Jackson’s reasoning in his anger of the Media Coverage. First of all, if the family hadn’t changed the date of Michael Jackson’s funeral 3 times, perhaps there would have been less interest. Changing the date this many times may have just had the media actually ‘wondering’ if the Funeral was going to take place at all.

Secondly, clearly, the Jackson Family obviously allowed the Media to take the footage which we have all seen at the beginning of the funeral, waiting for the guests to arrive. How can you allow this footage, then get upset that the Media have taken more than you wanted?

Of course they are going to circle in helicopters…..it’s the Media!

You can’t expect to tell the Media when, where and at what time a Funeral of the King of Pop is going to take place and not think they are going to ‘get as much coverage as they can’!

This is the same Media that followed Michael Jackson’s Body from the UCLA hospital to the Coroner Office in Helicopters, then the Coroner Van after that. This is the same Media, who’s attention you welcomed with open arms at Michael’s Memorial, and the same Media you have obviously been feeding stories of some description to (or was this LaToya?).

How could you expect now, to give them an inch, and for them not to take a Mile? There has not been a twenty-four hour period since Michael died that a story or scandal has not been reported about him or his death. We have TMZ and ETOnline to thank for this.

The funniest thing about this report is that to make his complaint and ‘disappointement’ known to the world, what does Randy Jackson do? Oh, yes…tell the MEDIA.

What I am starting to think is that the Jackson Family NEED the Media as much as it needs THEM. Without the Media and it’s Footage of MJ’s Funeral, Memorial, Ambulance, Coroner Van, and Body after his ‘death’, how would they have convinced the world that Michael had Died?

It is the MEDIA that is the Jackson Family’s ally here. Someone is feeding TMZ their stories and theories…..


A report has surfaced which includes quotes from Michael Jackson’s brother, Marlon Jackson on the subject of Michael’s funeral set for September 3rd 2009.

Marlon has spoken about letters that Michael’s children Prince, Paris and Blanket have written and will place in his coffin as well as other details of Michael’s funeral, which will be held in the family’s compound at Los Angeles’ Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

He claims Michael will also be buried with his trademark white glove, and has been fitted with a new shoulder-length wig. The star’s face will also be painted with full stage makeup.

Marlon told Britain’s Sunday Mirror newspaper: “This will be a private ceremony. His hairstylist has made his hair special and a make-up artist has gone in and fixed him up so he’s ready for the big day.”

“This will be Michael’s final curtain call – the last show. His shell will be gone but his spirit lives on.”

After the ceremony – which will be attended by just a handful of family members and friends including Aretha Franklin and Diana Ross – Michael’s coffin will be encased in thick concrete to protect it from grave robbers. CCTV cameras and alarms will also protect the body. Michael Jackson’s body has been stored in a refrigerated morgue at the cemetery ever since his death.

~        ~       ~

In view of the above report, I would like to address a few issues. Firstly, the fact that this report was quoted by the same brother, Marlon, who for some strange reason decided to tell a story about how Michael loved to ‘disguise himself all the time’ at the singers Memorial in July.

Secondly, the announcement of the fact that Michael’s ‘hairstylist has made is hair special and a make-up artist has gone in and fixed him up’ is completely odd and somewhat disturbing if you think about it. Michael Jackson, as we know has been ‘dead’ for two months. His ‘body’ has undergone two (possibly more) autopsies, which has included his brain being removed. The report also states that Michael’s body has been stored in a refrigerated morgue at the cemetary. After two months, unfortunately, there is still a vast amount of decomposition, even in refrigeration. (Notice how refrigeration was reported and not ‘deep-freeze’ or ‘cryo’).

Dr. Gregory J. Davis, a professor of pathology at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine who is Kentucky’s state medical examiner, has said by phone “One of the core issues is, the longer you wait, the more the body is going to decompose despite refrigeration”.

The third very disturbing thing I would like to point out with this information is the fact that obviously by having Michael’s hair and makeup done, the family plan to have an open casket at the funeral, or at least they intend that people are going to see the body….again.

