You have to agree to the rules before you can post, sorry.
- No Child Pornography or Child Nudity: This includes see-through clothing where the genitals can be seen and images that are focused on the crotch area. Bare butts are allowed as long as no genitals are visible and is not focused or zoomed in on the bare butt.
- No posting links that contain Child Pornography/Child Nudity.
- No requesting Child Pornography/Child Nudity.
- No edited Child Pornography/Child Nudity. of any kind (gmask, cropped, etc. (This includes includes flat chest/nips censoring)
- No lewd comments about having sex or masturbating to images.
- No trolling. On topic posts only (Including keeping material relevant to the board you're posting on: requests have specific boards, as do different age groups and genders)
- Report child pornography by checking the checkbox next to the bad post and scrolling down to the "Report" button,also by going to the and alerting a MOD or
- Post all related pictures and sets in one thread with a description. This helps keep the board organized.
I agree.