Father's fury over children's 'pornographic' sweet wrappers

By Sara Nelson
Last updated at 9:41 AM on 28th August 2009

A father-of-two has spoken of his disgust after spotting fruity cartoon characters appearing to have sex on SWEET wrappers.

Simon Simpkins was buying Haribo MAOAM sour candies for his children when he noticed the 'pornographic' illustrations of limes, lemons and cherries romping with each other.

Mr Simpkins, of Pontefract, West Yorkshire, said: 'The lemon and lime are locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. 

Fruity: According to Mr Simpkins, the lime has a 'particularly lurid' expression on its face during its encounter with a lemon

Fruity: According to Mr Simpkins, the lime has a 'particularly lurid' expression on its face during its encounter with a lemon

Debauched: The lime enjoys a similarly smutty experience with a willing pair of cherries

Debauched: The lime enjoys a similarly smutty experience with a willing pair of cherries

'The lime, whom I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face.'

He said: 'I demanded to see the shop manager and, during a heated exchange, my wife became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park.'

A spokesman for Haribo said the 'fun' packaging of the sweets was introduced in 2002 and added: 'This jovial MAOAM man is very popular with fans, both young and old.'


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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I agree with Gary from Derbyshire, as a nation we are supposed to be stong and have a sense of humour!
Do we really have to complain about this stuff or can we not just see the funny side and have a laugh before we end up in a bubble wrap world full of straight faces. Come on people, pull your pants down and have a laugh!

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Mr Simkins is evidently yet another PC idiot, and there are far too many PC idiots in this country already. If people like him get his way, in a few years we'll all be living in a sterile bubble afraid to go out for fear of our children experiencing anything that may differ from the PC norm.
We used to be a strong nation, now we're rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the world thanks to the nanny state and idiots like Mr Simkins who support and nourish it.
Its no wonder people in this country are getting fed up, its bad enough having Mr Brown and the new Labour idiots trying to ruin just about everything our forefathers worked for, but with silly people like mr simkins worrying over possibly suggestive sweet wrappers, what chance do we have?
Has he even considered the fact that most children wouldnt even notice the wrapper, and only adults would make the connection to sex?

Click to rate     Rating   3

I would like to tell you these picures are very photogenic. They show both the lemon's good side and my own. I would like you to know that both the cherries and the lemon were willing to have these pictures taken and at no point did they object to anything. In fact they suggested a few manuevers. I think Mr Simpkin should except that sex is natural and children should know about it rather than just having to guess as they are not going to go out and do it. As a final statement, I would like to add that all the fruit in the pictures are above 16. So there!

Click to rate     Rating   28

I suspect Sara Nelson may be a lemon. Has she no shame, inflicting this vulgarity on our innocent children?

Click to rate     Rating   8

i just think you have to be pretty dirty minded to link sweet rappers to hardcore porn ,it's just a pointless wrapper that this man has used to get himself in the media i think he's recovered from his "shock"

Click to rate     Rating   11

I am inspired by Simon Simpkins observations. I can't believe i never spotted this porn before. Now, just like Mr Lime, i am in the process of fondling a couple of ripe and juicy cherries and I plan to move on to Lemons just as soon as I've finished with the little temptresses. Thanks Saucy Simpkins: it's given me a sweet new lease of life!

Click to rate     Rating   25

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