So, Michael’s family believe that it’s OK to present a two month old corpse, with a wig and make up, which could be in a fair state of decomposition, which has had the top of the head removed to examine the brain and had two autopsies, to all the family members, children and close friends, but it was not suitable for anyone to see the singer 10 days after he ‘died’ because ‘his face was messed up from the CPR’???

Oh…ok, that makes perfect sense. Um….wait a second, sorry…..actually it doesn’t!

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This video poses some excellent questions in regard to Evidence to suggest that Michael Jackson Hoaxed his death. Exploring topics such as the fact that LA County Coroners use Blue Body Bags with their own Logo printed on it whereas Michael Jackson’s was pure white, breaking down the images within the Helicopter ride and questioning why the door was even open in the first place, as well as one of the most interesting factors surrounding MJ’s death, how on earth the song sung by Jennifer Hudson at his Memorial had the lyrics which are spoken by Michael himself in the middle of the song, differ from ALL original recordings.

Watch, and make up your own mind!

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English speakers please not this video is in German – Please see the transcript notes at the end of this post.

The above video which was recently posted on YouTube is aparently The Making of the Hoax Video of Michael Jackson walking out of the Coroners Van. Only one day after the video was released on YouTube, the German Cable Television station RTL raised their hands, claiming it was they who created it and intended it to be an ‘Experiment’ to see how the Hoax Believers would react to it.

Well firstly, what I’d like to say to RTL is….whatever! If their claims are in fact true then why would you want to ‘test’ conspiracy theorists in their beliefs?

We all know we already believe in the Hoax, and we even call ourselves Hoax Believers…so what? We’ve been called crazy, we’ve been harassed, we even have non-hoax believers come onto this site to try to ‘turn’ us to believe that he has died. We don’t care. We choose to believe Michael Jackson’s death was a Hoax and we don’t harrass anyone who doesn’t share our beliefs about it.

You should be ashamed of yourselves RTL. You claim that your experiment was an attempt to fool the Hoax Believers, but that is not where the damage has been done. The Hoax believers have believed since day one, nothing is going to change that. We have our own websites, our own communities. We do not force our beliefs upon anyone and we certainly don’t broadcast our Hoax stories across the world.

What you have done RTL, is give hope to people who had already accepted the fact that Michael Jackson has died. In the two months since his death, Millions of Michael Jackson fans around the world have had to come to terms with his death (if that’s what they choose believe). The release of this video has given a glimmer of hope and a moment of excitement to these people seeing this video thinking about the possibility that he may be alive.

You pride yourselves on having  700,000 views of this video on the first day, but did you stop to think how many peoples lives and feelings you would be playing with? So many fans around the world who had started to accept the fact that Michael Jackson had died are now going to be back to square one. Their pain, hurt and anger at his death will now resurface because of the release of this Hoax video. Shame on you.

Falling ratings were apparently the reason for making this video and welcoming all of the publicity that has gone with it. Well congratulations RTL, you now have higher ratings…but not for long. If you are in fact the party responsible for making this video as a Hoax, then the world will be so disgusted with what you have done that your ratings are going to fall lower than they were to begin with.

RTL was very quick to claim ownership of this video, as many media reports were latching onto it and starting to report about the possiblity of a Michael Jackson Death Hoax.

There are still many skeptics out there who are even questioning whether RTL are responsible for it, or whether their ‘Making of’ video above is the actual Hoax. Perhaps we will never know. What we do know, however,  is that there is even more hype about a Hoax Death scenario now than there ever was before.

English Transcript for Making of Hoax Video 

Female Narrater:

“We did not expect this quick reaction.

Only some weeks ago some conspiracy theoretists questioned if Michael Jackson

could be alive.

But in fact, everyday we received new evidence about his death.

But what happens when a hoax video shows Michael Jackson after his death?

We did it! You may see this as vulgar, but the truth is we only jumped on the

train full of rumours which already is driving.

Matthias Walter and Robert Keckeis report”


Male Voice:

“If you are Michael Jackson, you’re never gone forever, at least not on the internet.

