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Jeff Surprised sprite Shin-chan creator's body found

sprite toof

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I really hoped we’d get a good ending and that he just lost his phone on his hike. While not the biggest fan of Shin-chan, I watched it a lot as a kid when I lived in Japan, so I know about it at the very least.

second link basically confirmation

Resident Forum Pretty Boy | Doctor of Many Fields | Wait, why am I the Pretty Boy?

sprite Moupi Moupi

i used to watch shin chan when i was a kid

i had no idea it was japanese back then

well what can i say, --sux



~~a water type pokemon~~

    Heard about this on Japan Probe yesterday, though they still weren’t sure it was his body they found. Guess it’s confirmed now. Very sad news. :(

    sprite Kaoru Arika

      Very sad, indeed. Crayon Shin-chan was part of my childhood (in 2001, at least… thanks Animax to re-airing again since 2005). Although I have only seen 104 programs :I (programs and not chapters).

      “So we hold each other tightly, and hold on for tomorrow…”

      sprite TheLiberator

      I’ve only seen the Americanized version by FUNimation, but this is still pretty saddening to me. R.I.P. Yo--o Usui

      sprite mini saturn

        I’ve known about Shin-chan, but I can’t say I have really paid attention to it. This is very sad news to say the least though, and I honor him for basically creating an anime version of South Park. RIP

        Loves Kirby 64 with a passion ~ <3

        sprite wants_latios_lots

        • Invisiguy

        D: He referenced the MOTHER series once, but I mean obviously that’s not the only reason I’ve watched the show. It was genuinely funny, so this is sad news.

        That’s like, “give me eighty thousand dollars and one Hostess fruit pie.”


        ~~a water type pokemon~~

          That MOTHER reference was only in the FUNi dub; he didn’t put it in there. And it wasn’t as crazy as South Park, that was FUNi’s doing too. Man…starting to wonder if it would have been better if they had put in actual translations instead of playing things up for the adult swim audience.

          sprite PKFighter201

          This is sad, I liked the show a lot.I am sad now:cry:. but atleast I found out.

          sprite Pipomonkeydude

          • fun
          • EarthBound Central

          This sucks. Shin-Chan was awesome.

          You cannot stop me with paramecium alone.

          sprite Kyosuke

          Subterranean Homesick Alien

          • sexybeamgold
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          Let this be a lesson to everyone: Be careful when taking pictures near a ledge.
