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(cache) The journey of Pomelo Low Anderson*~*Wannabee Superstar

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pictures from stART Foundation Officila Launch (MWM 209)

Start Society...

Front Gate...

House No.1

Opening Ceremony...12 September 2009

Picture Taking

Me, Allison, Jasintha, Renee

The MWM 2009 Finalist

With Ian...

With Hazel...our mama-san...LOL

Me & Chantelle... Who has the biggest SMILE???

Wow...The kids can draw better than I can...T_T...until today...I can't even draw a proper human...I'm still a stick man person

What was I laughing at?

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Birds of Paradise...

Us & The Kids...

Future Superstars in the making...:-D


Soo Wincci...doing her thanggg..:-D

Boogie woogie...

Saturday Night Fever...Literally :-D

Monday, September 21, 2009

Miss World Malaysia 2009 Press Conference :-)

Allison & I

Pretty Maids all in a row...from shortest to tallest..."Small is powerful, Believe it!" Quote from the cartoon wonder pets!!! XD


Laura, Me, Priscilla...

La Di Da...

All of Us!!! :-D

I look as if I'm gonna start Latin dancing...:-D

Allison & Me...Strike a pose


End of Press Conference...

Picture Taking Opportunity...

At the holding room..

Listening to the boss....Amin...:-P

Faster!!! Fix your hair before going on stage...

More picture taking

1000000th Take....:-P

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today I am SAD...T_T

Hahahah...Sooo Cute!!!

I've been following this particular news for a few days already...and It's been confirmed!!!

The creator of Crayon Shin-Chan, Yoshito Usui is confirmed dead...I've been collecting Crayon Shin-Chan Comic since I was 8 year old....huhuhuhuhu!!!

Crayon Shin-Chan is known as Dik Cerdas is Malaysia....meaning "active kid"...

My brother's comic collection at home...

More of it...

This usually happens after calling his mother fat...

Yoshito Usui!!!Thank you for creating Crayon Shin-Chan!!! It brought sooo much joy to my life....everytime I immerse myself when reading your comics bringing me into that fantasy world...:-)

I learned my BM through comics...I started reading comics (influenced by my older bro) when I was 4 years old...First it was Doreamon, then Dragonball, then Crayon Shin-Chan, and Sailormoon, and Ranma...

Haihz......RIP Yoshito Usui!!! You'll be remembered for creating this naughty & mischevious lil boy called SHIN CHAN...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Miss World Malaysia 2009-Forum at Studio V,One Utama...

Miss World Malaysia 2009 Finalist

MWM 2009 Finalist & The 4 former beauty Queens

Take 2...

We had a forum on Thursday (17 September 2009) at Studio V, One Utama.

"Former Miss Malaysia Yasmin Yusoff, Lina Teoh, Elaine Daly and Deborah Henry come together as they reminiscence their past crownings and give helpful insights to this year's Miss World Malaysia finalist."

Word of wisdom from the Former Beauty Queen's "We often get judged for how we look, ultimately, we have to prove ourselves worthy,"

Memang Betul!!!

No matter you are pretty, ugly, tall, short, fat, thin, black, white, yellow, green, purple, pink....NO substance means NO substance!!!

Gay or not...At least Barney also can sing....and he has his own Television show:-D

Here are the videos...enjoy... :-D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vote for me!!! Miss Flirtatious

Hi Kawan-kawan semua!!!

People say flirting is an art...If that's the case I'm a complete FLIRTING NOOB! T_T

Give me confidence by Voting for me as Mix.FM's~Miss Flirtatious!!! :-D

Haha...Ok...I look Drag in the picture....but check out my HIGH SUPER-CHUNDED cheek bones!!! XD

Ok...I'm a flirting NOOB....If I'm good in flirting I'd would probably have a boyfriend now...T_T...FML...