Because some hours after his death a lot of conspiracy theories were born.

Different videoclips show that Michael Jackson might be alive.

Quotes (from conspiracy believers): “This was not Michael, this was a guy who

only played Michael and lie on litter.”

“Jackson’s ghost in the house is only one of the miraculous experiences all over

the world.”

“Michael Jackson’s death certificate is incomplete and questionable.”


Male Voice:

“By the way, thousands of conspiracy theoretists believed they were seeing that Michael

Jackson’s dead body is moving in the helicopter. The story ends when the dead

body is transported by the coroner’s van.

But thats not the end, because since 48 hours, this video has caused big excitement.”


Male Voice:

“Two days ago aprox. 700,000 users watched the shaky videoclip. Polls say 21 %

think this videoclip is authentic.

But it is not! The videoclip is staged by us. How fast runs a staged video in

the internet?

And what happens when the conspiracy theoretists see this clip? This we want to

find out with our experiment.”


Guiseppe Ruisi (Michael Jackson Double):

“This is a true recording, not a hollywood production, but everybody has to

believe whats happening there. Who that man is, that jumps out of the coroner’s

van, is not clear. But everything seems to point to Michael Jackson.”


Alexander Gernandt (Bravo head editor):

“We do not know a life without Michael Jackson. And suddenly he has gone.  And

lots of people don’t want to accept this and believe in videos, which show that

Michael Jackson might be not dead.”


Male Voice:

“At first we created some stickers for an American van who looks similar to the

American coroner’s van.

After 2 hours the 2 livery-experts finished their work.

Question to one expert:

“Are you pleased with the result?”

Answer expert:

“I am very pleased. I think the result can be shown.”


Male Voice:

“Then the van drives through the city to the filming spot near Duesseldorf


There the van hits the wall.”


“I am not sure, if we can drive through.”

Male Voice:

“We used a borrowed yellow warning light and it looks authentic although our

workers only put it on the car roof.

We do not have the warning lights but some wood from a do-it-yourself-store

helps a lot.

Is that enough for a new conspiracy theory?”


Alexander Gernandt (Bravo head editor):

“A basis for a conspiracy theory can be, if Michael Jackson wanted to break free

and then hoaxed his death. This is a basis.”


“The actor in our short movie is a junior actor.

Our Michael Jackson is only 14 years old.

Our bodyguard is George, a real fan of the King of Pop.”



“I can understand when people think that he is not dead.

They believe it because his music is living.”


“The rumours in the internet develop an independent existence.

And our clip becomes a real news to a lot of people.

The conspiracy theorists try to find out more about our actors as they really


Quotes (conspiracy theoreists):

“You can not come up with something like that so easily. Is that all a part of a

witness protection programme?”

“The person wears the typical Jackson clothes: white shirt, black trousers. And

you clearly see white socks.”


“he is sooooooo alive, i don’t care what they say on tv.”


“There are some hints that our video is staged.

But there are some people who want to believe in an authentic video.

Like the operators of this internet website.

Quote: Now its clear where the coroner’s van has driven. Into the LA coroner’s

underground carpark. There the driver opened car boot and Michael Jackson jumped

out the car very healthy.”


Interviewer Voice: “What if, if i tell you, that RTL has something to do with

this video?”

Operator Girl: “What if then? Then i would congratulate you, because you have

done a really great videoclip.” (smiles)

Interviewer Voice: “RTL staged this video!”

Operator Girl: “Yes? (pause) Congratulations. (pause) Thats great. You did well.

Then I congratulate you, you have done well.” (shakes hand)

Interviewer Voice: “You have noticed nothing?”

Operator Girl: “No, I did not noticed anything, like I said before. It was the

same physique, the hair was identical (stutters) we would not have done this

if we would have noticed that this is staged. (she means publishing the video on

their website) If he were a blond fat man, we would have not done this.”


“Although we declared officially that the new favourited video is staged, people

upload our video more than a couple of dozen and declare the video is real and

100% true. Our Jackson video has shown how quick a video runs like wildfire

worldwide. On the internet every day there are more and more videos.”

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