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What is PHP?

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works, try the introductory tutorial. After that, check out the online manual, and the example archive sites and some of the other resources available in the links section.

Ever wondered how popular PHP is? see the Netcraft Survey.

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14. IT Management Conference NYC
22. Latin American Congress of PHP

User Group Events

14. Wash DC PHP Developers Group
14. PHP User Group Stuttgart
15. TriPUG
15. OINK-PUG (Cincinnati, Ohio)
15. Utah PHP Users Group Meeting
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31. Miami Linux Meetup
31. PHP RIO Meetup



05. Enterprise LAMP Summit
07. Big LAMP Camp
24. Professional Softwaredevelopment

User Group Events

01. PHP meeting online in China
01. meeting de LAMPistas en La Paz
03. SW Florida Linux Users Group
03. PDXPHP monthly meeting
03. Jacksonville User Group
03. Berlin PHP Usergroup Meeting
03. PHPNW: PHP North West user group
04. Meeting PHP Usergroup OWL
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11. Wash DC PHP Developers Group
11. PHP User Group Stuttgart
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12. Edinburgh PHP Users Group
12. Forum PHP Paris 2009
14. PHP User Group Nanaimo, BC/CA
14. PEA meeting from phpchina
14. Nagpur PHP Meetup
17. Madison PHP User's Group
17. PHP Brisbane Meetup Group
17. Nashville Enterprise LAMP UG
17. Chattanooga PHP Developers
18. Miami PHP User Group
18. Broward Php Usergroup
18. Nashville PHP Users Group
18. Chicago PHP User Group Brunch
19. TriPUG
19. OINK-PUG (Cincinnati, Ohio)
19. Utah PHP Users Group Meeting
19. NorfolkPHP, VA, USA
21. Kansas City
21. Miami Linux Users Group
21. Twin Cities PHP
21. Los Angeles LAMPsig
24. New York
24. AzPHP
24. Malaysia PHP Meetup
24. PHP Usergroup Karlsruhe
24. PHPUG Wuerzburg
24. DCPHP Beverage Subgroup
24. Brisbane PHP User Group
25. Irish PHP Users Group meeting
26. Arabic PHP Group Meeting
26. Malaysia PHP User Group Meet Up
26. Sandy PHP Group
28. Sacramento PHP Group
28. Miami Linux Meetup
28. PHP RIO Meetup
30. Long Island PHP Users Group


01. Ahmedabad PHP Group Training
02. MySQL Spain
02. Curso PHP Madrid
02. PHP E-Learning/Germany
02. Curso on-line ActionScript / PHP
02. PHP & MySQL Training in Kassel
02. PHP & MySQL com Dreamweaver MX
02. Curso on-line de PHP
02. PHP & MYSQL-Construindo WebSites
02. PHP Training Heilbronn
02. LAMP Training in Ottawa
02. ZEND: PHP I: Foundations class
02. Zend: PHP II On-line class
02. ZEND: Zend Studio On-line Class
02. Zend:PHP I for i5 programmers
03. Curso on-line de PHP-MySQL
03. PHP Class at CalTek
03. PHP Training Philippines
04. PHP Training - Chennai - India
04. Zend Certification
05. Curso de PHP Avanzado en Bilbao
07. PHP & AJAX -Construindo Websites
07. Core and Advanced PHP Workshop
09. PHP para Expertos Curso on-line
09. Curso PHP y MySQL
09. ZEND:Test Prep PHP5 Cert on-line
09. ZEND: Exp. Programmers Class
10. Zend: PHP Security On-line Class
10. ZEND:PHP for RPG Programmers
11. UK Object Orientation Workshop
11. PHP Training in San Francisco
11. WebAppSec.php
12. UK Smarty Templating Workshop
16. PHP & MySQL Training / Gießen
17. Cursos de PHP en Bilbao
17. PHP Programming - Boulder, CO
17. PHP Class - Colorado Springs, CO
19. Chennai PHP Training
19. PHP Techniques
23. PHP Intro Course South Africa
23. PHP training in Sacramento, CA
24. UK PHP Training
26. PHP Brasil - Training
30. Basic PHP Course

PHP 5.2.11 Released!


