Police arrest dozens of Tibetan protestors
Thursday, 01 October 2009 08:11
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Police have detained dozens of Tibetan protestors from different parts of the capital on Thursday.

The protestors were arrested on the day China is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the rule of the Communist Party of China on Thursday.

According to reports, Tibetan dissenters were arrested from Gaushala, Sorjakhutte, Bouddha, Kamalpokhari and more than 10 other locations, report quoted police as saying. The Tibetans were arrested while chanting anti-China slogans calling for independence of Tibet.

Tibetans in Kathmandu have been staging anti-China demonstration on various occasions denouncing Chinese rule of Tibet. However, China has been reaffirming its possession of Tibet sating that the region is its integral part.

Nepal has also already expressed commitment towards ‘One China policy’. nepalnews.com

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Nepali boy  - Oh, Raj   |134.174.140.xxx |2009-10-01 14:18:47
Oh, Raj you are a piece of rotten garbage, you are Chinese a...sss licker I
really feel pitty on you.
Gorkhali  - Be Cautious   |202.79.40.xxx |2009-10-01 13:06:15
I want to remind all concerned Nepalis to be cautious when dealing with China.
In past China has claimed Mt. Everest to be part of China. After more than 60
years of India's independence, now they are claiming parts of Arunachal Pradesh
belongs to China. Why they din't do this earlier, why now? Because today China
is strong. China waits for the right time to attack one from behind. When time
comes they will take over Mt. Everest. Today, already lots of people are
climbing Mt. Everest from Chinese side with no Nepali visa to enter Nepali
territory. This is huge revenue loss for us and a great potential China sees for
revenue to themselves. Be Cautious friends, don't be fooled by their new
Gorkhali  - Tibetans - free to protest   |202.79.40.xxx |2009-10-01 13:01:27
It is shame on Nepal government to crack down on Tibetans. Tibet has existed as
a free and independent country for centuries. Nepal has had direct relations
with Tibet for centuries and they are our brothers. We should listen to them and
they should be free to stage peaceful protest not violent. China strategically
has taken over Tibet and now they want to further expand. Soon, Nepal will be on
their radar. Don't be too confident, it is only lately China has done something
for Nepal, never before. Great leaders of Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia
have been saying, "BE CAUTIOUS WHEN DEALING WITH CHINA". They can stab
any one in back, Nepal too.
Bishal  - Tibetans should be kicked out from Nepal   |216.114.206.xxx |2009-10-01 12:58:30
I believe that Nepal is doing a big favor by providing food, home and shelter to
those homeless Tibetans and they are not only staying illegaly in nEpal but even
have the guts to stage in protest, throw stones to cops which is really
funny....Moreover, look at all those smuggling, drug-dealing these people have
been doing in Thamel, Boudha area...our governmnet is pussy!!
Raj  - ToNepaliBoy   |115.131.13.xxx |2009-10-01 12:24:47
Shame on you instead. Don't you know that British took over parts of Nepal and
did not return it back after they left? Do you know that Nepal was formed a few
centuries before India? You are the one shameful Nepali who does not know
history. Tibet is part of China, even Dalai clique admits it. They just want
self governance. But Dalai clique have other motives for Tibet and cannot be
trusted. That is why China takes control of it with an iron fist. We have
similar problems in Terai. MJF asking for Madhesi Army, Hindi language. China is
having similar problems with Tibet. Many tibetans are in fact happy in Tibet. I
know you are a tibetan in disguise.
Nepali boy  - Raj   |134.174.140.xxx |2009-10-01 12:00:57
Hay Raj,
You were saying to some one that he is an Indian agent but hoe about
you, you showed your real red face to the the world that you are a #1 F....ing
Chinese agent or a Chinese. I can't believe that you are a Nepal Citizen. You
are a trouble maker between Nepal and India saying that Darjeeling is part of
Nepal like China claims Archanal Pardesh their territory. You are a son bitch
f...ing crook. Shame on you. And the case of Tibet, Tibet never been part of
China in their past History, can you tell me that in which Nepali History book
reads that Nepalese Princess Brikuti got married with Chinese king. I think you
know nothing about these thing. So, simply you are showing your quality, take my
advise and do not down yourself and Nepal and we Nepalese. Shame on you.
Prashant Jha  - Tibetan s should accept this reality   |113.199.128.xxx |2009-10-01 11:38:53
Tibet is part of China. This is a reality.Dalai lama has also accepted this and
now seeks more autonomy rather than independence from China.
China is too
powerful .
deepak  - cracked down   |202.79.40.xxx |2009-10-01 10:18:59
Tibetan demonstrations were routinely stopped by Nepali police, often using
excessive force. The demonstrators regularly faced arrests, intimidation and in
some cases individual threats and arbitrary detention.
Nepal’s brutal
handling of Tibetan protesters had come under intense international criticism
and the government had been accused of cracking down on the refugees under
Chinese pressure.
Raj  - ToAnonymous   |115.131.21.xxx |2009-10-01 09:53:34
You must be an indian agent. Tibetans have nothing to gain in Nepal. Tibet is
part of China just like Darjeeling is part of Nepal. Dalai Lama is a crook who
is as fake as a monopoly money. He on one hand supports peace but on the other
indulges in these anti-china activities all over the world. China is a better
friend than India to Nepal. China has never threatened Nepali sovereignty. China
only took what it deemed rightfully hers. Tibet is part of China. Many Tibetans
are in fact happy with that. Only the Dalai Lama clique finds problem with that.
Tibetans are comparable to MJF of Nepal. Just like MJF feels Terai does not
belong to Nepal, Tibetans also feels Tibet is not part of China. Now you do the
lalu Prasad Yadav  - Tibetan Protestor   |113.199.173.xxx |2009-10-01 08:41:44
Hi Guys,

Let Tibetan Refugee should protest. It is benefit to our country. If
Tibetan don't protest we have no benefit from China. If Tibetans are protesting
and police gave them harsh Lathi Charge then next day our Govt will get reward
from China with Billions of rupees. hahaha these refugees are good for us. God
Bless Tibetans

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Last Updated on Thursday, 01 October 2009 17:20