Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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25-Member UBD Group Begins Japan Exchange Program

Bandar Seri Begawan - A Group of 24 Japanese language students and a graduate of Universiti Brunei Darussalam set off for Japan yesterday to take part in a programme in which they will get the opportunity to form new friendships with their Japanese counterparts and learn about their culture.

As part of the JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) Programme, the Brunei contingent will be in Japan from October 13-22 and will visit the Tokyo Museum, Tokyo Gas, Soka University and Kyoto, among other places of interest. They will also attend a workshop as part of the programme.

Prior to the departure, the Embassy of Japan in Brunei Darussalam hosted a send-off reception yesterday.

"In promoting the bilateral relationship (between the two countries), educational exchange has been a very important factor, greatly contributing to other fields of exchanges between the two countries," Mr Noriki Hirose, the Ambassador Designate of Japan said in his opening remarks at the reception.

"The JENESYS Programme has been a fruitful experience for many participants since its inception, providing opportunities to exchange information and discuss common issues with their counterparts in Japan.

"We wish to further promote educational exchanges in the hope that it would become a stronger pillar for Japan-Brunei relations," he added.

On efforts to increase educational ties between the two countries, Mr Hirose said, "We are planning to invite seven Brunei teachers and 26 high school students to Japan in December, as part of our educational exchange."

The Japanese Embassy had specifically invited a 25-member contingent to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Brunei Darussalam. The special programme is therefore expected to serve as a threshold for a new stage of cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the two countries.

Dyg Syazwani binti Mohd Nasir, one of the students participating in the JENESYS Programme, expressed her excitement at the prospect of going to Japan to meet and interact with the students there.

"It is also a good opportunity for me to use what I've learned in the Japanese Language class," she said.

Dyg Aisyah, who is from Belait, also goes by her own Japanese name of "Aiko".

"I also want to learn about the Japanese culture," she said, adding that she finds the culture and customs highly interesting and the language "very beautiful".

The UBD student thanked Ms Minako Keaney, a Japanese lecturer at UBD, for her work in guiding her and her classmates through the Japanese language course.

Meanwhile, the leader of the group, Mr Cong Tze Liang, who graduated from UBD last year and who was also the champion of the Japanese Speech Competition in 2007, was no less enthusiastic about the trip.

"I am very excited to go to Japan for the second time," he said. "The schedule looks very good and we get to meet students in Soka University with whom we can interact and build friendships."

Also present at yesterday's reception were Datin Hjh Rosnah Hj Ramly, the Director of the International and Public Relations Office of UBD; Ms Joyce Teo, the Deputy Director of the Language Centre, UBD; officials from the Japanese Embassy and members of the Japan International Cooperation Centre.

The JENESYS programme was launched by the Japanese government in 2007. Various kinds of exchange programmes, such as inviting and dispatching youths are implemented through JENESYS in cooperation with Brunei and 14 other countries and organisations.

The JENESYS Programme is expected to deepen mutual understanding among young people in Asia-Pacific countries, who will assume important roles in the next generation. The Japanese government is planning to invite 6,000 youths within five years from 2007.-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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Do you mean Exchange Program?
written by s , October 13, 2009
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