The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.2.11. This release focuses on improving the stability of the PHP 5.2.x branch with over 75 bug fixes, some of which are security related. All users of PHP 5.2 are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.11:

  • Fixed certificate validation inside php_openssl_apply_verification_policy. (Ryan Sleevi, Ilia)
  • Fixed sanity check for the color index in imagecolortransparent(). (Pierre)
  • Added missing sanity checks around exif processing. (Ilia)
  • Fixed bug #44683 (popen crashes when an invalid mode is passed). (Pierre)

Further details about the PHP 5.2.11 release can be found in the release announcement, and the full list of changes are available in the ChangeLog.

PHP TestFest 2009 Winners


A group of winners of PHP elePHPhants or TestFest mugs have been picked at random from the people that contributed the 887 tests during the 2009 PHP TestFest.

Winners of elePHPhants

  • Mark Schaschke TestFest London May 2009
  • Patrick Allaert Belgian PHP Testfest 2009
  • Rafael Dohms testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20
  • Guilherme Blanco testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20
  • Fabio Fabbrucci Italian PHP TestFest 2009 Cesena 19-20-21 june
  • Rodrigo Moyle testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20
  • Edgar Ferreira da Silva testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20
  • Marco Fabbri PHPTestFest Cesena Italia on 2009-06-20
  • Jason Easter Testfest 2009 2009-06-20
  • Simon Westcott PHPNW Testfest 2009

Winners of mugs

  • Tim Eggert Testfest Berlin 2009-05-09
  • Till Klampaeckel TestFest 2009
  • Havard Eide Norway 2009-06-09 \o/
  • Ŕlex Corretgé - Catalonia
  • Francesco Fullone TestFest Cesena Italia on 2009-06-20
  • Ivan Rosolen testfest PHPSP on 2009-06-20
  • Moritz Neuhaeuser Testfest Berlin 2009-05-10
  • Daniel Convissor TestFest 2009 NYPHP
  • Matt Raines testfest London 2009-05-09

Winners will be contacted shortly.

Once again a huge thank you! to everyone who helped to make this year's TestFest such an outstanding success!

Subversion Migration Complete


The migration from CVS to Subversion is complete. The web interface is at You can read about it at, The URL to feed to your svn client is

There is also a github mirror. Please use that instead of trying to do a full git clone from the svn repository. See the instructions at

Many thanks to Gwynne who did the bulk of the work and also all the other folks who pitched in. It was a major effort to move 14 years of CVS history to another RCS.

2009 PHP TestFest


So finally we are at the end of the 2009 PHP TestFest. It has been an outstanding success with the coverage increasing by about 2.5% overall and 887 new tests contributed in the TestFest SVN repository of which 637 have already been added to PHP CVS.

User groups from all over the world have worked hard to make this happen and we thank each and every one of you for your contribution to PHP! You really made a difference to the PHP5.3 release quality.

There still are few loose ends to tie up - the TestFest SVN repository will be closed for contributions later this week and the last few tests will be moved into the main PHP repository. Finally, we have 10 elePHPants and 9 TestFest mugs to give out. The winners of mugs and elePHPants will be drawn at random from a list of people who wrote tests; the winner's names will be announced later this month.

For those that would like to continue to make a difference by writing tests there are two options. You can simply continue by submitting new tests to the QA mailing list, or, if you have written a significant number of tests you might consider applying for your own PHP CVS (or SVN) ID. In your application you should reference the tests that you have written in support of your application.

Last but not least, we would like to thank all of the companies and institutions that sponsored TestFest. These include Combell, Corretgé, Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia, IBM, iBuildings, Itera, Mayflower, Microsoft, Nexen (Alter Way Group), php|architect, Redpill-Linpro, Steinigke Showtechnic, Verges Council and Zend.

PHP 5.3.0 Released!


The PHP development team is proud to announce the immediate release of PHP 5.3.0. This release is a major improvement in the 5.X series, which includes a large number of new features and bug fixes.

Some of the key new features include: namespaces, late static binding, closures, optional garbage collection for cyclic references, new extensions (like ext/phar, ext/intl and ext/fileinfo), over 140 bug fixes and much more.

For users upgrading from PHP 5.2 there is a migration guide available here, detailing the changes between those releases and PHP 5.3.0.

Further details about the PHP 5.3.0 release can be found in the release announcement, and the full list of changes are available in the ChangeLog.

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